dongho's pants...

little fluffy drabbles
You led your study partner to your house to work on a project for english class. Dongho was pretty good at english, but you were better. You were born in north america after all, and being stationed with your parents in korea for 5 years, you picked up the korean language pretty quickly. You even-** "Aish!" Dongho cussed when ever he took a step down the road. His pants were tight on him. He told me he lost a bet with his sister and he had to wear her jeans for a day... i didnt think she was going to lend him pants that were 2 sizes then his pants size was...** "Well, penguin, we are finally here." You unlocked the door. He waddled over to the front door and was frowning. Probebly cuz the skinny jeans were cutting the circulation on his . He looked around to see if the coast was clear before he sat down. When he did, he immediately crossed his legs, making shure the pants didnt rip in the process.** "So, uh, the test is when?" He awkwardly said in a high toned voice. You couldnt help but laugh at how he was handling the situation he was in. That was dongho for you.** "Are you ok? Those pants too tight? Is your numb yet?" You bursted out laughing. "No they most certainly are-" He jumped up but when he did, the center of his pants ripped. Revealing sky blue boxers. He looked down at the big hole in his jeans. Then using his hands to cover up the rip.** "Oh, let me get my brothers basket ball shorts..." you trailed off but almost fell on the floor laughing. " not funny! Im in a crisis here!" He yelled.** You walked into aj's room and grabbed a pair of black shorts from his dresser. 'Aj wont mind. I mean, the noonas would be staring him down if he walked home with a crotch rip in his jeans.'** "Ok. Here." You threw him the shorts and he went into the bathroom to change. He walked out and threw the lightly colored skinnies into the garbage. "When a sibbling offers a bet... JUST SAY NO!" He plopped back down and pulled out his text book. "What were we studying?" He asked. "How to say types of clothing in english..." You laughed...************* This is sorta what happened to me. I wore a pair of jeans that were too tight, and when i sat down, they ripped down the center. The bet and the sibbling was all made up though. But the idea came from me... literaly. XD
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lol elvin...
dear lord i love it