how to bake cookies with a cute boyfriend

little fluffy drabbles
"Ok. We need to do something today instead of sitting around..." you looked at your boyfriend, yong guk, who was snuggled up in your pink fluffy blanket and your black kitty hat. No need to say he was adorable, cuz he was. "I know what we can do~" he wiggled closer to you, but reached and grabbed his collection of 'veitnam' war movies from the side table. "No, oppa. I'm not going to watch these. We watched them 2 days in a row." You pouted and slumped over. This is not what you wanted to do on a saturday afternoon. He picked you back up and you laid on his pink fluffy lap. "Well, the girlfriend should make the boyfriend something good to eat. Cuz im starving." He wiggled in his little blanket coccon and rolled onto the floor. "Oh, the pain! The pain! My stomach. It is telling me that i want food!" He groaned while trying to nudge you into the kitchen to make cookies. "Well, the boyfriend should help the girlfriend make the food..." you started to imitate him. "Oh the boyfriend! The boyfriend! The girlfriend. Is telling him he will go and help!" You groaned and unwrapped him from the blankets. "Ok. First is flour. We need one cup." You smiled and got out the bowls while he got the flour and measuring cups from the pantry. He poured one cup of flour and scraped the excess with a metal knife. "Here you go." He handed you the cup and you sprinkled it in the bowl along with butter, eggs, baking pouder, and milk. "Chocolate chips, please." You ordered and he got what you needed. Now all that was left was to mix them together. Wooden spoon? No, that was for inexperenced bakers. You were gonna use a BLENDER!!! "set on low untill everything is semi-mixed. Then put on high." Yong guk read the directions of the mixer before you cut him off. "Ok, ok. I got this. I know how to bake!" You waved him off as you turned the blender to mediun and started mixing. The batter was jumping, but you turned the blender to high instead, hoping it would stick together... Bad mistake. "Ah! Oppa! Oppa!" You yelled. He ran into the kitchen and found you with batter on your clothes and hair. The flour was spread over the counters, there was butter on the floor, and choco chips everywhere but the mixing bowl. "...uh, you got something..." he motioned to the kitchen area. You looked defeated. You thought you were the master cook, but you failed. "Pizza?" You laughed. He ran twards you and engulfed you in a big hug. "Ok, sweetie, lets get you cleaned up." He lightly kissed you to get rid of the batter on your lips. "Not only are you sweet, you taste sweet." He joked. The war movie loving oppa is surely cute after all...------------- Hey guys! Jae here! sooooooo- i have gotten better at writing thanks to my english teacher, who calls himself the 's-word'. Yeah. Hes 28, so he is still 'hip' with us youngsters... but anyways, hope you guys havent gotten bored of me not doing anything. Ive been getting inspiration from other aff writers. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL SOON! (Wrote 'soom' instead of 'soon'.) :)
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lol elvin...
dear lord i love it