Chapter 3


When Baekhyun woke up that morning, he was surprised to find Kai next to him, wrapping a protective arm around his waist.

He blushed madly, when the memories of yesterday comeback to him. He felt that he needed to repay Kai's kindness. Worrying about the fact that he didn't think of anything to give Kai in return, he just thought of hugging him. When he did that, Kai woke up looking at him, surprised. Baekhyun blushed and start to look everywhere other than Kai.

"I-I just wanted to thank you for yesterday by hugging you. I know it's not that big but that's all what I could think of, I'm sorry if you didn't like it," Baekhyun said sadly with a pout. Jongin couldn't take it anymore. Not when he just found that Baekhyun is just too cute for his own good. He pulled Baekhyun to his chest and hugged him tightly.

"Who said I didn't like it? I loved it," Kai said making Baekhyun go dizzy with his talk. His heart was going to explode any minute now.

"Baeky, if you really want to repay me back, you have to do it when I'm awake, not when I'm sleeping, okay?" Kai said and Baekhyun blushed at the nickname and nodded in the other's chest. He loved the feeling of just laying there in Jongin's arms. It felt cozy and relaxing

"Jongin is those your clothes?" He asked, remembering what he was wearing before.

"Yes. Why, don't you like it?" Kai asked and tilted the other's head so that he was looking at him.

" No, it's not that-it's just that-it's just that I think this is the first time I wore all black. I usually I only wear white," Baekhyun said as he played with the hem of his shirt.

"I noticed a long time ago. Maybe I should ask my brother to give you some of his clothes, it will fit you perfectly. I think that you are in the size at him," Baekhyun blushed thinking that Kai really did notice him, he even knew his size.

"Wait, you have a brother?" He asked. Baekhyun never expected Jongin to have siblings.

"Yeah, actually, my twin brother. He is much more different than me," Kai said, rolling his eyes as the annoying picture of his brother popped up in his head.

"Really? That must be nice," Baekhyun said. After that, he heard the door open and a jumpy boy walked up to them. Baekhyun blushed and got up from the bed, bowing slightly since he was still in pain.

"Aw, how cute. Baekhyun, you shouldn't be moving, I think your body could possibly still hurt," the boy asked as he touched Baekhyun's shoulder.

"No, i-it's okay, " Baekhyun said with red cheeks. Kai rolled his eyes and got up, wrapping his arms around Baekhyun's waist.

"Don't tell me that it doesn't hurt because I know it still does," Kai said as he helped Baekhyun sit up on the bed.

"No, really it do-" he was quickly interrupted when he felt pain sticking him in the waist. Kai grabbed them more tightly.

"See i didn't even grab you that hard and you are in pain" Kai said and Kai's brother hit him in the head and looked at the teary eyed Baekhyun

"Omo! See what did the Kim-impolite-stupid-Jongin do to hurt him?" The boy yelled and hugged Baekhyun

"No I didn't Taemin, he was stubborn that's why," Kai said and Taemin just shook his head. He got up and whipped Baekhyun's cheeks.

"Eomma said that breakfast is ready so both of you should get down now. I'll go first and Kai, actually help Baekhyun get down and don't hurt him this time," Taemin bit back as he walked out from the room.

"I didn't hurt him," Kai yelled at his brother. A sudden sighed was blown as he looked at Baekhyun who was sitting silently now.

"Did I actually hurt you? I'm sorry, I'm so stupid sometimes," Kai said as he hit his head, making Baekhyun blush and chuckle at the same time.

"No, you didn't hurt me. I believe you never will," Baekhyun said looking in Kai's eyes. The younger looked at Baekhyun.

"I promises I never will," Kai said as he got closer to Baekhyun and touched his cheeks. He got closer and closer and Baekhyun was frozen in his place. He didn't know what was going to happen next.

"GUYS! GET DOWN, NOW," Baekhyun jumped from his place hearing Taemin's yell from downstairs. Kai glared and cursed his brother in his mind as he looked up to find Baekhyun blushing like a tomato and moving uncomfortably while looking down. He chuckled because he thought that it was so cute.

"We better get down right?" Kai asked and the other nodded.

When everyone was sitting in the dining room having there breakfast, Baekhyun was eating with a fork and a knife so slowly, oblivious to the fact that his family's eyes were all on him. Every time he would swallow a bite, Kai will gulp at the sight of Baekhyun. He fell in this state that he found him really y. Kai looked at his family to see them staring at him too. He coughed to get there attention but to no avail.

"Mum, Dad, Taemin? Stop staring at Baekhyun like that," Kai said unbelievably and Baekhyun looked up to see the family still staring at him. He suddenly felt uncomfortable so he put his fork and knife down and swallowed really hard the bite that was on his mouth. Baekhyun saw that and glared at his family.

"Seriously?! Now he feels uncomfortable," Kai glared back and his family looked down, feeling guilty.

"Sorry," they said in unison.

"No, it's okay. I mean, it's not like I felt uncomfortable. It's just that I'm full. Thank you Ms. Kim for the breakfast. It was really delicious, I think I need to learn a little something from you," Baekhyun said as he blinked seeing that now was everyone watching him without saying a word.

"Wow! How polite and extremely cute. Where did you find this cutie again?" Kai's mum asked excitedly.

"MUM!" Kai yelled frustrated with his mother's talk.

"Sorry hun. I just wanted to know," she said and smiled at Baekhyun.

"Sure, I can teach you sometimes. You and Taemin, both of you seem to like cooking," she said and her smile was so soft and gentle. He remembered how his mum was. She was a nice and sweet lady too but now she doesn't have much time to spend with him.

"Is something wrong?" now Mr. Kim asked as he looked worringly at Baekhyun. He once again remembered his father, he thought that he shouldn't be bothering the Kim's with his problems, so he just shook his head.

"No, everything is fine Mr Kim. No need to worry about me," Baekhyun said with a fake smile.

"Good, maybe you could teach Kai some manners," he said and everyone started to laugh while Kai just rolled his eyes. He looked at Baekhyun to found him smiling, he really liked his smile.

When Baekhyun looked at him, he smiled the most angelic smile toward him. They both felt happy that time.

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Chapter 6: Darn... i know its time for the . Hehehehe
DarkerThanBlack15 #2
Chapter 6: oh psh. shower time.
Palabra_viva #3
Chapter 4: oh my, kai~~~!!!! haha that rhymed ....anyway wow kai!! you went to beat those bullies up or whatever for baekhyun!!! how cute and wonderful are you!!! baekhyun and all the rest of you
I hope that you will get there on time to help kai out!!!
Chapter 4: Kai has good friends!! :)
heyy your poster's done if you still want it... ): sorry I took so long, so I don't blame you for getting someone else to do it. but yeahh, hope you'll at least credit me?
Chapter 3: Hey!new reader here!
I really love ur story!update soon!^^
I'll wait fr it..kkkkk
Chapter 3: i love the kim family yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy
and taemin as jongin's twin ahdvhavdivyfc;li
and kaibaek's interaction there hdiaipifp
babibaek #8
Yes!I've been waiting for kaibek story.Thank you so much..
Chapter 2: Asdfghjkl so cute! GRRRRRR I HATE THOSE MEN ><
Palabra_viva #10
Chapter 2: Soooooooooooo freaking cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!! Kai protect precious baekhyun!!! How dare that bully try to ____ him!!!!