Let's Be Less Awkward Version 2

Let's Be Less Awkward


Zelo was awkward with Youngjae but not because he disliked or hated Youngjae.  All of the members could see that he was sincere when he said, "There's nothing I dislike or hate about you, hyung."
They were currently playing truth or dare, but there was a bit of twist.  If a person didn't want to tell the truth or a certain dare, then he will drink the tequila from the shotglass.  Every time the empty bottle points at Zelo, no matter what Zelo's chooses, the members would kept asking him question related to Youngjae or giving him dares with Youngjae.  Zelo avoided most of those by choosing to drink the tequila.
Because Zelo was young and didn't have a lot of experience drinking alcohol and yet, already drank a lot more than his hyungs, it would only make sense that he got drunk first.  Zelo just didn't know that the members actually planned for him to get really drunk.
"I think now is your chance to confront, Zelo.  He's so drunk that he'll probably spill out the entire truth to you."  Himchan whispered to Youngjae.  He made a motion with his finger to the other members that it's time for them to leave.
Zelo was confused as to why the other members suddenly stood up and left the living room.  "Where are you guys goo~ing? What about t-the gaaa~aame?"  His speech became a bit slurred which was obviously a sign that he was drunk.
"I'm still here, Zelo."
Zelo was shock to see that Youngjae was sitting closely to him now instead of being across him.  He tried to move away, but Youngjae was quick to wrap an arm around Zelo's waist to keep him from moving away.
"If you don't hate or dislike me, then why are you acting so awkward towards me?"
"Because you make me feel weird."  Zelo finally admitted.
"Weird? How so?"
"Every time you touch me, you always give me a tingling feeling.  Every time you smile at me, it feels like my stomach is being tickled by a feather.  Every time you sing, it sends shivers down my spine.  Every time you act close with Daehyun, I feel irritated for some reason.  At night, I get weird dreams about you too and I wake up with a hard on.  , I shouldn't be telling any of these to you.  I'm druuu~uunk!!!" Zelo covered his face with his hands.
Youngjae chuckled at how cute and confuse the maknae was.  "You make me feel like that too, Zelo."
"Really?"  Zelo dropped his hands back on his lap and looked at Youngjae curiously.  "T-then... why aren't you as awkward as I am?"
"Because I've admitted and accepted."  Youngjae smiled knowingly.
"What fact?"
"The fact that I like you."
Zelo gasped and his eyes became wide as realization finally hits him.  "Then... that means I like you too?"
"Yes, we like each other and we long for each other."  Youngjae placed his hand at the side of Zelo's neck.  His thumb moved to carress Zelo's cheek.  "You have no idea how happy you made me feel tonight, Junhong."
Zelo was surprised to hear his real name coming out of Youngjae's lips which he was currently staring right now.  "Hyung, I want to kiss you, but I can't because it still feels awkward."
"Then I'll just be the one to kiss you."  Youngjae's mouth locks Zelo in a kiss.
A/N:  Just to make things clear, this story is a completely different one from the previous chapter.  It isn't a continuation or a sequel. I'm going to make another version with the same awkwardness and drunk Zelo.  Look forward to that and comment please~!
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Chapter 3: kekekekeke..so cute!! my jaelo feels explode lately..especially in an interview zelo revealed that youngjae likes to kiss him!! and the way youngjae looks at zelo is just full of love..and if re-watched B.A.P killing time, there are jaelo moments too. i just don't notice it at first! well, good story author-nim..:)
Chapter 3: well, maknae Zelo is no longer innocent keke ^^
Chapter 3: Geez! *-* That was just to cute and the little was really good. ^^ I think I preferred this version of all three. But the others were really good thou ;) !
Good job author-nim. :D
Chapter 3: AIGOO what has happened to are decent maknae!
*SNIFF* *SNIFF* Annyong my cute robot.
Chapter 3: OMIGOSH!!! JaeLo!!
This ship needs to sail!!
I'm still a DaeJae and BangLo shipper though :3
JaeLo FTW!
HwaDaeKyu #6
Chapter 3: i like version 3 lol
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Chapter 3: My favorite is version 3 XD
Chapter 3: This should happen in real life if they are still awkward :p
Chapter 3: Funny... Yongguk said his eyeballs would have fallen... then I wonder... how would the fans react?.... nice^^