Let's Be Less Awkward Version 1

Let's Be Less Awkward


"BANG YONGGUK!!!"  Himchan yelled.  "How could you let our maknae get drunk?!"
"I didn't get him drunk purposely if that's what you're thinking."  Yongguk glared at Himchan as he defended himself.  "It turned out there was a chili pepper in Zelo's food which he found very spicy and ended up drinking my soju instead of his juice."
Himchan still continued to blamde Yongguk.  While the two were arguing, Zelo found his way to Youngjae's bed.  Youngjae woke up when he felt a body dropping onto his bed.
"Zelo?"  His vision was a bit blurry from sleeping but he could definitely still recognize the maknae.  He could hear the maknae give some sort of mumbled response, but he couldn't really understand.  Then, a strong scent of soju invaded his nose.  "Zelo, are you drunk?!"  Zelo mumbled again in response.  He already had his eyes close and snuggled closer to Youngjae.
Now that Youngjae was more awake, he could hear Himchan and Yongguk arguing outside the room.  After a while, he heard footsteps and saw Himchan entering his room.  "Youngjae, we're so sorry for disturbing your sleep.  Yah Yongguk! You better carry Zelo to his own room!!!'
"No!  It's not my fault he ended up sleeping in Youngjae's room.  Heck, none of this is my fault.  It's just an accident!"  Yongguk refused to be ordered around and he especially hated to be ordered around by someone who just gave him a lecture a few minutes ago.
"So noisy."  Zelo whimpered and buried his head deeper between the junction of Youngjae's neck and shoulder.
"Um... guys, it's okay.  Zelo, can just sleep here for tonight.  I think it's time for you guys to stop fighting and go to sleep too."  Youngjae tried to be the peacemaker.
Himchan and Yongguk stopped arguing but Youngjae could feel that there's still a silent war going on, but at least, they weren't making loud noises anymore.  "Goodnight, Youngjae and Zelo."  Himchan said sweetly.  When he turned around, he glared at Yongguk before leaving the room.
Yongguk just rolled his eyes at Himchan before saying goodnight to Youngjae and Zelo.  He closed the door of the room when he left.  Youngjae's attention returned back to the maknae who was now sleeping and snuggling comfortably.
"I bet you'll be all awkward again when the morning comes and you won't be drunk anymore."  Youngjae chuckled and used the opportunity to hug back the maknae and gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead before falling asleep.
Indeed, Zelo was shock and embarrassed to wake up in Youngjae's bed wrapped around in Youngjae's arms.  Not to mention, Youngjae was already awake and staring at him.
"Omigosh, hyung! I'm so sorry! I-I..."
"Good morning, Zelo."  Youngjae said sweetly with a smile.
Zelo blushed and thought he was going to melt.  Then, he felt Youngjae's cool palm against his pink cheek.
"Do you know how much your breath stinks like soju?"
Zelo groaned in embarrassment and yelped in surprised when he was suddenly being pulled into a kiss.
Yongguk was supposed to wake the members up when he witnessed the scene before him.  He figured he'll leave them alone for a while and face Himchan's wrath again.  It would be worth it if those two could get over their awkwardness.
"I thought you said I stink?"
"Does it look like I care?  We slept and kissed, so I think it's about time you stop being awkward around me now."  Youngjae ruffled the maknae's hair before playfully pushing him off the bed.
Zelo gave a short shout as he fell from the bed.  He pouted and rubbed his to ease the pain.  "Hyung!!!"  He whined, but it was cut short as he was given another kiss from Youngjae again.
"Come on.  Let's brush our teeth and get some breakfast."  Youngjae helped Zelo up to his feet.
Everybody saw how Youngjae and Zelo were holding hands when they entered the kitchen together.  Yongguk just hid his smirk by covering half of his face with the newspaper.  Himchan had a vague idea of what might have happened.  Jongup and Daehyun were surprised and confused.  Nevertheless, all of them were happy with the progress of Youngjae and Zelo's relationship.
"Finally! I thought I was going to die from all that awkwardness between the two of you."  Daehyun exclaimed.
Youngjae simply stepped on Daehyun's foot under the table and squeezed Zelo's hand lovingly.
THE END (For now but there will be more versions ^^)
A/N:  After knowing that Zelo and Youngjae are awkward in Weekly Idol, I have always wanted to write a fic about that and this is what I came up with but... ugh X_X I'm not satisfied with what I've done.  I swear I'll make another version of this.
I decided to make different versions of this plot which includes a drunk Zelo and awkwardness XD so please look forward to it and subscribe!!!
P.S.  Jongup is my bias and I feel a bit bad that I didn't give him any lines in this fic. Hahahaha!! XD
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Chapter 3: kekekekeke..so cute!! my jaelo feels explode lately..especially in an interview zelo revealed that youngjae likes to kiss him!! and the way youngjae looks at zelo is just full of love..and if re-watched B.A.P killing time, there are jaelo moments too. i just don't notice it at first! well, good story author-nim..:)
Chapter 3: well, maknae Zelo is no longer innocent keke ^^
Chapter 3: Geez! *-* That was just to cute and the little was really good. ^^ I think I preferred this version of all three. But the others were really good thou ;) !
Good job author-nim. :D
Chapter 3: AIGOO what has happened to are decent maknae!
*SNIFF* *SNIFF* Annyong my cute robot.
Chapter 3: OMIGOSH!!! JaeLo!!
This ship needs to sail!!
I'm still a DaeJae and BangLo shipper though :3
JaeLo FTW!
HwaDaeKyu #6
Chapter 3: i like version 3 lol
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Chapter 3: My favorite is version 3 XD
Chapter 3: This should happen in real life if they are still awkward :p
Chapter 3: Funny... Yongguk said his eyeballs would have fallen... then I wonder... how would the fans react?.... nice^^