Ch. 6

Satan's Book
Authors Note:
I know I haven't been on in a very long time and I don't even know if people still read this but I just love writing this story. I haven't been on for a while because of family stuff, but I will try to get back into the swing of things. I doubt anyone will read this but thank you if you do and comments are much appreciated! Thanks for the love and Support! <3 
"I can't do this!" Hongki sighs out, panting slightly as he gets back up onto his feet.
"Oh but you're doing so well! C'mon Hongie, don't give up." The Satan says with a smile as he circles around the human again. "Just
come over here and hit me. I know you want to." He says with a small smirk.
He holds back a chuckle when Hongki tries to charge at him again. Seunghyun could have easily dodged his wimpy attack, but he lets him slam into him. They both fall to the floor, Hongki on top of the smirking Satan.
He trails his hands up Hongki's small back. 
"See, my precious? You shouldn't give up so easily." He whispers and holds Hongki down on him.
"Let me go... This is pointless. I want to go home." Hongki grumbles, pushing up off of Seunghyun.
"Is this what you always do? You just give up and let all this happen to you?" The Satan says, standing up as he peers down at the small human. "You let your dad beat on you? Let the spoiled kid get all the fame?" He says, furrowing his eyebrows as he looks down at Hongki.
"Please... Just stop. You're just some monster from a book... I'm probably just dreaming this all up right now. I'll wake up in my bed, get ready for school, and live on with my life." He says in a slightly shaky voice. 
"Oh so you think this is all a dream? Everyone thinks it's a dream but is this a dream Hongki? Huh?!" He snarls and grabs Hongki up off the ground, shoving him up hard against the cave wall. Hongki gasps and winces as his back collides with the stone. "I made you so pretty... You should be confident, not hide away your beauty. People should be kissing the ground you walk on." He growls out, nudging his nose underneath Hongki's jaw. He takes a deep breath before a long strip up his neck. "You're perfect."
"S-Stop! Please... Just stop!" Hongki wails out pathetically as he kicks against the monster. 
"I don't understand why you fight me. You know you like me... I'm the only thing close to a friend to you. Why shove me away when I want to indulge in my perfect little human?" Seunghyun says, using one of his wings to push a piece of hair out of Hongki's face. 
"I am not your human. I opened your book... Wouldn't that basically make me the owner of you?" Hongki says in a shaky voice, pushing past his fear to face the Satan.
He just scoffs and drops Hongki to the ground carelessly. "Yours? You can't even stand up on your own two feet or stand up for your mother." He snarls out, looking down at Hongki as he looks up at the Satan. "I can give you so much, if you just let me Hongie. You deserve more than a drunk father and the s at school.... I can give you anything you want." He says the last part in an oddly soft voice. He kneels down and cups Hongki's trembling cheek. "I'll only hurt you if necessary... Don't give me a reason to." He says in that same soft voice as he rubs his thumb over Hongki's cheek. 
"I o-opened your book for help... This isn't help." Hongki says in a shaky voice, a tear running down his cheek. 
"Because, sweetheart, you keep giving up. Just let me help you and let me enjoy what's mine." He whispers, wiping away Hongki's tears when he pants slightly in fear. 
Hongki sits up quickly with a loud gasp. He pants heavily as he looks around the room. He lets out a sigh of relief... Maybe it was just a dream. 
He reaches over for his glasses but they aren't on his nightstand. He furrows his eyebrows and looks around the room, eyes going wide when he realizes he doesn't need his glasses. He glance over at his desk to see the book there. 
Wasn't a dream then. Real. Very real. 
Hongki quickly gets up out of bed and opens his bedroom door. "Hello? Mom?" He calls out, walking out of his room and into the kitchen.
Hongki gasps slightly when he sees his father passed out on the couch, surrounded by empty bottles of all types of alcohol. 
"She's at work. And I'd be quiet... Don't want to wake the beast." Seunghyun says with a smirk, sitting on the kitchen counter. 
"Wh-What are you doing here? He'll see you!" Hongki whispers harshly, glancing back at his father with scared eyes.
"Don't worry, baby. Only you can see me. I just want to be here in case your dad decides to wake up and hurt you. I won't let him hurt my little human." He says seriously, but with a small smile. He flicks his finger towards himself, causing Hongki to be pushed up between his legs. Hongki blushes madly as the Satan smirks and wraps his arms and legs around him.
"Let me go..." Hongki whispers, pushing Seunghyuns arms off. This only causes the Satan to tighten his legs around Hongki.
"What? Are you afraid of daddy finding out you're gay? Afraid he will have more reasons to hate you?" Seunghyun says with an evil smirk as he slides his hands down to grab Hongki's , causing him to let out a shocked squeak.
"I-I am not gay!" Hongki yells, but quickly lowers his voice, a dark blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Mmmm... And I'm an Angel." The Satan says sarcastically with a smirk as he over Hongki's blushing cheek, grabbing the back of Hongki's neck so he won't pull away. "No matter how you look at it, you need me in more ways then just helping you become more confident and strong. In fact, you'd miss me greatly if I left." He says with a smirk as Hongki tries to avoid his gaze, his blush still adorning his perfect face.
"I own you. You're just my lost Angel that needed a little devil on his shoulder to guide him through his broken life." Seunghyun whispers, smirking at Hongki when he finally looks up at the Satan with fearful eyes. 
His father stirs from the couch, sitting up with a groan. Hongki looks over his shoulder with wide eyes, trying to wiggle from Seunghyun's grip. "Shhh..." Seunghyun says and runs a soothing hand down Hongki's back. 
"H-ngki?" His father slurs. "What err' you doin'? Get me uh beer..." He says before burping. When Hongki just continues to stand there, thanks to Seunghyun holding him down, his father looks over at him angrily. "What are you, deaf? Get me my beer, boy!" He yells, a bit more sober now, and stands up on wobbly feet. 
"Seunghyun... Please..." Hongki begs and looks up at the smiling Satan with begging eyes. 
His father goes to grab his arm, but Seunghyun manipulates Hongki's body. Hongki grabs his fathers arm and looks into his eyes with a sharp gaze. 
"Don't you dare touch me." Hongki growls out, unlike himself.
"Excuse me, boy? What the hell did you just say to me? Let go of my arm, you brat!" His father roars and tries to yank his arm back, but Hongki won't let go.
"Don't you ever touch my mother again. If I see you do, I will not hesitate to punch your disgusting face in, you sorry excuse for a man." Hongki growls out and stares harshly at his father. With a quick tug of his wrist, Hongki easily snaps his fathers wrist, causing him to yell in pain. "Consider that a warning." He growls before going back to his room. 
Hongki falls onto his bed, gasping slightly after Seunghyun lets him go.
"Wh-What did you just do?!" Hongki says in a shaky voice as he looks over at Seunghyun with wide eyes.
"I did what you should have done years ago." He says and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Y-You can't just go into my body and snap my fathers wrist!" Hongki says in a shaky voice. "He will be so angry... What have you done?!" He yells at Seunghyun.
"Oh shut up! You should be thanking me, you wimp. He will be fine." He says and rolls his eyes.
"Yeah... He might be but my mother won't! He takes his angry mostly out on her." Hongki says in a shaky voice. "I swear to God if you get my mother hurt..." Hongki starts, but stops when tears stream down his face, hating how weak and useless he feels.
"Hey... Shhh... Don't cry my precious little human." Seunghyun soothes, wrapping his wings around the crying boy. "I told you, I won't let anything or anyone hurt you again. I will keep your mother safe, I promise." Seunghyun whispers into his ear as he wipes Hongki's tears away. 
At that, Hongki filled up with a bit of hope. Maybe it is strange to rely on a Satan from some book he found that also wants to own him in every way possible, but this creature promises him things he thought were never possible. And right now, Hongki needs all the comfort, protection, and support he can get, even if it's from a winged monster.
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Chapter 6: gosh i really miss this story huhu
Chapter 5: I really like this story... Pls update soon pleaseee... ^_^..
Blackrose8 #3
Chapter 4: This is really good :)
Please update more often :P
rawan-ki #4
this seems really interesting .. loved it so far
keep going :)
Chapter 2: Omgomg omg Top as in Choi Seunghyun?! Yess! I love reading about Hongki x another boy! I've never read tophong so this sounds interesting

Ouch poor Hongki :/ I'm curious as to what exactly is going to happen with Satan's book and how it will affect his life
JagiyaBunny #6
Chapter 1: This sounds promising!! Can't wait till seunghyun comes into his life..suspense ARRGH!! Update soon!!!