Chapter 33 - Fire in His Eyes

Breaking From Seclusion

The rest of the week was like dust in the wind, nonexistent if you will. It was the first week of the household of BangHimLoHyunJae – or… whatever disaster our names combined is. It went by surprisingly smooth. Daehyun and Youngjae stayed in the second bedroom while Zelo slept with Yongguk and I, like we discussed. Everything seemed natural, except for the fact that dinner took a little longer to make, but it’s something I could easily get used to. The only thing that might have turned that dust into a sandstorm was Yongguk. He was a live ticking time bomb. I could feel his stress levels at boiling point, about to bubble over. The poor man was so deprived he couldn’t handle it. He watched me like a hawk; ready to attack its prey. I would get up to change the laundry, and I would catch him drooling over my hips; left – right – left - right. I might’ve even put a little more strut in to tease, but who knows if I really would’ve done that. I wouldn’t have wanted to tease poor Gukkie now would I?


If his attention wasn’t on me then he was fuming with anger; at every little word Daehyun or Zelo would say. He was on tension, crossing the tightrope across two 50 story buildings. He would slam his fist’s on the table in rage, “GOD DAMNIT WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY?!” and storm out of the room. Mind you half the time he stormed out his … erect… uh… erm… raging (for lack of a better term) would be on high salute as he limped out of the room making the situation a lot less serious than it was. The boys would die in laughter. But he just couldn’t control it, functionality he didn’t work… Bang Yongguk needed .



It was currently Saturday morning; we were out on a family outing to the furniture store to buy Zelo a new bed… for obvious reasons. Our clan of five got out of the car, Zelo running to hold my hand.

“Ready?!” I attempted to cheer up the family – apparently it was too early for any of them to operate. I received a clap from Zelo, a weak smile and a nod from Youngjae, a grunt from Daehyun, and a – a -


I looked around surveying the parking lot in search of the mess of a man until I caught sight of his head lying flat on  the steering wheel in the driver’s seat; don’t ask me how he drove there…

“YONGGUK! Get up!” I screamed, right hand pounding on the glass window, left on my hip.

No response; his head didn’t even flinch.

I opened the door, “Bang Yongguk, Let’s go! Our baby needs a new bed!”

His head turned to me slowly revealing tired baggy eyes and a plain expression, “Himchan, I’m tired. I can’t take this anymore… I need release.” Emphasizing “release” as suggestive as a tired lazy man can suggest.

“Look” I slithered my hands behind his neck as I took place on his lap; a hard seat. That thing was dangerous…

“Gukkie, I promise if you be a good boy today, you can do whatever you want to me tonight. I’ll get the boys out of the house” I whispered biting his ear in temptation.

His eyes perked up like he just heard his number at the winning jackpot.. His hands wrapped around my waist, giving him that signature goofy gummy smile,” anything?” he raised an eyebrow.


Simply, he grinned.

“BUT! You have to be a good boy” I pouted teasingly.

“I’m always good baby” condescendence apparent in his voice.

“Good now let’s go” I got off the older’s lap quickly smacking his shoulder as I once again grabbed Zelo’s hand and walked towards the store front entrance.




“I’m hungry” Daehyun pouted. I looked back to see the next to oldest pouting his plump Busan lips.

We had been in the furniture store for about an hour now, and to our dismay, luck had not found us in our search for a new bed.

“Daehyunnie you eat too much” Youngjae giggled poking his boyfriend’s stomach, “You’re getting fat”

Daehyun’s face fell to a frown, “Yahh~…”

Youngjae giggled some more and pecked Daehyun’s cheek resulting in a dusty pink shade gracing both of their cheeks.

So cute…

“OMO!” The maknae shouted shattering the scene. It happened so quickly; before I knew it Zelo had ran off into the abyss of eclectic furniture.


“God Damnit” Yongguk sighed running after the baby

We followed him through jungle of furniture, weaving through countless amounts of people giving us crazy looks for running through the store. Swiftly dodging dressers and spinning around mirrors, we finally we reached the maknae who was at a complete stop staring in awe.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Don’t go runnin off like that!!” Yongguk scolded catching his breath. He knelt over, hands upon knees.

Zelo didn’t move, eyes open wide jaw slightly open, “I-I w-want that o-one” he pointed to the massive structure before us.

It was a queen sized bed constructed of a beautiful baby blue painted wood with four bedposts at each corner, all standing erect holding a sheer white fabric to cover the frame.

My child definitely had my taste.

“Zelo… are you crazy? What do you need a bed that big for?!” Yongguk asked irritated.

“Well…” suddenly he became shy fiddling with his fingers, “W-well wh-when Jonguppie hyung moves i-in with us he’ll need somewhere to sleep and he could-”

“WHAT?!” Yongguk exploded gaining more views from bothered bystanders, “WHO SAID HE’S GONNA MOVE IN WITH US?!” Yongguk looked at me.

“I didn’t” I looked towards the maknae.

“W-well Daehyun and Youngjae hyung moved in and I’m lonely. I want Jonguppie hyung to live with us too!” he pouted.

“in unbelievable” Yongguk through his hands up in the air.

“Hyung chill out” Daehyun interrupted.

I saw Yongguk’s eyebrows form into pure anger. Before he could explode I held his shoulder, “Yongguk…”  I pulled him to the side, “Do you remember what I said about being a “good boy?””

“Babe don’t hold that against me you can’t do this to me! This situation is entirely different! How the am I supposed to be calm if Zelo wants Jongup to move into our already packed house! You can’t possibly expect me to stay calm!”

I rolled my eyes, “You’re going to make him cry, if you keep on yelling at him! He’s sensitive Yongguk! Understand where he’s coming from.”

“Babe… you can’t tell me that you agree and want Jongup to move in with us?”


“in give me a in break!!!” Yongguk exclaimed, “You drive me in crazy Himchan!” He growled as he ran his fingers through his greasy hair, “!”

I stood back appalled from his reaction. He really felt that way? I felt my eyes begin to water as I looked at Yongguk straight in the eyes, “I… you are unbelievable…” my voice cracked as I my heel grabbing Zelo’s frail hand.

“Come o-on boys” I ordered trying not to break down, “Your father needs time to rethink his actions”

“W-w-wait Himchan! Baby wait!!” Yongguk came running behind me. I could hear the desperate tone that waived through his sincere words, “I didn’t mean it. I just – I’m in stressed out babe! Please! I’m sorry”

I didn’t even turn around. I couldn’t face him. Tears already streamed down my face, I did not want to turn to complete hysterics.  So… I just walked… I walked away. If he felt like I drove him crazy, I would j-just leave.

I heard his deep voice in the background, “GOD DAMNIT!”

But that was that.

I tried to pull myself together as I walked off with the boys, “Dae… you’re hungry right?” I wiped my tears trying to seem as normal as possible.

“Uh hyung?” he looked at me confused, “Maybe we should just go home?”

“No, you said you’re hungry let’s go to the food court across the street at eat!” I ordered. I didn’t want this to ruin the family trip.


Somehow I had calmed myself down slightly as the four of us made our way to the food court downstairs. Daehyun and Youngjae went to get their food as Zelo and I grabbed a table.

We sat in silence. I watched Youngjae and Daehyun giggling pushing each other from across the food court. I was happy at least some of us were getting along. As for the eldest and I; Yongguk’s situation had definitely gotten out of hand.

“Eomma? A-are you o-okay?” Zelo asked bringing me out of my thoughts and straight back to the food court.

“I’m fine honey don’t worry about me” I tried to fake the most sincere smile I could muster out, but from Zelo’s facial expression, it wasn’t convincing.

 “But appa-”

“No but’s, let’s get you something to eat ne?

“Ne… but appa-”

“Zelo I said no buts!” I reiterated.

The maknae rolled his eyes and pointed behind me, “Turn around!”

It was Yongguk walking towards us holding two trays in hand. When he got to the table he placed one in front of Zelo, and one in front of me.

Zelo stared at the tray unsure of what to do, “Zelo eat” I reassured.


“Tell appa thank you”

“Th-thank you appa” Zelo smiled weakly and dug in.

“Baby…” Yongguk sat next to me talking under his breath.

I couldn’t even bare to look at him.

“Please Himchan look at me” The desperate tone in his voice… Next thing I knew his hand was on my chin gently pulling it to face him. His touch was warm, and when our eyes locked, it took everything out of me not to cry- but obviously I didn’t have enough strength as I felt that familiar wet trail stream down my cheeks.

“Don’t cry anymore” he whispered to me, “I can’t tell you how sorry I am. It’s one of those things that I didn’t mean to say. You don’t make me feel that way at all Himmie – I’m just… just stressed” he sighed, “and idiot for making his princess cry”

I couldn’t help but smile. As horrible as it sounds, I love it when he calls me his. I love being his.

His rough thumb pad lightly swiped across my tear duct as his mouth erupted into that beautiful and godly annoying gummy smile (it has too much power over me).

“Forgive me” he begged.


Without hesitation, I flung into his arms, Yongguk catching me with ease. I held on tight. I hated it when we fight, though this may be short, it was always tough. I needed him.





Arriving home, I grabbed Daehyun and Youngjae and pulled them to the kitchen while Zelo and Yongguk headed towards the living room to turn on the T.V. I had a plan, and I was about to begin concocting; my cauldron starting to stew.

“Boys” I began, their attention on me, “I need your help. So as we all know Yongguk is… having some issues and tonight’s the night that I am going to fix it. But I need your help”

They both exchanged glances before returning to me perplexed and intrigued.

“I need some… alone time with Yongguk. Nobody in the house”

Daehyun’s face mutated into an evil smirk, “You’re gonna fu-”

“Yah!” Youngjae smacked the older, “That’s none of our business! If Himchan eomma needs help we help no questions asked”

I beamed, “Thank you Youngjae”. He returned the gesture as Daehyun rubbed his head, the spot where Youngjae hit him.

“I need you boys to give us a few hours, do whatever you want… OH! And I’m going to pack Zelo a bag to spend the night at Jongup’s tonight so I need you take him before you two do anything… please”

They both nodded.

“Thank you so much boys”

“Of course!” Youngjae chirped; Daehyun rolled his eyes.

Continuing with the plan I went into our bedroom and started to pack Zelo an overnight bag to spend at Jongup’s dorm. Knowing Zelo, there would be no arguing as long as it involved Jongup. I made sure to pack his favorite (and might I add adorable) pair of Spiderman briefs and fuzzy blue alien slippers. I giggled at his youth.

“ZELO-AH!” I called.

In no time at all, the maknae ran into the bedroom, “Yes eomma?!”

“I packed a bag for you to spend the night with Jonguppie tonight” I smiled, “Daehyun and Youngjae hyung are going to drive you.”

“Jinjja?!” His chubby face instantly lit up. “Omo! I need to call Jonguppie hyung and-”

“Calm down Zelo” I giggled, “I know it’s sudden, but you’re leaving in a few minutes. I made sure to pack your favorites along with 30,000 won for the night.”

“Eomma you’re the best!” He came to hug me as I hugged back, “I know. Now go say goodbye to your father, and get going cutie.”

“Ne!” and eagerly he ran out of the room towards the living room.

“Appa!” I heard him yell.

I laughed as I moved my way into the hallway to watch the scene unplay.

“Appa! I’m going to spend the night at Jonguppie hyung’s dorm tonight! I’m leaving now!”

Yongguk just sat on the couch confused, “Does Himchan eomma know about this?”

“Ne! Hyung packed my bag!” he giggled jumping up and down, “but I gotta go Daehyun and Youngjae hyung are waiting for me! Bye appa!” He jumped into Yongguk’s arms as the older grunted but then wrapped his arms around the maknae and kissed his forehead. (by now I was squealing at the endearing scene, seeing Yongguk kiss Zelo’s forehead was enough to give a fan girl a heart attack). Yongguk is such a softie…

“Be safe; if you need anything call me.” He said in his low voice.

“Ne, gomawoyo!”

“Bye Eomma love you!!!”

The door slammed shut as I walked into the living room.

“Guuukkie~” I sang sauntering out into the living room.

“Hmm?” the low voice vibrated the room.

“You realize the kids are gone right?”

In that moment he stopped what he was doing IMMEDIATELY and looked up towards me… smirking; fire in his eyes.


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notes_of_hell #1
Chapter 36: here again xd I have been reading this story over & over& over again. i just love it<3
notes_of_hell #2
Chapter 36: omg noooo its finished ㅠㅠ i love this story so freaking much ㅠㅠliterally cried because there are no more chapters ㅠㅠ
Kris_saitou #3
Chapter 36: Oh my goooooosh this story was my weakness. The way you created Bang's character in this is like my dream guy XD also, I could totally see Bang being like this in real life. Tough exterior but a total sweetheart. Wahhhhh I loved this story!
Chapter 29: ya know what? this is distracting me from my beloved. i even let it run cold....yea i let my ramyun gone cold cz of this. it's that good that i forgot i'm eating
First time I read this story was around a year ago and I just can't stop reading it! I kid you not, I have read this around 10 times xD I just love it so freaking much TT - TT <3 Thank you for making this~~
magicbananas #6
Chapter 36: IT'S OVER!!!!! *cries*
My poor heart~ my feels~~ it's too much!!!!
This was an amazing story and I am so happy I found this! *o*
I want to go to a summer camp like that too~ (only if I get the same results~~ kekeke)
magicbananas #7
Chapter 35: Aww haha XD
but *pout* it's almost the end!!
Alas, good things MUST come to an end I guess~ TT_TT
magicbananas #8
Chapter 34: At least u made up good~ *wiggles eyebrows*
magicbananas #9
Chapter 33: Dummy gukkie~~~ =_=
magicbananas #10
Chapter 32: Aww~ jae~

Lmfao at the beginning tho