A Month Long Nightmare


   Five brave teenagers go to a haunted house after winning a mysterious competition. Unaware of the involvement of famous K-POP group Super Junior they prepare to be scared by professionals only to find themselves trapped in the frightening grounds with all 15 members ,current and previous. Will they ever escape from this living nightmare.



   "OMG!OMG!OMG!" Emily screamed as she sprinted towards her three friends, crashing into Brianna as she tried to slow down.
   "What now?". Her unenthusiastic friends chorused. They were all used to her getting excited over nothing.
   "You know that competition I entered us into about a month ago ..." she started. There was a moment of discussion through out the group.
   "The one you forced us into" replied Brianna with a smirk.
   "We won!" Emily announced after throwing mental daggers in Brianna's direction.
   The friends grew silent. There was a clank of jaws hitting the floor. Everyone staring at Emily in disbelief. They were the group of people that had never won anything, no matter how amazing they were (and they were pretty amazing).
   "What did we win again?" Lizzie asked, she never really payed attention to the groups schemes.
   "The competition to win a free trip to a haunted house in Korea" explained Emily.
   "You and bloody Korea!" said Lizzie in an annoyed tone.
   Despite Lizzie's comment, faces lit up with excitement for they enjoyed the idea of watching each other freak out at the slight sound or movement anything made. After consideration about this competition they had won they assumed that it would not be the best of experiences because the magazine she had found the website in, to fill in the details of entering the competition, was not that successful, only a handful of people in the UK bought it ; the company was based in Korea. They came to the conclusion that it would be at an old, abandoned,  house that someone had found and a bunch of average actors would jump out at the teens from behind a wall and attempt to scare them.
   Being the people they were the group had never thought of looking at the terms and conditions of the competition. Thankfully the mysterious company sent an e-mail to the leader of the party (in this case Emily) giving instructions of what was going to happen, what they needed to do and a copy of the terms. The group of friends rushed into the school library to look at it. Most of the information was expected by the teens, such as :
      -   Flights (times and places)
      -   Transport to and from the haunted house
      -   Food and Drink available
   But there was one or two things that caught the quartets attention. They all got to the same part at the same time.
   "You will have free accommodation and supplies for a WHOLE MONTH" every one stared astonished at the dim screen. They thought it would be a few days, a week tops, but a month! What was going to happen? What would their parents say?
   At that moment the bell rang for first lesson. They would have to reconvene at lunch.
   "Me and Emily had some free time in form so had a look at the e-mail again, it says : we need to provide a months worth of clothes, permission off our parents and someone 16 or over to accompany us on our journey." listed Lizzie. This concerned them a little. Their parents weren't going to be happy to start with so it was unlikely that any of the parents would go all the way to Korea. That would mean they couldn't go which would make the parents happy. Emily managed to come up with a solution.
   "I could invite my big sister, Alissa, if it's okay with everyone else?" asked Emily. The group discussed various other options but in the end they decided Alissa could go with them to the haunted house.
   "When is it?" questioned Charlotte who was not particularly thrilled about being away from home for such a long time.
   "The flight to Korea from London is on the 30th of October at about 02:30pm but we should all be at the airport at 01:00pm to check in and meet our guide" Emily said with confidence. Her friends stared at her in amazement that she remembered so much.
   "I can't believe it's all free." exclaimed Lizzie.
   "Me neither" the rest of us agreed.


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