Chap 1

Become a part of one's life



“Thank you for coming to our shop!” –The cashier said.

“Ne!” –You replied, walking out of the shop.

Your mom called you to drop by the shop to buy her some stuff, since it was on your way home. The bags weren’t that heavy but since you already had your school bag on your back, you struggled a little bit to carry them in your hands.

You almost reached home then there was a guy running towards you. It wouldn’t be a big deal if he didn’t run so fast that he hit you, caused you to drop your bags and everything was all scattered on the road.

“Yah!!!!” –You angrily yelled at the running guy.

“I’m so sorry!” –He apologized then kept running.

“Aigoo, jinjja jinjja!” –You mumbled as you picked things up, putting them back in the bags.

“Yah!!! Stop!!!!” –Another guy passed by. It seemed that he was running after the guy earlier.

“Lee Gikwang?”

 “What’s going on? Is Gikwang chasing that guy? I hope not, or else he’ll be really in big trouble if he gets caught!” –You wondered.

You were curious so you followed them but they were nowhere to be seen. It was until you decide to come back home since your arms started to wear out because of the heavy bags that you saw that guy hiding in the small lane, his head sticked out a little bit, looked like to see if there was someone searching for him.

“Hey!” –You called him, tapping his shoulder.

“What the…….” –He turned back – “You startle me!”

“I won’t hurt you okay? Just want to help because I know if you get caught they gotta………”

“Haha, you’re here!” –Another guy suddenly appeared- “_________???” –He asks you.

“Yah Nam Woohyun!!! Why are you here?”

“I…………” –Woohyun stuttered.

“You said that you couldn’t  take me home today so you can go with the gang again?”

“It’s not like what you’re thinking.......”

“Izzzzzz!!!!!” –You cut him off, immidiately hiding in the lane. Someone was coming...

“Woohyun-ah, have you found him yet?”

“Yah, distract him, so we can run away! I don’t want to get into trouble!” –You whispered to Woohyun.


“Why stutter all of the sudden? I ask have you found him yet?”

 “Gosh, it’s him?”

As soon as you recognized the male’s voice, you started to panic. You were so scared that you unconsiously hit the bag by your foot, caused it to fall and the food cans hit against each other, which made a loud sound.

“Who’s there?” –The male asked.

“Damn it!!!” –You mumbled.

You had no choice but to walk out to see him –“It’s me!” –You tried to act as naturally as possible.


“Dongwoo hyung!” –You bowed at him.

It was Jang Dongwoo, your senior. He knew you because he saw you several times when you were with Woohyun. Dongwoo, he was not that handsome, but pretty atractive, lady-killer . But he never messed with you, since he didn’t like younger girls, this guy prefered noona.

 He was the gang’s leader. Scary guy was the first thing pop into your mind when you thought of him. You saw him fight once, that was really frightening, the guy that was beaten, he was in the hospital for about one month after that. But Dongwoo never beat someone without a reason. You knew it, but you still didn’t want this guy to be Dongwoo’s victim, although you had no idea what happened between them.

“What are you doing here?” –He asked.

“Ah........nothing........I was just on my way home then I saw him!!!” –You pointed at Woohyun.

“Yeah!” –Woohyun continued –“I was finding him then I saw her!”

“Hyung!” –Gikwang ran to Dongwoo –“He’s not there too!” –He said in gasp –“_______?”

“Hey!” -You smiled and slightly waved at Gikwang.

“Let’s go! We’ll find him tomorrow!” –Dongwoo called Woohyun, walking away.

“Annyeong ________! See you tomorrow!” –Woohyun waved at you and caught up with the guys.

“Phew~” –You sighed in relief –“ Come out, they’ve gone! I’m done here! That’s all I can help you! Goodbye, and don’t ever get in trouble again okay?” –You picked up the bags and continue your way back home.

“Wait! Let me help you!” –He took one bag.

“Gwenjana, you don’t have to, I can take care of it!”

“Let me help you, just consider it as my thank you and my apology, for hitting you earlier!”

So he walked you home, carried one bag for you, while you carried the other one. You guys got to your house about 5 minutes after that.

“Thank you!” –You said, taking the bag. It was when you almost reached the door that he called.

“Ah! I forgot to ask your name! My name is Sungyeol!”

“I’m Jung________. Nice to meet you Sungyeol.”

“Nice to meet you _________! Can we meet again?”

“I don’t know, maybe?” –You smiled, opened the door –“Annyeong!” –You said before getting in.

“Annyeong!” –He cheerfully replied.


End chap 1.


How is it? I'll try to update the next chapter soon. I have many ideas right now but just can't arrange time to write them. Thanks for reading~

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