Chapter 3

Believe It Or Not, You Belong With Me!

The morning sunlight peeked into Luhan's room, making her hide her face with her pillow, she was still sleepy, but she looked at her 

alarm clock to see that it is past seven, which means she is late on her daily waking up time... she jumped out of bed and went to

to take a shower.... after that she put on her clothes quickly and put her pretty blonde hair in a ponytail then she got out to the living

room and saw that her mother is no where, so she might be still sleeping, because there was no breakfast on the table... and she *

doesn't have enough time or she will be late to catch on the school bus, she decided to skip breakfast that day...

She ran toward the school bus stop, and to her luck was about to leave if she didn't wave to the driver to stop... she got in and was 

looking for an empty seat, fortunatly her friend Baekhyun has already got her one, so she sat beside her while still panting hard from

all running...

-"I thought you wouldn't come today"

-"I forgot to set up my alarm clock, and my mother didn't woke me up..."

-"Ah i see... you're lucky you catched the bus in the last minute.."

They spent the whole time talking, but Luhan didn't tell Baekhyun about her moving out even if Luhan has always told Baekhyun about

everysingle thing....

They finally reached school and Luhan started "a boring day" as she always call it. The first three classes ended, and Luhan was 

starving because she didn't eat anyting from the morning, and now it is lunch time, and she will go with Baekhyun and her boyfriend 

Chanyeol to eat at the college cafeteria because their highschool didn't have one so the students might go there and buy lunch...

Luhan didn't know why but she secretly taken the love letter and hide it in her jacket's pocket when they went to college. Her heart

was beating so fast when she approched college... it is because Sehun was studying there... he is a senior in buisness, it was no 

surprise since he is working in his father's company... he is amazing... whenever she thinks about him, she finds herself smiling 

stupidly which makes her so embarressed...she fell for him since the first time she laids her eyes on him... he is very handsome, the 

most handsome man Luhan ever saw in her entire life...

She was surprised in the past when she knew that he was 26 years and in 3rd year of college while everyone says he is the top of his  

class, she didn't leave it like that and asked and she was told that he left his first year of college and left for three years because of 

his father's work. He is kinda older than her.. and his actions makes him look much older... Luhan never saw him smile and never saw  

him talking with other guys... he is cold and careless... and on top of that he has a big ego, but she always tells her friend that it he has  

the right to be like that because he was the best in everything...

After they entered college, they went sraight to the cafeteria where there was a lot of students, Chanyeol went to order the food while 

Baekhyun and Luhan went looking for an empty table, which they did find, just then Luhan excused Baekhyun to go to the bathroom,

she went quickly while her eyes were wandering around looking for a sight of Sehun... "Maybe he is not here.."

After minutes she decided to go back to her friends, she walked two steps before stopping and looking at him... he is there in front of 

her...standing on the wall while reading a book... his face looked so peaceful, she never saw him like that before... her heartbeat was 

beating so loud that it feels it gonna crack open...she felt the letter in her pocket and was afraid of her stupid mind... is she gonna give 

this man her letter?.... this man doesn't belong to her world....he makes her scared, it is better if she loved him from far... but she 

couldn't help and control her feet that dragged her to go to him..she was feeling numb and tries to control herself from shaking, 

she was sure if she let this chance slip now she will regret it so bad... she kept walking toward him but he didn't notice her until she was 

in front of him..

Just then he looked at her... it was a frightning stare at first then it turned into a boring one... she held her letter shakingly and give it to  

him, she didn't say anything while he just looked at the letter then at her with an annoyed look...

She was really scared... what's up with those cold stares, why is he acting this way, why won't he take the damn letter... it is really hard.

... these seconds feels like hours...

Her eyes were pleading him to take the letter so she can go... but it didn't turn out the way she wanted it...

She jumped in shock when Sehun slammed the letter from her hands quite violently.... she was silent while looking at the letter on the 

ground, and then tears started flowing like waterfall from her beautiful eyes....

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luvfics02 #1
Chapter 6: omo! no! why does sehun have 2 have a fiance?! no! he has luhan! X(
Chapter 6: Nooooo! Sehun have a fiancé! O_O
Chapter 6: awwww so good! :D

I really like the plot so far!

looking forward to the kaisoo moments! :3
please update soon.
Nomichui #4
It still feels weird reading about hunhan, when Luhan is a girl, but i"m really looking forward to this story :) I hope sehun doesn"t hurt Luhan too much, he"ll regret it when he falls for her ;)