Chapter 2

Believe It Or Not, You Belong With Me!

After she put the letter on her bag, she heard her mom calling her for dinner. She got up and walked to the kitchen and saw her mom 

putting down dinner on the table, she sat down and started to eat not waiting for her mother because she was very hungry...

-"Did you finish your homework?" Luhan looked at her mother and answered "Yes...well almost"

-"You didn't do it right?"

-"Alright mom, i'll do it after dinner".

then Lay talked in a sad voice "Luhan when will you stop being like that?"

-"What do you mean mom?"

-"You know what i mean... Why can't you take your studies seriously, you're in your last year of highschool and you don't even care"

-"Mom i'll every year"

-"like every year...that's what makes you happy...succed every year with you being in the bottom of the list, is this good to you?"

-"I don't like to study and you know that...i can't do anything about it... i told you i'll drop out of school and find a job but you-" 

Lay couldn't help but yell at her daughter befeore she can finish her sentence "For the 100 time, i told you that you'll not work until

you're finished with your studies!"

-"Ok ok... i let me eat..."

Lay just kept silent, she was very upset of her daughter's way of thinking and how she wouldn't put effort to increase her grades, but  

she was the one to blame... she had ignored this side of Luhan in the past, and never forced her to do her homework nor to study 

hard.... she was just thinking of how to make some money after Joonmyun left her.... and that's when Luhan didn't care about anything 

and hated school because she wasn't a brillant student, she always had bad grades since primary school beacuse her mother would 

always be at work and she wasn't with her much and didn't have anybody else to help her studying... Lay was really depressed 

because everything that is happening to Luhan now is her fault , that's why she doesn't like to insist on her daughter to do something  

she hates....

After they were done from dinner, Luhan was about to get up when Lay stopped her...

-"Luhan wait.... i have something to talk with you about.." Luhan was a little bit freaked out "What is it?" she then sat beside her mother 

and waited for her answer...

-"We're moving from here..."

Luhan raised an eyebrow "What...?"

-"The restaurant i was working in will be closed, my work is done there..and i don't have enough money to pay the rent until i find a new    

job, that's why we have to look for another place".

-"Okay..." that's all what Luhan said.

-"Do you have another thing to say..? Lay asked her.

-"No...I don't know what to say but couldn't they at least tell you a little bit earlier before closing?"

-"They did... but i didn't want to tell you to not upset you...but when i found it hard to find another job and i couldn't pay the rent, i 

decided to move out.."

-"I'm okay with it mom... it is true that this place is very important to me since i spent my whole life here but it is not important than you,

i'll live anywhere you chose to.."

-"i'll already found a place".

Luhan blinked surprisingly and asked "This fast? Where?"

-"It is a small house of one of my friends... it is in her garden next to her own house, she said they don't use it anymore, and she will

rent it for us"

-"in their garden.... is it a little bit awakward to live next to them?"

-"No, no, it is not like that..." Lay was nervous when she was talking about the house, and Luhan didn't understant why her mother was 

acting like that.... Lay continued talking "Don't worry, it is an individual house with its own is just next to them"

-"Alright mom...but did you see it? if it is like you said, then i don't mind since we're gonna pay them"

-"Of course i'll really like it"

When Luhan agreed with her, Lay felt relaxed and her nervousness was gone, and she got up with Luhan and went to their rooms...

Luhan entered her room, and eyed her bag while thinking if it is the right thing to give Sehun her letter...

She will give it to him and nothing will happen...she really want to tell him her feelings...she loved him very much since the fisrt time she

saw him, he was different from everybody and no one made her feel that way, even if he never cared about her or even he know that 

she exist...she fell asleep thinking about him, and forgot to set her alarm clock.

In the next room, Lay was setting on her bed, head between her hands, she was thinking about Luhan...what is she gonna do if she 

found out? she was very worried if she had done the right thing, but now everything is out of control and she accepted and she can't 

back on her word....Luhan will definitely understand... 

Lay opened her balcony door and saw that it was raining, she hates the rain... she hated it since the day she and joonmyun separated

.... whenever it rains it reminds her of that horrible day...but now it is different, she will forget... this rain will wash everything that 

happend in the past, it will wash all what she suffered, it will erase all of her memories with that criminal she loved... and in her new 

life she will nevet remember anything from her miserable past and throw it behind...

Lay closed the door and went straight to her bed after the rain wetted her completly, she threw herself in the bed and cried, she cried 

on her pillow which became wet of her tears... "This is the last day i'll cry of you... i'll never rememeber you no matter what happens...

please don't come back in my dreams... stop making me suffer..."

She fell asleep while crying, and her tears all over her face and pillow...

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luvfics02 #1
Chapter 6: omo! no! why does sehun have 2 have a fiance?! no! he has luhan! X(
Chapter 6: Nooooo! Sehun have a fiancé! O_O
Chapter 6: awwww so good! :D

I really like the plot so far!

looking forward to the kaisoo moments! :3
please update soon.
Nomichui #4
It still feels weird reading about hunhan, when Luhan is a girl, but i"m really looking forward to this story :) I hope sehun doesn"t hurt Luhan too much, he"ll regret it when he falls for her ;)