A Not So Normal Day

My Terrible Mistake?

[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6KHvo1tDGE You Fill Me Up by JaeJoong]

“See you later.” Chanho called as he jogged to his school gate. Jaehyun and In Hee continued to walk to our school. It was another ordinary Wednesday and they had school.

“Did you finish your history paper? I was up till 12 last night working on it.” Jaehyun whined.

“Yeah I finished it the day it was set.” In Hee replied “Don’t forget, History is my strongest subject.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot you’re a nerd.”

“Wow, so much love.” In Hee said in sarcasm. Jaehyun just chuckled in response.

After a few minutes of walking the finally reached their school and to their luck, the gate had not closed yet.

“What do you have first?” In Hee asked when they settled into their assigned seats in their home room.

“Biology. You?”

“Chemistry.” In Hee sighed. She didn’t hate Chemistry but she didn’t love it either.

“It’s okay. We have PE together. I’ll see you then okay?” Jaehyun ruffled In Hee’s hair. He turned around when their Home room teacher came in.


In Hee dug through her bag when someone kicked her bag. Hard. The bag slid down a few desks, but what surprised In Hee was her hand was still in the bag when it was kicked yet there was no impact of pain. It was as if her hand went through the bag.

In Hee looked up at the person that kicked her bag and it was none other than Hyuna. She stood there with her face scrunched up slightly looking down at In Hee in hatred. In Hee just ignored Hyuna, got up and walked down the aisle to get her bag.

“I have told you many times to stay away from Jaehyun oppa. He is mine.” Hyuna spat when In Hee sat down at her seat. She just ignored her.

“If I ever see you with him again, I swear you will wish you were never born.” Hyuna warned and her crew chorused in agreement. “Did you hear me, Kim In Hee?” Hyuna grabbed In Hee’s hair and In Hee let out a slight yelp. “, you think you can just come around and screw up with people’s lives? You know what you are? You’re ugly, fat and stupid.”

“I don’t need this.” In Hee sighed. She stood up, got her bag and walked out of the class room. She walked in to the empty hallway, up the main staircase and opened the door to the roof.

The roof was her retreat, her place of comfort and it was her quiet place. She would always go there when she was sad, when she needed to revise and when she just needed an escape from reality or just to think.

In Hee walked over to the garden and sat on the bench which was provided by the school, but when she sat down she fell right through it which caused her to jump and run away.

“What the-?” She murmured to no one in particular. She curiously approached the bench and slid her hand across the seat.

“Huh? It’s normal.” When she traced the pattern on the iron arm rest, when suddenly, her hand slipped through the solid object. However, she didn’t flinch like any normal person would have; she continued to stare at her hand and how it went through the mental.

‘How is this humanly possible?’ she thought to herself. She was so engaged in this super natural power to notice that it was time for lunch. The bells around the school chimed as it signaled freedom for the student. In Hee stood there for a few minutes before retrieving her hand and hoisting her bag on her back and walking out of the door which separated the roof and the stairs.


The school was a very free school. It allowed the student-body choose if they want cafeteria food or if they wanted to go home and eat (if they lived close to the school) or to eat out doors.

 In Hee met Jaehyun at the gate. “Hiya!” Jaehyun exclaimed when he spotted his friend.


“Why do you sound so- what’s the word? Dejected, sad, depressed?”

“Hmm? Sorry I zoned out. What were you saying?”

“Never mind.” Jaehyun muttered. “Let’s go eat.”

In Hee’s phone started to ring.


“Noona! Come over to my school. Lunch is starting and we have jajangmyun!”

“Oh okay, we’ll been there in five minutes.”

“I’m hanging up now. Byoung!” She put her phone back in her pocket and turned to her best friend.

“Oppa, we are going over to Channie’s school for lunch.” She held his hand and smiled at him “Let’s go.”

Jaehyun gladly laced his fingers around In Hee’s as they walked down the street to Chanho’s school.

“Hyung! Noona! Over here.” An over excited seventeen year old stood up from his chair and flailed his arms to capture the attention of two people who sped walked to the table to stop any further embarrassment from their dongsaeng. A few of Chanho’s female classmates shot up in attention as the watched Jaehyun enter the cafeteria while male classmates eyed In Hee hungrily, looking as if they were predators ready to pounce on their prey.

“I already ordered you food.” Chanho settled into his seat with a large grin plastered on his face as he urged his sister and hyung to eat. The two also sat down and dug in to their food as if the couple hadn’t eaten in days.

“This jajangmyun is amazing. Thanks for the meal.” Jaehyun complimented

“I know. The food here is normally crap but when they make jajangmyun it is literally heaven.” Chanho talked with his mouth half full of brown stained noodles as he chewed on the Chinese dish.

“Chew with your mouth closed and don’t talk with your mouth full.” In Hee scolded without looking up from her bowl of food.

“Okay.” Chanho giggled at her older sister’s motherly instincts.

“Watch out or your mother will chew off you head.” Jaehyun whispered while laughing.

“Yeah, not only because she caught me laughing at her but also because of her pit less stomach.” Chanho teased.

“You guys obviously have a death wish” In Hee glared at the two boys in front of her.

“Now she’s going to chew your head off as well.” Chanho poked Jaehyun who was sitting next to him.

“You, I’ll deal with you later at home. You-” In Hee turned to a puppy eyed Jaehyun. “… are off the hook.” In Hee huffed as she tried to avoid Jaehyun’s eyes.

“You’re blushing.” Chanho, who was leaning over the table, whispered into In Hee’s ear. Embarrassed, she sat back slightly and laid her head on the table

“What’s with her?”


“We have practice today, if you want to come watch us from the stands then feel free. We can go for some ddokbokki afterwards.” In Hee smiled and ruffled her little brother’s hair. Chanho who was slightly shorter than In Hee, nodded.

“Just keep your phone with you and keep us updated okay?” Jaehyun added.

“Yeah, sure. See you later.” Chanho grinned. “I’ll call you when I leave. Now go, lunch is over in ten minutes. Bye” He waved as his older sister and older brother figure started shrinking from his sight before he turned around and walked into the school building.

“Chanho oppa!” He turned around to see five girls sun up to him. These girls were the queenkas of the school and Chanho was one of the three kingkas in the school.

“What do you want Jaemin?”  Chanho glared. He obviously didn’t need to waste his time on petty girls that lather makeup on their faces like it was baby cream, talk with a fake voice and walk around dissing the other students in their school.

“Oppa, who was the senior you were with?” referring to Jaehyun

“Why?” Chanho raised an eyebrow.

“Because I don’t understand... the girl he was with is not pretty and is not worth enough for him. She should just go back to the sewer and leave pretty boys to professionals, like me.”

Chanho wanted to hit Jaemin for talking about his sister like that, but he can’t hit girls. “Chanho-yah!” he turned around to his two friends who were the other kingkas. Off the corner of his eye he noticed the girls fixing their hair and widening their collars to show some cleavage.

“Don’t bother. We don’t like you.” Taejun, one of the kingkas of the school and one of Jaehyun’s best friends, raised his arm directing his speech to the desperate girls.

“So oppa, are you going to tell me who the pretty sunbae is?” Jaemin tapped her foot and crossed her arms across her chest.

“That’s Jaehyun hyung.”

“Does he go to the school across the road?”


“Can you introduce him to me?”

“No!” Chanho exclaimed shaking his head.

“Why oppa?” Jaemin batted her eyelashes, showing aegeyo. Chanho and his friends shuddered

“Because he’s our hyung.” Chi Hoon said in a ‘matter-of-fact’ way.

“Fine, but just make sure that that girl isn’t there the next time I see my prince charming or I will make her wish she was never born.” Jaemin hissed

“HEY!” Chanho burst in anger.

“W-wae oppa?” Jaemin and her group backed away. Before Jaemin recollected herself and grinned “Shouldn’t that girl just rot in hell? She’s not worthy of Jaehyun sunbae.”

“That girl,” Chanho spoke through gritted teeth, venom painting his words “is my sister.”

“O-oppa, I-I didn’t K-know. I-I’m sorry.” Jaemin shrank away and broke into an escape with her friends trailing her before Chanho could hit them.

“Chanho, calm down.” Taejun reasoned when the girls turned the corner and ran out the artificial pitch behind the school.

“Yah! In Hee noona and Jaehyun Hyung was here for lunch and you didn’t invite us?” Chi Hoon Whined

“We were talking about stuff you wouldn’t know about and well… yeah I didn’t want to share my only noona and hyung so mehrong.” Chanho stuck out his tongue childishly.

Taejun the oldest and the most mature of the group slapped both of the younger boys behind the head before walking off to his locker. Then the bell rang for the start of afternoon classes.


[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ynWuvTkNlM No Joke by Block B]

“See you after soccer.” Jaehyun jogged to the pitch to join the rest of the team. In Hee waved at his figure as he ran off before she rejoined her team. She started walking into the gym where volleyball practice normally takes place.

“Ladies, I know you are all fit to play volleyball but looking at the results from last year, I notice that you are all lacking in stamina except In Hee who kept with the routine in high energy, but that doesn’t mean that you are exempt from the exercise we are about to do. I need you to set an example for these ladies.” Coach Shin nodded at her best student. The rest of the team smiled at their captain. “So I have a plan for all of you to build up you stamina for next seasons game. Understand?”

“Neh.” The girls moaned in annoyance.

“I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” The coach yelled at the team who were on the bench. Her voice echoed off the walls in the gym.

“NEH!” they all yelled.

“Ok. Ladies lets head on out to the track. Let’s go.” They volleyball team jogged out to the track.

The soccer team seemed happy to see the volleyball team on the outdoor track because the track went around the circumference of the soccer pitch.

“Start on 3 laps everyone then we can rest a little. Let’s go ladies.” They all started on a steady pace around the track. After the second round the members with low stamina obviously lagged in the back while the ones that still had enough energy took lead with In Hee in the front.

The soccer team was taking a rest from their hardcore training before they break out into teams for a real game. “Woo! Go in Hee” Jaehyun cheered from the stands and the rest of the soccer team cheered for their favorite volleyball team member. In Hee just smiled and waved at her second biggest fan after her little brother. Then somewhere in the back came a chorus of foreign voices “Noona! Bbali! You’re almost there! Yeah In Hee noona!” The soccer team and some member of the volleyball team including In Hee and Coach Shin turned their head to three enthusiastic boys jumping up and down with arms raised cheering on their favorite noona.

This gave In Hee a rush of energy, watching her fans cheer for her and she pushed on and ran with all her might finishing her last lap. Jaehyun, Chanho and his friends ran down to the track to In Hee as she walked to the stands where her water bottle was.

“Wah Noona! You were so fast.” Chi Hoon cheered as he patted her on the back. Jaehyun handed her a towel to wipe her sweat.

“Sorry if it’s sweaty… I used it a minute ago.”

“Ewwww. Hyung you are so unsanitary.” Chanho cringed. In Hee wiped nape and forehead.

“Noona, you should sit down, you look so tired.” Taejun advised.

“No. I’m good. Plus it’s bad of your blood circulation if you sit or lie down immediately after exercise.” In Hee watched her team slowly reach the finish line. “I have to go back to practice and Jaehyun oppa your team is already on the pitch.” Jaehyun nodded and ran off. “You boys can watch Jaehyun oppa or do you homework or anything but you can’t come into the gym because Coach Shin will be pissed okay? Love you.” She kissed Chanho’s temple before running off with her team to the gym.


“That ddokbokki was amazing.” Chi Hoon sang as they walked away from store.

“Okay you guys have to go home. Its five pm. Your parents won’t let you come and hang out with us next time.” Jaehyun said as the approached the train station.

“Okay. We’ll call you when we get home. Bye Chanho, noona and Jaehyun hyung.” Taejun waved and Chi Hoon followed as they walked to the train station.

The other three walked and exchanged light chatter. Something stung in the back of In Hee’s brain as she suddenly remembered what happened on the roof where she discovered her supernatural power. ‘What does it mean?’ ‘Am I human?’ She thought in silent.

“Noona? Are you okay?” Jaehyun and Chanho stared worriedly at their only female companion.

“Yeah, just thinking.” In Hee nodded. “Hey, have you ever heard of unnatural abilities in people before?”

Both were taken aback by the sudden question but still took time to think about it.

“I don’t think I have.” Jaehyun mumbled in thought and Chanho just nodded in agreement. “Same.”

“Never mind. Jaehyun oppa, we will call you when we get home okay? Bye.” In Hee waved with Chanho trailing her after they dropped Jaehyun off at his place.

“Noona, why did you ask that question?” Chanho detected that there was something disturbing his sister and is determined to find out what it was.

“No-” They both turned in shock when they heard a low and loud rumbling.

“W-What was that?” In Hee asked in shock. The rumbling came again but louder and stronger. It reminded her of an extremely hungry and angry giant.

“Let’s just go home. Quick.” Chanho tugged on In Hee’s sleeve. They walked in a quick pace back home.


[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1STYKw-qua8 Mine by JaeJoong]

“Go and shower first.” Chanho urged. After they entered the house, he seemed to be ignoring the sound they heard previously and settled in front of the TV, flipping through channels. In Hee went up to her room and grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom shared between the three inhabitants of the household.

She placed her fresh clothes beside the sink and took off her volleyball uniform and tossed it into the dirty clothes basket. She stepped into the shower and started the water, set it to the right temperature and started taking a shower.

After ten minutes she reached for the towel and dried her hair and body when suddenly she heard a loud crash down stairs.

“Chanho-Yah! What are you doing?” Quickly putting on her fresh clothes she threw open the door when she heard the sound of glass shattering followed by a scream. She fled down the stairs and a strong scent of alcohol smacked her in the face. Their mother was home and was hitting Chanho, however this time In Hee watched as her mother scratch her brother with a piece of glass and Chanho laying in the ground being surrounded by glass and cuts on his body. In Hee recollected her senses and ran up to Mrs. Jung.

She flung her body away from Chanho’s and helped him up. “Go; go up to your room. I’ll see you there.”

“Andwae Noona! I can’t leave you here with her.” Chanho yelled, tears running down his eyes.

In Hee held onto her little brother’s sobbing face, “and I can’t let her hurt you anymore. Go. I’ll handle this.” Chanho shook his head.

“Noona!” In Hee turned around to see Mrs. Jung there. The monster pushed her to the floor away from the glass.

“Stay out of the Kim In Hee.”

“NO! I can’t let you hurt him and more.” In Hee pushed Mrs. Jung to the floor and got on top of her and grabbed her collar.

“Why do you always have to hurt him?” In Hee raised her arms along with Mrs. Jung and slammed her back to the floor.

“Because you had to have him adopted and I couldn’t do anything. You let my enemy in my house, but I can’t hurt you therefore I hurt him.” Her mother turned her head and glared at Chanho then back at In Hee.

“I don’t understand.” In Hee raised Mrs. Jung again and slammed down harder. This time Mrs. Jung winced and she feel the shards of glass dig in to her flesh.

“They are here because of him.”

“Who are they?”

“Chanho’s brothers.”

In Hee slammed Mrs. Jung once again to the floor “Lies. He doesn’t have anyone but me.” Mrs. Jung started coughing up blood and the impact harmed her heart and she knew she was close to dying. In Hee couldn’t see this. Chanho could.

“Noona. Stop you’re killing her.” Mrs. Jung chuckled evilly.

“BRAT. I’ll have you dead. Mrs. Jung reached out to Chanho but In Hee kept a strong grip.”

“NO YOU WON’T!” In Hee raised Mrs. Jung to eye level and threw her hard against the floor. Mrs. Jung didn’t move. She was dead. Murdered.

In Hee took a while to realize what she did. “I killed her.” She muttered inaudibly. She climbed off her mother. “I killed her.” She started to tear as the consequences ran through her mind. In Hee slowly backed away from the dead body scared.

“Noona?” Chanho wanted to make sure his sister is sane. In Hee just ran out of the house.

“NOONA!” Chanho ran after her.

He followed her out to the park where the whole neighborhood shared. No one was there and it was silent. The only light was provided by the street lamp and a soft calming blue glow from the tunnel that connects the park and the playground. Chanho found her sister sitting on the ground by a tree.

“Noona? Are you okay?” Chanho approached his crying sister and sat beside her

“No. I killed our mother.” In Hee looked up to Chanho. “I’m a murderer.”

“No, Noona. You only did it to protect me. Even if this continued I knew someday we would be taken away from her custody and we would go back to an orphanage.” Chanho spoke with a calm voice and held her sister’s head to his chest as she clung to his shirt and cried.  In Hee just cried and Chanho comforted her. After an hour when the time was around eight pm, In Hee seemed to calm down.

[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hG-wujFEqU History by Exo K]

“Hey, remember that tunnel?” Chanho asked ing his head in the direction of the glowing tunnel.

“Yeah. Remember when she would beat you only and I would bring you to the tunnel to give her some space?”  Chanho hummed in response.

“Do you want to go there?” In Hee asked wiping her tears and pulling out a tissue to clean her nose.

“Sure.” Chanho stood up then helped In Hee up and they walked to the tunnel hand-in-hand. They reached the tunnel and sat down. Their backs against the cool stone which formed the wall of the tunnel, and their feet just reaching the opposite wall. The tunnel was not very big and had a lot of graffiti on the walls and ceiling.

“Echo!” Chanho called out and listened to his voice bounce off the walls. The two of them giggled.

“Echo!” In Hee called out “Echo.” It returned. Both of them sat up slightly now getting into the fun.

“Echo!” In Hee called out again. “Echo” it returned. The hairs on their backs stood. That was not In Hee’s voice. It was a male voice.

“Who’s there?” Chanho asked standing up, bending down slightly because he was too tall. In Hee did the same. “Who’s there?” it returned in the same voice from before, the low voice echoed through In Hee’s brain as she stood protectively in front of Chanho. They squinted as the strange blue glow strengthened. They saw a silhouette of a person.

“Who are you?” In Hee called out. “Who are you?” the voice came from the silhouette. Their low voice once again rang in In Hee’s mind.

“I can see you talking.” Chanho said in annoyance.

“Sorry, I was just having a bit of fun.” The silhouette spoke. Slowly making their way toward the siblings, revealing his baby face and tall stature.

“Now I have a serious question for you.” The mysteriously low voiced guy spoke. His facial expression changing serious. He stared intently into In Hee and Chanho’s eyes. “Do you know where the bathroom is? I just arrived and I haven’t peed in three hours.”

“Uhhh, yeah I think there is a public bathroom around the corner.” Chanho stuck his thumb over his shoulder and pointed in the direction of the glowing sign which indicated the male toilet. The strange man with the baby face ran off.

In Hee turned to Chanho. “What was that all about?”

“I don’t know.”

“Hai.” Another boy showed up. He looked mature but still young. He raised his left leg. “I like pancakes.” In Hee stood there unable to respond. Chanho laughed and stepped forward. Lifting his left leg he said “I like pie.”

“Okay now I am just confused.” In Hee threw her arms up in frustration.

“I’m Sehun.” The weird boy said

“AWWWW. Noona! His lisp is so cute.” Chanho turned around and fan boyed.

“I’m In Hee. This is Chanho.” In Hee introduced bowing in respect.

“Oh, nice to meet you. In Hee and Chan- Chanho!” Sehun exclaimed and threw his arms around Chanho, shocking both In Hee and Chanho.

“Uhhh… Do I know you?” Chanho asked

“Oh, sorry. I thought it would be harder to find you. I’m your brother, your older brother and we are here to take you home.”


Ok that is kind of a long chapter.

Just to let you know what all the extra characters are....


This is Jaehyun.... In Hee's best friend.


This is Chi Hoon... one of the Kingka's of Chanho's school and Chanho's friend.


This is Tae Jun... another Kingka in Chanho's school and Chanho's friend.


This is In Hee


This is Chanho.


Ok so how do you feel about the chapter??

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Chapter 1: Ohhh ~ EXO-K lost brother is Chanho right?
i have a feeling that Inhee isn't an exotic..because remember the 'mother' said that she can't harm inhee so she will harm chanhoo? and that she was send to protect something on earth? and i think the 'thing' is inhee...
Chapter 10: Wow so Taejun and Chihoon are also spies.
Chapter 8: Jaehyun?!?!?! Wut is he doing there?!
Chapter 3: idk why but i feel like she's from planet mato
Chapter 1: Just started reading~ So, Chanho is the brother.
update .-.
KISSmeBecca #8
Chapter 6: Awweh Sehun~~
the story's good so far!
update soon!(: