how to win over Kyuhyun (or ten times Super Junior thinks Hyukjae is really useful)

how to win over Kyuhyun (or ten times Super Junior thinks Hyukjae is really useful)

The majority of time that Heechul was pissed and he stubbornly made a decision, it was hard, like really hard to make him change his mind.

To tell the truth, he was not going against his mental note. What he was going to do was not to teach the others how to fool win over Kyuhyun, but simply he was going to correct Donghae when he was referring something wrong to the others. Let's clarify it one more time: this was certainly not teaching. 

"He let me watch The Lion King!", Donghae said cheerfully, mouth curving up,up,up and Heechul imagined Donghae shorter than he already was,younger he meant, and a lollipop in his hand. Donghae sure was forever a kid. "And he made me and hyung a sandwich!", he added, making some gestures to emphasize the matter.

Heechul looked at how all the members (minus Kyuhyun and Hyukjae that weren't there of course. And Siwon. Siwon hadn't arrived at home from the set yet) turned their disbelieving faces at him as if they wanted a confirmation, they needed the only witness to confirm the impossible. "Incredible,right?", he tried to sound casual because,again, it wasn't like he was supposed to be here at Leeteuk's room. He was just waiting for Donghae's mistakes. Then he'll go and get some sleep. . They had to wait for the two to go to their respective rooms before talking about this. 

He placed his hands behind his head and then plopped himself on Leeteuk's bed, next to Ryeowook. They were still staring at him. It wasn't an uncomfortable situation; he had always adored being the center of everyone's attention. 

"Without fighting?", Sungmin breathed out, the silence finally broken.

"Well", Donghae started, rocking his body back and forth in his sitting position, "We did,but hyung used that method and then,sandwich and Simba!"

There, it was time for Heechul to explain. Next time that he and Hongki will meet, he will really ask him to take Donghae's role, "Kyuhyun likes Hyukjae. If Hyukjae's around,you can count on the fact that Kyuhyun will be distracted by him.", he summarised, "Hyukjae's a really great weapon.....Use Hyukjae."

Someone among them tsk-ed.

Somehow Heechul's mind matched it with Leeteuk.

"Don't objectify him.", it was really Leeteuk. Heechul was surprised by his capability, "We shouldn't use people", he rolled his eyes because the leader was so going to give him a lecture, he could already tell. Leeteuk's voice had already changed to that 'serious-I'm-not-kidding-yah-listen-to-me' tone and none of them, especially Heechul,needed that.

"Hyukjae would be thrilled to know that he can help us against that brat.", Heechul said, going defensive. It was a big lie. He  pondered about it during dinner as he was watching the dancer eat happily his rice. He and Hyukjae didn't have a bond as solid as Hyukjae and Donghae or Hyukjae and Sungmin. They had become closer, you know, after Intimate Note and after Hyukjae apologizing again to Heechul when they got home. They were closer, but not that close. However, even if they were not that close, Heechul had this sensation that Hyukjae would totally freak out. He could picture Hyukjae gape and then avoid Kyuhyun and that was a no,no. The word "avoid" didn't appeal to him at all.

The moment he met Leeteuk's gaze, Heechul was already thinking about what he could reply to convince the older to agree. One day of tormenting Kyuhyun didn't make up for all those episodes where Kyuhyun was a complete brat. And the youngest still was when Hyukjae-the-weopon' wasn't present.

"He wouldn't.", Leeteuk pursed his lips.

Heechul snorted, "You weren't ing about it when I told you."

"Actually, I wasn't entirely believing.", Leeteuk sighed, but he was still hostile about the whole idea of Hyukjae-the-weapon. It was written on his face,"We both know what Hyukjae's reaction would be if he knew."

Heechul rolled his eyes again and huffed,making it seemed like he didn't want to talk over it because there was no need to. The truth was that he couldn't find anything good to retort. Anyway, acting like this could give him enough time to come up with something.

"Dupe Kyuhyun around Hyukjae makes me think of hilarious things", Yesung piped in and Heechul was glad to hear him say that, "I can't forget when I asked him to look after Ddangkoma and he said that he was going to cook him."

"Oh, that was mean", Heechul said, looking at Leeteuk. The leader perceived by intuition his tactics and he was glaring at Heechul. Old man should worry about wrinkles coming and screwing his face.

"And when I told him that I was calling the WWF if he ever said a cruel joke like that again, Kyuhyun said that I shouldn't...", Yesung continued with his story, "...Kyuhyun said that the WWF wouldn't lay a finger on him because he's too handsome.", he frowned slightly and,mimicking Kyuhyun's voice," 'You shouldn't joke about things like that hyung. Think about it for a second. If they see you, they'll certainly notice you and Ddangkoma's similarities and think that you're a rare species of giant tortoise without shell,which is abnormal,really, but look at your face. I bet they will bring you away with them, put you with other giant tortoises and they'll study if you can get along with them. Eventually you'll feel embarassed because you'll realise that giant tortoises have more charms than you,hyung, even if they're green and slow...So, think before talking,hyung'."

Donghae giggled.

Shindong and Ryeowook had blank expressions.

Leeteuk stared.

Heechul was torn between plucking Yesung's mouth with his hands and beg him not to open it until he was out of this room or thank him. In a way,he should thank him.

"Kyuhyun's really mean,see?", he spluttered,knowing that it was the only thing he could say to support Yesung and his plan of attack. He propped himself up on his elbows, "We can't let someone younger be like that to his older members. Where are his manners? What's respect for him? Teukie,we're doing this for his own good."

"No.", Leeteuk stated, his composure coming back, "We're not objectifying Hyukjae and we're not playing with Kyuhyun's feelings."

"It's not playing!", Heechul snapped. Leeteuk gave him the 'I'm-the-leader-I-know-you' look and Heechul made sure that he was going to remember that their white-freak leader was a killjoy and a killmood and a kill-of-everything sometimes. He was going to exclude him. No more Leeteuk receiving Heechul's information. "We're not really playing. We just want our lives to be less heavy."

"I, the leader, said no." this . Heechul didn't like how this conversation was proceeding.

"And you'll let the brat play with our feelings?", he answered back.

"Heechul.", a warning.

"Really,Teukie? Really?"

"How do you think Kyuhyun will feel?"

"And how do you think Yesung felt?", Heechul uttered. And a bulb finally lighted, "I was not going to reveal anything of this,but Kyuhyun said that Ryeowook's soup was wishy-washy and Sungmin bothered him sometimes and he would rather isolate him and his pink gadgets and Shindong always plays with him,but he should just give up and God, Shindong's annoying sometimes and wouldn't want to know what he said about you.."


(I'm not evil. I'm just a person craving for some fun. Really.)



After several 'I'm talking to him' from Leeteuk and Heechul trying his best with his 'No,no,let's stick to my plan of attack' and the members' not really offended because they had had worst coming from the youngest guy,but they sided Heechul anyway because they were longing for revenge as well, Leeteuk got invested by the members' wave of let's-make-him-pay with the addition of Heechul's oh-not-very-true-or-not-true-at-all-revelations. Though, Leeteuk said that he was absolutely not partecipating and he gave them only 'four days'. 

Heechul accepted.


02. 03. Heechul thought that the first one to try was going to be Yesung,but Yesung was doing nothing during breakfast. That seriously deluded him. If he was Yesung, he wouldn't wait.

Instead, the one trying (he understood it after seeing him alternating to look at Kyuhyun and at the seat across his own) was Shindong.

What was quite absurd though, was that they were all acting greatly, as if Heechul didn't say anything about Kyuhyun implying that 'Sungmin's fat' or 'Ryeowook can let someone else cook'. Not even Donghae (but it could be that Donghae's too sleepy right now). Leeteuk too. Siwon had already left so he couldn't say anything about him (and even if he was there, Siwon didn't know so Heechul couldn't say anything about him. Damn him. ).

Yesterday, Heechul thought that they were all meaning it when they told him that "Kyuhyun's" words didn't affect them much,but when they left, Heechul saw the members changing all of a sudden; Sungmin and Shindong seemed infuriated, Yesung was frowning and Ryeowook didn't respond at anyone's goodnight. Leeteuk looked upset.

Heechul's aim was to only make Leeteuk agree (and maybe to fuel the others' flame for revenge towards Kyuhyun),but he admitted that maybe he went way too much. Though, he couldn't back. Not when it was all settled.

Today, they were doing fine in hiding their feelings.

In his mind, Heechul was patting each of the guys on the back.

"How was your night?", Sungmin said, eyes down at his cup of milk. He wasn't talking to anyone in particular. The question was just waiting to be answered by one of them.

"Not bad, yours?", Ryeowook smiled before stuffing fried egg in his mouth. He then poured orange juice in his glass.

Sungmin stood up and walked to open the fridge. He took a carton of milk. Probably his was too hot to be drunk, "Same,though, I woke up around four am,but I fell asleep almost immediately."

"I slept well.", Donghae joined them. He arched his back and stretched his arms while yawning. Messing his morning hair, his fingers closed around his fork. He was about to collect some egg when the fork changed direction,pointing at the oldest member, "Practice is at one,right hyung?"

"Isn't it at one thirty?", Kyuhyun asked. Heechul caught Ryeowook eying the youngest with attention when he moved a part of his food at the edge of the plate. Anyways, he said nothing and Heechul wondered if Ryeowook's punishment was to make Kyuhyun eat something he didn't like.

"Kyuhyun's right", Leeteuk replied to Donghae. When he looked up from the table, his forefinger was indicating down, "Isn't Hyukjae going to have breakfast with us?", he said and Heechul figured the leader's interest had nothing to do with their 'four days'. 

Heechul was about to volunteer because this breakfast without Hyukjae was so very boring, but he heard a person clear his throat. Shindong's voice rose up, "I'll call him."


(My,my,my. Bravo Shindong.)



The ping! that Kyuhyun's fork produced when it fell on his plate made Heechul automatically turn to look at what- who -what was the cause of it,but there was this little Heechul that was telling him that he knew exactly what-who he was to see.

Heechul had to tilt his head to take a better angle of weapon-Hyukjae in a blue sleeveless undershirt. Milky skin and y arms are two of the ingredients required for soon-to-be-nosebleeding-Kyuhyun. He couldn't deny that an innocent jealousy was springing up inside him. He was supposed to be the iest Milky Skin on this planet. 

"Hyukjae-ah, you better start eating. ",Shindong suggested as he rubbed at Hyukjae's forearm,up and down, up and down,again and again. 

"Okay.", Hyukjae mumbled and it was just then that Heechul noticed that he was still half asleep. The dancer took his seat next to Donghae. He stayed lifeless for a couple of seconds,then he started picking up his toast, "Sorry, I forgot... Good morning,guys."

"Good morning", they responded. Heechul just whispered his greeeting,rather examining Kyuhyun's adam apple bobbing. This was very entertaining. He could stay here watching Kyuhyun behaving like this for hours. It just that it was too early to munch chips. 

"Kyuhyun!", Leeteuk said aloud all of a sudden. Kyuhyun woke up from his dreaming-mentally-nosebleeding-momento. It was unexpected that Heechul got surprised as well.



Heechul sent a hate-glare to the oldest. Killjoy.



Kyuhyun was peeping at Hyukjae while putting jam on his toast. Heechul was not the only one to notice it. Sungmin nudged Ryeowook. Shindong didn't take his eyes off Kyuhyun so he must know. He wasn't sure about Yesung because Yesung was doing nothing. He was simply having breakfast. It was irking looking at Yesung. Donghae, that colorful doodle, pointed out more than once 'Is there something on Hyukkie's face?'. He even drawled, 'Kyuhyun you're staaaaaaring' and he shut up only when he received a kick under the table, 'Ouch! Who kicked me?' and Leeteuk ordered Donghae to 'Eat.'.

Donghae made up for his yesterday lack of intitiave due to his being easily distracted by silly movies and lack of concentration when someone was insulting his choosing-movies-skills and his good-looking-face.

Heechul was still thinking on making that proposition to Hongki,though.

"Kyuhyun." Oh,yes. Action! He never thought that he could be excited over hearing a male talking. Shindong winked at him and he mirrored grasping the meaning of it. "Kyuhyun, can I take your toast?"

"Shindong.", Leeteuk said.

Heechul must intervene. No way he was blocking them again. "Four days", he said between fake coughs. The leader clenched his hand close,but then he silenced. 

And so Shindong could continue, "Kyuhyun,can I?..Kyuhyun!"

Hyukjae who was went back in a zombie-state just after taking a few bites flinched and oh,my,good morning,y contracting arms.


"Kyuhyuuuuun!", Donghae called joyfully.



"..what!", Kyuhyun whined.

Shindong looked like he was restraining from laughing, "Your toast...Do you mind?"

"Mind what?"

Meanwhile Hyukjae was still re-waking up.

"If I take them.....Can I?!"


Kyuhyun grunted.


"Yes,yes!", he said and Shindong didn't wait for Kyuhyun to repeat it a second time. He leaned toward the guy under Leeteuk's gaze and the others and Heechul's small smiles and took the toast from Kyuhyun's hands. Kyuhyun miraculously swivelled his head at him, "What are you-", the protest was coming out.

"You said yes.", Shindong  said,serious.

"....huh? What-I-You...", Kyuhyun grumbled. Donghae exploded in a fit of laughter. The youngest looked around him only to find heads nodding, Hyukjae too was nodding and Heechul wanted to question if it was because Hyukjae heard or because everyone was nodding and Hyukjae felt the need to nod as well. Sometimes it happened. You know, to do what the mass do.

"..........Yes.Fine.", nothing was fine. Kyuhyun was gritting, " What I wanted to say was, what are you doing hyung? Why don't you take also my juice?", the sarcasm was falling and accumulating on the floor.

"Yes,thank you Kyuhyun."



04. 05. "Come again?"

Heechul was reading this magazine on the couch, but he was listening to the two behind him.

"You said that it wasn't going to bother you if I moved some of my stuff in your part of the room."

"I don't remember that."

"You didn't remember telling Ryeowook that you wanted to wash the dishes,but you did."

"Yes. Fine. But your stuff in my part.....Are you kidding?"

"Do you want to ask Leeteuk hyung or Yesung hyung? Or Hyukjae? They were there when you said it."

Uuuuuh. Bunny Sungmin is actually a fox.

"Okay,okay.Fine.....But since when have you got that giant Hello Kitty poster!?"





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Duuuuude, I really want you to come back to write the continuation of this wonderful fic :"))))))
I really loved reading each sentence and laughed with each situation in which you put Super Junior and especially KyuHyun with his crush on HyukJae... it's like a sitcom lol
Chapter 3: You are turning me to a kyuhyuk fan!! Omg this is just so precious and adorable i hope this gets continued~ jealous kyu ftw. ( i hope you could insert some eunhae moment lol((solid eunhae shipper imsorry haha)) altho this is a kyuhyuk fic xD just to make kyu more jealous? Lolol)
Chapter 3: This is so frikin funny, I love seeing Kyuhyun suffering like this lol
Oh Heechul, thats why youre one of my bias <3 please update c: its really a cool story
257471 #4
Chapter 3: kyu...that's epic... LOL
this story is so funny... can't wait to read the next chap. hope you will update soon
RingoJuice #5
Please update! I cant wait for hyukkie to find out! hehehe!
impaktita #6
Chapter 3: pls. update
Akuropanda #7
Chapter 3: heechul is so~ wicked<3
Chapter 3: Yey yey,,,
E want more, more, and moree,,
I don't know why, but I really like this story ^^
And heechul, you are daebak,,, *two thumbs up*
Hyukkiee,, you are so clueless, but that makes you even cuter than you already is :D
Thank you for updating ^^
Chapter 3: anytime i read your stories, i have to remember that i can't do it while doing something else. not listenig to music, not eating, not thingking of anything. have to put 100% of my brain focus to read it only. the combination of words, the long (inserted) sentence, and the imagination need concentration.
but i don't mind, it's worthy, because it's sooo lovely~ and funny LOL
hope to see more updates! :D
HYUKslave #10
Chapter 3: Will hyuk reciprocate kyu's feeling?
so interesting.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ