Oh Brother.

Secret Love

Hyunae was a pretty good actress. Nobody notice how her heart was slowly breaking whenever she sees them together. She had spoken to Nana about Yongguk and she finally agreed to the date. Now the two seems to be getting more and more comfortable with each other. Hyunae made the boys promise to not utter a word about what they had confirmed over the weekend.


It was now Friday once again and Hyunae was in Nana's room. They headed straight home after school because Nana asked her for help. She didn't know what to wear for their date tomorrow and since Hyunae knows Yongguk better than she does, she asked her for help. Hyunae, the nice friend that she is agreed. "What about this?" Nana showed her another outfit as she sits on the edge of her bed. "Nope" Hyunae sighed, getting slightly annoyed. Himchan is right, I am stupid.


"Yongguk likes his girls wearing bright colors. He likes them showing their legs, but not too much since he doesn't want other guys looking. Do not show any cleavage, he hates that. Something about 'only he can see them'" Hyunae rolled her eyes as she listed the things he likes. "And wear heels. He likes his girls wearing heels. He thinks it's y."


Nana nodded her head, mentally listing what she is saying. She noticed Hyunae's attitude has been down lately and she has been meaning to ask her if something was wrong. But since Hyunae has been discreetly ignoring them, she hasn't had the chance to do so. Now that she has her cornered in her room, Nana has to ask. "Hey" she walked to her and sat down next to her. Hyunae looked up from her phone, "Hm?" 


"Are you okay?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've noticed that you don't seem to be yourself lately. Like you've down."


So you've noticed? "I'm fine" she smiled. "Just a little stressed out lately. I've had three exams this week. That's just probably it."


Hyunae plopped back on the bed and closed her eyes. Please don't ask me anymore. I might just explode on you.


"Okay then." A long silence followed. "Hyunae-ah"
"You're okay with Yongguk and I... right?


Hyunae furrowed her eyebrows and fluttered her eyes open. "Of course. Why would you ask?"
"It's just... I don't know. I don't feel quite right going out with him."
"Because of me?"

Nana nodded her head. "It's okay. Why wouldn't I be okay with it? I'm the one who convinced you to go out with him."




Saturday. The day Hyunae didn't want to think about. She woke up at the sound of her alarm going off. "" she whined as she forgot to turn off the alarm the night before. It's only 8 in the morning and she was fully awake. She stared at the white ceiling above her, trying to think of everything other than him, but she couldn't. "Maybe Himchan is right. I am stupid. I should be able to tell Yongguk everything comfortably, but why can't I tell him this?" Why? Rejection, that's why. Hyunae knows for certain that he will reject her.


She laid in bed the whole day. Literally. Hyunae didn't want to do anything. She just felt sick. Her body refused to move and her mind kept drifting off. Himchan noticed this and marched up her bedroom. "Yah" he called out, poking his head through the door. "Go away!" Hyunae grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "Get your up, take a shower and get dress. I'm taking you out" he said as he leaned on the doorframe. Hyunae pulled the blanket off her and sat up straight. "What?"


"I'm not going to let you stay in bed and sulk around. Get up and look pretty. Now" he said in the most demanding voice he could. Hyunae groaned,


"Hyun, I'm serious. I know why you're acting like this. And I know why you've been acting like this the whole week."
"I hate you"
she glared at him.
"No you don't. Now go get dress, put some make-up and make yourself look pretty. I have a rep to maintain and I can't be seen around with you looking like crap" he smirked.
" youuuuuu"




An hour later and they were in Hongdae. "Channie, this place is dead in the middle of the day" she whined. "No it's not, look there's people around. Come on." Himchan grabbed her hand and dragged her to a cafe for lunch. Once they were sat down, they examined the menu without a single word spoken. Once they have ordered their food, Himchan clasped his hands infront of him and stared down at Hyunae. "What?" she dead-panned. "Talk to me" 


"No" she sighed. She knew too well what he wanted to talk about. HImchan eyed her and she finally gave up.


"I think I am stupid" she sighed once again.
"You are stupid" Hyunae stopped playing with her straw and glared at him.
"Shut up. It's just..."
"it's over for you Hyun. They're going on a date tonight. And I'm 100% sure Nana will fall madly in love with him and they will be boyfriend and girlfriend and will live happily ever after. It's the end for you."
"Well thanks Channie. Thank you so much for the support" she said sarcastically.
"That is why you need to move on with your life. Hyun you're a beautiful girl. For s sake, you're my twin. We look exactly alike and I'm an ulzzang." Himchan boasted. "Any guys would want to be with you. Matter of fact, I know a couple of guys."
"No thanks"
"See this is why you will be forever alone. Hyun, you can't just settle for Yongguk. I know how much you love him. But if he can't satisfy your needs and give you the love you deserve, then him. Even if he's my best friend, he's not worth your damn time and love if he can't see how much of a wonderful girl you are. You need to find someone who'll appreciate you. I'm not just saying this because you're my sister, but you deserve way more than what he's giving you."


Hyunae couldn't help the tears that were forming in her eyes. Himchan is right. For six years, Hyunae has been doing everything for Yongguk. She does what a girlfriend would do for their boyfriend. She cared for him and loved him, yet he was too blind to notice since he seem like he had embedded the idea of them being just siblings on his brain. Hyunae carved in what he had told her and he's right. If Yongguk can't re-pay her for the six years she's been giving her all to him, then him.


After a while of silence and just eating, Himchan opened his mouth to speak, "You know Zelo has been crushing on you for the longest time." Hyunae burst out in laughter at his statement. "I'm serious. That boy is in love with you. Did you not see how heartbroken he was when you confrimed you love his cousin?" Hyunae shook her head. They might bicker most of the time, but she sure is grateful for her brother being there for her. Always.




"Hello?" Hyunae spoke in her morning voice. "Omo, did I wake you up?" Nana spoke on the other line, excitement was clearly in her voice. "No it's okay" Hyunae sighed. She knows why Nana called her early in the morning. What else could be the reason? "I just have to tell you about last night" Nana started. "He was so sweet Hyunae-ah. I had no idea he had it in him. He picked me on time and he looked so handsome. He was wearing a plain white tee under his letterman jacket and paired it with dark jeans and white sneakers. He looked so simple yet so good. "


"He took me some to restaurant and we ate this delicious food. We talked about everything. At first it was awkward, but then he started to speak to me and I just felt really comfortable with him. Then afterwards, we went to the movies. We watched that new chick flick movie. I can't believe he let me choose the movie and he actually endured it. Then he took me to the park. We just walked around and talked some more. You know our hands kept brushing together. Then he asked me if he could hold my hand, and of course I said yes" Nana squealed throughout her whole description of their date. "Hey, you listening?"


"Yeah. Sounds like you had the time of your lives" Hyunae tried to be enthusiastic, she tried to be happy for her friend. But she couldn't help it. She silently cried while listening to her explain how good of a guy Yongguk was. She wished he did those things with her. The tears kept flowing knowing she will never experience all that with him. Do you know how bad it hurts hearing all the things he does with another girl and knowing that you can never do them with him? That's how bad she was suffering. What's more hurtful is that the girl is her friend. 


"I think... I think I like him. Like really like him. A lot." Nana interrupted her thoughts. Hyunae could hear the smile in her voice. "We're going out again sometime this week."



Okay, that was a terrible and boring chapter.

Before writing this, I had so many ideas to write. But when I started writing, I blanked out, that's why it's so crappy.

Sorry, I wanted to have some sibling moments but I failed T_T

But thanks for reading anyways!!

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SulHu98 #1
Chapter 18: I love the ending!!!!!! "Two es who didn't even know they were in love with one another..." Amen Jiho! Amen!
mizz_attitude #3
Chapter 18: awwww, this was such a good story!!! i wonder if a part 2 is brewing?
klienchoung #4
Chapter 16: when did him and nana break up.
nameisjess #5
Chapter 18: yayy i enjoyed this :)
hi! i was wondering if you'll be finishing this story~ i hope you do :)

miso26 #7
Chapter 17: I've been waiting for this update forever, but it was worth the wait(:
Lantern89 #9
Chapter 17: Love it! Please add more!!