
Secret Love


Yongguk sat frozen in his seat. He stared straight ahead across the small table to the girl in front of him. His eyes were focused only on her, ears blocked the outside noises, and throat drying from the news he had just recieved. Was this for real? Did his best friend just reveal to him that she had been in love with him all along? Yongguk took a few moments to let the new information sink down on him. He creased his forehead and furrowed his eyebrows at her. 


Hyunae finally looked up after countless of moments staring at her lap. She took his silence as a gesture of rejection. Slightly scoffing then laughing dryly, she scooted her chair back and started to head to the back to grab her purse. Yongguk saw her make her way from the back room, clutching her purse. Hyunae glanced back to him before walking to the front door. Yongguk, noticing what she's doing, snapped out of his thoughts and followed behind her. 


She was angry. Not because of the lack of reaction from him, but because she finally confessed to him. Hyunae made a promise to herself to bring her secret to the grave, but the moment to her was just so perfect that lost all its filter. She let it out, just like that. Right when she stepped out of the cafe, the freezing wind brushed her skin and the viscious rain splashed her all over, soaking her entire being in an instant. But Hyunae didn't care. She just wanted to get out of there. She didn't want to see him nor hear what he had to say because in all honesty, she was scared. Hyunae was scared of what he had to say back to her. She was almost positive that she'll probably hear the same thing he always tell her, but this time it terrified her. She didn't want to hear it all over again. 


Yongguk grimaced at the pouring rain that blocked his vision. The rain made it impossible for him to see clearly. He squinted his eyes trying to focused on the girl in front of him, several feet away from him. For a short girl like her, she sure can walk fast. "Hyun" his voiced battled the rattling sound of the pouring rain. Hyunae paused for a second, but continued to walk and ignore him. "Stupid rain" she mumbled to herself as she heard him call out to her again. "Stupid Yongguk."


He growled at her stubborness. Yongguk jogged to her before she crossed the street. He wrapped his hand on her arm and pulled her, stopping her from her tracks. "What?!" Hyunae yelled at him. He was taken back from her biting tone. He examined her face that seems to be weary. Yongguk couldn't tell whether it was the rain or her tears that soaked her pretty face. Maybe both. "Hold on a minute will you?"


"Why should I?" Hyunae pulled her arm from his grip. "I waited long enough for your response back in the cafe, but you just remained silent. Well I'm gonna do the same thing!" she stomped her foot on the ground, throwing her little tantrum like a little child. Hyunae turned back around and started walking again. Suddenly, she was lifted off the ground and carried off somewhere. She trashed against his hold, kicking her legs and punching his back. "Yah Bang Yongguk let me down!" she cried out to him. "Shut up and stop moving. It's freezing cold and your going to get sick if you walk home."


Yongguk threw her in the passenger seat of his car. Once Hyunae landed her on the seat, she tried to push him and get out of the car. But Yongguk pinned her down and buckled her seatbelt for her. Hyunae rolled her eyes and gave up after much struggling. She met eyes with him for a brief second and then examined his whole being. He was soaked from head to toe, clothes drenched in water. Hyunae softened at the sight. He looked like a wet puppy. 


Yongguk quickly jogged to the other side and got on the driver's seat. He started the car and pulled out of the parking spot. He turned to his side to glance at Hyunae only to find her with her arms cross with a  scowl on her face. He smiled to himself and pulled out into the main street. The traffic was jammed pack considering it was rush hour with people getting off of work and rushing home. Speaking of home, Hyunae finally realized that they were heading to the opposite direction of her house. "Where are you taking me?" 


"My place"
"We need to talk"
"I don't want to talk to you"


Yongguk sighed, dropping his hands to his lap. He set the car in park, seeing how they probably won't be moving soon from the traffic. "Hyun" he started, but she cut him off. "Okay" she already let out her biggest secret, why not let it all out. "How... long?" Yongguk asked, breaking the awkward silence that filled his car. "Since we were thirteen." Hyunae sighed and lowered her gaze, focusing on the floor of his car. She gulped and continued on. "You were just so kind to me. Everything you did for me, I felt weird inside. At first I thought it was just some stupid school girl crush, so I brushed it off but I found it really hard. Then you kept saying I was just a sister to you." Hyunae turned to face him. She locked eyes with his dark orbs and her tears fell freely down her cheeks.


Hyunae quickly turned her head and wiped off her tears. "Did you know how much it hurted to keep it all in?" she choked on her tears. "Everytime I see you with girls, I felt dejected. I always asked myseld 'Why couldn't it be me?' 'What does she have that I don't?' 'What's worng with me?'" Hyunae trembled as she let out all the emotions that bottled in her for so many years. "Then you started dating my friend." Hyunae glanced at him and pointed to herself, "My friend. That hurts the most did you know that? It hurted so much when you asked me hook you guys up, it hurted so much whenever you spent time with her and not me." Her voice shook and her whole body trembled.


Yongguk's heart broke at the sight before him. The love of his life was broken right in front of his eyes and it was all because of him. It saddened him that she thought she wasn't good enough for him, when he thinks the other way around. He thinks she deserves better. Better than him.


"But it's okay." Her voice broke his train of thoughts. "You don't have to say it back oppa. I know how you feel and it's alright because I've already accepted the fact that you don't see me othe-" Hyunae didn't even finish what she was going to say. Yongguk couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't let her think that way anymore and so he acted what his heart had been meaning to do all these years. He swiftly wrapped his hand on the back of her neck and pressed her lips on his.


Hyunae's eyes widen in realization on what is currently happening. One moment she was pouring her heart out, the next he was kissing her softly. The feeling of their lips that melted with each other was extraordinary. Hyunae's eyes fluttered closed and relish this incredible moment. It was like the world had stopped once their lips had connected with each other. Everything around them became silent. The only sounds that they could hear was each other's heartbeat. After a few moments, Yongguk pulled away from her lips but was still centimeters away from her face. He cupped her cheeks with his large hands and brushed her tears away with his thumbs. Hyunae fluttered her eyes open only to be met by his smiling face. Her heart was still jumping for joy and she was at a lose for words.


"You" she stuttered and her fingers brushed her lips involuntarily. "My... my ... ... lips" she uttered. Yongguk couldn't help but chuckle at her. Yes, he is her first kiss. You would think such a beautiful and popular girl like Hyunae would have some experience in kissing. But she didn't. She was waiting for him. She was hoping that one day, he would get to steal it... and he did.


Yongguk tightened his hold on her face and placed his forehead on hers. "I like you too." He breathed out. Hyunae pulled away and stared at him. "Oppa don't play with me." Hyunae shook her head. She reached for her seatbelt and unbuckled it quickly. She slipped out of the car and started to walk back to the opposite direction. Yongguk followed after her, a scene all too familiar. "What are you doing?"


"If you're saying this because you feel bad, then forget it! I don't need your pity! If you don't feel the same way, then don't lead me on any further."
"What part of 'I like you' don't you understand?" Yongguk growled, slowly getting irritated at her stubborness. "No that. That was an understatement. I ing love you Hyun" he yelled at her. He then took her face between his hands once again and locked their lips together. In the middle of traffic. In the pouring rain.



That was . I'm sorry.

It looked so much better in my head.

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SulHu98 #1
Chapter 18: I love the ending!!!!!! "Two es who didn't even know they were in love with one another..." Amen Jiho! Amen!
mizz_attitude #3
Chapter 18: awwww, this was such a good story!!! i wonder if a part 2 is brewing?
klienchoung #4
Chapter 16: when did him and nana break up.
nameisjess #5
Chapter 18: yayy i enjoyed this :)
hi! i was wondering if you'll be finishing this story~ i hope you do :)

miso26 #7
Chapter 17: I've been waiting for this update forever, but it was worth the wait(:
Lantern89 #9
Chapter 17: Love it! Please add more!!