You are my Song



SONG: David Archuleta - Reaching Out (Lea Salonga Cover)



First meeting. My Mom said I’ll be meeting a new friend today. She said the kid was Aunt Andy’s daughter. I’ve met her once before, but she lives all the way in LA. Mommy said they’ll be staying in Seoul from now on. [Sigh] I hope her daughter’s all right. Mom knows I’m not good with making friends... I told my Mom that I’ll wait for the kid outside. I’m really nervous because I don’t have any friends my age. Be cool Krystal. She’s going to be your first friend, I’m sure of it. I took my notebook with me because I love to draw and it helps me relax. I sat on my swing as I waited for my friend.



It’s a boy, sort of. My Mommy lied to me. [Pouts] She said I’d be meeting a girl! Augh! He scared me out of nowhere! He thought it was funny! I hate boys! They’re so.. eww.


[Sigh] Turns out Mommy was saying the truth. The kid wasn’t a boy. It was a girl. Augh. And I thought I’d finally meet my first friend. [Sigh] That’s why ‘he’ looked so different from my boy classmates.


I found her cute, and maybe, MAYBE, we could’ve been friends. But I sorta beat the crap out of her when she scared me. Now she hates me. [Sigh]


Mommy told me Amber and I looked good together. She kept teasing me about it. Augh. If only she knew... She was trouble I tell you. Nothing but trouble! I can’t believe have to see her every day. She looked nothing like a girl and certainly didn’t act like one. She always ties my shoe laces together when I’m not looking. I don’t know how she does it. But I end up tripping when I stand up. Aishh! She drew me a fake moustache while I was sleeping! Augh! So immature! And can you believe she ’accidentally’ dropped her gum on my hair? Liar! I can see through those big nostrils of her! Mommy had to cut it my hair short... I cried for days ‘cause of it.



I finally had my revenge! I can’t stand her laughing at me when she saw my short hair. So I threw my shoe at the back of her head when she turned around. I pretended like nothing happened as I walked pass her. Hahaha. In your face!



The Llama’s first day in school. Aigoo. The dork and I were classmates. I’m beginning to think that she only comes to school because she has too and not because she wants to learn. She slept throughout class! Hmpf. I’m definitely not letting her copy my notes. She’s going to fail for sure.



The popular Dork. [Sigh] Everybody loves her even our teachers... How come? I mean, she’s so dorky, and noisy, and, and... [Sigh] I don’t know.. How can she be so popular? Even her smile’s so dorky. Augh! It’s ridiculous. Everyone wants to be her friend.


It’s really hard for me to make friends because the other kids don’t like me.. They think I’m too young or something and they think I’m mean because of how I look and how I dress. My Mom said that I just need to be more friendly, but it’s hard and I’ve tried. I once tried to make friends with this girl, but she just stared at me so I got scared. Besides, I think they think I’m weird.


[Sigh] The dork would’ve probably noticed that I was never with our classmates during recess or lunch. I always go outside and just draw, or sit at the bench and watch the birds or some kids playing.



[Sigh] I wish I had a friend.



My stupid Hero. It all happened so fast. We I looked up, I was surrounded by a bunch of girls; I knew some of them but the rest look like higher grades. Hyuna was at the center of everyone.


“Yah! You think you’re so better than all of us.”, Hyuna accused.


“You think we’re not enough for you to befriend?”, one girl spoke.


“Just because your Mom happens to be close with Amber’s Mom doesn’t make you friends with her.”, another girl spoke.


What the heck?


“And why do you always have that stupid notebook with you!”, Hyuna pointed at me.


“She’s probably writing nasty stuff about all of us.”, one of Hyuna’s friends whispered, but I think she said it loud for everyone to hear.


Everybody started accusing me of all these things that I don’t understand.


I stood up trying to escape but they had me cornered. I screamed as loud as I can, hoping to be heard by one of our teachers; but more students just came and surrounded us.


Hyuna tried to get a hold of my notebook. She was pulling so hard that I lost my grip. It was an accident. I swear I didn’t mean to hurt her. 


“Why you!”, Hyuna screamed as she was being helped by her friends to stand up. I took the chance to crawl through them. But Hyuna stepped on my hand just as I was about to grab my notebook.


Then I felt that Hyuna was about to kick my face so I closed my eyes shut, but when opened my eyes I saw Amber standing in front of me. She screamed at them and scared the away. I was grateful, but I heard them talking about me the other day when I passed by the cafeteria to get a drink. It hurt a lot when I heard Amber joining them in talking about mean things about me. I seriously thought she was better than them.


She turned around to help me, but I ended up screaming at her. She’s just like them. As we got home, I locked myself inside my room and kept crying until I fell asleep.


I didn’t want to attend class the next day, but I don’t want my Mom to worry so I just it up and went to school.



I was on high alert the whole time because I feel like they were going to have their revenge on me the moment class was done. So I kept careful about my surroundings. Just as I was about to relax I heard a bunch of boys shouting and a bunch of students gathering in the middle of the school yard. I didn’t wanna peak but I was curious so I stood up the bench to see the middle of the crowd. It was Amber! She was beating up a bunch of guys.


I paid my attention on them when I heard her shouting, “Don’t you ever try to hurt Krystal!”




I saw one of the guys holding a sack. When Amber was about to walk up to him he let go of the sack. Water balloons? Amber took one balloon in her hand and threw it to the boy. “If you think you’re going to throw these at her, think again buddy!” Wow... I never knew Amber could be this.. tough.


The guy who held the balloons got Amber’s attention, she didn’t see the guy behind her taking a swing at her. Oh my God! Amber got hit. Her, is bleeding! I saw her spitting some blood before she wiped with her hand.


She gave the guy a kick making him kneel on the ground. Just when everything was done a teacher finally decided to show up. I slapped my forehead, knowing Amber will definitely get in trouble for this.

She... she tried to protect me from all those boys. I secretly followed her and the boys to the principal’s office. I heard the principal shouting at them for causing a fight. When I heard the principal shouting at Amber, I felt really guilty of what happened so I decided to explain to my teacher what happened. I guess she saw the sack of balloons so she told me she’ll explain to the principal what happened. But Amber would still being trouble for beating up our classmates and starting the fight. She’s really tough and strong for a girl; beating all those guys up.


I felt so guilty when I saw Amber’s bloody lip. So the moment we got home, I pulled her to the kitchen grabbed the medicine kit and an ice pack. Tsk.. Her lip was really swollen.


“You’re so stupid Amber... You didn’t have to beat them up!”, I shouted at her as she had her head bowed.


“And... [Sigh] you’re such an idiot.. for.. protecting me... [Sigh] Thanks...”, she looked up at me as I gave my thanks; only as a whisper though. But I think she heard it anyway because her frown suddenly turned into this big grin.


“Dork.”, I said as I continued wiping her face. I think her smile was contagious because I found myself smiling too. I placed the icepack on the side of as we just sat in front of each other, still smiling.


“[Ehem] Starting now, I, Amber J. Liu promise to protect you Krystal Jung from any human, hideous creatures or any hurt that you will feel!”, she suddenly spoke out of nowhere offering me her pinky at the same time.


Cute. [Sigh] But I can’t say that out loud so I said the next best thing, “Stupid.”



Love at first spit. Ever since she made that promise, she never left my side. I guess that’s how it all started. Amber was really... patient and understanding. She broke my walls down. Slowly, I was able to open up to her and because of that she better understood who I am or where I was coming from. Aside from her getting to know me, I also got to know her more. Just when I thought she reached her dorkiest limit, I was wrong. Amber was the really dorkiest kid ever! EVER! She always tried to make me laugh whether it was on purpose or just by accident. But that’s just another side to her, as we got closer I saw how.. beautiful she was as a person. She was smart, but lazy; she was tough but sensitive. She loves her Mom and treats her very well. She told me Auntie was the queen and I was her princess; while she was our ‘knight-in-shining-armor’. [Sigh] Stupid.


Because of Amber, I realized how lucky I was to have my Dad; I can tell she misses her Dad. I couldn’t help but think that’s why she acts like a boy. Don’t get me wrong, her style totally suits her. I can’t imagine her dressing up like me or having long hair. Hahaha. Can you imagine? I rather not; it would be a total waste of such a handsome face... Aigoo. What am I saying? [Sigh] it’s true though, that’s why a lot of girl’s fan over her. Even without those handsome features, girls or guys will love her because she was very friendly, outgoing, witty, and funny. She’s a perfect catch.


She’s good in martial arts too; another thing to add into her never-ending list of ‘chick-magnet’ qualities. It was actually very useful because she used her skills to warn off some of my suitors! Hahaha.


One day we had this homeroom project, writing about the people that mean the most to us. Amber did the dorkiest thing ever. Her project was a story with a fairytale concept. She started telling the story about a Queen and a [Ehem] handsome Prince who rode a llama. It was hilarious, but when she mentioned something about an Ice princess I stopped joining the laughter. Cinha.. It was so embarrassing when everyone kept laughing. Our teacher was easily amused about her creativity even giving her a perfect score! Even getting a higher score than me. Everyone cheered for Amber as I kept my head on my table embarrassed and flushed as hell. I didn’t need to look up to tell that she had this big grin on her face. But just when I thought it was over, she bowed in front of me calling me ‘princess’ before taking her seat next to me. Of course this only caused our classmates to get even rowdier, even our teacher joined in the teasing! Augh! I swear I wanted to die that day. I pinched her so hard it bruised the next day.


What a dork!


My parents caught me beating Amber up with our couch pillows telling me to get off her. But I told them what happened and they just laughed their butts off even provoking Amber to retell the story.


But I couldn’t stop smiling that night and because of that I fell asleep with a handsome llama in my mind.



It was a weekend. I just got home from shopping with my Mom when one of our maids who greeted us told me there was someone in my room.


There she was lying on my bed like it’s hers. Hahaha. I think she was day-dreaming because she didn’t notice me coming in.






“Are you daydreaming again?! I’ve been calling you like crazy!”


“Sorry.. I-I was just thinking about something...”


“About what?”, I asked her as I skipped my way to her before giving her a punch on her belly.


“Ouch! Why do you ALWAYS do that??”


“I’m just expressing my love for you.”, I showed her some aegyo, acting innocent, before I jumped on her.


“Yah right.. You know this reminds me of the time we first met. Except now, you’re not killing me with your notebook.”, she said as she crossed her arms.


I mimicked her action as I spoke. “Well, first off.. You almost gave me a heart-attack! Second.. You ruined what I was sketching [I pinched her waist]! Third.. I was expecting to meet someone who could potentially be my first friend which I expect was a girl, not some creepy guy!”


She gave me a pout when she heard the word ‘creepy’ and threw me off her. “Yah! I’m offended!” She spoke as I laughed my off.


“First off.. I did it as a joke! Second.. It was an accident! And if I knew you would be so violent, I wouldn’t have done it. Third, it’s not my fault I’m a girl with a handsome face.”, she said as she placed her right hand under her chin making a pose.


I , making vomiting sounds and actions. I know. That dork’s really contagious.


Oh no. I know that smirk. Amber, whatever you’re thinking. Don’t. Too late. She was already on top, tickling me.


“M! S-s-stop. S-stop!!”


“Say it!”


“Nooo!” I knew what she wanted me to say. ‘Amber’s the most handsome creature on this planet.’ Ew.




“A-all r-right! All right!!” I pretended to give up to make her stop.


“What?” she smirked as she pinned me down completely.


“Amber’s... Am-ber’s... the.. hand-dorkiest llama ever!!”, I screamed at her as I tried to escape, but she was stronger.


“Augh. You gave me no choice Jung.” Amber warned.


“No Amber. Noo!” Oh my God! She was gonna spit on me!


“Stop!! Eeeekkk!!!” I closed my eyes shut as I saw her opening .


It took me a while to realize that she was just playing with me. We ended up staring at each other after I opened my eyes.


What’s happening to me? Why do I suddenly have the urge to pull Amber closer?


My eyes slowly went down towards her lips that were pink, plump and glistening.


Augh! What am I thinking?!


Amber... Stop staring, please.


I was panicking. I didn’t think so I ended up spitting on her.


She got off me the moment she understood what I did and went straight to the bathroom.



It took a minute before I realized what happened. I think I wanted Amber to kiss me. [Sigh] Then I realized I just spit on her.. Hahaha! Oh my God. What did I just do? I think she heard me having a fit because I heard her laughing as well inside the bathroom. That’s just how we were to each other, there’s nothing that can make us uncomfortable with each other. But what just happened a while ago? There was suddenly.. what’s the word? Awkwardness.



[Sigh] I covered my face with my hands before fanning myself. That night I realized it was official. I think... I have... I do... I have a crush on my best friend.



The next few days were a bit awkward for me, with prom coming near and what not. Aishh...Cincha. A lot of girls are already asking her! Hmpf. She better not say yes to any of them!



Amberrr... Why do you keep treating me as if I’m just one of the guys? And why do you keep caring for me like I’m just your little sister? [Sigh] Nothing’s gonna change I guess... But, why do I keep wanting more? [Sigh] Forget it... We’ll always be best friends; JUST best friends.


 What must I do to make you understand
You mean everything to me
Don't have the strength to say



A llama with two left feet. All of my friends had their boyfriends as their dates. But as for me, Amber’s the only one I’d wanna go to prom with. It’s not just because I like her more than a friend, but because there’s no one I’d rather spend my first prom with other than her; she’s still my first and only best friend. I keep telling her to go without me, because no one asked me. It’s absolutely fine with me if no one did; I just wanted her to want me to go. I’m not desperate am I?



So prom’s finally here. My Mom helped me pick my dress. Though Amber and I were just going as friends.. I still.. I still wanted to look good for her. I’m sure she’ll look even handsome, so I just... I wanted to look good beside her. [Sigh] Mom told me she’s already downstairs waiting for me. I really controlled myself not to take a peak downstairs because I’m still not done dressing up. Who knew preparing for prom can be this hectic?



Aishh! That dork left without me! Amber said she’ll just see meet me there. [Sigh] Was I not worth the wait? [Pouts]



I started getting nervous that I forgot about the dance. Although we practiced a lot of times, there wasn’t a session where I didn’t step on Amber’s feet. I know. I have two left feet. I’m not denying it that’s why Amber’s feet was always sore after practice. Hahaha. But like I said, my worries were from the cotillion dance, it was about Amber liking my dress or how I look. When I got there everyone’s eyes was on me. I wonder how Amber will react...


I walked as fast as I can; good thing I already spotted my friends’ table as I descended the stairs. But.. I don’t see any Amber. [Another pout]


My friends all greeted me when I arrived at our table, but I just waved them off because I was busy looking for that dork. I already forgot that I was mad at her for not waiting for me. I just wanted to find her.


“Hyung!! There’s your date Krys!”, Sulli pointed behind me. I don’t think my heartbeat ever felt this strong. It only feels this way when she’s near and knowing that I slowly turned around taking my time. I turned my body to face her before I lifted my head and I met her gaze. Amber had open. That dork. Gosh.. now I’m feeling all flushed... Mom told me that the only way to find out if someone thinks you look good was to see them with their mouths hanging, along with a blushed face. And that was exactly Amber at the moment; not to mention her ears were all red.


Give this heart of mine a chance
And maybe then you will see
That I'll do anything, do anything that you tell me
I'll be there, I'll be there, if you need me


Oh my God.. I took a closer look at her. Amber never looked this dapper. She was easily the most handsome person in our prom. And I bet I’m not the only one thinking that.


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She was wearing a simple tux with a cute slim bow tie. And it was the first time I saw her with her hair like that. She normally just lets it down in one sweep; kinda like Justin Bieber’s hair but better. This time she styled it a bit; not too much, just combing it side wards. Now everyone can see her face more clearly. 


Gosh. How long can we stay like this? I tried to give her a smile, but it was no use. She still wouldn’t budge. Amber?


Good thing Minho and Suzy distracted us and we were able to tear our stares away.


Before all of our friends went to the dance floor, I saw Jonghyun elbowing Amber. Of course she fought back by shouting at him which I found really funny; suave on the outside but still that same dork on the inside.


“Come on.”, I led her to the dance floor when we were the only ones left standing outside of the dance floor. I led her to our position until we stopped and got ready.



It was time for the traditional junior cotillion dance. I had to place her hand on my waist because she wasn’t doing anything. I even fixed our position. Now Amber and I can see eye to eye because of my heels.


“You okay?”, I asked her.




“You look really pale.” She did. I wonder... I placed my hand on her cheek then her forehead.


“I’m fine.” She spoke to assure me. But I wasn’t buying it.


“Now you’re turning red.” Now she was back to being red as well as her ears. Hahaha. Is she nervous because of me?


She broke my train of thoughts as she said. “Let’s just concentrate in dancing.”


Arasso.”, as said looking at her.


“Ouch.” Did.. did she just step on me?




“It’s fine.”, I gave her a small smile. I can see she’s sweating a bit. Hahaha. After all her teasing, now she steps on me.


I saw her biting her lips. This was a habit of hers when she’s nervous. Now it’s confirmed. Hahaha.


“Ouch. Amber!”, Oh my God. She stepped on me again. I know I’m supposed to feel hurt. I am, especially with these darn 3-inch heels, but it’s just so funny when she embarrasses herself; especially when it’s in front of me.


The whole cotillion dance was a pattern of Amber stepping on my feet and with her apologizing after. After that I’d give her a smile or I’d stick my tongue out to her to . I actually.. enjoyed it minus the stepping-on-my-feet part.



After the formal dance ended, the real prom finally began; with loud music blasting out of the speakers and teens dancing at the center of the room. It was just me and Amber left at the table.


“Hyung! Kryssie!! Dance with us! You guys are so boring!”, we heard Sulli shouting as she danced with the rowdy crowd. Good thing the music was really loud; Amber and I just pretended not to hear her. Amber started pointing at a couple dancing weirdly on the dance floor and she started creating a fake monologue dubbing over their lips. It was one of our favourite games. She showed me that game when we had just started being friends to make me laugh. We would take turns dubbing other people and making funny monologues. These are the things I loved about Amber and one of the best things about our friendship; making each other laugh. I also loved our closeness because she knows I have a habit of leaning my head, and most of the time I tend to lean on her shoulder.


When our laughter died, I turned my face up to look at her and saw her looking at me too. [Sigh] Why is this so complicated? I wish I can just easily kiss you just like Sulli to Taemin, or Luna to Onew, or Vic to Khun...


[Ehem] “Uh...” I heard her say.


What’s up with all the stares Amber? Do you...?


She suddenly pulled me to the dance floor saying, “Let’s dance!”  [Sigh] Dork.


Dancing is fun when there aren’t any steps that I should follow. Amber was grinning the whole time as we danced with our friends. I noticed some of the girls trying to say ‘hi’ to her, some even tried dancing in front of her and pushing me without Amber noticing. Augh! I’m her date for God’s sakes! Go away. The only thing I can think of was to out dance the other girls, which really worked because Amber never took her eyes off me. [Blush]


Just when we were having so much fun, the music stopped and suddenly changed into a slow one.


[Reference music: Jon Mclaughlin - So Close]


She was about to go back to our table when I held her back, making her turn to me.


“Come on. My date should at least give me one slow dance... Just be careful not to step on me again, okay?”, I .


Reaching out to you
Do you feel it to
Loving you is all I wanna do
I'm completely sure
I've never felt this way before
When I smile, you know that there is something more


I had to order her again like the last time we slowed dance; I placed left hand on her right shoulder after I placed her right hand on my hips. Then I took her left hand with mine. This time I led the dance. I know she’ll be okay with it since I always order her around. But this time, there was something different about her. [Sigh] I wish we could stay like this forever.



Our first suitor. If there’s one thing I hate, it was people making up rumours. A week has already passed since prom, but people were still talking about couples that became ‘official’; one of them was me and Amber. Of all my years in school, this past week made me so happy. People, well most girls from our school thought Amber was mine. I guess I need to remind myself to thank those people that spread the rumour; ‘Amber was taken’ and I was the one who had her. Since then not one girl tried to flirt with Amber. It was probably one of those girls that were ignored by Amber as we were dancing. Crazy. [Sigh] But like all things, happiness always brought sadness along. Ever since prom, Amber kept avoiding me... It wasn’t because of the rumours, Amber would care less; it was Minho. I saw her watching us as he asked me for a dance. After the first song ended, Amber and I switched partners with Minho and Suzy. Minho.. well.. he told me he liked me. It wasn’t a big deal, because I was sure who I liked... And I think Amber heard it... Plus, the day after prom... Well, Suzy had ask for my permission if it was okay to like Amber... [Sigh] Augh! Could things be more complicated? Amber’s fangirls finally stopped annoying her, then this had to happen. Why?...



I knew there was something that Amber wasn’t telling me because she was never busy for me... She.. she always had time for me.. and same goes for me too... [Sigh] If she wants to avoid me, then I’m fine with giving her space even if it will kill me being away from her. I noticed Amber and Suzy got a lot closer... With Amber gone, I had no one to hang out with. The only obvious choice was Minho, because he was the only one left among our circle of friends who gave me some time; he’s actually not that bad, but he was very shy. After a few weeks Minho had finally asked me if he could take me out on a date; I wasn’t surprised but I told him I’d think about it.


I bumped into Suzy the day after Minho had asked me. We ended up catching up on things; of course I asked about Amber. Suzy told me she was fine, a bit out lately, but doing good. Then I told her about Minho when she had asked about him. But I made it clear that nothing more than friendship was going on between me and Minho.



With or without you. Amber distancing herself was starting to get.. painful... She stopped attending classes. Knowing that dork she probably got permission from Auntie if she could spare the last few days of school since our grades were already finalized. I couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to visit her after class. As usual their house was empty. But I know where she is. I bought some of her favourite milk tea and I placed them inside their fridge; I only took two so I can bring it up with me.



“Hey.” I greeted her as I offered her favourite drink.


“Hey.”, she greeted me back not even bothering to look at me. She just kept staring at the night sky.


“How’d you know I was here?”, she asked me.


“I’ve known you since you were seven. I think I know you well enough to find you.” Amber’s bedroom window has access to their rooftop.


“How’ve you been?” I wanted to know how she was doing. Secretly, I wanted to know what’s been going on with her and Suzy.


What must I do, so I can make you see
The light that shines in my eyes
You brighten up my day
You even help me find my way


I kept staring at her. When I saw her opening her eyes I avoided her gaze by looking at the stars. Somehow, I can feel her stare.



“Still breathing.”, she answered as I turn to her, but she was already looking at the stars again.


“Dork.. What kind of answer is that?”, I smiled at her very vague reply.


“[Sigh] I’m fine.. You?”


I really want to know what’s been going on with her and Minho so I spoke straight to the point and told her about me and Minho, hoping she’d also open up. “Minho asked me out.”


“Oh.”, was her only reply.


As I was about to talk again, she followed, “You like him?”


I took a deep breath and lied. It was hard.. lying to her.. But I wanted to see if... she cares. “I.. I don’t know...”


“I guess...” I followed.


She sat up and brought her knees to her chest. Amber... Are you bothered?


[Sigh] “So, how’s Suzy?”


“I don’t know.. Fine, I guess..” she gave another vague answer.


But she continued with saying, “S-she told me.. she already likes me.. more than a friend...”


“I know.”, I replied as calm as possible, but inside I feel like breaking.


“What? How did you...”, She sounded surprised?


I told her how Suzy asked me the day after prom; asking my permission. She thought it was funny. It kinda is.. “I don’t know either.. It’s not like I own you.” I playfully retorted and we ended up with another fit of giggles.


“I miss.. hanging out with you...” She misses me? [Sigh] You don’t know how much I missed you too...


I didn’t notice the cold until she placed her jacket on me.




“So.. How’ve you been? How’s school?” She asked me how was school. Maybe you would know if you just went to class dork.


“M.. Thanks..”


“You already said that.. But you’re welcome.” She ruffled my hair as she spoke. But, it wasn’t about the jacket anymore. It was prom... before all of these happened, she made me really happy. She still does. Because of her prom wouldn’t be as special.. [Sigh] You don’t know how much control you have over me Amber. I’ve been numb all week without you, but being here already made me forgot about it.


“No.. Uh, it’s not just for the jacket...But for taking me to prom..”


“Oh, that. It’s not a problem... Really.. I had a good time... Sort of..” She spoke but, I didn’t hear the last part.



I miss her... At the moment, I don’t care about anything else; just me and her right now. I took a deep breath before I wrapped my hands around her waist and leaned my head on her shoulder. She followed me by wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I wish you're always by my side
And I cant stop, don't know how to stop thinking of you
I'll do anything, do anything to be near you



Your warmth. Our Moms and their friends decided to have an outing. After that rooftop incident, things turned back to normal. I forced Amber to at least attend class thrice a week, but she still didn’t come! That lazy bum! I had to go to their house everyday just to check on her. She’s taking advantage of Auntie’s trust. [Sigh] After a while things have finally settled down. I already told Minho that I just wanted to be friends and Amber did the same to Suzy after I nagged her in telling me. New rumours actually arrived because it just so happens that Amber and Suzy were absent for the last three days of class. However I texted Suzy and found out that she had chickenpox. Oh well. I hope she gets well soon. [Sigh] Anyway, so Amber and I were at the beach with Sulli, Luna and Victoria.


I’ve been hogging Amber the whole day. I asked her to teach me how to skim-board, we built sandcastles together, and took a stroll along the beachside. Well, she was the one who did all the strolling because I asked her if she can just give me a piggy back ride; knowing Amber, she can’t turn me down.


Sulli had been complaining that Amber had just been spending time with me. She also wanted a piggyback ride. I thought Amber was gonna give her one because she placed me down beside Luna and Vic; turns out she was just going to lie down.


“Are you tired?” Maybe she was; it was a long walk.


“Nope. You’re light as a feather and you’re heavier than a cow.”, she said to tease Sulli.


Hmm, I know this is pushing it too much. But I wanted to sit with Amber. We used to do it before and it was fine. So I ordered her.






“There aren’t any vacant seats anymore..”, I gave her a pout pointing towards our friends lying down beside her.


She stood up. “Where’re you going?”


“You told me to move?”


“No silly! Just move a bit. We can fit!” I don’t know what got into me but my heart was beating twice as fast knowing we’d be closer if we tried to sit together.


I saw her sitting back down and moving to her sides. I suddenly snatched her right arm to use it as a pillow as I laid myself beside her. I can feel that she was a bit tense which made me relax a bit. I wanted to face her but that’ll be even more awkward. My tiredness finally got the best of me and I fell asleep. I actually dreamt of Amber; in my dream I was thanking her for not taking Suzy out on a date.


I woke up feeling something warm on my cheek. I got cross-eyed when I looked in front. Amber’s face was right in front of mine with zero distance. I repeat, zero distance. Since my head was leaning down a bit, the tip of her nose was already touching my right cheek. I guess it was her breathing that woke me up.


[Sigh] I’m scared to move because if I do our lips might overlap... But, would that be so bad?


Reaching out to you
Do you feel it to
Loving you is all I wanna do


I felt my heart starting to beat faster as I played what I was about to do in my mind. I took a deep breath before I slowly, very slowly move my face a bit. I swear I can hear every beat of my heart clearly.


There. The moment my lips touched hers a surge of electricity came from our connection disseminating throughout my entire body. The more I stayed in that position the more I wanted everything to get deeper. I slowly opened my mouth, giving a small space enough to capture her lower lip. It felt so right. It felt so good... After a few seconds I felt Amber’s breathing deepen so I broke our kiss and pretended to be asleep. 


I can feel her distancing herself away from me making me miss our contact. I pretended to stir and I placed my head on the crook of her neck. I love the way you smell Amber.


She tried to shake me as she called out my name. I guess I better stop this pretending. So I removed my head from her neck and looked up. The moment I did she looked down at the same time making our noses collide. If we didn’t have such sharp noses our lips might’ve touched already.


Luna came screaming at us. I didn’t even understand what she said because I was too flustered about everything. [Sigh] I can’t believe I did what I did. I just kissed Amber while she was in her sleep. [Sigh] This girl’s really making me crazy. I noticed Amber was still a bit flustered even after dinner. I tried talking to her but she just gave me short replies. I wonder what’s wrong... That night Amber chose to sleep in one of the single beds rather than sleep next to me on the queen bed. [Sigh] I wish I could feel your warmth again.



New friends. Summer was over like a blink of an eye. What was I didn’t even get to spend time with Amber because she went back to LA to stay at her grandparent’s over the summer.


I was like a zombie for a while. But my parents kept throwing me out of the house to spend time with my friends which I was very grateful for. If not I might’ve just been moping around, waiting for Amber to contact me. By the last three weeks of summer I found out that my cousin Nicole will be staying permanently here in Seoul. Were not very close because she was always loud, hyper and bubbly which was so not me. It was awkward at first because my Mom forced me to bond with her, good thing I always brought my friends along so it’ll be less awkward. I was actually thankful for Nicole, because she was really considerate of me; kinda like an unnie. She reminds me a bit of Amber because of her friendliness and the way she carries this attractive aura.



Senior year bites! Augh. Me and Amber aren’t classmates anymore. Boo... After all these years why now? On our senior year... [Sigh] But we tried to make it work. She’s still the same dork she was even before she left for vacation. Can you believe se nominated me for student council president without my permission? And the unbelievable thing was I won. I knew I wouldn’t have won if it wasn’t for her, not just about her nominating me but for helping me. I’m not a fool; I was aware that she would often campaign for me around school, using her charms and her popularity to get me votes. What a dork.


Our friend wanted to throw me a victory party so we were celebrating tonight. We all turned our head towards her when Luna saw her approaching our table. I didn’t hesitate to hug her before she sat next to me. She hugged me in return and gave me a pat on my head. Geez. I’m not a dog Amber! I was instantly distracted when I heard Nicole introducing herself to Amber. It kinda confused me because I knew they were classmates.


“H-hey. Hey? Aren’t we in the same class?”, We all heard Amber asking her.


“Finally! I thought you’d never notice me. I’m Nicole.” It was funny. Stupid Amber. Nicole’s in your class.


“Ayee!!” The guys teased Amber like always, but I saw something fishy. Nicole was definitely blushing. If I can slap my forehead right now I’d definitely would because I know that look. Nicole totally has a crush on Amber. [Sigh]


I heard Amber faking a cough because Nicole was still not letting her hand go after their handshake. I rolled my eyes. Amber then turned to me causing me to fake a smile.


“[Ehem] Uh, so... H-how do you guys know each other?” She must have been confused as to why Nicole was here with us since she never sat with us during lunch. She made her own group of friends composed mostly of their classmates. I bet Amber doesn’t know them either. That dork only cares about her football teammates, her friends, Auntie, and [Ehem] me.


“She’s my..” I was about to tell her when Nicole joined in.


“Cousin. Nicole Jung.”, Nicole answered giving Amber her eyes smiles. Damn. Amber might think she’s cute. She’s a er for aegyos. Trust me I know.


Even though it was my victory party I did not at all enjoy it because Amber and Nicole had their own world. Amber didn’t even talk to me the whole night because Nicole kept interrupting us and changing the topic. [Sigh] I got mad at Amber and I didn’t bother talking to her the whole night.


As we left the restaurant to get ready to go home Amber suddenly walked beside me and handed me my helmet. Well, actually it was just her extra helmet because I’m the only one who always used it ever since she got her motorcycle.


“Krys, here.”, she spoke offering me the helmet. But out of the blue, I blurted out that Minho will be the one taking me home.


“I- I am?”, Minho said, confused.


I decided to make Amber jealous by placing my arm around Minho’s before saying, “Y-yeah you are stupid.”


“Oh right.”, Minho said as he faked a giggle. All of our friends, except for Nicole already know that I like Amber more than a friend. They said they already had a feeling about it. They also said that I’m not the only one. But it was too good to be true if Amber did feel the same because she always treated me like her sister.


I saw Amber faltering a bit. And as I was about to get on Minho’s motorcycle, I heard her calling my name. But I regret that I looked back because I only saw Nicole snatching the extra helmet from Amber. I think she’s going to ride with Amber. Wait-what the- But she lives the other way!


“Yah! You live the other way!” I shouted across the parking lot.



“What? Who says I’m going home? I’m going with Amber!”, Nicole said as she hugged Amber. Augh. She’s too hyper again. And that dork! Is she liking my cousin or something? Why does she have that fat grin on her face?


Just before I was about to complain again, I hear Amber say. “Arasso. Let’s go!”


[Sigh] Now I feel like a loser... [Super pout]


Minho stayed kept me company when we got home since my parents were still at work. I must admit, he made me feel good. He told me how Amber feels the same for me. We had some serious conversations but all in all it wasn’t anything awkward because Minho was already in a happy relationship.



I hate my life. I knew I shouldn’t have run for president! Augh. So many responsibilities! I had drama club, track and field, as well as student council. As if preparing for college wasn’t enough. Ahh. Cincha.. I’m going crazy. [Sigh] If there’s one good thing about being busy it was being distracted from thinking about Amber. I heard Minho stepped down as football team captain so she had the position. As much as I wanted to celebrate with her, I couldn’t because I had my hands tied. I only see her during lunch time, and sometimes not even then because I would be reading or memorizing scripts for the drama club or helping out our professors. To top it all there’s this new guy that keeps bothering me. He was actually in the same class as me; I think his name is... Kibum? K-kyle? Oh, that’s right. Kai.. His name is Kai. I don’t like him. He’s a bit cocky and thinks he’s all that just because his good-looking; even so, he wasn’t my type and I don’t have the time for him.


After helping our class adviser in organizing some school files, I went out hoping to catch up with my friends at the cafeteria but as I was on my way there I saw Nicole and Amber playing around with each other. I wanted to turn back but I was curious and since it has been a while that I talked to Amber. When I came closer I noticed that Nicole was actually bugging Amber about something. It was really a funny scene. As much as I wanted to cut the scene and shout at my cousin for bugging Amber, I wanted to see Amber’s reaction and how she will handle things. Hahaha. I was laughing so hard when Nicole aegyo was a total fail. Hahaha! Then the next thing I saw was Nicole jumping on Amber’s back. Geez! She was really persistent. Augh! She even bit Amber’s ear! Funny as hell, but no one can do that to my Amber. As I was about to stop them I heard Amber agreeing, making me stop on my tracks. Just when I was about to ponder about what she agreed to I saw Nicole squealing, jumping for joy as she hugged Amber.


“Woooh!! I have a date with Amber Liu!! Final-” I saw Amber dragging her outside. I didn’t notice that a crowd was already surrounding them as people made way for Amber and Nicole; she was dragging my cousin outside. The crowd immediately dispersed talking about what they had just witnessed. [Sigh] These damn people! Always minding other people’s business. [Sigh] Maybe that’s why she didn’t see me.


I didn’t bother eating lunch and just spent the rest of the day at the rooftop; it was my first time cutting classes and surprisingly I didn’t care one bit.



Truce. The next day I fainted after I got out of my room. My Mom and Dad told me that I wasn’t waking up. They called our personal doctor over to our house and I was diagnosed with dehydration, anemia and over-fatigue. [Sigh] I don’t care anymore. I turned off my phone ever since I got a text from Amber that day, she was asking how I’m doing. [Sigh] She said she missed me... I was angry at her at the time so I ended up turning off my phone.


My friends heard about what happened to me because I’ve been absent since Tuesday. They visited me and told me about what was happening in school I guess they didn’t want to upset me so they didn’t mention anything about Amber. When everyone left Suzy told me that Amber doesn’t know. I asked her not to tell Amber about this unless... unless she asks... But Amber probably thinks she know me better than our other friends so she doesn’t bother them about me. That’s true, but like I said, I’ve also gotten close to them over summer with her gone for vacation. It was now a Saturday, which reminds me; it’s also Amber and Nicole’s date. [Sigh]


I was still resting, but when I woke up I saw Amber sitting in front of me. I felt her reaching for my hand and rubbing it softly with hers. She apologized... Why now Amber? Why did it have to take you 5 day to find me?... to know how weak I was... [Sigh] 


“What are you doing here?” I said as I stared blankly at her.


“I-I heard from Auntie-”


“You just heard?”, I cut her as she was explaining.


“Krys... I’m so sorry...” [Sigh] Amber. I’m the one who’s weak here. Why are you? Stop making me sympathize for you...


I tried to sit myself up and I refused her offer while I spoke, “[Sigh] I don’t get you anymore Amber...”


“...” She didn’t say anything. I know she feels very guilty.


“We’re best friends, but you treat me like I’m nothing... Don’t I mean... anything to you anymore?”


“Don’t say that...”


“It’s true... Ever since.. Ever since you and Nicole became close... you’ve changed... ” I tried my hardest not to let my tears come out.


“You... you barely talk to me anymore... I... ” I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. When I finally calmed myself down, she had her head bowed but she was smiling.


“[Sigh] Am, I’m serious... Does this look funny to you?”


“[Sigh] I’m sorry... I’ve just been busy and-”


“That’s no excuse... I was busy too... But Nicole... You had time for her...”, I softly said trying not to sound desperate and jealous.


“Yah... What about.. that Kai?.. You didn’t even... [Sigh] Never mind...”


“I’m sorry...”, For the fourth time she apologized once again. She laid her head near my lap. She spoke again but it was muffled. I accidentally placed my right hand on top of her head. I guess I couldn’t help myself. I was longing for her.. My train of thoughts broke when I she lifted her head to speak.


“I said, I don’t like your cousin...” Again, my hand moved to its own accord when I heard Amber say that. I accidentally gripped her hair. [Sigh] Was.. she just toying with my cousin?


“W-were you just... playing with her?”


She placed her left hand on top of mine and grip my hand gently as she explained,  “I wasn’t... [Sigh] You’re cousin’s really stubborn; even more stubborn than you... She keeps... sticking to me like glue... I can’t... I can’t get rid of her... [Sigh]” Then she plopped herself once again after exhaling a deep breath.


“[Sigh] Ditto... Kai’s the same...” I spoke as I realized she had the same situation as me.


She started giggling.


“What’s so funny?” I asked her.


“It’s just so ironic... I was honestly.. just waiting for you to approach me, but... turns out.. you’re just waiting for me too.”


I ended up laughing too. I guess I just couldn’t stay mad at her.


“[Sigh] Why do we always get the simplest things in between us?” I asked her as I was now massaging her head with my hand; but she removed it because she was going to give me a hug. I missed her so much that I hugged her back without any hesitation. I laid my head on her shoulder as she kept rubbing my back, before she spoke.


“I’m sorry I broke my promise...”


“What?”, I didn’t hear her because my heart was beating crazy with our closeness; it had been so long since our last hug.


”I, Amber J. Liu promise to protect you Krystal Jung from any human, hideous creatures or any hurt that you will feel...”, I heard her repeated the promise she made to me when we were kids.


“I’m sorry I hurt you... and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you... I should’ve... taken care of you...”


[Sigh] I guess she did break it; somehow I couldn’t help but feel it was partially my fault why she broke that promise. I also avoided her so... I placed my hand on the back of her head as I forgave her.


“Water under the bridge... So... Truce?”  I said after breaking our hug.


“Truce.” She replied holding my hand.


Amber ended up staying over; she hadn’t realized it had been very late because we spent the whole day catching up on each other. I even slept in her arms; leaving me to drift off to dreamland with a big smile on my face.

I'm completely sure
I've never felt this way before
When I smile, you know that there is something more
Something more




Reaching for the stars. Ever since that night things went back to the way it was; well, sort of. I observed Amber and I was starting to think that maybe... just maybe she also feels the same. Victoria and the rest of my girl friends told me to make Amber jealous, but I didn’t want that; I’m scared that the same thing will happen again. So I did the next best thing, as Suzy suggested, I became more intimate with her. It worked though! Suzy’s a genius! I always try to initiate skinship with Amber while pretending to be cool about it. Even using our study sessions as a way to . Hahaha. It was so funny and cute at the same time because Amber would get all flushed and her ears all red. I even purposely blow air into her ear and let my lips graze it as I whisper to her. I tell you it was priceless. I can hear her breathing get shallow and see the hairs on her hands stand up. I have to give it to myself; I’m a good tease! Hahaha.



Amber was my partner for prom for the second time and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She looked so simple, yet so handsome; just the way she should be. She wanted to go shopping with me I thought she just wanted to see me dress up but it turns out that she wanted to know what I’ll wear so she can pair her outfit with mine. It was actually very sweet of her and she gave me a rose! Amber and I won prom Prince and Princess respectively; it suits us better than prom King and Queen anyway. Since I’m her princess and she’s my prince. Hehehe. [Sigh] Gosh! Her dorkiness is really starting to rub on me.





We all sent to Minho’s house for the after party. I looked around and saw all of my friends with smiles on their faces; even Nicole was having a good time. Wait a minute.. there’s no llama in the room. [Sigh] Don’t tell me...



I went all over Minho’s house to finding a room that had access to the rooftop. I was just about to give up and just text Amber when I looked up the ceiling just in time to notice foldable stairs which I’m guessing leads to the attic. I instantly saw an open window. I took a closer look before peaking outside.


There she was.


“How’d you know I was here?” She asked me as she saw me coming out of the window.


“I just knew...” I smiled at her.


“Wait...” She spoke as she removed her blazer for me to sit on. I noticed the roof was a bit dusty.


 “Did you know that there will be a comet tonight?” She suddenly asked me as I was fixing my dress.


“No... So that’s why your’re here?.. My best friend really loves to star-gaze huh?”, I told her crossing my arms and feeling the cool night breeze.


“Hmm, just remembered it now... I came here for the stars... [Sigh] There’s just something about them...”


“What?” I asked her.


“[Sigh] I dunno... Somehow, looking at them gives me some peace of mind...”


“They remind me that everything’s okay as it is...  Like.. even if they’re too far and impossible to reach... I’m fine with just being able to see them... it’s already a blessing.”


What do you mean by that Amber? [Sigh] But she’s absolutely right. I’d rather have you as a friend, than have you away from me; that’s already enough.



I saw her closing her eyes. Amber was really handsome. Even without the moon (New moon), the light of the night shone down on her face. I instantly looked away as she caught me staring at her. I started to feel the cold more. I didn’t realize it would really be this cold out. She noticed I was uncomfortable because of the cold so she offered me that we should just stay inside, but I told her I wanted to see the comet.


We ended up talking about college, but I found out that she got accepted in NYU. [Sigh] That means we’ll be apart after this school year... I gave her a hug to congratulate her, but deep down I wasn’t happy at all. My parents won’t allow me to study abroad and I agree with them, but knowing Amber will be there conflicts with my decision. [Sigh] I really don’t wanna be apart with her for too long... Silence took over as we both got into our own heads.


“Krys.. It’ll still take a while before the comet passes... Do you want to get inside already? You starting to chill...”, She spoke breaking the silence.


“I-I-w-want-t-to-m-make-a-w-wish...” My teeth were already chattering as I spoke, but I wanted to make a wish so bad; even if there’s a chance that it’ll come true then I’ll take it. I want to wish for Amber.


I saw her smiling before nodding her head sideways. What I didn’t expect was her sitting behind me and wrapping her arms around me. Her hands inter locked with mine as I feel her warmth surrounding me. Just having her near was enough to raise my whole body temperature, but being in this position was intense. I instantly felt my face heating up.


“Y-you okay now?” She asked me. After a few seconds I can feel her breath tickling the back of my ear so I bowed my head a bit because it was giving me chills.


“Y-yeah.. I’m warm now...” I told her. I really was. It was like the cold suddenly disappeared. I couldn’t even feel the wind even if it blew our hairs away.


“Sorry... It was the only thing I could think of... y-you were already using my jacket...” she explained.


Well that was... It was ridiculous. I couldn’t help but giggle with her reasoning.


“You should’ve gotten us a blanket inside.” I told her the more logical thing to do. But hey, I am not in any way complaining.


“I didn’t think about it.. Do you want me to get some?” No Amber... Just stay with me like this. [Sigh] Forever.


“I told you I’m warm already.” I told her as I leaned myself back and faced my head to hers. I had to stop myself from kissing her exposed neck. Being with Amber like this makes me crazy for her. Ever since I kissed her last summer; I’ve been wanting to do it again.


I heard her whimper and felt her hand tightening their hold on me. Come on Amber... What are you waiting for?



“Amber! Look.”


There it was.


I hear Amber whispering to me, “Make a wish princess.” So I closed my eyes and made a wish.


I wish we can stay like this forever. It’s worth a shot.



Kissing you baby. Sulli interrupted us and called us downstairs because we were going to play a game. Well, my guess was as good as yours. We were playing ‘Truth or Dare’. Classic.


“So Amber, Truth or Dare.”, Key asked Amber when the bottle tip landed on her.


“[Sigh] Dare.” Why do you look so stressed Amber?


I figured this game can help me confess my feelings. My some of my friends realized it too so they kept smiling at me throughout the game. Yeah my friends are also dorks. They really didn’t have anything better to do since Amber and I along with Nicole were the only single ones. But Nicole already has Key so what’s left was just Amber and me.


“All right, just to remind everyone, losers that refuse to dare or answer truths will drink a shot of tequila.”, Jonghyun announced.


“I dare Amber to kiss someone she likes.”, Suzy dared Amber giving her an intimidating smirk. Hahaha. I can’t believe their plan to help me was already starting.  I saw Amber gulping and wiping her forehead. Our friends started to clap and as they looked at me from time to time.


“What?! That’s like asking for the truth already!” Amber said trying to protest.


“That’s legal. Suzy’s just a smart thinker.”, Minho defended Suzy. Hahaha. Nice one Minho. I saw him giving me a wink.  


I waited in anticipation as our friend just kept teasing her. Then I felt it. [Blush] Amber kissed me!


Our friends got noisier. But then Amber spoke, “What? The dare was to kiss someone you ‘like’. Krys and I have been best friends since we were kids, so it’s only natural that I ‘like’ her.”


I actually didn’t hear what she said because I still felt a few tingles on the spot that the she kissed me.


“You guys haven’t even drunk any alcohol yet your faces are already red as hell.”, Jonghyun laughed  and pointed at us. I looked at Amber and saw her with another set of red ears. Cute.







“Would you get mad if Amber get’s a girl friend?”, Nicole asked me. Hahaha. She knows already so she was probably trying to tease Amber.


“No.” IF I was her girlfriend. I gave my answer with a big grin as some of the boys had disappointed looks but the girls and Minho were all grinning.


I turned to Amber and she had this cute pout on her face. Kyaa! So cute!!


“Ow!” I poked her hard on her waist to catch her attention before asking her if she was or if she might be disappointed with my answer.


She answered with a ‘no’, but her frown said it all. Haha!


Arasso.”, I replied to her with a smile as I crossed my arms. Get ready for my confession Amber Josephine Liu.


After a few turns the bottle landed on me again.






“You can’t do truth twice in a row.”, Luna said with a smirk. Augh! I was ready to confess. Man...


“Then why’d you even have to ask?”, I said disappointed.


“[Sigh] Fine.. Dare.”


Just when I thought my confession would be postponed I saw Luna with a big smug grin on her face daring me to kiss Amber.


The noise started again as I turned to my left. Here it goes.


I told everything I felt in that kiss. And I mean everything. All those years of loving and admiring her secretly went through that one kiss; one long kiss to be exact. I didn’t stop kissing her until I ran out of breath. When we parted I wiped her lower lip with my thumb as our foreheads were still together. She still had her eyes closed for a good minute before I ran out of the room locking myself to the bath room in embarrassment. I can’t believe I did that in front of my friends! Oh my God. I looked at myself in front of the mirror seeing a swollen pair of red lips, revealing a complete set of teeth.



Officially yours. I didn’t know how to face my friends after what I did. I really got carried in the moment, but they assured me there was nothing to be embarrassed about. And if there was, it should be Amber. Sulli handed me her phone and I saw a series of Ambers picture: one with her eyes closed, one with her grinning widely, one with her smiling while touching her lips and the last picture with Jonghyun head-locking her but she was still smiling with her hand on her lips.


“Hyung was practically drooling because of you Krystal!”, Sulli told me.


Amber drove me home that night. I’ve never, ever in my entire life felt this happy. Just when she was about to walk away, I gave her another kiss on the lips before I accidentally slammed the door on her face. I peeped into the door hole and saw her jumping like an idiot. As much as I wanted to open the door and embarrass her, I just copied her from my side of the door, but instead of jumping I opted for dancing. I know, I know... But, might as well get used to it... because my girlfriend’s a dork! Woo hoo!!


Damn you Amber! I forgot to do some of my student council duties because she’s all I’ve been thinking about the whole weekend after prom. As much as I wanted to see her I needed to sort out all these files. [Sigh] I hope I can still make it for lunch, but it looks kinda impossible seeing all these stacks of folders...


I was too busy that I didn’t hear her coming inside the classroom until she spoke.


“I brought you a sandwich.. and some juice..”, she said placing them in front of me.


She helped me in fixing the files and because of that I was able to finish a lot earlier than I expected. I started eating the food she brought me, but I felt her watching me so I had my head bowed the whole time. When I looked up to see her, she was pouting. Why is my Amber pouting?


“What’s wrong?” I asked her.


“What?” She seemed to be deep in thought.


“Y-you’re pouting... Is there something wrong?”


“I.. I was?.. I didn’t notice. Hehe. Nothing... I just, uhm...” She was nervous because she was stuttering.


I took her temporary speech impairment into advantage and asked her out on a date. It took her a while to process but she agreed; nodding her head repeatedly. What a dork.


“I’m you dork.” She retorted. Augh! So cheesy! But dammit, I can feel myself getting flushed!



I’ve fallen hard. Literally. Our friends threw another party, but this time it was held at Luna’s place and the party was a celebration for the end of high school and us being college kids. Like deja vu, I found myself looking at my friends interacting and playing around with one another as I noticed a certain someone missing in action again.


“Why do I always find you here?”, I asked her as I sat beside her instantly feeling the warm breeze on my face.


She told me it was very peaceful and relaxing. I giggled at her reason. Stupid.


“But there aren’t even stars yet.” I told her, because I thought she just loved going up here to look at the stars.


“I know.” She smiled as she adjusted into a more comfortable position.


“Silly.” I told her.


She told me that she realized she doesn’t mind looking at the stars anymore because she already has her own star. She gave me a kiss before continuing.


“[Sigh] How did I get so lucky to have you?”, she asked me with our foreheads touching.


“You’re so... cheesy.”, I slapping her cheek lightly with my hand.


Then she told me, “I think I’ve already fallen for you since the first time we’ve met.”


“Even if I attacked you?” I laughed as I asked her.




[Sigh] I guess my wish came true after all. I said to myself as I sat in front of her and leaned on her. We ended up going down a trip to our very own memory lane.



After it started drizzling, she helped me get up and started to open the window to go back inside. She went in first. As I turned around my foot slipped and the last thing I heard was her shouting my name.



Worries. I can’t help worry about Amber. She’s away from me most of the year; only coming home during the Christmas holiday. She said that she needed to take summer classes to lessen her load. But I was worried she might be too hard on herself. Those were the things I worried about. I trust Amber, through our years together she’s proven how much she loves me. When I had that rooftop accident, I saw how Amber kept on crying and blaming herself for not being able to save me; even if I kept telling her I was fine. Can you imagine me lying down the hospital bed with Amber on my chest and me trying to comfort her as if she was the one who was injured. Hahaha. Such a dork.


Now I’m on my way to Amber’s graduation. My parents surprised me with some tickets and told me to go see her. I’m really nervous to see her. I’m not even there yet but I already feel my heart pumping and my stomach turning.



There she is my dork being called up on stage; she was crying. I’m so proud of you Amber... She was given an award for finishing her course a year early. I remember her telling me that I was the only one who kept her going; I was the only one who she thought about to endure the heavy units she had during college, just so she can be with me. Now I’m crying too. After the ceremonies, I saw her walking up to Auntie. I wanted to surprise her and it worked. I realized with you by my side I don’t ever have to worry about anything.


I love you Amber.



END. Happy ever-after. This is it; the big day. Deep breaths Krystal.. Once I’ve stepped inside these wooden doors I will forever be yours... [Sigh] Deep breaths... Can someone play the music and open this door already?


I started walking as I heard the minus one version of our favourite song; the song that played our first dance.


[Reference music: Jon Mclaughlin - So Close]


The beat of my heart in-synch with the steps I took moving closer to my handsome prince; my knight-in-shining-armour. She offered me her hand after my parents gave me away. She kissed my hands like the ‘gentleman’ she is. Soon, I’ll finally be yours forever Amber. [Sigh]



“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today...” the minister continued until it was time for the vows.


She said her vows first. I promised myself I won’t be like those brides who cried a bucket during their wedding but it really can’t be helped. Seeing the person you love the most, professing their love for you in front of all the people you both care about; in front of God. The happiness is overflowing.


We stayed looking at each other for who know how long even after she finished her vow. She ended her vow by repeating the promise she gave me when we were still kids, tweaking it a bit to fit us now. She offered me her pinky before we continued with my own vow. We can hear everyone cheering when Amber and I made the child-like form of promise. [Sigh] You really are something. Before I started with mine she wiped my tears with her hanky first.  


“I love you Amber... Believe it or not, I have since the first time we met. We might have gotten off at the wrong foot, but I can’t deny that I wasn’t drawn or that I wasn’t attracted to you. There was always something different about you; with you in my life, it became a fairytale. I had my own knight-in-shining-armour, my very own prince who will protect and love me forever and I’m your princess, right? However.. it wasn’t always like this. Back when we were young, I tried reaching out to you; I got scared because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. But through the years, loving you seemed like the only thing I wanted to do. From now on, I promise to love and give you every moment of my life Amber Josephine Liu.”

Reaching out to you
Do you feel it to
Loving you is all I wanna do
I'm completely sure
I've never felt this way before
Deep inside you know that there is something more

Deep inside you know that there is something more




Hope you guys liked it! :D

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arrene28 #1
Chapter 2: This is great. ☺️
Alerth #2
Great story!
amhar03 #3
Chapter 2: wow good story, like it so much *thumb up* n_n
ElevenTo21 #4
chorvabels #5
Chapter 2: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-!
Chapter 2: Woooowwwww!!!!
27camz #7
Chapter 2: this is my favorite story of yours author shii.. This is reeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllly good!!!
jpigtom #8
Chapter 2: Greeeeeeeaaaaat shot story!! I love this!I love you!!thank you author! *crying *bow
Chapter 2: T___T such a nice one shot
Smart thinking with both points of views btw
laperlateehee2 #10
sorry CTL. i lost my words [sigh]