You are my Song



SONG: David Archuleta - Forevermore (Side A Cover)



First day in Seoul. I’ve never been here before. My Mom told me that this was our new home. I was sad at first but I trusted my Mom when she said that I’ll make new friends. [Sigh] I’ll definitely miss Danny and Henry; they’ve been my best friends ever since I learned to talk. I know I’m just seven years old, but still have the right to complain you know.



My own BFF. Yeah! My Mom told me I’ll meet a new friend today. Mom says that she’s the daughter of Aunt Boa, one of her BFFs. I’m so excited! First off, I’m so booored already ‘cause Mom doesn’t let me do anything as she gets us ‘settled’; she thinks I might break stuff. Second, she says that the kid was about my age. Third it’s a girl! Hahaha. I know. I’ve never had a girl friend before. I mean a girl that’s a friend? Err.. friend that’s a girl? Aishh! See I told you I’m excited!


We arrived in Aunt Boa’s place. Woah! Their house was huge! When she told me my new friend was playing outside I didn’t waste a second and ran through their backyard. There she was sitting in one of the swings. She looks really cute...


Hmm... I have an idea [evil laugh].


BOO!!! I jumped on her.



Never judge. Augh! I hate that brat. Because of her I finally understood what my Mom tells me: ‘never to judge a book by its cover’ because the cover is nothing like the inside of the book. Augh! She’s hiding the devil inside that angelic face of hers I tell you.


When I jump on her, I was expecting her to scream but not to beat me up. She sat on me and kept hitting me with her notebook.  Geez. It was just a joke! I did it because it helps me make friends! Aigoo...


[Sigh] She always tells on me when I do something bad. It’s not my fault her shoelaces always happen to be untied... and not my fault when I accidentally dropped my gum on top of her head. And how is it my fault she suddenly woke up with a pen moustache?


Fine, I admit. I did it on purpose. It was worth it though, ‘cause when we saw each other again her long silky hair was gone. Also, it’s not my fault she tends to blame everything on me every time we get into a fight! [Sigh] But it’s not like I had a choice. I have to see her every day on weekdays ‘cause my Mom had work and the only person she can leave me with was Aunt Boa.


Did I mention I was smiling like crazy when I saw her walking down the stairs with short hair? But when I turned around I felt something hit the back of my head. What am I stupid? I know she hit me with one of her slippers ‘cause she was only wearing one when she walked away from me. I knew I should’ve used permanent marker when I drew her moustache!



First day of school. Guess what? The brat and I are classmates. And she happened to be a genius! My classmates said that she skipped two grades. It’s not like I care, what’s the big deal anyway? She just skipped kindergarten and 1st grade. I can do that too you know. I just happen to enjoy school and don’t wanna miss a minute of it.


As expected, I made a lot of friends and everyone thought I was a boy; I was used to it anyway. When it was time for recess I noticed Krystal wasn’t around. When I asked about her they told me she didn’t have any friends. To be honest I was shocked; I knew she was cold, but I still expected her to have her own little group of brats.



The ice that melts. I was kinda curious where that little brat goes during recess because vanishes once the bell rings.


“Amber! Over here.”, my friend called me to sit at their table.


“Hey, you guys know where Krystal goes?”, I asked them, but it’s not like I’m worried about her or anything.


“Who??”, my friends spoke at the same time.


“You know.. That little brat.”, I pretended that it wasn’t a big deal.


“Ooh, you mean the ice princess!”, one of my friends shouted.


“Y-yeah.”, I guess they were talking about her.


“We don’t know either..”, one of the guys said.


“Why?? You like her or something?”, Hyuna spoke. She’s actually one of the friendliest, but I can tell she has this scary vibe about her.


“N-no! N-no way. Are you kidding me? Pssh... Me and t-that brat? Nooo..”, it just slipped out of my mouth. My friends all laughed. I guess I can be a dork sometimes.


“But be honest Amber, what’s the deal with you guys? I saw you getting out of the same car and you both go home at the same time.”, Hyuna asked again.


“Well.. My Mom and her Mom are best friends and since my Moms working, I stay at their place ‘til she picks me up.”, I said.


“I don’t like her. She’s cold and she thinks she better than everyone else.”, one of the girls said.


“Yeah, just because she’s smart and good in singing doesn’t make her all that.”, another girl I forgot the name of said.


“But she’s cute.”, one of the guys casually said.


“Eww! We all look better than her. Right Amber?”, Hyuna said.  I suddenly felt something bad.


“Uh, right...”, I just replied without thinking.


“Pssh. She’s a snob.. How unlucky of you man. Seeing that brat everyday”, one of the guys spoke trying to be funny. Everyone laughed, but I had to fake it. It really wasn’t.


When it was time for us to go home, I said goodbye to my friends when I saw our ride. When I was about to get in, she rushed before me and pushed me back causing me to land on my . I was about to shout at her when I saw her just looking out the window. But I saw her reflection, she was crying.



Your personal bodyguard. It was another day in school but it was the first time I felt like something bad was gonna happen. It was kind of fishy when I noticed it was just the guys at the canteen, the girls weren’t present. Then we all heard someone shouting near the playgrounds.


It was Krystal. She was cornered by a bunch of girls led by Hyuna.


I saw Hyuna trying to steal her notebook, they kept pulling it making their own tug-of-war. Krystal lost her grip making Hyuna fall down and the note book getting thrown in the air.  


“Why you!”, Hyuna screamed as she was being helped by her friends to stand up. Krystal crawled her way to get her notebook which was now a bit dirty. When she was about to get it Hyun suddenly stepped on her hand.


That was it. Something felt wrong about the picture. It’s like I felt a pang on my chest; like I felt her pain.


I was really not for violence, but I couldn’t help it. I pushed Hyuna and blocked them from getting to Krystal. I just taunted them and they left us alone.


I was about to help Krystal and bring her to our teacher but she screamed at me asking me to leave her alone. I tried to talking to her again when we got home but she just ended up threatening me not to tell her Mom about what had happened. The rest of the day went through with me sitting against the door to her room, hearing her crying her eyes out until she fell asleep.


The same thing happened the next day. It was a good thing I kept I close eye on her whole day so I was able to protect her again. Though, this time I wasn’t as lucky like the last time. I got into my first ever school fight when I beat up some guys when they attempted to throw a water balloons on Krystal. I repeat I wasn’t as lucky, one guy got lucky and swung a big one on me causing my lover lip to bleed. My mom was fuming mad, but when Krystal explained what happened she cut me some slack and just told me to be careful and never resort to violence. But I still feel like I just did what I had to do.


Krystal really surprised me because she took care of me when we got home. She said I was an idiot for starting a fight, and an even bigger idiot for protecting her. Then she thanked me; it came out as a whisper, but it’s enough. It even gave me a few tingles in my stomach, or maybe I was just hungry? Oh, and she called me a dork because she said I was smiling like crazy when she was wiping the dried blood on my lips and holding the ice pack against my face.


“[Ehem] Starting now, I, Amber J. Liu promise to protect you Krystal Jung from any human, hideous creatures or any hurt that you will feel!”, I said as I offered her my pinky.


“Stupid.”, she said with a smile before locking her pinky with mine.



Best of friends. After what happened in 2nd grade, I made a pact to myself to know more about Krystal Jung and to always protect her; it was hard but worth it. I found out that it’s not her fault our classmates were scared of her. She was very intimidating (looks and talents-wise) and it certainly didn’t help that she’s shy as hell. It wasn’t her coldness, she was just used to people coming to her and not the other way around. It’s not her fault that she was an only child and that she grew up pampered. Her attitude was definitely what she looks like; an angel. But she doesn’t need to know that I think that right?


I must say, it’s a good thing I never stopped my Taekwondo lessons because it helped a lot in protecting her as well as taunting her suitors.


It turns out that the others were just jealous about Krystal; who wouldn’t? And the guys who bullied her just wanted her attention because they secretly admire her; again, who wouldn’t? She was perfect; pretty, smart, funny, talented, a bit bossy and scary at times, but I love her nonetheless.


Don’t get me wrong, Okay?


We’re just best friends.







“Are you daydreaming again?! I’ve been calling you like crazy!”


“Sorry.. I-I was just thinking about something...”


“About what?”, she said, but not before giving me a punch on my gut first.


“Ouch! Why do you ALWAYS do that??”


“I’m just expressing my love for you.”, she smiled innocently before jumping on me because I was lying on her very big princess bed.


“Yah right.. You know this reminds me of the time we first met. Except now, you’re not killing me with your notebook.”, I said laughing as I crossed my arms.


She also crossed her arms, still sitting on my belly as she spoke. “Well, first off.. You almost gave me a heart-attack! Second.. You ruined what I was sketching [pinches my waist]! Third.. I was expecting to meet someone who could potentially be my first friend which I expect was a girl, not some creepy guy!”


I threw her off me causing her to giggle before pouting. Cute. “Yah! I’m offended!” She was now having a laughing fit.


“First off.. I did it as a joke! Second.. It was an accident! And if I knew you would be so violent, I wouldn’t have done it. Third, it’s not my fault I’m a girl with a handsome face.”, I finished as I made a pose.


She made vomiting sounds. [Sigh] If only your fanboys can see you. Then we won’t have the trouble of scaring them away. Total turn off.


I gave her a smirk before jumping on her and giving her my secret weapon, my tickle attack! We switched our previous position; I was now straddling her as she kept hitting me while I tickle her waist and neck.


“M! S-s-stop. S-stop!!”


“Say it!”, I commanded, she knew the password.




“Fine..”, then I tickled her faster.


“A-all r-right! All right!!”


“What?” I smirked stopping as I held both of her wrists.


“Amber’s... Am-ber’s... the.. hand-dorkiest llama ever!!”, she said quickly as she tried to get away from me. But I was too strong.


“Augh. You gave me no choice Jung.”


“No Amber. Noo!”, she said trying to close her eyes and shielding her face. I pinned her hands down above her hair before lining my head on top of hers. I readied myself before I attempted to spit on her. I have this talent of letting my spit drip then it back up. Gross I know, but it’s a talent I’m proud of. You know kinda like when you can burp or fart the ABCs.


“Stop!! Eeeekkk!!!”


I was almost gonna let it touch her nose. But seeing her like that was so cute. Hahaha. See, it’s not always the other way around. People think I’m her servant! Because she can boss me around; but they’re wrong. I got this princess on the tip of my fingers.


It took her a while before she realized I wasn’t doing it anymore. I didn’t notice too.. When she finally opened her eyes, I froze. We ended up staring at each other.



She spit on me!


“Arrrgh!! Eww!!” I went straight to her bathroom after I got off her not wasting a second before washing my face.


I looked myself in the mirror still letting what happened sink in. Then I heard her laughing outside which made me laugh to.


This was how we are to each other. We’re like sisters yet brothers at the same time. Cats and dogs, then sweet as sugar the next. We fight over the smallest things but love each other as much as we love our Moms and we’re the only one who understands each other the most.



Temporary physical impairment. Since no one had the guts to ask Krystal to prom I ended up being her date. One, since I really want to experience prom with my best friend; it’s prom for God’s sakes who wouldn’t wanna go? Second it will boost her socialization skills and third since I also don’t have a date. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of girls asked me, even a few guys which somehow gave me the creeps, but... [Sigh] I don’t know either if you ask me... Maybe I just don’t wanna go with some stranger.


“HYUNG!!!”, Sulli one of the few friends Krystal and I had in common.


I heard a lot of gasps and squeals from our classmate as the attention of everyone was suddenly on me. They made way for me as I went down the long set of stairs. [Sigh] My God, do we really have to walk this long just to get to prom? I swear I’m gonna kill the head of prom committee when all this is over.


“Yah. Quiet down will you! You totally ruined my plan of staying low key.”, I said walking towards their table.  


“Woah! Someone definitely looks extra handsome and charming tonight.”, Luna said as she winked at me causing her partner Onew to fake a cough.


“Looks like Minho will have another rival for Prom King.”, Jonghyun teased one of our friends. Minho’s definitely a shoe in for Prom King. He’s handsome, team captain, nice and smart. I definitely go for him IF he was my type. 


“Where’s Krystal?”, Victoria asked disrupting my thoughts.


“[Sigh] I left her. She was taking too long. I guess I probably shouldn’t have. I’ll be dead when she gets here.”, I said covering my face. Then we heard another set of squeals and screams; this time it was louder.


After a few minutes.


“Hi everyone.”, Suzy said greeted us.


“Sup guys?”, Minho greeted after her. I guess they came together. Now I know who’ll won Prom King and Queen.


“Hey Amber... Your looking extra dashing tonight.”, Suzy turned to me as she took the empty seat beside me.


I just gave her a smile before saying my thanks. Suzy’s a really nice girl. I used to have a crush on her, but it didn’t last long. I don’t know the reason either if you ask me.


Augh. What’s taking Krystal so long? Prom’s officially about to start. And talk about the traditional cotillion dance from the Juniors. [Sigh] She’s my partner. If there’s one thing about Krystal that I’m not proud of is her dancing. The girl has two left feet! Ha. Guess that proves that no one’s really perfect. [Sigh] Thinking about it still makes my feet hurt. Hahaha. There’s not one practice session where she didn’t step on it.


I went over the buffet table to get myself some punch when I heard another set of gasps and screams, this time the guys’ screams are more pronounced. Who is it this time? When I turned around the person was already on the dance floor so I didn’t see them descend down the stairs. [Sigh] Who cares...


When I returned to our table I saw someone standing in a white long gown. Her back was facing me as I came nearer. I couldn’t see her face because she kept moving her head; looks like she’s looking for someone.


“Hyung!! There’s your date Krys!”, Sulli pointed at me as she saw me behind the girl.


I can’t recall the first time I was left this speechless.




I think I’ve gone deaf and mute because I can’t hear anything other than my heartbeat.


Come on. Say something. I kept thinking to myself. What’s worse is that she’s not saying anything either.

“Guys. It’s time for the dance.”, Minho and Suzy called us as they were already in the dance floor.


All of our friends stood up and got in their positions. I finally snapped when Jonghyun elbowed me. “Yah!”


“Come on.”, she spoke giggling.


[Sigh] What’s happening to me?




“You okay?”




“You look really pale.”, she touched my forehead, sending chills throughout my body.


“I’m fine.”


“Now you’re turning red.”


“Let’s just concentrate in dancing.”


Arasso.”, she calmly said. When I took a glimpse of her I saw that she was staring at me.






“It’s fine.”, she gave me a small smile. I can’t believe I stepped on her!


I bit my lip embarrassed about what happened, because I was the one who kept teasing her about her two left feet. I heard her giggling making me face her again.


“Ouch. Amber!”, she complained when I stepped on her again.


The whole dance was like that. I kept stepping on her feet with me apologizing after. Then after she forgave me or gave me a smile I would step on her again.


Damn. Have I gone crazy?



The prom finally started. I was wrong. I wasn’t deaf. The music was so loud. All of our friends were still at the dance floor while me and Krystal just sitting at the table. I finally got over myself after a while. I don’t know what came over me a while ago. Maybe it was the punch?


“Hyung! Kryssie!! Dance with us! You guys are so boring!”, Sulli shouted pass the crowd towards our table. Good thing the music was really loud; Krystal and I were able to pretend not to hear her.


We played our favourite game, where we’d make a fake dialogue and place them on people far away; our victims were the students dancing on the dance floor. We had our own world laughing our butts off. Krystal leaned her head on my shoulder as she cover with her right hand, it was a habit of hers I’d gotten used to since we’d always sit beside each other whether we were at the cafeteria, having class or just having a meal together.

I didn’t notice I was staring at her again once our laughter had died down. I realized how close our faces were when she raised her head to face me. Tonight.. there’s just something different about her.


[Ehem] “Uh...”


“...” Stop staring Krystal!


“Let’s dance!”, I got away from her and pulled onto the dance floor.

We really had fun. We’ll I’m glad to see her have fun. Krystal dances like a dork by the way. Thank God she’s pretty. Wait, scratch that.


Just when I thought things were going steady, the music changed to a slow one causing some students to disperse and some moving closer to their dates.


[Reference music: Jon Mclaughlin - So Close]


I was about to go back when she suddenly held my hand.


“Come on. My date should at least give me one slow dance... Just be careful not to step on me again, okay?”, she said with her lovely smile which hesitantly returned.


She placed her left hand on my right shoulder at the same time grabbing my left hand with her right as she led the dance. Now our positions were switched. But I didn’t care. She can lead all she wants; I’ll forever be happy to follow.


I was back to being mute and deaf. But this time, it was just her and the music. Can it be selective deafness?



Rumours. It was already a week after prom, yet people we’re still talking about it. Some couples turned into actual couples while some friends got even closer. [Sigh] I wish that was the case between Krystal and me. The prom was great, except after our slow dance. We switched partners with Minho and Suzy; it was okay, up until I heard him confess that he’s been crushing on her since grade school. But the crazy thing was, Krystal and I were the ones rumoured to have something going on. I don’t know who, what or where that rumour came from.


[Sigh] Ever since then, Krystal and I got distant. I became uncomfortable around her and I could feel that she was feeling the same. I avoided her a bit, I was waiting for her to say something but she never did. I started hanging out with Suzy more because most of our friends had their boyfriends and I’d rather not be the third wheel. With that kind of situation, Krystal also got close to Minho as I did with Suzy, since we were the single ones.



I heard from Suzy that Minho asked Krystal out on a date. I don’t know if she agreed because I stopped listening when I heard the word date. After Suzy and I got close Krystal stopped bothering me, she even stopped talking to me. I was hurt but I couldn’t do anything about it. [Sigh] I miss her.



I miss you. I was lying on our rooftop. It was Friday. I used to love Fridays because school’s over and I get to hang out with my friends, more like I get to hang out with Krystal. To be honest since the school year is almost over I didn’t pay attention to the things around me anymore. Our grades were already finalized, so it wouldn’t change anything if I skipped class or if I didn’t attend clubs or any extracurricular activities. [Sigh] I used to love attending football practice. I never missed attendance, but ever since Minho confessed to Krystal I wasn’t in the mood to play anymore; or go to school anymore for that matter.


It was fine with my Mom; that’s what I love about her. She’s cool and she trusts me in my decisions.



Today, I didn’t bother attending the last two periods. So there I was lying on our rooftop, listening to whatever song fits my mood. I think I’ve been lying down for a few hours now, because it was already dark. I was about to doze off when I felt something cold on my right cheek.


“Hey.” She said offering me a bottle of my favourite milk tea.


“Hey.”, I greeted her as she fixed her position so she could sit more comfortably. I didn’t bother moving I was already comfortable. The stars were already out so I just remained lying down on my back.


“How’d you know I was here?”, I asked as she sat down beside me.


“I’ve known you since you were seven. I think I know you well enough to find you.”


“How’ve you been?”, she asked me sipping her own bottle of milk tea.


I turned to her and saw her looking at the stars with the light of the moon shining down on her face. [Sigh] It only made her features more enthralling.


David Archuleta - Forevermore (Side A Cover)


There are times when I just want to look at your face,
With the stars in the night


“Still breathing.”, I answered as I closed my eyes and turned away from her looking back at the stars.


“Dork.. What kind of answer is that?”, she muttered making me smile.


“[Sigh] I’m fine.. You?”


“Minho asked me out.” She answered still the straight-forward girl that she is.


“Oh.”, was the only thing that came out.


“You like him?”, I followed.


I closed my eyes preparing for the worst. “I.. I don’t know...”


I sigh in relief but it turns out she wasn’t done talking.


“I guess...”


It made me sat up. It felt cold all of a sudden, so I brought my knees up to my chest.


This time I really don’t know what to say.


“So, how’s Suzy?”


“I don’t know.. Fine, I guess..”


“S-she told me.. she already likes me.. more than a friend...”, she didn’t actually say it in person, but she wrote me a letter.


“I know.”, she casually said.


“What? How did you...”, I said turning to her. I watched her take another gulp of her milk tea before answering me.


“She told me.”




“Yeah.. ”




“The day after prom...”, she took a deep breath after that.


“Prom huh...”, I turned to her. I remembered prom...


“Yeah..”, she said before smiling at me.


“She actually... asked my permission..”




“If she can like you...”


It made me giggle. “Why?”


“I don’t know either.. It’s not like I own you.”, she said also giggling. It’s been so long since I’ve heard them. It’s like music to my ears. I must really miss her.


“I miss.. hanging out with you...” I said while softly bumping our shoulders together, she smiled at me in return and I know it was enough.


I noticed she was also hugging her knees but she was shaking. I removed my jacket and placed it around her.




“So.. How’ve you been? How’s school?”, I asked with a smile. I haven’t been going to class lately. It’s like I lost interest in going to school.


“M.. Thanks..”, she spoke again this time, she was looking at me.


I ruffled her hair, “You already said that.. But you’re welcome.”


“No.. Uh, it’s not just for the jacket...But for taking me to prom..”


“Oh, that. It’s not a problem... Really.. I had a good time... Sort of..”, I said scratching my head with my left hand, but I said the last part like a whisper.


She gave another deep sigh before closing her eyes and hugging me to her side as she leaned her head on my shoulder, my right hand automatically reacted my wrapping itself around her shoulder. I missed this.


There are times when I just want to feel your embrace
in the cold night
I just can't believe that you are mine now


Summer. Our Mom’s circle of friends decided to go out on an outing at the beach. They all brought their kids, so Krystal and I were there. Along with Luna, Sulli and Victoria; their Moms were also close friends with ours.


Everything went back to normal after that day at the rooftop. I heard Krystal turned Minho down. I didn’t bother asking her about it. I’m not gonna lie that it didn’t made my day, ‘cause it did. I guess I don’t like Minho for her? It’s not that I don’t approve of him.. Augh.. I don’t know. I just don’t want him for my best friend.  Meanwhile, Krystal kept nagging me about Suzy. Since I didn’t bother going to class the last remaining days before summer, I had no clue that Suzy did the same. So as usual, rumours spread like wildfire. Everyone was talking about how we skipped class to hang out or go on a date together when truth is she actually had chickenpox.


“Yah! It’s my turn Krystal!! You’ve been hogging Hyung since we got here! It’s my turn!”


Krystal and I have been strolling around the beach from shore to shore, but I was the only one doing the walking; I was carrying her on my back.


I dropped her gently on the sand as we caught our friends. Sulli was the only noisy one while Luna and Vic were sunbathing.


“Are you tired?”, she asked me as I lied down the beach chair.


“Nope. You’re light as a feather and you’re heavier than a cow.”, I said talking to Krystal and Sulli causing the latter to pout. I was exaggerating but it’s true I wasn’t tired; as for Sulli, I just didn’t want to. Though I was a bit self-conscious because that had been the longest piggy-back ride I’ve ever given her. We walked for like 30 minutes and just strolled around watching the sunset as we did.


You were just a dream that I once knew
I never thought I would be right for you
I just can't compare you with anything in this world
You're all I need to be here with forevermore


“Move.”, she ordered me.




“There aren’t any vacant seats anymore..”, she pouted, when she saw all the beach chairs were already occupied. I was about to stand up when she pulled me back down.


“Where’re you going?”


“You told me to move?”


“No silly! Just move a bit. We can fit!”, she said enthusiastically.


I looked at the chair; it’s true. But we’ll be squished together.


I sat back down before she held my right arm up and lied down beside me. Why is this suddenly so awkward? This wasn’t such a big deal before. We’ve shared seats before, when I copy her homework in class or when I steal her lunch.


I tried to turn my head the other way around but it’s hard not to face her because she’s using my right arm as her pillow and my body’s facing hers to manage the space. I’ll only end up straining my neck if I face the other way around.


“M.. Thanks for.. not taking Suzy out on a date...”, I heard her mumble.


“Krys?”, I whispered to her.


Turns out she was already asleep.


This was definitely one of the best naps I’ve ever taken. Why? Because I dreamt about kissing Krystal; it felt so real. Like it happened in real life. [Sigh] I wish I never woke up, but I did. I woke up to the sound of the waves with a blanket covering me and Krystal. Wait! Me and Krystal?


Her face was so close to mine. I can feel her breathing. I didn’t notice at first but she was still lying on my right arm, but now she had her arms around my waist, while my free arm was on top of hers.


It was already dark. Our Mom’s must be worried about us.


I’ll try to wake her up. But how? I tried to shake her gently but she just placed her face on the crook of my neck. God, I bit my lips so hard because it tickled so bad; her breathing surely didn’t help.


“Krys.. Wake up.. W-we fell asleep.”






Talk about timing. I looked down on her the moment she looked up making our noses touch.





“GUYS!!! Dinner time!”, we heard Luna shout from our beach cottage. We were all bunked together in one big cottage having 3 single beds and one queen sized bed.


That did it. It broke our close contact making us move away from each other flustered nonetheless.


I spent the entire night trying to play it cool. I even switched beds with Sulli so I would get one of the single beds.



After our beach outing my Mom shipped me back to LA for the summer to spend time with my cousins and grandparents. I was depressed at first because I won’t be able to see Krystal. After a while I realized it actually helped me a lot in distracting myself about her because I noticed she’s like occupying my mind 24/7. So safe to say I forgot about her for while and enjoyed the rest of the summer having fun with my old friends and cousins.



Senior year . For the first time ever Krystal and I got separated; we weren’t classmates anymore.



Krystal ran for class president! And she won! Woot! I’d like to think I had something to do with it. Hahaha. But I knew she could do it! She really went a long way; from a spoiled, unsociable and quiet girl she became this selfless, nice and friendly lady. I’m so proud! Oh and we’re celebrating her win tonight!



“Amber! Over here.”, Luna called me as I entered the restaurant.


“M!”, Krystal hugged me as soon as I reached the table.


“Congrats princess.”, I said after giving her a pat on the head.


“Hi!” a girl with an eye smile greeted me.


“H-hey. Hey? Aren’t we in the same class?”, I asked her. No wonder she looked familiar.


“Finally! I thought you’d never notice me. I’m Nicole.”, she offered her hand.


“Ayee!!”, came from Jonghyun and the guys. Augh. They always tease me when a new girl comes up.


“[Ehem]”, I scratched my head and took my hand away because she refused to let go of it.


“Oh. Sorry.”, she said. Was Nicole blushing?


“[Ehem] Uh, so... H-how do you guys know each other?”, I turned to Krystal I saw her faking a smile from a previous frown.


“She’s my..”


“Cousin. Nicole Jung.”, Nicole answered for me, giving me another wave of her eye smiles.


“You’re American too right? I heard you lived in L.A.”


The night went on like that. With me trying to focus my attention on Krystal sitting beside me, but Nicole kept butting in and changing the topic. [Sigh] I didn’t get the chance to catch up with Krystal.



“Krys, here.”, I turned to her while handing her my extra helmet.


“Minho’s taking me home.”, she said out of the blue. To say I was shocked was an understatement. Where did this come from? I thought they were just friends?


“I- I am?”, Minho said scratching his head in confusion.


“Y-yeah you are stupid.”, Krystal said placing her hand over his arm.


“Oh right.”, Minho said faking a giggle.


“All right. See you in school tomorrow. Bye guys!”, Minho said getting on his bike. He doesn’t even have and extra helmet for her! Augh.


“Krys.. ”, I was about to hand her my extra one when Nicole suddenly snatched it from me.


“I’ll take that.”, she said with another eye smile.


“Yah! You live the other way!”, Krystal stopped to look at us just when she was about to get on Minho’s motorbike.


“What? Who says I’m going home? I’m going with Amber!”, Nicole said as she clung onto me making me giggle. Her enthusiasm is starting to rub on me.


Arasso. Let’s go!” I said. I didn’t even say goodbye to the rest of our friends who remained standing; probably confused or entertained by the short scene they saw.



Busy days. Minho finally stepped down from being captain. It was my turn to lead the team. I’ve been so busy with everything, college applications, football practice and dance practice. Nicole signed me up for dance without my consent, but I ended up enjoying it. Being busy helps me take my mind off Krystal I guess. We only meet during lunch, but it’s very rare that she eats with us because of the Student Council and drama club. But, the last time I heard something about her was there was a new guy courting her. And who did I hear it from? Minho of all people.


I haven’t even met the guy, yet I’m already dying to punch him in the face. [Sigh] I’m tired of this. Why am I so protective of her? We’re just friends.



Not your ordinary Monday. Nicole was really persistent! Geez. I know she had a huge crush on me, even an idiot would notice it. But she’s not very vocal about it; maybe through simple actions, but not out loud.


“Amber! Please please pretty please!!”






“You aegyo’s not gonna work Nicky.”


“Please please please!!!”


“[Sigh] Nic.. I’m busy..”


“No you’re not!”


“Augh! Get. Off. Me!”, I screamed as I wiggled her off my back. She jumped behind me covering my eyes and wrapping her legs around my waist. I bet everyone in the hall way was now looking at us weirdly.


“Aw aw aw!! Ouch! Nicky! Let go!” She bit my ear!


“Not until you say yes!”


“What are you Mike Tyson’s daughter?!”






“YEEEAAAHHH!!!”, she instantly let go of me only to jump on me again but this time she leaped in for a hug.


“Woooh!! I have a date with Amber Liu!! Final-” I grabbed her face, covering as I led her out of the school gates.



I know I already said ‘yes’ to Nicole but.. something didn’t feel right about it... I couldn’t sleep last night so I texted Krystal. I think I’m only lying to myself because the more I avoided her the more I missed her. We best friends for cryin’ out loud... [Sigh]


To Princess: Hey. :) How are you doing? I miss you princess.


I was hoping that I’d call her, but I didn’t even get a reply and she didn’t pick up her phone... If only she did then I would’ve asked her to meet me on Saturday; then I’ll have to cancel my date with Nicole.



My first date without her. I really had fun with Nicole. She was a lot sweeter when it was just the two of us, but she was still very hyper. I found out that we had a lot of things in common. We even bought a new pair of earrings together one piece was mine and the other was hers. If Krystal wasn’t my best friend it’ll probably be Nicole. One thing at a time though, I’m still sorting out my feelings for her though plus I don’t wanna ruin our happy mood. [Sigh] I needed this; a break from everything. Krystal never replied to any of my messages. I didn’t even see her at school for the past few days.



We finished a lot earlier than I thought, so now I’m stuck here in my room with nothing to do. I wonder how Krystal’s doing. She’s probably busy with the Student Council, plus I heard from Luna weeks ago that she was given a big part in the upcoming school play.


What if I text her? Or better yet, call her. [Sigh] But she’s not gonna reply anyway. I texted her a few days ago this past week, but I got nothing.


Maybe if I call their house phone?


It’s ringing.


It’s Aunt Boa.


Krystal had been absent since Tuesday; she had severe case of over-fatigue and dehydration. Auntie said that she’s been overworking herself with school, varsity and club activities. I didn’t hesitate to ask if I could come over; she said that I didn’t even have to ask... and that Krystal’s been missing me. That did it.


I got out of my room and jumped on my bike not even caring that I forgot to wear a helmet.


I kept thinking about how bad I was to her. I should’ve reached out to her... Then I heard a small voice in my head.


‘... I, Amber J. Liu promise to protect you Krystal Jung from any human, hideous creatures or any hurt that you will feel...’




 Here I am standing in front of her room panting like hell. Why did I even run? But I don’t think it was the running that made my heart almost thump from my chest, it was her. She looked so.. weak. I sat beside her, grabbing her hand before caressing it gently.


I leaned and gave her a kiss on the forehead.


“Krys... I’m sorry...”


I saw her opening her eyes slowly. It was swollen; but they felt different. They seemed cold.


“What are you doing here?”


“I-I heard from Auntie-”


“You just heard?”, she cut me off; now looking away from me. I couldn’t look at her either.


“Krys... I’m so sorry...”


I helped her sit up, but she gently refused my offer.


“[Sigh] I don’t get you anymore Amber...”




“We’re best friends, but you treat me like I’m nothing... Don’t I mean... anything to you anymore?”


“Don’t say that...”


“It’s true... Ever since.. Ever since you and Nicole became close... you’ve changed... ”


“You... you barely talk to me anymore... I... ”


All this time I was the one waiting for her to make the first, move when she’s doing the same. A smile automatically formed around my lips.


“[Sigh] Am, I’m serious... Does this look funny to you?”


“[Sigh] I’m sorry... I’ve just been busy and-”


“That’s no excuse... I was busy too... But Nicole... You had time for her...”, she muttered.


“Yah... What about.. that Kai?.. You didn’t even... [Sigh] Never mind...”


“I’m sorry...”, I repeated as I laid my head near her lap.


“I don’t even like Nicole...”, I spoke but it ended up being muffled because my head was directly facing the bed.


“What?”, she asked as she placed her right hand on top of my head.


“I said, I don’t like your cousin...”, I immediately felt her grip the hair on the back of my head making me flinch a bit.


“W-were you just... playing with her?”


I placed my left hand on top of her hand that was still gripping my hair before I looked up. “I wasn’t... [Sigh] You’re cousin’s really stubborn; even more stubborn than you... She keeps... sticking to me like glue... I can’t... I can’t get rid of her... [Sigh]” I plopped my head on her bed after I finished explaining.


“[Sigh] Ditto... Kai’s the same...”


I giggled. Oh the irony.


“What’s so funny?”


“It’s just so ironic... I was honestly.. just waiting for you to approach me, but... turns out.. you’re just waiting for me too.”


She laughed as well. I missed that laugh...


“[Sigh] Why do we always get the simplest things in between us?”


I removed her hand on top of my head which was now massaging it gently, but I had to sit up straight so I can give her a hug. She returned it easily as I apologized once again.


“I’m sorry I broke my promise...”


“What?”, she softly asked.


”I, Amber J. Liu promise to protect you Krystal Jung from any human, hideous creatures or any hurt that you will feel...”, I repeated the promise I made to her 11 years ago.


“I’m sorry I hurt you... and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you... I should’ve... taken care of you...”


I felt her sighing before moving her right hand on the back of my head and rubbing it.


“Water under the bridge... So... Truce?” She said breaking our hug.





It only gets worse.  I slept over at Krystal’s that night after me and Nicole’s date. Everything after that was perfect. We were back to normal; or at least she thinks so. It was really hard being around her because I can’t think straight every time she’s near. And for crying’ out loud! She always gives me a heart attack when she gives me a hug out of nowhere or when she gets a bit intimate like holding my hand as we walk or even when were just eating. Homework became a lot harder because she would always force me to study at home with her. Sounds okay.. if we didn’t do it on her bed! I mean.. if we didn’t study on her bed.. Hehe. She just gives me her pout and tells me that she’s more comfortable doing homework there. So she lies on her belly while I either sit or kneel because I can’t sit on the floor because her bed’s too high. It’s hard I tell you! Because after a while my back hurts so I end up lying on my belly just like her and every time I do I never forget to give us space. But the next thing I know, her face is already close to mine. It doesn’t help either when she whispers in my ear every time she asks me a question or when she ‘accidentally’ brushes her feet with mine! [Sigh] Sometimes I think she’s doing it on purpose to tease me. [Pouts]



This year’s prom kicked the of last year’s! [Sigh] It was great. There was a live band, an even nicer venue, no senior cotillion dance, and to top it all I had the perfect partner to share my last prom with; no one other than the best girl in the world, Krystal Jung! Though, she lost the title of prom queen to Victoria, she won prom princess. I on the other hand won prom King, kidding. Nichkhun won, but I also got prom prince along with my other friends.






My star. Like I said we really had a good time at prom. We were now at an after party in Minho’s house. Minho finally had someone in his life. Kai is Suzy’s boyfriend now while Nicole was still a bit mad at me. But I knew she was happy because our friend Key took her to prom; I think there’s something going on between them. Oh well.


As for me and Krystal we fixed our issues and decided to never let anything in between our friendship again; however, I was starting to think I was pass that stage with Krystal. Slowly, as days progressed I realized why I never liked any of Krystal’s suitors; I was jealous. I’ve fallen for my best friend and the thing is I think I just happen to realize it now.



“How’d you know I was here?” I saw Krystal coming out of the window. I was sitting on Minho’s rooftop.


“I just knew...”, she smiled at me as she sat down beside me.


“Wait...”, I removed my blazer so that her dress wouldn’t get dirty.


 “Did you know that there will be a comet tonight?”


“No... So that’s why your’re here?.. My best friend really loves to star-gaze huh?”, she asked me as she crossed her arms.


“Hmm, just remembered it now... I came here for the stars... [Sigh] There’s just something about them...”


“What?” she looked at me curiously.


“[Sigh] I dunno... Somehow, looking at them gives me some peace of mind...”


“They remind me that everything’s okay as it is...  Like.. even if they’re too far and impossible to reach... I’m fine with just being able to see them... it’s already a blessing.”


I closed my eyes a bit and took a few breathes before facing her. I was surprised she was looking at me. How long have you been staring at me Krys?


We both moved away as I faked a cough and crossed my arms feeling the coldness of the night as she did the same, only she was rubbing her upper arms up and down.


“It’s really cold tonight huh...” she spoke.


“Y-you wanna go back inside?”, I still can’t look at her.


“I... I wanna watch the comet...”


I giggled as I hear her response. I looked at my watch and saw that there’s still an hour left before the comet becomes visible.


Arasso.” I turned to her with a smile.


“Amber.. I heard you applied for UCLA...” I guess my Mom told Aunt Boa.






“[Sigh] I didn’t make it... But I got accepted in NYU...”


“That.. That’s great Amber...”, she gave me a smile before she hesitantly gave me a hug. It was a long one before I broke it as I spoke.


“I heard you got accepted in Seoul University... I wasn’t surprised though...” I said as I elbowed her lightly returning her forced smile.


“Mom doesn’t want me to study abroad... [Sigh]”


I just nodded, because I knew Aunt Boa doesn’t want their only daughter away from them.


“Krys.. It’ll still take a while before the comet passes... Do you want to get inside already? You starting to chill...”, I said breaking the silence.


“I-I-w-want-t-to-m-make-a-w-wish...” She said with her teeth chattering as she embraced herself. Krystal’s really sensitive to the cold.


Hearing her say that made me smile. Stubborn child.


I didn’t think things through when I suddenly sat behind Krystal and wrapped my arms around her. All I know was that the only warmth I could give her was my body because I already offered my blazer for her to sit on.


After a while I felt her temperature return to normal, because her hands were already warm.


“Y-you okay now?” I managed to speak.


“Y-yeah.. I’m warm now...” she said as she bowed her head; moving it away from mine. I didn’t realize that I unconsciously placed my chin over her left shoulder as I waited for her answer, so I instantly backed away.


“Sorry... It was the only thing I could think of... y-you were already using my jacket...” I heard her giggle after I explained.


“You should’ve gotten us a blanket inside.” She replied making me pout. I didn’t think of that...


“I didn’t think about it.. Do you want me to get some?”


She responded by leaning her head on my right shoulder, before turning it to the left making her forehead and my chin touch.


“I told you I’m warm already.”


“I..” was the only thing I can mutter. We’ve been in this position many times, with her head very close to mine; that a little movement from me would make our noses or even our.. [swallows] lips meet. 


Once again, I was very much distracted with our very close and this time intimate proximity; it didn’t help as hell that I was still hugging her from behind and our hands were intertwined. So I tried to stay still as possible.


Sometimes, I think you feel the same. But, I don’t want to lose you.. I don’t wanna risk it... So I’d rather just look at you from a far than lose you completely. It’s ironic how lights enable us to see things clearly, but brightness coming from the Earth only ruins our chances of seeing the stars. If I told you, things will change between us and you might turn away from me.. I don’t want that to ever happen. So I’ll just love you secretly Krystal Jung.


All those years, I've longed to hold you in my arms
I've been dreaming of you
Every night, I've been watching all the stars that fall down
Wishing you will be mine


“Amber! Look.”


There it was.


“Make a wish princess.” I whispered down to her.


I saw her closing her eyes. I mimicked her.


I wish you will always remain happy princess.


“What did you wish for?” I can feel her turning her head to me.


I still had my eyes closed as I spoke, “Can’t tell you. It won’t come true.”


“Tell me.”


“I don’t wanna jinx it.”


“Ow!” She pinched my arm turning her body towards mine.


“Just tell me.” She spoke before moving forward a bit to give us space.


“[Sigh] Why do you wanna know?”


“I.. I’m just curious.”



“GUYS!! Cincha. You’ve been here all along?? We’ve been looking everywhere for you!”, Sulli said panting as we saw her head from the window.



The After-party: Truth or Truth. I used that as an excuse to get inside and acting like I forgot her question. Turns out we were going to play truth or dare. They only realized that we were gone up until then which was really funny. Sulli thought we we’re kidnapped. Hahaha. That kid. While Luna and Victoria both gave me a thumbs-up. Weird.



“So Amber, Truth or Dare.”, Key asked me.


“[Sigh] Dare.” It’s better than telling the truth.


“All right, just to remind everyone, losers that refuse to dare or answer truths will drink a shot of tequila.”, Jonghyun announced.


“I dare Amber to kiss someone she likes.”, Suzy dared me. Everyone clapped their hands and started to tease me.


“What?! That’s like asking for the truth already!”, I quickly protested.


“That’s legal. Suzy’s just a smart thinker.”, Minho defended Suzy.


. What should I do?


Wait... the dare was kiss someone you ‘like’ right?


I turned to the side and gave the person beside me a kiss on the cheek.


They were all quiet. Were they surprised?


Damn. Now I feel my face getting hot with their staring. The girls had these smirks while the guys were starting to get rowdy getting ready to tease me.


“What? The dare was to kiss someone you ‘like’. Krys and I have been best friends since we were kids, so it’s only natural that I ‘like’ her.”


I did not know where I got all that courage. I guess I kinda took advantage of the situation. I turned to Krystal and saw her holding the spot I kissed making me grin.


“You guys haven’t even drunk any alcohol yet your faces are already red as hell.”, Jonghyun laughed at us. I guess he was talking about Krystal too.







“Would you get mad if Amber get’s a girl friend?”, Nicole asked her cousin. I was a bit stunned. Why did she ask that?




Well that was.. sad.




She poked me hard on my waist.


“A-are you.. disappointed?”


“No.” I said with a pout. But I couldn’t help it.


Arasso.”, she had this big intimidating smirk on her face. What’s up with you Jung?







“You can’t do truth twice in a row.”, Luna said.


“Then why’d you even have to ask?”, The Ice princess has spoken.


“[Sigh] Fine.. Dare.”


“Kiss Amber.”, Luna dared. Hahaha. Revenge.


Wait, hold up. What??! K-k-kiss.. me??!! A rush of panic came through me.



That night I came home with a big, fat, stupid, smile on my face. I saw my Mom welcoming me with hands on her hips looking angry because I came home at 2 in the morning. [Sigh] I didn’t even care.

I gave her a hug, spinning her two times before planting a big wet kiss on her face and going up to my room humming a certain song; maybe be she thought I’d gone crazy. [Sigh] Maybe...



Because Krystal Jung just kissed me. On the lips!


I just can't believe that you are mine now

You were just a dream that I once knew
I never thought I would be right for you
I just can't compare you with anything in this world,
You're all I need to be here with forevermore



Finally. I can’t wait ‘til lunch time so that I can see Krystal. She could’ve kissed me on the cheek or anywhere else, but she kissed me on my lips. Ha! I drove her home after Minho’s party, but before she slammed the door on my face she gave me a quick peck on the lips.


I kept looking for her as our friends arrived in our table.


“Hyung, you looking for Krystal?”, Sulli asked me as I kept staring at the cafeteria entrance.


“She’s still at the class room; apparently she forgot to do some files regarding the council.” Taemin followed.


“Oh. Uhm... I’ll bring her some food then.”, I said as I excuse myself from our friends.


“All right lover boy.” I think I heard Victoria saying. Or I just might be hearing some things.



I saw her organizing files in folders. She didn’t notice me entering the room up until I was sitting beside her.


“I brought you a sandwich.. and some juice..”, I said as I placed them in front of her.


“C-can I help?”, I offered as I saw there was still a few files left. She gave me a smile to let me know I can.


I looked away because she might get self-conscious if I just stared at her as she ate. [Sigh] But I couldn’t help it.


“What’s wrong?”




“Y-you’re pouting... Is there something wrong?”


“I.. I was?.. I didn’t notice. Hehe. Nothing... I just, uhm...”


“Amber... ”




“W-would you like to, uhm...”, I waited for her as she drank some juice before continuing.


“...go... out with me... on Saturday?”, If we were cartoons I’d probably do a double or maybe a triple take. Did I hear correctly?


[Sigh] She beat me to it... I was actually about to ask that...



“Dork.”, she said as I lost my words and ended up nodding repeatedly with a big grin on my face.


“I’m you dork.”


“Ow.” She threw the sandwich wrap on me. Hahaha. But I made her blush!



Not the end. My friends threw a party after the last day of high school. It’s official. We’re college kids now. And you know what? So were Krystal and I.



“Why do I always find you here?”, she said sitting beside me at Luna’s rooftop. I’m telling you as long as I have access in rooftops I’ll try it.


I laughed at her. “It’s relaxing here.” I spoke feeling the summer breeze.


“But there aren’t even stars yet.”


“I know.” I said with a grin as I closed my eyes and placed my head on top of my hands.




I sat up and kissed her lips before speaking, “You know, lately I realized that I don’t need to look at the stars anymore.”


I opened my eyes and stared at those brown orbs I’ve been hooked on since I was 7, continuing “I already have my own.”


“[Sigh] How did I get so lucky to have you?”, I continued.


“You’re so... cheesy.”, she spoke before she slapped my cheek gently.


“I think I’ve already fallen for you since the first time we’ve met.”


“Even if I attacked you?”




We ended up laughing as we reminisced about our past.



“Come on. ”, I stood up and started to go back inside.


I turned to look back and caught Krystal lose her footing.


“Amber!” was the last thing I heard before I lost her in my line of vision.





Making it through. I was crying as I got up from my seat as they called my name. I can’t believe I did it! I’m officially done with college.


[Sigh] I just wish you were here to see me...




“Mom!” I ran to my Mom after the ceremony was finished.


“I’m so proud of you Hon.”


“Augh. Mom, stop it. You’re gonna make me cry again.”, I said as I wiped her tears.


“[Ehem] Congrats Amber.” I turned around and saw the face I’ve missed the most.


I did not hesitate to hug her.


“What are you doing here?”


“You think I would miss my girl friend’s graduation?”


She held my face before giving me a kiss on my lips. “I’ve missed you.”


“Me too.”, I said.


Words can’t explain how happy I was to see her here. It’s been 3 long years. I studied college in New York as she did in Seoul. We only got to see each other during Christmas break because I took summer classes for extra load; it was hard, but worth it because I was able to graduate in just three years. I think I’ve never been this emotional ever since Krystal accidentally fell off of Luna’s rooftop.


It was a good thing Luna’s room wasn’t located on the second floor, her Mom’s garden patch broke Krystal’s fall getting her just a few bruises and scratches, and a sprained ankle. I’ve never been so scared and so relieved at the same time.

Time and again
There are these changes that we cannot end
As sure as time
keeps going on and on
My love for you will be forevermore
Wishing you would be mine
I just can't believe that you are mine now


Now I’m back to Seoul. It was now Krystal’s graduation, along with our high school friends. I can’t believe we’ve made it this far. It’s hard for people to believe that we made our long distance relationship work, maybe it was all thanks to our strong connection and history together. If we didn’t start as best friends I don’t think it would have worked out between us.


We knew each other’s faults and weaknesses, our strengths, our personalities, and how we deal with things. We understood each other perfectly.



END. Forevermore. My heartbeat was in-synch with the sound of the century-old bell.


There she was, my goddess; my princess and soon to be Mrs. Jung-Liu. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her as she came closer. I gave her a kiss on her right hand as she stepped beside me.


“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today...” the minister continued until it was time for the vows.


I took a deep breath before speaking. “[Ehem] I was seven years old when I met you. My Mom told me I’d meet a friend the day before. I was so excited, I couldn’t sleep. There was something about that day which brought me so much anticipation. Looking at it now, I realized why I was. It turns out I’d be meeting my best friend, my wife and my soul mate. Back then, I used to think that you were just a star; something that was out of my reach and something that gave me hope even if I was just looking at you from a far. Now I have you in my arms, I promise never to let you go.”


“Starting now, I Amber J. Liu promise to always love, understand, support, cherish, please, and protect you Krystal Jung for as long as I live. ”, I continued as I raised my pinky to her.


You were just a dream that I once knew
I never thought I would be right for you
I just can't compare you with anything in this world
As endless as forever
Our love will stay together
You're all I need to be here with forever more


(As endless as forever
Our love will stay together)
You're all I need
To be here with forevermore




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arrene28 #1
Chapter 2: This is great. ☺️
Alerth #2
Great story!
amhar03 #3
Chapter 2: wow good story, like it so much *thumb up* n_n
ElevenTo21 #4
chorvabels #5
Chapter 2: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-!
Chapter 2: Woooowwwww!!!!
27camz #7
Chapter 2: this is my favorite story of yours author shii.. This is reeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllly good!!!
jpigtom #8
Chapter 2: Greeeeeeeaaaaat shot story!! I love this!I love you!!thank you author! *crying *bow
Chapter 2: T___T such a nice one shot
Smart thinking with both points of views btw
laperlateehee2 #10
sorry CTL. i lost my words [sigh]