Silhouette To The Breeze (Love in Friendship)


It’s weekend and as promised, Youngjae would go out for a day trip to a museum with his beloved teacher, Sunhwa; who he fancies more as his future lover.

While waiting for her to come to his house, he was busy in getting himself some perfect clothes to match up for their ‘date’ which is took nearly 2 hours just to make a right decision in picking up a nice outfit.

Youngjae looked at himself in the mirror, mesmerizing the clothes he was wearing. He wears a stylish black jacket with a white T-Shirt inside and a pair of jeans with a little bit of accessories tangled along his waistband. For the last touch up, he wears the necklace that Daehyun gave him.

He always thought why would Daehyun wanted to give him something like this. And to his amusement, the pendant was somehow in….not in a perfect shape.

It was a heart shape with wings attached side by side but it was cut in half. The back surface somehow had gone missing and it seems that there’s should be another one that could match or attach at the back side of the pendant.

Nevertheless, he brushed off the thoughts and focused back onto his reflection, making sure that he looks awfully good for the sake of his crush.

‘What a bad friend you are….you turned your best friend down for that woman….is she really that worth of your time, Youngjae-ah?’ a voice inside him said sarcastically towards him.

Youngjae frowned at the thought and fights back. ‘I didn’t mean to be this bad. I just thought that this is my golden chance in getting what I mostly wanted in my entire life. Daehyun can wait, it’s not there’s no other time….’

Yeah, there’s always….another time….

‘You’re a bad friend….very very bad friend…..Liar….’

“Shut up, you mothering voice! I know I’m not that very good friend but at least I promised him to do what he wants the next time onwards….haish!” Youngjae sniffled at the guilt he had inside him.

Even though he looked kinda stupid or crazy for talking to himself, but somehow the guilty can’t really stop there from making him feel uneasy all the time. Being honest to someone can hurt them even though it is a good thing. But what does that make any difference with lying anyway?

He sighed guiltily at the thought as he quickly grabbed his wallet on his table and went downstairs before getting some water to drink in the kitchen. His footsteps somehow attracted the attention of his two big brothers who were resting at the living room.

Himchan who noticed the familiar scent of perfume Youngjae was wearing swiftly walked to the kitchen and faced his younger brother who was gulping his water thirstily.

“Wow….looks like someone was going for a date today. What was her name again? Ohh yeah! Sunhwa-shii, the prettiest teacher in your school was it?” Himchan cocked his eyebrow slyly as he causally leaned on the side door of the kitchen. Yongguk holding his laugh back at the sarcasm.

Youngjae wiped out the excess of water drips from his mouth and frowned at the two elderly. “So? What about it? I was invited. There’s no way I’m going to turn out that offer, of course….”

“Aigoo….our baby Youngjae has finally grown up. I’m so proud of you, Youngjae-ah!” Himchan approached him and ruffled his hair harshly as he earned a dead glare from the younger for messing up with his new hair.

“What about Daehyun? Did he know that you’re going out with her today?” Yongguk asked since he knew the two was quite close together and spent most of their free time together almost every day..

Youngjae froze as he calmly responded to the question, “Yes, he is….and he didn’t mind about it either….”

“Hmm….well then. In that case, have fun with your ‘girlfriend’ Youngjae-ah,” Yongguk chuckled as he walked out from the kitchen with Himchan, leaving the brown-haired man dumbfounded alone in the kitchen.

“Damn, these guys are annoying….” Youngjae murmured for being teased by his brothers. But he didn’t give a damn care about it and went ahead to the entrance door. Just right in time, he heard a car honing outside of his house.

Youngjae enthusiastically rushed out from the house and saw Sunhwa was waving friendly to him from her window car. He sat next to her as she eyed him with her dazzling eyes.

“Wow…you looked very handsome today, Youngjae-ah. It seems like you’re aiming more than just a trip for today, huh?” Sunhwa felt a strong scent fill in her nostril instantly when the air-conditioner blew at him.

“Haha….it’s nothing. I always wear this whenever I went to the town alone….” Youngjae thought that he was getting good at lying nowadays. He always thought when did he learn to talk lies in front of people like this?

“If you’re ready, then let’s go!” Sunhwa drove her car out from the house as she managed to wave at Himchan and Yongguk who she had noticed that have been watching them all the time from the living room’s window.

As they passed Daehyun’s house, Youngjae saw a glimpse of Daehyun’s figure in a room on the second floor. He figured it was Daehyun’s room and managed to see a clear view of the guy’s smile; warm smile that is hard to define how much happiness was fill in that handsome face.

Suddenly, he felt uneasy about it. Something tells him that he would not be seeing that face for a quite long time anymore. Why would he feel in that way?

“Is something wrong, Youngjae?” Youngjae snapped from his thoughts and looked at Sunhwa who kept glancing at him while keeping her view in front.

“N-Nothing! I’m…fine…”

“Just to let you know. In case you have any problem, you can always share it with me…”

Youngjae smiled at her caring attitudes, “Thank you. You’re very kind, teacher….” No wonder that all male students in his school were crazy for her and some of them even fighting with each other just because of her. Not to mention that, female students were also jealous of her.

But somehow, Sunhwa seems so clueless about it despite her innocence and sincerity towards other. That’s what makes her special….to his eyes.

Since its Youngjae’s first time in coming to the museum, everything that he saw was too majestic and fascinating to his eyes. All of the antique equipments and monuments were huge.

As the smartest student in his school, of course he remembered everything that Sunhwa had taught him during the History class. After they surveyed the whole area together, they decided to go for a lunch break at the café nearby.

“Wow, Youngjae. I can’t believe that you remembered everything what I’ve taught you during class. I myself can’t remember it very well, you know. You’re one genius kid, Youngjae-ah….” Sunhwa excited.

“Well, I can’t remember it if it wasn’t for a great teacher like you,” Youngjae grinned charmingly as it made the other blushed.

“You silly boy, Youngjae-ah….haha,” Sunhwa smacked the younger’s shoulder playfully and take a sip of her drink. Youngjae followed as he sipped his drink and started to swirl the water with a straw.

“Say….do you have any other friend besides Daehyun, Youngjae-ah?”

Youngjae blinked at the question. Now that she mentioned it, he realized that he never had one. And Daehyun was his first one. “Well, I have a few…..before. Why do u ask, Sunhwa-shii?”

“Please, call me Sunhwa. We’re not in school anyway so you can drop the honorifics instead of being this formal to me. Besides, I’m not that old enough, you know….” Youngjae chuckled at her easy-going act.

“Well….I’m just curious about both of you, that’s all. Your friendship reminds me of….my old friend,” Sunhwa said sadly.

“Your…old friend?”

Sunhwa smiled at him and sighed. “I used to have a friend like Daehyun; someone who is cheerful, kind, loud, and loves to annoy me every single day...”

“What’s her name?” Youngjae asked curiously.

“Her name is Hyosung…..I still remember how popular she is back then….while I’m on the other side; unpopular and hateful student in the school.”

“What? Seriously?” Youngjae looked at her surprisingly.

Sunhwa chuckled. “What? You think I was popular during my school days? Please….I had never been this type of person when I was at your age. I always being gloomy, angry, and emotional towards everyone….until Hyosung came to my life.”

Youngjae listened to her story attentively, curious of her friendship with her old friend.

“She’s the only person who willingly to stay with me, to hang out with me, and becoming a loyal friend to me. She didn’t care about what other people said about me – those bad rumors that students kept spreading around the school, she didn’t give a damn to it. Because to her, the only way to get to know that person is to being friends with them; not judging them by their appearance. How great she was, eh?” Sunhwa grinned at the memories she had with her.

“Wow….she must have been a really great friend….and you’re lucky to have her as one…”

“Yeah, totally….” Sunhwa cheered. But her smile slowly faded and said, “But I’ve never been a great friend to her back.”

“W-Why?” Youngjae stuttered. Sunhwa sighed again and looked at him in the eye, “Because I’m breaking our friendship together.” Youngjae was taken aback by the respond and it had caught him speechless.

“We’re…having a fight together. I’m the one who lose my temper….I scold her….then I left her. We didn’t talk with each other ever since but….” Sunhwa bit her lips before continued.

“Few days before our graduation day, I found out that she was involved in a terrible car accident while she was on her way back home….she was in critical state. The day I was visiting her at a hospital, she lying down on the bed; unconscious….”

Youngjae was a bit stunned as he kept his gaze locked on her. “I feel bad….and I want to apologize to her but….it was too late….” Sunhwa gripped her hands tightly as her eyes began to water. She started to tear up but try to hold back as she looked down and let the tears fell down to her skin.

 Youngjae felt guilty for her. Now he realized it. Within that smile there’s sadness and loneliness that not anyone can ever understand.

They said that the saddest people are the one who smile the brightest. I guess it was right after all.

“Sunhwa-ah….” Youngjae held her hands. Sunhwa widened her eyes and looked up to him; the guy was smiling to him as he gently soothing her hands as if he tried to soothe her feelings.

“It’s….not your fault….entirely, Sunhwa-ah. I meant….you didn’t really mean it. Sometimes people intend to express their emotions vulgarly without noticing it. I bet…Hyosung would understand that too…”

“H-How…how do you know?”

Youngjae looked at her as Daehyun’s face flashed in his mind. The handsome man smiling at him, and somehow it soothes his feeling too.

“Because she was a kind woman….Only people with pure hearts would understand their friends no matter what happened….”

Sunhwa astonished by his words. The younger was right, people with pure hearts are the only one who understands others no matter what happened. And it’s quite sad that there’s only few still exists in our society nowadays.

Youngjae grinned as his eyes landed on their entwined hands. He blushed abruptly and immediately released her hands. “Omo! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…I-“

“Youngjae-ah…” Sunhwa didn’t let go of his hands.

Youngjae stared at her with doe eyes. Sunhwa sighed lightly and smiled at him. “Thank You. You’re very….kind-hearted man, Youngjae-ah…”

The brown-haired man was fluttered by the words, too speechless to say a word. Sunhwa chuckled before released his hands. “Ohh….our food is here…let’s eat!” she beamed happily when the waiter came in with their foods.

Youngjae saw a glimpse of Sunhwa wiping out her tears before dig in with her food. He felt satisfied that he managed to make her feel better. But somehow, the weather outside doesn’t seem to make him feel any better.

After lunch, they decided to go back home. But it takes more than an hour for them to reach to the place because of the weather. It was raining like cats and dogs.

Youngjae looked at the clock displayed in the car, 2 hours just passed but they managed to get away from the traffic jammed anyway. He sighed in relief and glanced at his phone.

‘That’s odd. I’ve just recharged it last night. Why suddenly it’s out of battery?’ Youngjae pressed the buttons which is not working as the phone displayed black screen.

“We’re here….” Sunhwa stopped the car with the side door Youngjae sat at facing his house’s front door since she didn’t want the little man get wet though.

“Thank you for sending me home, Sunhwa-ah. Sorry if I troubled you…”

“No, no! You shouldn’t be! I’m the one who should say thank you! And besides, you made me feel better with your word of advice….thank you for that, Youngjae-ah,” Sunhwa grinned.

Youngjae smiled back and bowed lightly to her before getting off from the car. He waved her in goodbye as she waved him back and left. He walked into the house slowly and took his shoes off. “Hyung~ I’m home…” he said and headed to his room.

“Youngjae-ah!” Himchan stopped him as Yongguk followed from behind. Youngjae eyed the men oddly, wondered at their worried face.

“Where the heck are you? I’ve been calling you since 4 hours ago and you didn’t even pick up. Do you know worried I am? Did you put your phone on ‘silent’ mode again?” Youngjae scoffed when the dark-haired man started to nag at him.

“My phone is out of battery, okay? And I’m here now. Safe and sound! Is something a matter?” Youngjae looked at them.

Himchan and Yongguk exchanged glances as they eyed the younger worriedly. Youngjae noticed the uneasy looks he received from them. He had a bad feeling for this.

“Hyung….what’s wrong?”

Himchan sighed deeply and bit his lips. “Youngjae-ah….” He looked at his younger brother hesitantly, “Daehyun was involved in a car accident….and he was in a hospital right now.”



Hye , guys. Sorry for the long delay.

Too many stuff needs to handle and I've been facing a lot of difficult issues which is why I took a lot of time just to finish everything up.

Anyway , I will be finishing this story soon so hopefully you'll enjoy and read it untill the end. Thank you for your support and see you in the next chapter ! ^^

Btw , more entirely , I think this picture fits for this background story.



Thank you for reading ! New chater will coming soon ! 

Senichi_Yamada is reporting for duty. Yes , sir !

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Chapter 8: hahah i love himchan in the last gif.. omg love the story it is so cute!
Chapter 7: omg... i want to hurt himchan..
Chapter 6: omg my deahyunnie!!!!
Chapter 5: awwwwh!!!!
Chapter 4: they are so cute!
Chapter 2: oh my god.. i cried.. my poor jaejae :(
Chapter 8: i loved it! Awesome story!!! I cried like a baby even after i found out Dae wasn't dead haha my roommate thought i was crazy lol LOVE IT!!! Please finish your other stories soon! Your a great author!
Chapter 8: I was ((still am)) crying my heart out omfg this story.... i thought daehyun really died cos.. omg u i just cant i love their relationship so much omg this is just so clever i love it so much huhuhu i hate u omg make me stop crying author-nim omg
petalcha #9
Chapter 8: This is very well written and wah I love the story. ㅠㅠ Been craving for a good fanfic and I'm glad that I checked the DaeJae tag and I find this. You don't know how my heart clenched on that scene with Youngjae crying over a dead body, though I kind of knew that it's false alarm. And I'm really glad that it is! Daehyun is an amazing person. Thank you for writing and sharing this fic.ㅜㅜ
Chapter 8: The Cuties historical I've ever read, OMG I really thought that Dae was dead!!... You scared me, but it was very beautiful everything seriously ♡ I just love it!!!