Silhouette To The Breeze (Love in Friendship)


Youngjae sat on the bench, looking at his surrounding awkwardly as he was thinking whether he should stay or just go back home instead. How did he get into this situation again? Ohh….right….him.


Youngjae looked up to the owner of the voice but to feel a sudden cold stick touching his lips as it made him jerked a little bit. He frowned at the weird man above him and reached for the Popsicle as the other joined beside him.

“It’s pretty hot today, eating ice-cream can wash away those stressful feelings fully. You should try it sometimes,” Daehyun looked at Youngjae while in his Popsicle deliciously.

Youngjae stared at him blankly, wondered if the man realized that he was eating the ice-cream dirtily in public. He sighed and on his Popsicle lazily. “Why did you bring me here again?”

Daehyun gave him a questioned look. “To eat, of course. What else? And besides, the foods here are all tasty, better than in my hometown though….”

“Then, instead of a Popsicle, you should buy something heavier to eat….” Youngjae rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“Well, I’m more prefer to take everything slowly though,” Daehyun grinned. Youngjae blushed at the handsome man beside him and slightly turned his head away, avoiding the eye contact with him.

“Say….your name is Youngjae, right? I heard that you’re one of the top students in school,” Daehyun finished his ice-cream before he grabbed for another one in the plastic bag beside him.

“So? What about it?” Youngjae asked bluntly.

“Well, aren’t you happy for it? I mean, being the role model for the entire students in school was not something easy. You’re lucky that the teachers love you,” Daehyun said happily.

‘Yeah, and the students hate me instead….’ Youngjae said mentally, kissing on the Popsicle himself instead of eating it.

“Why would the students hate you by the way?”

Youngjae furrowed his eyebrows and stared at him. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, they seem to talk bad about you. They hate you because of your arrogant characters, they hate you because you’re ugly and stuff, yada-yada….but I don’t seem to understand it at all.”

Youngjae blinked and looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that they shouldn’t judge you before get to know you first. And from what I see in you just now, you only seem to be….alone….and quiet. That’s all….”

Youngjae looked at him in disbelief. Is this guy really innocent or he just pretending to be one? Urgh….whatever.

“Y-Yah….where are you going?” Daehyun widened his eyes when he saw the other was walking away from him. He quickly chased the man from behind and walked at the same pace as him.

“Are you mad? I’m sorry if I said something wrong to you. I’m just curious, that’s all…”

Youngjae sniffled harshly. “You know, Daehyun? Sometimes, you need to leave such questions remain unknown instead of asking it to the person himself. In that way, you wouldn’t have to offend other people’s feelings directly….do you understand?”

“But, if you keep it to yourself, it will become a huge problem later on. My parents said that sharing your problem to someone trustable can release your tension and will make you feel a lot more relief rather than keep it inside…”

The guy was right, he thought. But who would be trustable enough for him to share his problem? He didn’t trust anyone in this world besides his brothers. Like his brothers would have some time for him as well….

As he was walking back to his home, he noticed that the guy was still following him, which made him feel uncomfortable for the guy’s presence behind him.

“Why are you following me? Don’t you have a place elsewhere to go besides bothering someone else business?” Youngjae looked at him coldly.

“Who said that I was following you? My way back home was this way too….” Daehyun blinked innocently at him.

Youngjae felt like a huge rock suddenly crashed on top of his head, felt embarrassed in front of the guy for his action. He continued walking and looked to his front, ignoring him instead.

While he was being too serious on his way back, Daehyun was humming a song melodically which is quite nice to Youngjae’s ear. But, Youngjae didn’t bother it as he kept walking straight ahead.

“Hey….Youngjae-ah, is that your house?” Youngjae turned at Daehyun was pointed at his house. “Why do you ask?”

“Wow…I can’t believe that we’re actually neighbors! We’re even neighbors in our class too! This is so exciting!” Daehyun cheered.

Youngjae looked at him with mouth dropped and glanced at the new house beside his. That was Daehyun’s house? Does that mean he’ll be walking with this annoying man every single day to his school? Ohh God….

“We should play together sometimes. It will be fun to make some new friends especially with the close neighbors, though….say, can I meet your family? I can introduce mine to you too if you want,” Daehyun grinned.

“No, thanks….besides, I’m very busy with my studies and I simply don’t have much time to play with anyone,” Youngjae was about to walk away until he heard a sudden hone coming from a car nearby them. They both turned to the car to see them stopped beside them.

“Youngjae-ah, did you just come back from school today?” his brother, Himchan, poking his head out from the windows car, smiling at them diligently. “Who is this new fella? Your friend?”

“Hello, my name is Daehyun, and yes, I’m his new friend and new classmate. Nice to meet you!” Youngjae frowned at the introduction. Since when did he declared Daehyun as his friend anyway?

“Haha….nice to meet you too, Daehyun. My name is Himchan and this is Yongguk. We’re Youngjae’s big brother,” Yongguk who sat at the driver seat glanced at the two, wondering who the newcomer guy next to his youngest brother was.

“Ohh? You guys are brothers? Wow…how fascinating!” Daehyun smiled and pointed at the house next to Youngjae’s. “That’s my house over there. We’re neighbors, by the way…”

“Ohh? Really? Well, that’s very nice. In that case, you should play with Youngjae sometimes. He always felt lonely in the house by himself and sometimes he would just rather go to the beach for sight-seeing instead of hangout with other kids since he doesn’t have any friends though….”

“Hyung!” Youngjae scowled at Himchan for being so blunt towards the person next to him.

“What? I’m telling the truth! Besides, you need to start making some new friends from now on….at least for once, Youngjae-ah,” Himchan ruffled Youngjae’s hair playfully, as he received a mere dark glare from the guy.

“We made you some food this afternoon and put it into the refrigerator. Just reheat it later in case you’re hungry, okay? We’ll be going now….” Yongguk waved at them and reversed the car, ready to leave the place.

“You shouldn’t come home if you really are about to leave for work, hyung….” Youngjae gave them a confuse look.

“We just want to check whether you’re okay or not, that’s all. If you need anything else, just call us right away, okay?” Himchan glimpsed at Daehyun before continued, “…or ask some help from our new neighbor instead. Alright? See you guys later~”

Youngjae rolled his eyes and crossed his hands on his chest, watching his brothers leaving him in dismay while Daehyun was cheerfully waved them back, keeping a smile on his face.

“Wow….you had a very nice brother. You’re lucky that you have two while I have none at all….” Daehyun pouted and turned Youngjae, who appears to be not there beside him anymore.

“Youngjae-ah, where are you going?” Daehyun ran to Youngjae when he saw the guy was ready to close the front door, not caring to even say good bye to him.

“Going to sleep….why do you ask?” Youngjae said bluntly.

“I was about to invite you to play with me after this but….never mind. Enjoy your sleep anyway! Bye!” Daehyun smiled as his eyes formed into slits, waving at him.

Youngjae blinked at the guy’s action before he closed the door completely in front him. He leaned on the door for a moment, thinking about the Busan kid.

“What’s up with him anyway? He’s weird…..” he shook his head in disbelief and walked to upstairs and locked himself in his room.

He just hoped that the guy won’t follow him again after this.




The next day….

“Youngjae-ah~” Youngjae turned to the voice and saw Daehyun who was running towards him like a happy child who was seeing his parents. He cursed silently.

“Yah, why didn’t you come to my house this morning? I thought we’re supposed to go to school together from now on….”

“I don’t like it….I’m more prefer to go to school alone rather than follow someone else….”

“Damn….you’re too boring, Youngjae-ah….but, no worries. We can fix that one up!” Daehyun grinned.

Youngjae frowned at the statement. What does he meant by that?

He realized that ever since that day, Daehyun would just come to him and calling his name like always.

During his class, Daehyun would ask him so many questions about their home works that their teachers had gave them.

After class, he would invite Youngjae go to town to buy some food and shopping instead; which Youngjae would momentarily decline.

Then during evening, whenever he wanted to do some revision, Daehyun would come to his house and knock on his door, invite to come play with him.

Things happened almost every day. And he’s getting fed up with the annoying man for calling his name every time whenever he was busy with his business.






“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT, ?!!” Youngjae opened the door widely and nearly slammed it to the wall behind, causing the other man jumped in surprise.

“Woah…calm down. You don’t have to be that mad, I’m just trying to be friendly and carefree; that’s all…” Daehyun looked innocently at him, didn’t notice the angriness that carved on the other’s face.

“The problem is you’re being friendly and carefree at the wrong time, JUNG DAEHYUN. Now, tell me what you want so I can settle it down and resume my work back….”

“I found a very nice place for us to play together and I really really really want you to see it. Come, I’ll show you it now!” Daehyun grabbed Youngjae’s wrist.

Youngjae scowled at the action. “I don’t want to. Let go…” he protested but Daehyun seems to refuse in letting go of his hand.

“Owh come on! It won’t take time! I promise! Come!” Youngjae pulled back but abruptly being pulled away by the brown-haired guy as he started to running and followed him from behind.

“Let’s go, Youngjae-ah! You really don’t want to miss this one for sure!”



Okay , I'm guessing this is going to be a bit longer but surely not going to be longer than 10 chapters so bear with me , okay guys ? :D

and LOL , Daehyun being an annoying and pushover friend while Youngjae was just some geek and boring person to be friends with. Have you ever experience this once in your life before ? Well , I don't. But I always wonder about how it feels to have one or being one. Huhu

New chapters will coming soon ! Insya-Allah ! ^^

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Chapter 8: hahah i love himchan in the last gif.. omg love the story it is so cute!
Chapter 7: omg... i want to hurt himchan..
Chapter 6: omg my deahyunnie!!!!
Chapter 5: awwwwh!!!!
Chapter 4: they are so cute!
Chapter 2: oh my god.. i cried.. my poor jaejae :(
Chapter 8: i loved it! Awesome story!!! I cried like a baby even after i found out Dae wasn't dead haha my roommate thought i was crazy lol LOVE IT!!! Please finish your other stories soon! Your a great author!
Chapter 8: I was ((still am)) crying my heart out omfg this story.... i thought daehyun really died cos.. omg u i just cant i love their relationship so much omg this is just so clever i love it so much huhuhu i hate u omg make me stop crying author-nim omg
petalcha #9
Chapter 8: This is very well written and wah I love the story. ㅠㅠ Been craving for a good fanfic and I'm glad that I checked the DaeJae tag and I find this. You don't know how my heart clenched on that scene with Youngjae crying over a dead body, though I kind of knew that it's false alarm. And I'm really glad that it is! Daehyun is an amazing person. Thank you for writing and sharing this fic.ㅜㅜ
Chapter 8: The Cuties historical I've ever read, OMG I really thought that Dae was dead!!... You scared me, but it was very beautiful everything seriously ♡ I just love it!!!