Never gonna leave you



When the morning come, Jessica woke up and was about to do her usual routine. Waking up Yoona, showering her, and make breakfast. And also knock on Yuri's bedroom to wake her up.

knock.knock.. "Yuri-ah.." she wait for a seconds, but no reply.

she knock again. "Yuri?". No reply.

that's weird. is she woke up earlier? Jessica's thought. 

Then Jessica and Yoona went to the dining room. The breakfast is ready on the table. Jessica notice that there's a note next to it.

I have something urgent to do, so I woke up earlier and prepare the breakfast.



Jessica pout, "she should tell me first before she go"

Yoona then said to her mom, "omma, let's eat!!"

Jessica smile, "let's eat".


Unknowingly to Jessica, Yuri actually call to her office and ask for a day off.

"Yuri, I understand. You worked hard for the past few years. I can't say no if you want to have a day off on weekdays. Have a rest. I will see you in the office tomorrow then".

"Thanks, Narsha-unnie. I just need a time off today to clear up my mind. It's nothing serious. So don't worry." 

Then Yuri hang up the phone. And sigh.

She's in the basketball indoor court. The court where she practice together with Taeyeon in Taewoo's team. But it's empty at the moment because it's a holiday season for her basketball team. And Taeyeon is gone for New Zealand trip with Tiffany. 

Basketball in her hand. She wandering around the court with it. Warming up while dribbling the ball. Then she do the lay up. And also 3 points shoot.

Yuri always went to the empty court if she feels something bother her and needs time to be alone for a while.

After 15 minutes,  she sat down.

"Am I became such a burden for Sica all of this time? That I'm a girl and it cause her really hard to accept me as her lover". Yuri think, sadly.

"Am I good enough for her? Am I...." There's a lot of doubts in Yuri's mind at the moment.

Jessica's conversation with Tiffany makes Yuri have lots of thoughts and sad at the same time. But when it comes to Yoona, Yuri know she have to be strong for the sake of Yoona. Since Yoona look up at her so much. 

Suddenly,  the front door of the court is opened and someone get inside.

"Yu.. Yuri...?"

Yuri try to recognize that person but that person standing too far.

"Who is it?"

"I.. I was looking for you at your workplace.  But they said you taking a break today." that person walk closer to Yuri. 

"I just happen to wandering around this area and I thought this place is empty. But...I found you". That person stop walking. 

Yuri's leg feel numb when she recognize that person.




Jessica hurried to get inside the school because she got a phone call from Jea, the head principal, that Yoona gets into fight with one of her classroom friends. When she arrive at the principal office, she found Yoona sit down while holding some papers and Yoona looks very upset.

"Yoona-ah..". Yoona look at her mom but didn't said anything. 

Jea sigh , "Yoona beat one of the boys in her classroom. And now that boy have to go home because he keep crying after he got the medicine".

Jessica bow to Jea, "I'm sorry Principal. It won't happen again. I will also apologies to that boy's parent."

Jea smile, "his parent ask me to send their apologizes to you.  Because that  boy, YongHwa is quit trouble maker. They said that it must be YongHwa first who looking for trouble. "

Jessica ask,  "what happened,  Yoona-ah? "

Yoona didn't answer.

Jea then said,  "She didn't want to say the problem. She just keep quiet after she punch Yonghwa. They were arguing about something before"

Jessica said, "I will take Yoona home now, principal. Maybe she will tell me after that. I apologies for this. "

"It's fine. I was surprised to see her gets upset. Yoona is a bright student and always cheerful. It's rare for all the teachers here to see her angry like that". Jea explain.

Yoona abruptly walk out but she didn't forget to bow to Jea before she left. 

When they get in the car. Yoona still quiet. 

Jessica is worried then she text Yuri before she drive home. She thinks that maybe Yuri can talk to her since she won't said anything to Jessica.



Jessica prepare the dinner while Yoona still in her room. Yuri just got home.

"I got your messages,  Jessica". Yuri said.

Jessica is confused why Yuri call her full name. She's not used to hear that from Yuri.

"She's in her room now. I was thinking maybe she will talk if you can persuade her". Jessica said.

Yuri then walk to Yoona's room while Jessica following behind. 

Knock...knock..."Yoona-ah.. can I come in?" Yuri ask but she slowly open the door and peeping if Yoona sleeping or not.

Yoona sat on her bed and still holding the paper that she bring from the school.

Yuri then sit next to Yoona. "My champion is upset today. What's wrong?"

Yoona look at Yuri with the tears form in her eyes.

"what's makes you upset, Yoona-ah?" Yuri then notice the paper in Yoona's hand.

"Is it because of the paper?" Yuri then take it from Yoona's grip, slowly.

Turns out, the paper have a drawing on it. 

Yuri immersed into that drawing. She seems understand of why Yoona gets upset. 

Jessica who was standing next to the door ask Yuri, "what is that,  Yuri-ah? She kept holding it until we arrived at home this afternoon".

Yuri then show it to Jessica. And Jessica seems startled.

it's a drawing of Yuri, Yoona,  and Jessica in the park. Holding hands together. With their names on their head.

Yul Appa, Yoona, Sica omma.

Yoona couldn't hold her tears anymore and hug Yuri.

"Yul appa... hwaaa...." Yoona  cried. "He...Yonghwa said that Yul is not my appa because appa is a girl. Hwaa..."

"He said that I don't have appa.....hwaaa... I told him that Yul is my appa and he take my drawing and he kept saying that I don't have appa...hhwaaaa. Yoong is very angry... then Yoong punch him... hwaAaa... appaaaa....." Yoona cried really hard while hugging Yuri.

Jessica look down and sigh.

Yuri saw Jessica's expression while soothing Yoona. "Sica-ah, do you feel ashamed now? I know it now and understand". Yuri's thought. 

"Yoong. You don't have to punch him if you angry. Just tell your teacher that he makes you upset." Yuri smile.

Yoona nod while wiping her tears.

Yuri then pad Yoona's head. "I will put your drawing in the frame. It will looks nicer."

Yoona smile. "Thanks appa!"

"Now, I will give you 10 minutes to get ready for dinner". Yuri said.

When Yuri was about to go out from Yoona's bedrrom, she exchange eye contact with Jessica. But no one spoken.







Author's note:

sorry for the short chapter.  My laptop is totally broken and it makes me so upset that I couldn't update for a while. I tried to write the chapter using my phone but it's quite annoying.  I hope I will get new laptop soon.














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Haazimah #1
Chapter 37: any update?
kwonchatiz51289 #2
Chapter 39: ??????
PilotIsMyJob #3
Chapter 39: I feel you author! But yeah..2yeon/Najeong, Chomi/Chobom and Seulrene pair seems very inspiring for me..maybe you could try to write something about them too..
mysterypoints #4
Chapter 39: Its such a waste that u cannot complete this.. But yeah i will respect ur decision..
Chapter 39: :((((((((
Chapter 39: :((((((((
hazells #7
Chapter 39: its kinda sad that you decided not to continue this story anymore. but i respect your decision, me too craving for yulsic interaction in real life but T. T anyway thank you for this story. waiting for your new story with new couple. i hope its seulrene or chaelisa haha
hazells #8
hmm. its been a while?
Yurishi #9
Hello..anybody home.....
myniah09 #10
Chapter 38: i miss this story please update this....