Finally there~

BAP gets their hair and nails done

Yongguk as the driver was probably the best decision B.A.P made all day. His fast driving, shortcuts and dodging other cars (in the safest way possible) got them there in under 10 minutes. They arrived at the salon entrance and the car stopped with a jolt as Yongguk parked it. Jongup (who had the lucky privilege of riding in the front with the leader) was sitting up straight and holding on to his seatbelt with both hands, eyes wide and empty.

"You okay Jongup-ah?" Yongguk asked. This is what Jongup got for not letting Himchan sit in the front.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, just a little c-car sick" 

"BOO!" Zelo yelled as he jumped up infront of Jongup's window.

Jongup's scream was louder than the whole of B.A.P fighting over something.

"Woah! Hyung, you scream like a girl!" Zelo teased.

Yongguk grabbed the back of Jongup's shirt before he got out of the car to hit Zelo over the head.

"OKAY! LADIES! STOP YOUR QUARRELLING! WE HAVE A CURFEW AND I DON'T WANT TO CUT MY SALON EXPERIENCE SHORT BECAUSE YOU TOOK FOREVER TO SHUTUP!" Himchan was forever over exaggerating, but B.A.P understood his point and began to walk down the street towards the salon.

"Woah i have so many split ends! And my hair is so dry towards the ends! I'm going to get it styled!" Daehyun said as he walked down the street, his eyes and hands fixated on his 'split ends' which caused him to bump into many other pedestrians. After He had run into the fourth pedestrian Yongjae decided to guide him through the streets. 

The walk took a little less than 4 minutes to get to the salon. It did hair and nails, which Himchan was very excited about. He walked straight in and told the receptionist exactly what he wanted and how many people were in the party.

"Right this way gentlemen" The receptionist was exceptionally pretty and when Himchan caught Yongguk staring he slapped the back of his neck.

Himchan squinted his eyes at Yongguk and said "I know your angle"

"What angle? I'm straight aren't I?" Himchan seemed less impressed with his hyung's pun than his erted staring.

As they took their seats along the mirror they all chose the way they wanted to get their hair done.

Yongguk just a wash blowdry. Himchan wash, blowdry, style and highlights. Jongup, Youngjae and Daehyun wash and cut. And Zelo wanted blue streaks and a mowhawk, but Himchan scolded him and told the hairdresser just to wash and blowdry his hair.

They were all taken to the different stations of the salon to get their hair done. They all went to the basins first to get their hair washed. Yongguk could barely keep his eyes open while the hairdresser was massaging his head, but after a few beatings from himchan he learnt not to close his eyes again. Zelo hated anyone touching his hair besides Yongguk and Himchan, and he wouldn't stop fidgeting. Jongup was trying to focus on Himchan's blabbering about how skinny SNSD are but kept getting distracted by the waves of young women that keep entering the hairdresser. Daehyun and Yongjae were sitting quietly and reading magasines with occasional picture and gossip discussing. 

When they had finished getting their hair washed they were taken to various stations with in the salon. Yongjae, Daehyun and Jongup were taken to their chairs to get their hair cut. Himchan was taken to the highlight section of the shop and Zelo and Yongguk were sat down in seat on the opposite side of the room to get their hair dryed. 

"Well this really does beat sitting in a steaming dorm doing nothing. God Himchan has some good ideas sometimes!" Youngjae remarked.

"But trust him to take us here, why couldn't it be something more interesting like a movie? Or the arcade?" Jongup never liked sitting still for too long, so hairdressers weren't really his thing.

"IT'S STILL BETTER THAN SITTING IN A HOT DORM! God Jongup listen to other people before you speak next time!" Yongjae didn't like people complaining, especially since they had it so good at the moment.

"Sorry Hyung."

Daehyun was still marveling at the little hair ts that were falling to the floor like snow. He really must have been happy to get rid of those split ends!

One the other side of the room Zelo and Yongguk were being submitted to even more heat.

"WHY DID I HAVE TO ASK FOR A BLOW DRY! I WOULD HAVE HAPPILY ACCEPTED TO HAVE IT AIR DRY!" Yongguk had to shout to be heard over the sounds of the hairdryers.

"WHAT? HYUNG I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Zelo was squirming more than when he was getting his hair washed. He was basically out of his seat and on the floor.

Himchan, however was enjoying his quiet time, even thought the sound of the other five members was impacting this 'quiet time' quite a bit. He had lengthy conversations with the hairdresser doing the highlights in his hair. He always had an appealing personality to strangers.

After every one's hair had been washed, cut, blowdryed and himchan's had been styled and given highlights, it was alreay late into the afternoon. Everyone sighed as they walked out of the airconditioned hairdresser into a wall of heat. They were all too tired to realise that Himchan was leading them to the nail parlor, not the car. 

When they reached the parlor they all groaned in unison but they knew they couldn't argue with Himchan over something like this.

They walked in and the thick blanket of heat from outside was quickly blasted off them by the airconditioned room. Their groans were replaced with sighs of relief. 

Himchan consulted the receptionist to which nail treatment was the fastest. He knew they were all tired and wanted to get home quickly. They were all sat down at the nail bench to get their hails cleaned and cut, the fastest option. 

"You know, this was actually a rather enjoyable day, props to Himchan for the idea." Jongup said as the parlor worker cliped the end of his nails off.

"Hey! I did more than give you guys the idea! I organised the whole thing!" Himchan was clearly offended by Jongup's comment.

"And I drove you all here! I surely deserve some credit too!" Yongguk liked praise.

"Okay! we can all agree we had a big part to play in the sucsession of today." Youngjae really just wanted them all to shut their faces so he could rest his eyes and ears.

"YEAH GOOD JOB EVERYONE!" Zelo's little chant made the sleepy Daehyun jump a little.

After their nails were all clean and cut they payed and walked back out into the sweaty outside world. On the way back they all fell asleep in the car (except of course for Yongguk who was the designated driver one again). When they got home Yongguk was the only one still awake so he parked the car in the garage and decided to play a little trick on his dongsaengs. He tied all their hands to the seats and turned off every light in the garage and car. Serves them right for making him drive he said to himself. 

"Have fun waking up boys!" he chuckled to him self as he walked up the stairs to the dorm.



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Chapter 3: Yongguk you're evil haha
Chapter 3: This was funny ^^
aslan88 #3
Chapter 3: really funny ^^
Chapter 3: uh-oh Yongguk 'o' you're bad *naughty naughty*
Chapter 3: Bad yongguk!!!
kaykayenoel #6
Chapter 3: Haha, evil yongguk. cx
I really enjoyed reading this story.
I hope you make more crackfics often, author-nim! ♥
kaykayenoel #7
Chapter 2: Haha, this sounds like it's going to be hilarious (it already is!). Update soon please! <3