To get to the salon, you must travel

BAP gets their hair and nails done

No one really wanted to squish Zelo's dreams on going to the salon, he just seemed so darn cute when he was set on doing something. After about 30 minutes of finding the right outfits, shoes, a quick breakfast and locking up they were ready to cram the car full of BAP! As they walked down the stairs to get to the car they were all discussing when they wanted to get done to their hair and what colours their nails should be painted.

"I want to get green streaks! And blue nails! With little bunnies painted on them! And an-" Zelo was getting just a tad over excited so Yongguk decided to step in before he got Himchan started as well.

"Zelo just wait until you get there and get some professional advice, okay? Green streaks wont do you any good." 

"Okay hyung.." Zelo said in his most depressed teenager-but-still-a-baby voice. Yongguk was the only one he listened to and took seriously, he would never let anyone else boss him around.

Once outside Himchan declared that 'He was NOT going to drive for the sheer reason that he was the one planning this magnificent trip and that they should all return the favour'. 

"BAGS NOT DRIVING!" Shouted Youngjae

"DIBS NOT DRIVING!" Screamed Daehyun (a little too loud, it made the little old lady next door jump)

"I REFUSE TO DRIVE" Stated Jongup

"I'LL DRIVE!" Zelo was clearly unaware of how old you need to be to drive and the fact that he lacked any driving skills or experience. Himchan put an arm around the maknae and directed him to the back seat between Daehyun and Youngjae. Jongup scooted into the front seat of the minivan before Himchan could take it. Yongguk sighed, he didn't even bother objecting to not drving for the reason that he. would. not. win. He opened the car door and sat down next to a smiling Jongup. 

"Why are you smiling like a madman?" He asked with concern

"Why not?? We are going to the salon!" Jongup could be a little strange at times

Yongguk sighed and put on his seatbelt. He looked behind him only to see Himchan sitting on Yongjaes lap with the seatbelt wound around both of them.

"Well that's not very safe! Himchan, go sit in the back back seat." Spotting bad ideas was Yongguk's specialty

"NOOO HYUNG! If i sit up the back then i will be all alone!" Himchan was a bit of a princess sometimes

"Fine, then Yongjae, go sit with Himchan in the back!" Yongguk was used to bossing them around, not that they eve listened

"NO! I want to sit with Daehyun!!" Yongjae said while holding onto Daehyun over Himchan and Zelo

Yongguk couldn't help but slap his forehead.

"FINE! Himchan! Zelo! Go sit in the back or I'm going back inside and then you will have to get there yourselves!" Yongguk usually didn't loose his temper but this was an exception

Himchan and Zelo obediently shuffled into the back seat.

"Okay has everyone got their seatbelts on?" Yongguk said in his sweetest and turned around to give them a smile that said 'You chose the wrong person to drive you to the salon.'

They all sat up straight and didn't talk until they reached thier destination.




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Chapter 3: Yongguk you're evil haha
Chapter 3: This was funny ^^
aslan88 #3
Chapter 3: really funny ^^
Chapter 3: uh-oh Yongguk 'o' you're bad *naughty naughty*
Chapter 3: Bad yongguk!!!
kaykayenoel #6
Chapter 3: Haha, evil yongguk. cx
I really enjoyed reading this story.
I hope you make more crackfics often, author-nim! ♥
kaykayenoel #7
Chapter 2: Haha, this sounds like it's going to be hilarious (it already is!). Update soon please! <3