
The Best Thing


Chapter 2:


[Starring Joon X Jiyeon ft. Hyuna]

“I like you,” someone said.  Joon was sleeping in an empty room when he heard these words.  He looked up to see a girl; they were alone in the room. It was Hyuna. Somehow, he wished it was Jiyeon.  He was used to girls confessing their feelings to him but it was different this time because it was Hyuna. He always had a hard time turning girls down because he hates to see them cry.   “I missed you,” she added.  Hyuna was a classmate from the year before, she was also his friend.  He can’t bear to see her tears but he managed to say his usual line, “I’m sorry”.

“No. Don’t be. I’ve liked you all this time and I just want to tell that to you.  I don’t want to regret it later on.  My feelings are mine and I’m not pushing them to you.  I just want you to recognize them,” she said in a brave manner.  It was the first time a girl didn’t cry after he turned her down. 

“I don’t mean to hurt you but I wish we could always be friends,” he said in an apologetic voice. 

“You like someone else?” she asked him.

“I do,” he replied.  He finally admitted to himself that there was a girl who caught his heart.

“She is lucky.  Tell her then,” she encouraged him although she was clearly hurt.

“I will, someday,” he smiled at her.  He saw that Hyuna was holding back her tears now.  His friend was in pain and he was the cause.  He hugged her to comfort her.  If he cannot offer her his love he would just offer her his friendship. 

Jiyeon was looking for Joon in school; she decided that she will end this silence.  She realized that their fight was just a petty matter.  She must overcome this struggle.  Just in time she saw Hyuna coming out of a room followed by Joon.  She saw him pat Hyuna’s head.  She suddenly felt jealous.  Hyuna and Joon obviously look good together.  Hyuna is the same level as Joon in terms of popularity in their school.  She felt that Joon was too high for her, that she just can’t reach him.  She felt that it was too late now.  Probably Joon and Hyuna are together now.

Joon noticed Jiyeon and went to her but to his confusion she fled.  Why is she fleeding from him? He thought.  He didn’t know that she hated him this much.  They ignored each other the past days but it was only now that she deliberately avoided him.  He instinctively followed her.  He saw that she was climbing up the stairs to the rooftop. 

Jiyeon went to the rooftop to hide her tears and escape from the world.  If only I told him earlier I wouldn’t have regretted it this much, she thought.  It is not because Joon was with another girl, or was it because Joon and Hyuna look good together.  It was because she felt the she missed her chance.  She was full of hope in the start but it was breaking away now.  Joon caught up to her in the rooftop he saw her crying.  Her face was wet with tears and her hair was blown by the wind.   Was the cause of those tears, he thought to himself.  He can’t believe he just made two girls cry just now.  “Why are you crying?” he sked her.

“It was nothing,” she said.

“Tell me.  Are you still angry at me?” he asked her.

“I am angry at you. But no matter how much I think at how much I hated you it was pointless.”

“You hated me that much huh? But it was just a small thing really.” Now he doesn’t really understand her.  She was clearly overreacting.  He likes her but she was really confusing him.

“No. I don’t hate you for that.  I hate because I can’t tell you how much I..I..”

She stared at him for awhile.  She gathered up her courage.  She isn’t at her prettiest now nor is this the perfect place but this could just be her chance.  She thought of everything she wants to tell him.  She swallowed and looked at his confused face.  He was still handsome, she thought.

“I hate you because I like you. I like you smile and I like the way your eyes sparkle.  I think your jokes are funny and thinking about you put butterflies in my stomach….”

“…and you clearly have a girlfriend.”

Joon was dumbfounded.  In front of him was Jiyeon confessing her feelings.  He thought that Jiyeon despises her but she likes her.  What he wished for came true.  This was just perfect.  He laughed.

“Hyuna wasn’t my girlfriend,” he smiled at her.

“But you look like a couple,” she replied.

“She was just a friend. I like someone else.”

“Who? Is there a girl prettier and more popular than her at this school?”

“The one I like is prettier than her,” he showed her a smirk “but she is really in a mess now,” he added.

He swiftly crossed the gap between them and hugged her.  “I like you,” he whispered in her ear.

“You are the only girl I know who is still pretty when you are angry and in tears,” he said brushing away the hair from her cheeks.  “I didn’t realize you are this beautiful until a few days before,” he said as he wiped away her tears.


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NatashaL1234 #1
Chapter 1: I love joon and jiyeon!!!!!!!!! Hope you update soon!!!!