Joon and his gang

♡ Hello, I Am Now Your Bodyguard Against Bullies ♡


Normally I wouldn't mind getting people's attention, I liked when people were scared of me, just because I knew how to knock out an older guy, but today was just annoying. All those people stared at me like I was some kind of alien from outer space. Yeah, they could kiss my . Every single one of them. I didn't attend this school in order to get friends, no no. If I wanted friends, or maybe a boyfriend, I would look for one in the nightlife.
"Hey, aren't you that transfer student from Europe?"
I frowned slightly, but not noticeable to anyone else but me. I looked at the very first person who dared talk to me ever since I walked into this school. It was a guy, how surprising. He was tall, and had dark, straight, but short, hair,his bangs long enough to cover his eyebrows. I could easily see, that his body was rather athletic, he was indeed in a good shape.
I could tell by his smile, that he didn't lack  confidence at all. I quickly figured, that with his good looks, charming smile and bravery, he would be one of those "popular" guys. 
"Yes, I'm from France," I simply said. He looked at me with excited eyes, like he had never seen a girl like me before.
"But you don't look European?" he said. Bravo! You figured it out.
"Nope, I'm half Korean, okay?" I sighed and walked past him, leaving him in shock, that I wasn't interested. People around us even looked at me with big eyes, and were now even more afraid of me than before. 
"Idiots... Thinking they're so cool, all of them... When they're afraid of a girl like me," I mumbled and frowned slightly, but was then stopped by that very same guy as before.
"W-Wait! I didn't get the chance to introduce myself properly!" he said, full of confidence. 
Oh god, here it comes...
"My name is Lee Changsun, but most people call me Joon, so..." he smiled. And now he expected me to introduce myself to him? Okay then...
"Uh, my name is Choi Rinrin, just call me Rin please?" I sighed and fixed my skirt a bit. Yeah, I was a bit shy sometimes, okay? Especially, because Joon had some cute eyes, and I had no idea why he even wanted to use his time talking to me. 
"Aegyo, you're really cute!" he suddenly said and pinched my cheek gently, making all the girls around us gasp and give me death glares, making me give them death glares back, which made them back away from me. 
"What class are you in?" Joon asked, and I stopped minding about the people around us again. 
"Uh... 2.C, the one with biology and English," I explained. He just smiled at me and gave a nod.
"Me too! Let's sit together in class, nae?" 
I didn't expect him so behave this way towards me, since I never really tried being this kind of "popular" girl. So why? Why did he talk to me?! Guys never found interest in me before, and this just made me so confused. But, he was kinda cute, so I wouldn't mind hanging out with him a little bit.
"Rin, this is my gang," he laughed as we entered the classroom, and went in the back of it. There was four other guys, all charming and smiling at me with their heavenly smiles.
"Thunder," Joon said as he pointed at the guy with the most 'rough' markings in his face. He smiled and waved at me. I just smiled a bit and nodded. 
"Seungho, the leader of the gang," Joon continued, and a handsome guy with shorter hair and a more slim face than Thunder, waved at me.
"Mir, the youngest," and a cute, attractive guy chuckled at me, he seemed a bit hyper...
"And G.O," Joon sighed as G.O gave me a flirting stare. 
... I didn't mind. He was pretty hot...
"There are some girls as well, but they're not in this class," Joon explained. I just nodded and frowned slightly inside. y girls...
"Sica and Yoona," G.O said with a small hum and an ironic smile, he didn't seem to like those girls very much. 
"Okay class, settle down!" the teacher said as she entered the room. Joon and the others just sighed and found their seats, me sitting next to Joon, feeling like an alien to everyone else around me. I was glad that some people took me in with open arms, but I didn't imagine that it would be some of the popular guys, seriously. I never tried this before, but I knew that I just had to do one little thing wrong, and the whole school would hate me.
"Did anyone see Taemin?" the teacher asked as she looked around in the classroom. I could hear a faint snicker from some of the people around me, and suddenly the door opened to the classroom, and a young guy stepped inside. My eyes grew big, as I saw his flawless face, his beautiful dark doe-eyes. His black hair framed his face perfectly, but why we're there a small hint of dried tears on his cheeks?
His cheeks were a bit red, he had been crying, I could see that. His eyes were still a bit swollen, but he clearly tried to hide it from everyone. 
Why had he been crying?
"Lee Taemin, you're late again," the teacher said with a harsh voice, which made the poor boy a bit frightened. He just bowed and apologized to her, with a voice that was just like an angel's. 
"M-Mianhaeyo," he said shyly with a hint of a shaking voice. 
"Just sit down," the teacher sighed and continued teaching the class.
The boy then turned to the classroom and found his seat in the front of the room, his table filled with chewing gum and mean things written on his chair. Never had I felt so sad for another person, and even someone I didn't know. 
Our eyes met for a short time, and I could suddenly feel all of his pain, his eyes were truly sad, and I felt an urge to make him smile. 
Who were those cruel people who did this to him? And why?!
This was written on my iPad, in my bed, because I'm sick. ;A;
Hope there aren't too many errors, eheh~<3
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Chapter 2: Do I have a cameo in this? :D
TransparentJellyfish #3
Chapter 2: Please make Rin kick the ____ out of those people, who made Minnie sad and scared.. Juseyo~!
TransparentJellyfish #4
Chapter 1: Woooow! Unni, I just read 1. chapter, and it's already amaaaaziing! ^^ Minho will be called Froggy in my head.. FOREVER. xD
Chapter 2: Umma! I haven't read the chapter yet.. the title.. Joonie oppa~ be a good boy to my love! TTwTT
icigo4ever #6
Chapter 1: That's my froggy! xD
And by tha way I like you writting in english, since this is actually the first of your english stories I have readed :) So fighting ^^ (you know who I am XP)
Chapter 1: Update soon~
Umma~ please don't make Joonie a meanie D: I'm gonna heat myself then, cuz Tae is ma love!