Hello Korea~!

♡ Hello, I Am Now Your Bodyguard Against Bullies ♡

A heavy sigh left my plump lips as I arrived at the address which was written on a piece of paper I got from home. It was a small, white house near Seoul. You could actually see the Han River from the house. This place was where I had to stay for the next year, while I went to this school. The house belonged to some of my mom’s family, since my mom’s family was rather rich, some of them got many houses, so I saw the opportunity to rent one of their houses, if I promised to take good care of it.


"Okay, the key…” I mumbled and looked around the front door. They told me they would leave it for me, since they weren’t there. I looked under the doormat, and found the silver key right away.


“Here we go,” I hummed and stepped inside the house. I was met with a warm breeze from the small, cozy hallway. I sighed happily and stepped inside the house, and started to unpack my stuff. I had school the following day, so I should feel well rested to meet my new classmates. I didn’t hope that they were unfriendly. I hated that kind of class! Like, you walk in, and everyone gives you death glares! ing bastards. I don’t wanna be in your ty classroom anyway…


Woopsie~! Bad words in Rinnie’s head! That’s no good~! I must remain positive, mmh?


“Aish! Now I think about it, I can’t train while I’m here,” I whined as I had found my way to the guest room and had started unpacking my suitcase. I fell onto the bed and sighed relieved, that I could finally relax a bit… But suddenly I gasped and sat up again, as I heard footsteps from the hallway.


Strange… They didn’t have any animals… Did they?


Oh my God! What if it was some kind of creepy , who followed me all the way from the airport?! I knew that old man I saw with the ice cream was onto something!


I quickly jumped up on my legs and prepared for the worst. I could easily beat up an old man, right? Piece of cake! So I carefully walked to the living room, which was the room between the guest room and the hallway, so I figured the intruder might be there now. The wooden floor squeaked slightly under my bare feet, as I stood in the door and looked around in the living room, which was about to get dark, since the sun was setting. I clenched my fists tightly, knowing what to do, if the erted old man attacked me. To be honest, I was good at boxing. My best friend at home and I, always went to boxing together and even trained at home sometimes.


“Y-Yah!!” I gasped as a shade suddenly was by my side. I jumped a bit back and protected my face with my clenched fists, while I gave the shade a death glare. He was a bit taller, than the old man at the airport. He didn’t have a single wrinkle either. He wasn’t old… Maybe a few years older than me, but no oldie! He looked at me with big eyes, as if his eyes weren’t big enough without him widening them. Yeah, he was Asian, but I’d never seen him before. He could still be a .


“Who the are you?!” I asked and tried to sound just a bit harsh. The guy raised an eyebrow at me, and his eyes suddenly weren’t wide anymore. But still big. Yeah. Like, a frog or something. I will call him Froggy from now on.


“Uh, I kinda live here?” he said and dropped a heavy sport bag on the floor next to him.


“You live here? What? No! I rented the house for a year!” I said and lowered my fists from my face.


“Rented it? Tssh. My parents gave you permission to that, without asking me first?” he said and smirked slightly and then took off his coat, which was soaked from the rain which had started outside the windows.


“Wait, parents?! Oh! Then you must be Minho, Froggy,” I said and crossed my arms. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow again.


“What did you just call me?”


“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Then… You’re my cousin?” he asked. I shook my head and pulled my tongue out at him.


“Grand cousin! And I’m here to stay! Besides, it’s raining outside, and I have intentions on using a hell lot of money to stay at a hotel for a year,” I rolled my eyes and sat down on a couch, not completely satisfied with the fact, that I was gonna share this small house with a guy. My father would kill me, if he found out… And he would have Minho assassinated. Yep, I had a very protective appa.


“Fine, you can stay,” Minho sighed.


"But don’t touch my stuff!” he demanded. I scoffed and frowned at him.


“Euw~! I don’t wanna touch a guy’s things! I don’t even wanna know what you’re doing behind closed doors!” I teased and laughed. Okay, he didn’t laugh. It wasn’t funny.


“E-Eh… ‘Kay… I’ll just go get some rest for school tomorrow!” I quickly said and left for my room.    


--- ~ --


I can’t believe I’m sharing a house with a frog. I rented this house! I even paid a lot of money!... Okay, maybe not. Maybe my mom gave them some money for letting me stay at their house for a whole year… But seriously?! Sharing it with their son wasn’t a part of the deal!


I just scoffed again and rolled over in my bed, trying to think of something else, since it was already late and I needed to sleep. I would have to think of something tomorrow, I just didn’t wanna share my house with someone I didn’t know.


I clenched my hands and sighed a bit sadly and kissed my fists. My poor babies missed hitting on something. I needed a boxing bag.


Could Minho be that? Naah… He was too skinny… AND TOO DAMN TALL.


He had abs though… I saw that when I accidently got into the bathroom as he just stepped out from the shower…


Eeeeh… No, Rinnie… Bad thoughts. Sleep for God’s sake.


“Stupid Minho oppa…” I mumbled, feeling my head full of hate… But that hate, was about to find a new target very soon… And my hate would turn into anger and desire… Desire for murder, that is…






First chapter! 

Meeh~~ Just arriving to Korea~ 

And.. Sharing a house with a stranger... Interresting... 

*Dogdes flying couch thrown at me from all sides by Flamers*


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Chapter 2: Do I have a cameo in this? :D
TransparentJellyfish #3
Chapter 2: Please make Rin kick the ____ out of those people, who made Minnie sad and scared.. Juseyo~!
TransparentJellyfish #4
Chapter 1: Woooow! Unni, I just read 1. chapter, and it's already amaaaaziing! ^^ Minho will be called Froggy in my head.. FOREVER. xD
Chapter 2: Umma! I haven't read the chapter yet.. the title.. Joonie oppa~ be a good boy to my love! TTwTT
icigo4ever #6
Chapter 1: That's my froggy! xD
And by tha way I like you writting in english, since this is actually the first of your english stories I have readed :) So fighting ^^ (you know who I am XP)
Chapter 1: Update soon~
Umma~ please don't make Joonie a meanie D: I'm gonna heat myself then, cuz Tae is ma love!