
From Girl to Guy





"On the count of three, we shall open the door and come out. Got it?" Taeyeon looked behind her shoulder, receiving a determined nod of approval from the other guy standing right behind her. The two of them locked eyes with each other and took heavy breathes into their lungs. 

I hope nothing bad happens.

"One.." Taeyeon began.

"Two.." Yuri counted along.


Their countdown wasn't even finished when the door itself suddenly swinged open, sending the two bodies stumbling backwards. Yuri fell on her on the ground and had it worse when the kid leader collided on top of her. The two guys groaned in pain together, unaware of the presence of two girls who was standing outside the door.

"Oh my...God!!!" Tiffany was completely frozen with what she is seeing with her own eyes.

"U-Unnie!" Seohyun clinged onto the older girl's arm tightly, also having the exact same reaction.

Yuri struggled to push Taeyeon off of her. The leader may have a short height but her weight was no joke. Afterwards, Yuri helped the slightly unconscious Taeyeon to get up on her feet. That's when she realized Taeyeon had it much more worse because she's the one who got hit on the face by the door. 

"Unggghhh..." Taeyeon placed a hand over her throbbing head.

"W-What are you doing? Who are you?!!" Tiffany yelled alarmingly. Yuri placed a finger on her lips and motioned her to be quiet or else the others might here. But it was too late, the other members started rushing towards the bedroom and saw the two unfamiliar strangers.

"What's going o--Omona!!" Sooyoung stopped in her tracks once she saw Yuri. 

"Holy cow!" Hyoyeon tried to cover her eyes but ended up peeking. "What's a hot topless guy doing in our dorm?!" She squeeled after seeing Yuri without wearing anything except for a pair of pants.

Yuri wanted to answer them but she was still trying to make sure that Taeyeon was feeling better. A small bruise could be seen forming on the leader's forehead and it did not certainly look good.

"What happened here?" Sunny questioned, seeing all the mess around her.

"The right question is, what are they doing here?" Yoona pointed a finger towards the two handsome male species. 

"P-Please.." Yuri begged. "I'll make sure to explain everything to you, just please get an icebag for Taeyeon because she's injured."

"Taeyeon?!" All of the seven girls bellowed altogether. Yuri rolled her eyes and just motioned Yoona to go and get some healing aid for the poor leader. The cf queen quickly obliged and dragged Seohyun away to go to the kitchen. 

Meanwhile, Yuri and Taeyeon were still stuck in the middle of chaos. Five girls surrounded them, all of them having mean looks on their faces. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon were observing the expressions on the strangers' faces while Tiffany, Jessica, and Sunny started questioning the two.

"Tell us your name and how you got here in the first place." Tiffany folded her arms over her chest and stared at Yuri. 

"F-Fany-ah.." Taeyeon called out softly. "Don't you recognize us? I'm Taeyeon..Taeyeon.." She still looked a bit pale so Yuri, being a helpful friend that she is, assisted Taeyeon in sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"What crap are you talking about?" Sunny snapped. "Just tell us who you are unless you want to deal with the police and let them interrogate you themselves." 

When the word 'police' rang in Yuri's ears, she immediately tensed. She glared at Sunny but tried to keep her calm. She knew it wasn't their fault for not being able to recognize them.

"Can you just wait?! I'll explain okay?" Yuri then took the icepack from Yoona who continued gaping at them. 

On the other hand, Sooyoung was busily fidgeting with her phone in the living room. Tiffany walked over to her side with a frown forming on her face. 

"Did you call manager oppa? Does he know where Taeyeon and Yuri is?" The worried mushroom asked as she peeked over the tall shikshin's shoulder to see who she was contacting. Unfortunately, Sooyoung could only give Tiffany another frown in return.

"Manager oppa said he had no idea. From what he knows all of us have no schedules today and none of us asked permission to go out." Sooyoung stated. "It's impossible for those two to leave this dorm without his permission."

"Then..where are they?" Tiffany and Sooyoung looked at each other, before reverting their gazes towards the bedroom where the others were. Soon enough they could hear yellings coming from inside.





"This must be some kind of joke. What they are saying is highly impossible." 


Tiffany knitted her eyebrows together as she glowered at the two figures sitting on the bed. They all nodded to each other in agreement, causing the tan guy to get up on his feet with a lot of look of desperation in his eyes. 

"But you have to believe us! I really am Yuri and she--" Yuri pointed a finger to Taeyeon who was already feeling quite better while holding the icepack over her head. "--is really Taeyeon!"

Yoona and Hyoyeon bursted into a fit of laughter but once Jessica laid a glare at their way, they immediately shut their mouths. Yuri then shivered a bit once the ice princess' eyes landed upon her and their eyes locked into one intense gaze. Talk about one spine-chilling moment of your life.

"You don't understand!" Yuri exclaimed. "We just woke up this morning and we ended up seeing ourselves in this state! We have no idea what's going on too!"

"I applaud you for trying your best to convince us but," Tiffany eyed him suspiciously. "We can't just trust you that easily. And what you're saying is really really impossible so how do you expect us to believe you?"

"Just tell us where you hid our two other members and then we'll let you both free. Happy?" Jessica muttered, her arms folded over her chest and her back leaning against the wall. 

"What are you saying? We are Taeyeon and Yuri!" Yuri yelled, now feeling all frustrated than before. Taeyeon sighed deeply and shook her head. Her plan is not working out as she thought it would.

"Well I guess the topless one is Yuri, right?" Hyoyeon gave a thumbs up. "Hot bod you got there man." 

Sooyoung hit the back of Hyoyeon's head and gave her the signature 'WTF are you doing' kind of look. 

"I was just joking! We need to easen up the atmosphere guys." Hyoyeon exclaimed as she began fanning herself as it was getting hot. "If they really are telling the truth, then they should find a way to give us some evidences."

"Evidences?" Sooyoung's ears perked up at the idea.

"Yeah I mean.." Hyoyeon walked around Yuri as she checked the man from head to toe. "..if they really are Taeyeon and Yuri, then they should prove to us that they are."

Yuri smiled confidently. She liked that idea.

"I have a piece of evidence!" Yuri raised her hand in the air like a piece of dork. "Remember my birthmark at my back?" She turned her back on the girls and pointed towards the strange marking carved against her skin. It was the mark that she got ever since she was born. "Is that enough proof for you?" 

Sooyoung was about to say yes but Tiffany interfered. 

"Nu-uh. Anyone could have a birthmark. Think of another evidence, and make it sure that it'll actually CONVINCE us that you are Kwon Yuri." A sly smile slowly appears on the corner of her lips. "And once you fail we'll get you arrested for trespassing."

"Tiff!" Sooyoung whispered towards the American girl's ear. "That birthmark is definitely Yuri's! I may be crazy but I think it's her!" 

"Chill Sooyoung. I know what I'm doing." Tiffany smiled at her.

"Fine." Yuri answered but deep inside she was worrying a lot like hell. The birthmark was the only piece of evidence she could think of. She turned to look at Taeyeon for help but the older girl was having her own problems of proving herself. As Yuri was thinking deeply, her gaze shifted at the ice princess standing behind. 

"Sica!" Yuri called out. "Remember our favorite song?" 

Jessica looked at Yuri but didn't say anything. But there was this certain love song that she and Yuri always liked and labelled it as their very own theme song. Jessica could already smile just by thinking of it and now she started missing Yuri. 

"Someday we'll know..why the sky is blue." Yuri wasn't actually good at english but she tried her best in singing that song. She looked deeply in Jessica's eyes, silently hoping and praying that somehow and someway she would be able to recognize the real Kwon Yuri. "Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for you."

Jessica stiffened. This guy's voice was definitely similar to Yuri's and they shared the exact similar smile. The look in his eyes can be also compared to Yuri's which always gets her heart melting like crazy.

Yuri finished singing with a crooked smile on her face. "Is that enough proof? Only Jessica and I knows about that song. That's even our theme song."

No one reacted. Nobody said a single word. The atmosphere went silent and only the sound of the group's unsteady breathings filled the air. 

And finally after a moment of a deafening silence, Jessica squeezed herself through Tiffany and Sooyoung and made her way towards Yuri who opened her arms to welcome her in one tight hug.

"Yuri!" Jessica pressed her face against his chest. "It really is you. I know it's you." 

"Damn she's bipolar. One second ago she was glaring at him and now look, she's hugging he's topless body." Sooyoung rolled her eyes and went outside, feeling all awkward at Jessica and Yuri's position.

But then Jessica pulled away and stared at Yuri trying to search in her eyes. "B-But it's quite impossible. What happened to you and...Taengoo?" She looked at Taeyeon who just waved and smiled at her.

"We don't know too." Taeyeon answered quietly. "We're trying to figure out an answer to that question. But I know we won't be able to do that without the help of you guys." She glanced over at Tiffany who suddenly became quiet. A confused look slowly appears on Taeyeon's face once Tiffany excused herself and went out of the room.

What's wrong with her?

Taeyeon quickly stood up and was about to follow her when she got stopped by Hyoyeon who blocked her way. 

"Yah Taeng, these shenanigans are really confusing us. What are we going to tell manager oppa? The press? The fans? What's going to happen to us now that the both of you had suddenly turned into men?" The shocked look can be still visibly seen on the dancing queen's face.

"I don't know too. But we'll talk about it later and I'll make sure that we'll find out a way to get out of this mess." She then took a glimpse of outside the door. "But right now I have to deal with some other important matters." she stated, having Tiffany inside her mind before walking out of the place.




Meanwhile Yuri was sitting on the bed as Jessica rummaged through her closet. It was in the middle of autumn and the weather was quite cold and it also did not help that Yuri wasn't wearing anything in the moment. She was a man but it was still kinda awkward for her to be walking around the place without anything on.

"Thanks." Yuri exclaimed as she caught the oversized shirt in her hands. Jessica plopped herself down on the bed besides Yuri.

"Gosh, I still cannot get myself to believe it." Jessica cupped Yuri's cheeks with her warm palms. "You..You've really turned into a man."

"Yeah.." Yuri wore the shirt and it fitted her perfectly. She then eyed Jessica then looked back at the piece of fabric that she was wearing. "Wait a sec, I've never seen you actually wear this before. Is this yours?"

"Aniya." Jessica replied with a cheeky grin. "That belongs to Jonghyun when we still used to go out together." 

"Oh." It was all what Yuri could bring herself to say after hearing the response from the latter. She slightly turned away from Jessica and made a frown on her face. Noticing this kind of reaction, Jessica giggled as she grabbed Yuri's shoulder. 

"Yah, are you mad?" She giggled when Yuri stubbornly shook her head. "You're jealous aren't you?"

Yuri yanked Jessica's hands away. "Why should I be when we're not even together?" She glared at the ice princess who was obviously teasing her right now. She tried to get up from the bed only to be pulled back by a pair of slender arms that wrapped around her waist.

"Yah. Don't go." Jessica whined as she pressed her face against Yuri's warm back. "You look cute when you're angry but you look even more adorable when you're a jealous female Kwon Yuri." And the teasing continued.

"Just let me go Sica." Yuri was already getting really pissed but was also feeling her heart somehow flutter at the same time. She tried releasing herself from the older girl's grip but failed to do so. Jessica only tightened her grip on him. 

"Stay or I won't help you in finding your way back to your old self again." She threatened playfully, only to receive a merong from the younger one. 

"Then don't help me." Yuri stuck out her tongue. "With this manly charms I obtain, it'll be much easier for me to grab attentions from a lot of girls." With that, Jessica loosened her arms around Yuri's waist giving the guy a chance to escape from her. 







A/N: Helllooo! I hope the story doesn't confuse you!

I want to thank all those readers who kindly subscribed and commented to my story. Thank you also to those who upvoted my fic! I hope I could all make you happy by writing the chapters filled with excitement and romantic cheesiness. :3 LOL

I love you guys. Thank you for all the support. <3 

BTW, the members are still confused and are still doubting Taeyeon and Yuri a BIT. (except for Sica of course)

Who do you guys think are the members who are already a couple? :)))











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Shaun_Luke123 #1
Chapter 5: Author-nim why aren't you updating its been idk, 6 years? Please complete this story ??
Chapter 5: Author nim where are you? It's been 5 years/? ...I really like this story,,,, please update and finish it for us please?
HungryDog #3
Chapter 5: Update soon
kryberforevertogethe #4
Update soon author. I want to read the next chapter!!! :)
Chapter 5: wow..just wow...
hope u update..
dingkay09 #6
Chapter 5: update soon please!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Please update T_T
diansone #8
update soon please :(