
Taemin never knew what it really meant to be sick in love. 
What does it even mean? Does it make you want to throw up? Really? Who would want that? 
He shrugged at the random thought as he passed by a couple tripping all over themselves on the street. He had music, dance, his family, his fans, and most importantly his hyungs. What else could he possibly need? He had everything he ever needed and wanted right in the palm of his hand. 
As he approached his dorm with a bag of milks, he smiled. Even though this wasn't his real home with his umma and appa, this was definitely the next best thing. Every day he tries to reason in his head how he could have ended up this lucky. Is this a dream? he often questions. But the moment he pushes the gate and enters his dorm, reality always reminds him that no, this is real
"Taemin! Where's my milk?!" was all he heard before he could even walk completely through the door. Minho attacked him as soon as he strode in, causing him to stagger back into the door he had closed.
"Minho ahh! Can't you wait a couple second? Aigoo~~"
Despite his pleads, Minho and him wrestled for a bit until he could reach for his own milk and makes his way back into the living room.
"Thank you!" he said casually. 
No problem, Taemin thought. Sigh. Even though he was the maknae, he thought maybe Minho would treat him a little better than that. But I guess that's what brothers do. 
Once he kicked off his shoes, he followed closely after Minho down the narrow hallway. When they reached the living room, he noticed his friend was playing another video game. Of course. 
"Don't die don't die don't die~~~" Taemin teased as he plopped down next to his hyung. 
"Yah you'll be saying that if I lose cause I'm coming after you!" he warned without even breaking his stare. Taemin took his own milk out and sipped. 
"Mmmm, so go--"
Minho yelped. It always surprised Taemin how intense Minho got into these games. He loved them as well but damn, don't get too excited. 
"Where is everyone?" the maknae pondered as he looked around. 
"Hiding! They've got to be. They're gonna surprise attack me!"
"Not in there ya idiot I mean Key and Onew and Jonghyun. You know, real life?" It surprised him how much more mature he could be sometimes. He was still the king of immature most of the time though. He smiled at his title. 
"Oh... Dunno.... Out and abo--head shot! Wahooooo!"
Taemin sighed. It wasn't fun watching but it definitely wasn't as bad as when he had to play against Minho. 
"Sigh. Okay I'll going to my room. You bore me." He got up and took his milk in his hands.
"Hey same to you!" The older male yelled as he threw a pillow at his dongsaeng. 
He made his way up the stairs and opened his door. His room was covered in pictures of his family, friends and dongsaengs. He lay his dancer body on his bed and stared at the pictures above him. This was so peaceful. He always had a busy schedule with Shinee and rarely got time to himself. He pulled his covers over his head. Winter was approaching so being snuggled up in his bed was so comfortable. Slowly he eyes started to droop as he approached dreamland. 
Then, without a warning, someone jumped on his weak and tired body. 
"Minnie Minnie Minnie!" Minho yelled as he bounced on his brother. He yanked the blanket off of Taemin's head.
"Aish you're hurting me. I can't breathe!" he complained. "How did you get in here? I didn't even hear the door open!"
"I'm a ninja!" he said like a child, pulling off the covers completely.
"Well get off of me ninjaaaaaaa!"
"Aw don't be a baby!" Minho used his hands to wander around Taemin's body, trying to tickle him to the point that he needed to pee. 
"Minhoooohahahaha....stop ha ha ha ha ha aiiiii!"
"Say the magic word!"
"Please? Please tickle you more? Okay!"
As the top male increased his attacks, Taemin laughed to the point where he could barely breathe. He had to get out of this somehow. He had to live! 
"Minho ah I'm....argggg.....gonna..... get....hahaha..... you!" he gasped determinedly.
Taemin surprisingly overtook his stronger band mate. He made his way on top of him, straddling him and locking his brother's wrists with his own hands so he could move no longer. 
Minho had a look of surprise spread across his face and once he got over the shock of losing, he started to giggle. For a good few minutes they were positioned like that, laughing until their sides hurt. Eventually, they both breathed heavily as they tried to catch their breaths. Taemin plopped his whole body on Minho because he couldn't even sit up from the pain. 
"Aish... You're so immature Minho," he managed to breathe, placing his head on his friend's chest. 
"Ah, I know. But you like it," he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around his dongsaeng. 
They laid there as they both calmed down. This is nice, Taemin thought. Despite how immature he might be, he loved his hyung and how he always took care of him. He felt so comfortable and safe. He smiled at how lucky he was to have a brother like Minho. Eventually they both drifted into a sleep, still in each other's arms. 


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Chapter 3: Aww, so sweet and cute, too. I hope they'd get together soon!
ps:what's meo??
Chapter 1: Awww so cute!