Chapter 4

Our Story In Pictures



“Somin!” Suho shouted as you walked past the gates. He was waiting for you and Sohee with the driver. He was wearing casual clothing which your mother would’ve surely freaked out. She had stayed behind to continue with some business meetings that your father would also be attending.

“Mom!” Suho chirped as ran towards the both of you and hugged Sohee. Sohee hugged back and laughed. “I’ve missed you so much!” he told her as he kept him arm wrapped around Sohee’s shoulder.

You gaped at your brother as he ignored your presence after seeing Sohee. “Junmyeon! What about me you jerk!” you shouted as you slapped Suho’s back.

“Ow!” he pretended to wince as you walked past him while being annoyed. “Aw don’t be like that.” He laughed as he hugged your shoulder and walked with you to the car.

You rolled your eyes and laughed with him. It had been awhile since you last saw your brother and you were glad that you were now with him. Besides Sohee he was the only other member that you had been close to.

Suho and the driver put your bags in the trunk as you waited for them to unlock the doors. The driver was about to open the door for all of you, but Suho stopped him. “I’ve got it.” He smiled at the driver whom nodded at Suho and went to the driver’s door. Suho opened the door for the both of you and let you both in. “Thank you Suho!” you cooed from inside the passenger side of the car.

“Always my polite Junmyeon.” Sohee smiled so widely that some of the wrinkles near her eyes showed. Her smile was sincere and beautiful. It was one that you enjoyed seeing. Unlike your mother who rarely smiled and if she did it was only for image.

Suho rubbed the back of his neck. “Mom why do you insist on calling me Junmyeon?” she laughed at him. Sohee’s way of teasing Suho was by calling him by his real name.

“That’s your name isn’t it?” she replied as she looked seriously at him. You snickered as you tried to control your laugher, but ended up laughing again. “Ohh mom’s got sass today!” you all laughed in the car.

You looked out the window and sighed. In the last thirty hours you had broken up with your boyfriend, said goodbye to you friends, and token a long flight. There was some jetlag you were trying to get past as well as many emotions.

The car passed by the university you were transferring to. Suho watched as your gaze roamed around the visible campus. You people watched as the limo stopped at the red light. Some of these students would become you’re new friends. You watched as two guys happily joked around. One was extremely tall and was wearing a graphic white t-shirt with a black cap on. The other was noticeably shorter and was wearing a black graphic shirt. Typical casual college attire for college students. They stopped at the light and walked across the crosswalk.

The taller boy turned in the direction of traffic, in other words yours, and locked eyes with you. He was smiling from the conversation he was having with the other boy. His smile was goofy yet pleasantly addicting. It was the type of smile that made you want to smile back. In fact you did. He nodded at you and smiled even wider. He was cute and you couldn’t deny that. You continued to stare at him as did he, in fact he soon found himself tripping and running into the boy in front of him. He rubbed the back of his head as he apologized to the shorter boy. You couldn’t help but laugh at him.

Suho and Sohee watched as you the two of you awkwardly made eye contact. Sohee turned to Suho and looked at him as though they both knew what they were talking about. Suho nodded and then looked back at you. As the light turned green and the car started moving again, you turned your head to look at the boys whom you had just seen. Maybe you could sneak one more look at him.  The one that made eye contact with you was also looking back at you. You quickly turned away as you started to feel embarrassed. There was something about that boy that was strangely familiar. You sighed as you stared out the window.

Both Suho and Sohee knew who it was, but they were going to let you figure it out. They smiled as they stared out the window. You had just seen Chanyeol for the first time in about ten years and you hadn’t even realized it.

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Chapter 3: waa~ i cant wait for the next chapter xD
I'm looking forward to reading your story!