Chapter 3

Our Story In Pictures


“Channie this came in the mail a couple of days ago. I forgot to remind the maid.” Mrs. Park said as she walked into Chanyeol’s room. She set down a package on the empty spot on his desk that was next to him.

Chanyeol lowered the volume on his iHome and looked at the package. “Thanks mom!” he replied in his deep voice. He picked up the package and placed it in front of him as he stared at the name on it. He rested his hands on his black batman hoodie as he leaned in his chair. It was from a person he least expected to get mail from.

“Sohee Yoon.” He repeated what he had been repeating in his mind for what seemed like hours already. With slight hesitation he sat up in his chair and started opening the package. He didn’t know what he would find in the box. Maybe it was a letter? He chuckled by himself as he put that thought past him. Why would anyone send a letter in a box?

He pulled out some bubble wrap to peek inside the box as he held it up to his eye view. “A book?” he asked himself. Puzzled by himself, he took out the “book” to inspect it. He set the box on his desk and looked at the “book” which wasn’t actually a book, but a photo album. He looked back inside the box in hopes that he would find a letter, but found none.

He looked back at the photo album and opened the cover to find the same pictures Sohee had given you. From the first meeting, the sixth grade, and to the last days you two had together. The only difference with his photo album was that he had some other pictures as well. Most of them were pictures taken from afar of you in middle school and junior high. A few from your college campus.

He sighed as he looked at you in the pictures. He wanted to be there with you during those times. He frowned when he saw a picture of you and someone who seemed to be your boyfriend. He felt a bit of jealousy as he thought of what it would’ve been like if he had gone through with his plan.

Chanyeol stared at the box of candy he had purchased earlier this week. Today was white day and there was someone whom he was finally considering on confessing to, but was lacking a little bit of courage.

Kim Somin. His best friend. He was still a little hesitant on confessing because he was unsure of how you would react. Would you be upset, disgusted, annoyed, but mostly importantly would you feel the same way. Every now and then he would get the feeling that you felt the same way about him, but he was unsure whether or not it was all in his head. What if it all changed the friendship you both had? Was it worth risking? He didn’t want to grow apart if it didn’t work out, but it was just too hard for him to push those feelings away.

Every day he felt himself finding it harder to control himself around you. He wanted to hug you without any reason. He wanted to hold your hand. Your laugh. Then there was that smile of yours. That’s what got him the most. Your genuine smile was unbelievable to him. It showed your kind heart and how much you cared for those around you. There were also your lips. Every now and then he’d find himself staring at your lips when you two were close to each other. His curious thoughts led him into thinking about what it would feel like to have his lips on yours.

He slammed his fist on the desk with frustration. “Why is this so hard?! Kim Somin! What are you doing to me?!!” he complained to himself. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by his phone.

He smiled at the caller i.d. on his cellphone. “Ayo waddup Somin?” he said coolly as he practiced the new English phrase he learned.

“Hey meet me at the park.” You said softly over the phone. He could feel his heart racing. His first thought was that you wanted to confess to him.

“What’s the occasion?” he asked as he tried to cover up his nervous voice.

“Just come. There’s something important I need to tell you.” You replied quickly and frantically.

He finished up the phone call and grabbed the candy. He had decided to take the opportunity to confess to you. He didn’t want you to confess first.


He nervously made his way up towards you, but he noticed that something was wrong with you. You were out of it. “Channie.” You said to him as he sat down and looked at you.

“What’s up?” he casually asked as he sat down on the other swing. His legs were too long to swing so he lightly pushed his feet away from him so that he could sway a little bit. His mind was trying to prepare himself with the speech he had repeated to himself billions of times throughout the whole week.

You sighed and looked over at your best friend. “I’m moving.” His eyes widened in shock. It wasn’t fully registering what you had just said. This wasn’t the type of confession he wanted. He felt his throat tighten. He didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t sure what was completely going on.

“I’m sure it won’t be far?” He asked in hope that he was right. What would be the point if he confessed if you in fact were going far away?

“We’re going to America.” You replied softly. He felt as though he was in some sort of parallel universe that he was stuck in. Everything was going against him.

Chanyeol swallowed as with an attempt to calm down. He tried really hard to control himself, but he felt like he was about to lose it. He was upset, annoyed, overwhelmed among many emotions, but happy wasn’t even in perimeter of what he was feeling.

You got up from swing and Chanyeol stood up as well. He didn’t want to miss the left over time you two had left with you.

“When are you leaving?” he asked softly. He didn’t want to hear a reply, but at the same time he needed to prepare himself. Chanyeol’s eyes widened as he looked down at your body that was now embracing him. He was average height, but you were short. So thankfully you didn’t hit him in the head by the sudden action.

Chanyeol’s eyes softened and he hugged you back tightly. He had seen you cry a few times, but he had never been able to comfort you so close as he is now. He wanted to tell you something, but now it wouldn’t have helped.

“I’m leaving tomorrow.” You cried into his chest. Chanyeol closed his eyes and rubbed the back of your head as tears silently ran down his cheeks. He couldn’t confess to you now. It would only hurt more if he found out that you felt the same way.


Chanyeol sighed as he flipped the page. Even though he hadn’t seen you in a long time, there were times that he would himself wondering how you were doing. The time zones were to different for you two to chat and your mom made it difficult for it to happen.

He looked carefully and the inner, back cover of the album and found a letter taped to it. The letter had his name written in Hangul. He carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the stationary. There was only a small paragraph written on it on how the both of you missed him, but there was one sentence that stood out to him the most.

“We’re coming back.”

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Chapter 3: waa~ i cant wait for the next chapter xD
I'm looking forward to reading your story!