Visit from Jaejoong hyung

Falling Inlove with My Boss!


              Jae arrived at L’s office. He is the older brother of Myungsoo. Everyone looked at him with a smile on their faces. They greeted him.

“Hi Sir Jae!”,

“Hello!. How are all of you doing?”, Jae asked.

                They all became quiet and then looked at L’s office with their faces frightened.

“Oh!.I know the answer. I'll handle him, Okay?”. Jae reassured them.

“Thank you Sir!”, they all said to him.

                Jae smiled at them which made the staff’s woman blushed. He entered the office and greeted his brother.


“Hyung!”, L’s face was still dark when he greeted back.

“How are you doing?”,

“Not fine”, he answered timidly.

“I heard there are documents missing?”,

“Yes and it is because they are all careless!”,

“I’m sure they will find it”,

“Hope so. What are you doing here?’, L asked him with his brightened face.

“Can i invite you for a  cup of coffee outside”,

“Sure hyung.”, he stood up and  put his coat.

                 They went out of the office. Jae headed first and bid goodbye to the staff. Everyone looked to L frighten whose right after Jae.


                  Jae patted his back and said,” Come on!”.

                  They went down TO the parking lot and headed to Jae’s car, Audi R-8. They rode off.

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