
Second chance {PART 3}


A week has passed and with my struggle to keep my mind off him. This week, however, I knew I needed to focus on work, mainly because Super Junior’s 5th album was announced to be released next week and I had to prepare myself to work over nights with the boys to record their songs. And then I had to work with the choreographer as well as the music video director to plan out their title song MV.

I knew there was a lot of for me for the rest of the week as well as next week, but I wasn’t motivated enough to focus. I kept getting distracted by the little things. I kept messing up on my part while recording. And I hated myself for that.

I hate him for ruining all my hard work to stop my emotions.



“Alright!” I spoke through the microphone. “That was the last song, and you guys are all free to go home now.”

We finished recording the last song on the album that I had wrote on the last minute. Although I still had some work left to do, I started to pack my stuff in the studio along with the boys.

“Good work today!” they all said to each other as they left to go home or to their next schedule.

Sometimes I wished I was like them. Having the endurance to ignore other things and just focus on what they do best. Having the ability to block the hate messages from their anti-fan-club and doing their best to impress their fan-club and in hopes to gain more fans. They were truly the idols people could look up to. They worked hard day and night and their hard work always paid off in one way or another. And they were still happy, no matter what they went through.

They all bid me good night as I stayed behind to gather everything from the studio and turning everything off.

As I was about to out, I felt myself stepping on something hard and stepped back to see what I had stepped on.

It was a silver ring with half of a heart. A couple ring. There were letters engraved on the inside which I couldn’t read in the dim light. I stuffed in my pocket, making a mental note to ask the boys if it belonged to them, though they weren’t allowed to date under their contract with SM.

I got down to the underground parking lot and threw my bags and papers in the back seat before climbing in the driver’s seat.

I want a second chance…please.

His words ran through my mind while I started the engine of my car.

Let me prove to you how much I love you.

I pulled out of the parking lot, distracted and zoned out. I was tired and I couldn’t focus on my driving on road all together. But thankfully the road was empty, seeing as it was 3 in the morning.

I was about 3 blocks away from my apartment when I slammed on to the break seeing someone collapsing on the side walk from the corner of my eyes.

The figure and the hair of the person were all too familiar to me now.

The street was empty; putting my gear shift on park and ran out of the car and towards him.

“Hyukjae!” I yelled as I ran to him. “Hyukjae! Hyuk!”

I cradling his head in my arms; His cloths were all torn up, his hair a mess, and he had a big black eye while his lips were oozing out blood.

I quickly took out my phone and called up an ambulance.

“Hyukie, stay with me, c’mon!” I kept saying while waiting for the ambulance to show up. “You’ll be alright! I called an ambulance, hold on… Please!”

The ambulance showed up and took him the hospital while I followed behind with my car.

When we arrived at the hospital, he was sent straight to the emergency unit, while being plugged into all these machines that kept his heart from failing.

He had no ID on him, so I had to register him in the hospital. They tried to call up his family, but I stopped them, remembering what he had told me a week ago about running away.

He was kept at the hospital for the next 3 days and I stayed with him the whole time until he showed signs of waking up. My work was handed to someone else who had more experience than me and I was allowed to have a week off work, using the excuse that it was family related.

“Hae…?” He spoke up the 3rd night at the hospital. “What are you…doing… - Where am I?” 

“Hyuk!” I almost shouted at him waking up finally. “You… You’re in the hospital; You… I, saw you collapse on the side of the road on my home and…”

 “Why did you do it?” He asked, sitting up and groaning a bit from the pain.

“Take it easy, the doctor told me you had to get some stiches on your side so don’t – “

“Donghae…” He interrupted and snapping me back to realize what I was doing. “Do you still…?”

“…No. I mean… maybe…” I knew I was blushing so I tried to hide my face from him. “Do you want something to drink?”

“Answer me, Hae, please.”

“That’s not important right now.” I replied, going over to the table that had a water pitcher and some plastic glasses.

“These flower, did you bring them?” he asked while I poured water in one of the glass.

“No.” I replied, biting my tongue from lying to him.

“They’re beautiful…” He knew I was lying.

“Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? I’ll ask one of the nurses to bring you something to eat, if you want.” I asked, handing him the glass of water, trying to change the topic and the atmosphere. 

“Hae, its fine. Really. Thank you for everything…” he took the glass of water and started drinking from it.

I watched him, his eye was still bruised, and his lips formed a black scar where it was bleeding. His beautiful face… His body had stiches… the same one that violated me that night…

“I look bad right now, right?” he suddenly asked.

“Can I… Ask what happened?” I asked cautiously.

He hesitated for a while then said, “I told my dad I didn’t want to marry Gina and wanted to cancel the wedding… He asked why. And I told him…” he paused and looked at me. “I told him I didn’t want to marry someone who I had no feelings for… I told him that I was gay… That I was in love with this guy for almost 9 years now…”

He paused again, except longer this time, and looked away towards the table that had the water pitcher.

“He cancelled the marriage. But Gina’s father was an important client to him, and in order to pay for the loss of his client, he – “

“Why did you tell him?” I interrupted, not wanting to hear what had happened afterwards.

“Because I can’t stand seeing the person I love so much, being so lonely, when the thing he hates the most is being left alone.”

I was speechless at his words. Does he really mean everything he just said? Did he really run away from his family…Because of me? All these bruises on his beautiful face and body… they were all because of me?

“You…You should get some sleep.” I finally said. “I’ll tell the doctor that you woke up…And I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“Stay with me for the night.” He took my wrist just as I got up from his bed side chair. “I’m scared that if you leave, I won’t be able to find you again, and all of this won’t be for anything.”

“But… Doctor…”

“It’s fine. He’ll probably come in at night to check up on me again. So please, don’t leave me.”

I hesitated for a moment before taking up his request and sitting back down on the chair.

“Alright.” I placed my head on the side of his bed, close to his shoulder and tried to fall asleep.

“Good night.” We both said in unison.

I couldn’t sleep. Everything that has happened in my life was running through my mind, but I pretended that I had fallen asleep.

I felt his fingers run gently through my hair. He hadn’t fallen asleep either.

“I’m really sorry Hae, you probably haven’t forgiven me yet… But I hope that one day you’ll realize how sorry I really am, and maybe one day, you’ll realize how much I truly love you…” His voice was low to an almost whisper.  

He kept my hair all through the night, and eventually, somehow, I had fallen asleep from his gentle touch.



The next morning, the doctor came in and informed us that Hyukjae was to be discharged that evening.

Hyukjae told me that he wanted to eat something that wasn’t hospital food and I headed out to buy his medication as well as something for him to eat that morning.

“Did you pay for… all the hospital fees?” he asked, a bit scared for the answer.

“If I didn’t, who would?”

“Can I ask you again…?” He looked up as from his tray of food, to me. “Why did you do it…? Why did you help me?”

I hesitated, not actually understanding myself as to why I had helped him that night.

“I thought about it after your visit at my work. And it’s just like what I said that night of our reunion, it’s all in the past… Our past can’t be changed, but if one person is willing to change it, if that one person wants to compensate for their wrong doing from the past… he should be given the chance.”

There was a moment of silence as we both looked away from each other.

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you at first… But if you still want to, my apartment is still open for you to move in anytime.” I said as I got up from the chair and leaned over to him to plant a kiss on his forehead.

“Thank you.” He replied, showing me his best smile that I longed for so long. 



Sorry it took so long. School. and I'm sorry if there's spelling/grammer errors. it's like 4 in the morning here and i was trying to multitask between finishing my chem. project and this... 

Anyway~ Thank you so much for reading and I PROBABLY won't be coming out with another fic for about 7 months or so... o.e 

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liludilu #1
Chapter 3: I've finished reading the fic!
Really.... I really love this story!!! ♥
From the begining to the end! ♥
Yeah, Hyukjae was wrong 9 years ago, but I really proud of him that after all he chose Donghae! **
And also I'm happy that Hae understood how much sacrifices Hyukjae have done to be with Hae *__*
Thank you for this good end of the story!
I love the fic sooo much! ♥

Can I ask you something? I'm Russian and I want translate all this story for ELFs from my country! *____* Can I do this? Of course I'll mention you as an author and add a link. Please! ♥__♥
Thank you again for this amazing story! **
Chapter 3: This story was incredibly beautiful. ;~; thank you do much!
oh my gahd! FINALLY ! keke.. this story is... is.. so good! i look forward for your other stories.

i'll just shamelessly promote my fanfic here.. (sorry >.<)
Chapter 3: actually i love your one shot, from part 1, part2, and these.
i keep reading for all the time, to assure my self love this story.
The plot is very good, me like it^^ ahahaha.

Thanks and keep ur good work^^
koutaroux #5
Chapter 3: They are together again! Finally...
ThanKYU for the wonderful fanfic <3 Hope that you will write more EunHae FF in the future!
anchofish15 #6
Chapter 3: owww..finally hae give hyuk another chance....
so happy for them :)
great story :)
i loved this , thanks for the story~
Chapter 3: OH MY I like this fic <3
Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 3: Oh girl you just drive to depression! ToT
The last one part was... heartbreak somehow because is soooo true... having someone you love into your embrace!!!
I loved this.
Thank you... just right moment you know #EunhaeFeelingsBreakingApart
Ladyghai #10
Chapter 3: Oh my love this fic!:) great job!