Chapter 1

Second chance {PART 3}


Two months had passed since the high school reunion; since I last saw him.

I tried my busied myself with work so I could keep my mind of off my personal life. I tried to give myself extra work so the only thing that’ll be on my mind is work. Just to keep him out.

But the memories kept flooding back.

Forget him.

I was in the middle of producing a new song for Super Junior’s new upcoming album when a knock came on my door.

“Come in.” I said, loud enough for the other person to hear me.

“Sorry to disturb you, but…” it was one my co-worker who I didn’t really much about. He looked behind him then turned around and continued. “There’s someone here to see you…”

“Who is it?” I was, and never, expect visitors. And if there was someone, I would’ve gotten a direct call from the front desk to sign them in.

“His name is… Eun...Hyuk…?”

I gave him a questionable look, since I’ve never came across that name in my 25 years of living. “Tell them I’m busy, and come back another time, or just leave a message at the front desk.”

“He says its argent…”  

I ran my fingers through my hair trying to decide if I should let this ‘Eunhyuk’ in or tell him I’m busy.

“Tell him to come in,” I finally said after letting out a heavy sigh.

I saw the man at the door signaling Eunhyuk to come in and then walking off right after. I waited until Eunhyuk walked past the door and was finally standing beside it, and my heart dropped. It was him.

“Donghae…” He started.

“What are you doing here?” The last thing I wanted in my head, again, was him.

“That night…”

“That night was 9 years ago; if you want to be forgiven, then…Fine. I forgive you.” I interrupted him again, “You were drunk, and you obviously had a fight with Gina, so – “

“Listen to me!” He shouted. “That night… What I did to you, I remember clearly. I wasn’t drunk. I only had one glass and that was it. It was true I had a fight with Gina, and that I drugged you. But I didn’t do that to hurt you… I never wanted to hurt you.”

“Oh? Then why did you do it?” emphasizing the why.

“I…I wanted you to notice that… the feelings you had for me were the same as I had for you…”

“So you me!?” I was at the verge of punching him, but I held back.

“I didn’t mean to!” his eyes had started watering. “I really didn’t mean to hurt you, Hae…”

We stood there in silence for a while as he wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie as I was trying to decide if I tell him to leave or let him talk more.

I still had a weak spot for him.

“How did you know I worked here?” I asked him as he seemed to have calmed down a bit.

“I asked Siwon…” he let out a little hiccup.

“How did you get past the front desk?”

“That guy… He saw me and asked if I needed help with something. I told him that… I was the new choreographer who was supposed to work with you…” he replied trying to avoid eye contact with me as he spilled out the lie he told to find me.

“So, why did you go through all this trouble to find me?” I asked, rolling my eyes. “Was it cause you had a fight with Gina and now you want to release your frustration on me so you can go home and be all happy and lovey dovey with her again?”

Everything started rushing back to me. The days when he only used me to release his frustration, the graduation night, the next morning and up to the reunion night. All these years, I tried so hard to repress every memory I had of him came back that one night 2 months ago, and for the past 2 months I’ve tried so hard to forget them again; but he comes up and breaks down every wall I’ve ever built so far.

There was a long silence between as I tried to hold back my tears and Hyukjae looked at me, fear in his eyes.

“I…I ran away from home…” He finally said lifting up his head to look at me in the eyes. “I ran away to escape my father and to cancel the… wedding…” He chocked a bit when saying ‘wedding’.

“So what do you want me to do?” I asked in a harsh tone.

“I want a second chance… please.” His voice was shaking again, as if he was in the verge of crying but held back.

“And how would I do that?”

“Let me live with you, let me prove to you that I won’t run back to Gina…” He paused, “Let me show you how much I actually love you.”

His request took me back. I did live in a big apartment, and at times I did get lonely… But to let him come in…

“Please leave before I call security.” I said, turning my back to him.


“Leave.” I said in a stern tone. “I have work to finish.”

There was long pause before I heard his feet shuffle and the click of the door opening, then closing. 





Sorry. I know I said it was supposed to be out by 19 or 20th and now it's 21st.. but I was busy doing University application and dear lord do the y take forever...

I'm TRYING to (fingers crossed) put out the next/last chapter of this by tonight. IF I can. Cause I have like 6 tests planned out for this week plus I miss a whole entire day as well as half a day as well... and just. ugh. SCHOOL. 


K. Bye. 
For now.

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liludilu #1
Chapter 3: I've finished reading the fic!
Really.... I really love this story!!! ♥
From the begining to the end! ♥
Yeah, Hyukjae was wrong 9 years ago, but I really proud of him that after all he chose Donghae! **
And also I'm happy that Hae understood how much sacrifices Hyukjae have done to be with Hae *__*
Thank you for this good end of the story!
I love the fic sooo much! ♥

Can I ask you something? I'm Russian and I want translate all this story for ELFs from my country! *____* Can I do this? Of course I'll mention you as an author and add a link. Please! ♥__♥
Thank you again for this amazing story! **
Chapter 3: This story was incredibly beautiful. ;~; thank you do much!
oh my gahd! FINALLY ! keke.. this story is... is.. so good! i look forward for your other stories.

i'll just shamelessly promote my fanfic here.. (sorry >.<)
Chapter 3: actually i love your one shot, from part 1, part2, and these.
i keep reading for all the time, to assure my self love this story.
The plot is very good, me like it^^ ahahaha.

Thanks and keep ur good work^^
koutaroux #5
Chapter 3: They are together again! Finally...
ThanKYU for the wonderful fanfic <3 Hope that you will write more EunHae FF in the future!
anchofish15 #6
Chapter 3: owww..finally hae give hyuk another chance....
so happy for them :)
great story :)
i loved this , thanks for the story~
Chapter 3: OH MY I like this fic <3
Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 3: Oh girl you just drive to depression! ToT
The last one part was... heartbreak somehow because is soooo true... having someone you love into your embrace!!!
I loved this.
Thank you... just right moment you know #EunhaeFeelingsBreakingApart
Ladyghai #10
Chapter 3: Oh my love this fic!:) great job!