Maid of the LEE Family


Miyoung’s POV

                I was awakened by Chae mi- unnie. She’s one of the servants here. I looked at the clock and it was 5.30 in the morning. I change my clothes and went to Master Taemin’s room. He’s sound asleep. I pulled the curtains and open the window. I started to clean his room. He was still under his blanket. His room is neat but there are candy wrappers in his desk. He may be addictive to candies. He suddenly sat up and greeted me loudly. “Miyoung-ah annyong!” I was taken aback by surprise.

Taemin’s POV

                “Miyoung-ah annyong!” I greeted her with so much energy. She was surprised by my sudden action.

 “a--a-ah-annyong h—a-haseyo Master Taemin.” She stuttered but greeted me back. I frowned. She quickly noticed it. She looks like she cares for my feelings.

“Is there anything wrong Master?” she asked me. I frowned more and I told her,

“ I want you to call me Minnie-oppa not Master.”

“but—but—“ I cut her and said “I won’t ever frown again if you call me by that.”

“Okay. Minnie-o-oppa.” She smiled at me. Gosh. She really looks pretty. Her eyes, her hair, her nose and her lips. Plump pinkish red lips. I want to kiss her. Oh Taemin! Snap out of it!

“Much better.” I ruffled her hair. She stood up and headed to the door.

“Where are you going?” I questioned her. She smiled and said “I need to go and clean your brothers’ room Minnie-oppa. I’ll be leaving now.”

After she left I suddenly feel empty. “Do I like her? But is it too fast for me to like her? But she’s just so pretty and I’m sure she’s a nice person judging from the way she smiles.” I asked myself.

                Miyoung’s POV

                After I left Minnie-oppa’s room, I headed to Master Chanhee’s room. The other maids already told me that Master Chanhee doesn’t want to be called by his real name. He prefers to be called Chunji, meaning heaven. He actually looks like an angel though.

His room was very clean and neat. I don’t have anything to do aside from his blinds and waking him up.

I went near his bed and tried to wake him up by calling out his name “Master Chunji, please wake up.” He got up and smiled at me. He said nothing and only stared at me. After a few seconds he spoke.

                Chunji’s POV

                I woke up and the first thing I saw is her beautiful face. I stared at her. 

“Don’t call me master. Call me Chunji. If I’m not mistaken you are a year younger than me so that basically counts for you calling me oppa.” I smiled at her.

She looks surprised but she smiled and pinched my cheeks. “aigoo.. Chunji-oppa.. Kiyowo.. Arasso. I’ll call you Oppa.”

“I’ll be heading to Master L.joe’s room now. Have a good day Oppa.” She smiled and I smiled back at her after that she walked off and closed my door.

“Why did I talked to her? You don’t talk to anyone right?!” I mentally nagged myself.  I’ve never talked to any of our servants before. She’s simple but very pretty. I think I might like her.

                Miyoung’s POV

                Now I’m heading to Master L.joe’s room. Chae mi- unnie told me that he’s the playful one. Hmm. It makes me think what kind of game he has in store?

I turned the knob of his door and I entered his room. It was also neat nut something’s wrong. He’s not in his bed. I tried to look for him when suddenly a pair of arms enveloped my waist.

“Miyoung-ah Good morning.” A low, seductive voice said. I turned around to see Master L.joe smirking.

“annyong. Did you have a good sleep master?” I asked him. He went near me and whispered “of course I do but don’t call me master. I hate it.” I saw him smirked.

                L.joe’s POV

                I don’t like to be called master. I want her to call me oppa. Suddenly she spoke “Okay. Do you want me to call you Oppa?” she asked smiling.

Oh her smile is so alluring. I love it. Then I said,  “neh! How did you know? Hehe.. you like it huh?” she giggled and said “ani.. I just knew it.”

She cleaned my room. After that she walks out of the room but I grabbed her hand and turned her around to face me. She was clueless then I suddenly kissed her forehead. She was surprised but managed to bid farewell.

Hehe. How I like to see her more often.



                Miyoung’s POV

                It has only been 2 hours of work. I still have a long day to go. I have too many questions going inside my head now.  I’m really curious why do the Lee brothers hated to be called master? Aren’t they called masters ever since? And why do they want me to call them oppa? And why did I call them that? Am I crazy? I thought Minnie was serious but he isn’t. Chunji doesn’t speak but we had a conversation earlier. L.joe is playful, is the kiss one of his games?

Aahh! I need to prepare their bath now. I’m going to think about my thoughts later.

The day went on fast. I didn’t realize that the day is almost over. I prepared their rooms and their pajamas.

(chunji -




After that, I went to my room and changed. I need to sleep early ‘coz I’m gonna wake up early tomorrow.


yay! updated!

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Chapter 33: Thank you soooooosoooooosooooooooo much for updating !!! <3 I love you and Merry Christmas!
Chapter 32: It's been a very long time since you updated this fic TT^TT
Update pleaase ? I miss reading this sooo much !!! >n<
DreamKatcher #3
Chapter 32: Hi new reader! I just wanna give some of my views on your story. I really hate how obsessive some of your characters are with miyoung. But I know that it is actually part of their character that they're like that. I feel that they're treating miyoung like an object and not looking out for her feelings:( but I think that this story is really good! The story line I find is very original and there are twists in it too so it's not so predictable. Bonus points to you for having all my biases as main characters!! ^^ I hope she ends up with sungjong though, he is the only one she obviously loves.... Author nim fighting! Just realized you haven't updated since June TT_TT Update soon! Don't let this story go to waste!!!
I hope she is okay and does NOT die!!
I hope L'Joe or chunji ends up with her.
Curse the JUNG SISTERS!!!!!!
WOW! L.Joes B-day is on mines! I wish it was real....-. -!
mrsb2st #6
New reader here....

Omg, this story is really good~!!! I hope your able to continue and finish it!! I really want to see who she ends up with....
And please let her be okay~!!! :O

Good luck in college. Hwaiting~!!! ^_^
my gosh..l.joe is here oh yeah.....chunji O.O....taemin is there too.. such a nice story
luv4kpop #9
i just love you stories<br />
and i hope they find a donor ........ quick very very quick<br />
and please update sooner
hope they'll find a donor quick......