
Wanted ||apply open||


Two men quickly ran down the halls of SM entertainment. They ran past people coming in to audition, trainees, and idols playing the exact same song over again. They reached the elevator and rested for about one minute.

They are exo-m and exo-k’s managers. They had gotten a call from So Man, about the incident. He seemed worried which was rare. That’s why they were running so fast. They didn’t care if they “disturbed” others. When So Man is worried everyone is worried.

                When the elevator finally reached the top floor both managers walked down the hall to So Man’s office. Exo-k’s manager tried knocking, but exo-ms manager burst right in. When they were both inside their eyes opened wide. It looked like a tsunami. The normally clean office was scattered with papers, files, pictures, and pens. And in the middle of it all Lee So Man sat looking as if he was about to cry.

                “There’s so many I can’t pick just twelve”, He cried.

                “What?” Both managers said at the same time.

                “Body guard, exo,” So Man simply said picking up another file.

And that’s how they started looking. It took all day to get through a quarter of the files. All of them so far were old guys. None of them looked appealing or interesting. Until Exo-k’s manager reached out and opened a file. His eyes sparkled with interest.

                “Hey this one is a female”


                “Woah manager what happened?” Kris asked eyeing his manager.

                “He got attacked”

                “Was it them”

                “Did they hurt you?”

                “Is your wallet still here?”

                “Wow Tao don’t even care about his safety”

                “I knew it  unicorns are real”

                “Yixing what does that have to do with anything?”

“Really is your wallet still here”

“Did you bring back food?”

Exo-m’s manager pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. The questions didn’t stop and they were giving him a head ache. Everyone always said that exo-m was very well behaved. The truth was they were really all idiots.

                “Clean up the dorm people are coming now all of you shut up and go to bed,” was all he said as he gloomily walked over to his car, ready to go home.


Crazy Emoticonsauthors note


That took awhile Mian. Im going to start this story soon In one wek it will start thats the dealine,               

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wahaha so excited


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Chapter 6: A new year for a bee start
Chapter 6: What happened?
JjangJoo #3
Chapter 6: When did you update this?! UGH! I'm so slow.! But THANKS!
priwoo #4
Chapter 6: OMG ~dance~ thank you *--*
EXOJunked #5
Chapter 6: Sorry if the love interest was messy. IT'S HARD TO PICK ONE OF THEM OTL. XDD But it's Xiumin and Lay ATM. Lol. Thanks for choosing everyone! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 6: Thank you author nim!^^
_shuppylove #7
Chapter 6: HOMG HOMG I AM CHOSEN HOMG i wanna cryyyy. thank u so much for choosing me author-niiiiim. ;~; *hugs*
Chapter 5: Haha, omg the way Exo was "worried" for their managers. Lol
And I can't wait for the story to start! ^^
JjangJoo #9
Chapter 5: Poor managers. Those boys didn't even care about their safetly. Except for two.. I think.
I'm waiting for more..