Nagging [ D.O x OC ]

behind the shadow ~drabbles~




“Yah! You should stirred it clockwise, not the other!”

“I know~”

“If you know, you won’t do it wrong you know!” He grabbed the ladle from my hand and started to stir the pudding fla. I scoffed and moved from the stove

I looked around the messy kitchen to find something that I could help with. Hmm, chopping the fruits doesn’t seem bad eh? I grabbed the apple and start to peel the skin before I heard Kyungsoo’s gasp coming from where he stood before,


“You’re not supposed to peel the skin Eunhye! Aissh, you’re impossible!” Kyungsoo shook his head and turn off the stove.

“If you can’t do it well, don’t bother to touch it,” he grumbles. I only eyed him up and down, giving him a face

“told you before if you can’t then tell me, let me do it all,”

“But I told you I’ll help right?”I huffed

“Help?” he laughed as if mocking me, “this is not help. This is you ruining everything—”

What? Ruining everything? Oh no he didn’t…

“What? Ruining everything?” I hit the table so hard until he looked at my fuming face. I was so angry with his words, why did he talk like that? Over a god damn apple?!


“Do kyungsoo! You’re the one who asked me to come, TO HELP YOU. But you wont even let me touch anything! What the is your problem when I’m trying to help!” I stared daggers at the round eyed boy who stood in shock infront of me

I never once said something with a high tone infront of him. I was really careful with the emotion I showed. But he’s being really annoying now and I just want to smack that pretty little head of him till his eyes popped out.




[3 hours ago..]

I was watching one of my favorite american show on the cable TV I owned. Tossing around the bed, eating chips or mini pretzels my little sister gave me and watching watching watching. All day long. That’s what I do after I dropped out from my last job at the accounting company. Freaking crazy evil witch who’s apparently my boss makes it hard for me to stay in that company. Ah~ what is life? I keep doing the dvd marathon by myself at my condo, That was before the sudden call I received from my friend

“Hey, what is it Hyunkyung?”

“Eunhye, can you come earlier to my house and help Kyungsoo out?”

“Eh? Why? I thought you’ll be the one who’ll help him for today~”

“I was but,” a desperate sigh came out from the other line. Ah, work~ “I should help someone so stupid to finish something. Ugh, nightmare~”

I laughed a little hearing her desperate voice, “Why? What is it?”

“You know, that Tao guy I told you about~”

“Ah, That hottie you told me before? Your co worker? Why now he’s a babo huh?” I giggled once more, another desperate sigh and tell me the whole story. Hahahahah, poor her. She got to re-type some documents again.

“Ok, I’ll go to your house now,”

“Thank you thank you! Kyungsoo really needs help,” I snickered at the sentence, “Wait! Not that kind of help ok~ I know what’s going on in your corrupted mind,”

“Hahahahahahah, relax Hyunkyung-ah I know I know~ bye,” she hung up after bidding a goodbye to me.

I changed into more decent clothes before I went out and bring my party clothes on the bag also. Well, it’s my boyfriend’s party so I’ve to look fabulous right? Kyungsoo is my boyfriend, yeah Hyunkyung almost choked me when she heard we’re together 2 years ago. But now she’s totally cool with it and don’t even care anymore.

I drove to Hyunkyung and Kyungsoo’s house which only 10 minutes away from mine. When I arrived,it was quiet. I parked the car on the house’s parking lot then got excuse myself to enter the house.

“Hello? Kyungsoo?”

“Ye,” I heard him shouting from somewhere then this little owl showed up looking all cute with a yellow apron infront of me. I squealed out of happiness looking at my cute boyfriend,

“Eunhye, don’t sta—“

“You’re so cute!!” I hugged him tight , I almost could hear him gasping but he keeps hugging me back.

“Ok, ok ok,” he let go of me slowly and pecked my cheek. Omo! I didn’t expect that. I blushed furiously as he lifted my chin up to meet his eyes. “Now you’re here, help me with the preparation ok?” kyungsoo said sweetly as he tuck a strand of my hairs behind my ears

I nodded in automatic response and pecked his full plump lips, “sure!”



I thought it’ll be a lovey-dovey scene of a couple doing house chores together. Like in those movie scenes, where the man will help the girl with washing dishes or just cook a soup together. Not like right now…. Wher Kyungsoo treated me like a freaking slave. If this was that slave I would be glad to *ehem* but this is just way too much. I can’t stand him yelling at me or shouting for every little mistake I made. Hello, he knows that cooking is not my thing and understand that already. But why he must shout at my face? I stand only a few feet away from him, he could just tell me right?

“Suit yourself,” I said while shoving the pear that I hold at him and stormed out from the kitchen.

I could faintly hear him called me but I could care less. If he think I’m not helping at all, then so be it. I won’t help him.




[An hour later…]

Someone nudge my head with something hard when I was watching on the TV room. I was about to get mad thinking that it was Kyungsoo but then I turn around to face his older sister

“Yah, why didn’t you help Kyungsoo?”

“Tsk, he doesn’t need me to help him,” I shrugged and looking back to ‘Design by Jane’ Tv series. This TV show is interesting! Heheheh

The couch sunk in and I see Hyunkyung sat beside me, “ are you too fighting again?”

I only rolled my eyes which she knew the answer is ‘yes’. She shake her head and chuckled,

“You two, you always fight! I don’t know how you both can pass these 2 years of relationship actually,”

“I indeed question the same thing,” I said and laughed a bit before I caught a glimpse of Kyungsoo from the TV refelction and… who is that?

I turned around to see some tall man with white shirt carrying 2 shopping bags to the kitchen with the midget Kyungsoo. Pfft, whatever. He didn’t even try to talk to me hello?! If that’s what you want, then that’s what you get. Pssh~

“Yah, is that…?”

I see Hyunkyung blushed, and I nodded in glee. It must be that Huang Zitao that she likes to fangirl about. “Uhum~”

“But I thought you kinda hated him at the moment?”

“Well I was but I—

“it’s all in the Kitchen Hyunkyung-ah,” That said guy went over to where we seated and was pretty surprised when he saw me. I think he’s shy, he bowed to me and then introduce himself.

“So you two are…”

 I slyly smirk at Hyunkyung and she only smack me on the arm and walk away. While the guy was only shyly smiled at me while scratching the back of his neck. “Ok, I take that as a yes as what I want to ask ok~” I skipped down to leave the new couple on the living room and walk towards the kitchen.

It’s glad that Hyunkyung is already with someone she likes after all these years. After the last break up, it’s been hard for her really. Kyungsoo worries over her often too and we always like to make her go to some blind dates but it didn’t work out. Glad that Chinese guys got a grip on this woman now!

Kyungsoo’s eyes found me as soon as I appeared on the doorway, The food is ready and he was mixing the fruit salad in a big bowl. He looked at me intensely even stopping what was he doing, but I only ignore him and proceeded to the refrigerator, taking a jug of icy cold water. So thirsty~

“Yah,” his serious tone is showed up, hmm. So finally you talked to me?



“What do you want?” I gave him an icy cold glare, I could literally see him gulping down his saliva.

I rolled my eyes as I close the refrigerator door and proceeded to the cupboard to take a mug. I brushed past him, he only groans disappointed in response. Whatever, I pour the cold water down and suddenly I felt a hot breath on my ear. Pair of arms also circling around my waist and the warmth of his body fills me, as if brushing all the hate away,

“Are you sure going to ignore me like this?” that deep voice of him makes me tremble, I haven’t even say anything but he suddenly turn me over. “Stop being so childish Eunhye, you’re the older one here,”

“Childish? Me?” I scoffed, “I was just trying to help but you being the “mommy” nags everytime I touched something and who’s the one shouting at me remind me again please?” that shut kyungsoo up. I leave him in the kitchen and walk past by the living room. Witnessing that the two newly lover chat, I excuses myself to Hyunkyung’s room and locked myself up there.

I could hear the music playing even louder than before and some chattering from downstairs. Refusing to go downstairs nor changing, I slumped down Hyunkyung’s bed. Burrying myself in the pillow and playing with my phone.

“Eunhye,” I turn around to see Hyunkyung was shaking his head at me,


“Why don’t you come downstairs? He’s looking for you~” Hyunkyung said as she plopped beside me, “Just held it in for now, tonight is pretty important for my little brother you know,”

Important? But I am not? Why he’s not even fetch me himself instead using his big sister like this. I just shrugged at her,

“I just want to be alone Hyunkyung-ah,” but then Hyunkyung dragged me to her bathroom and shove a clothes at me

“No, please come with me downstairs ok? And fix yourself first~”

“Tsk,” I can really argue with her as in I’m not in the mood.


The house is sure packed up with Kyungsoo’s crazy friends and some of Hyunkyung’s too. After greeting some of them that I met when I was walking to the food table,  I heard a line of a beautiful acoustic guitar from the center of the room. The sea of human parted right infront of me and revealing Kyungsoo sat in the middle, with microphone and all. I was bewildered,

“Wha—“ my eyes met Kyungsoo. Those eyes that showing anger before was replaced by something, amusement I guess? As  he smirked and eyeing Chanyeol who sat beside him with his guitar.

“Hi all. Thanks for coming today and I hope you can enjoy this little party of me that I—“ he abruptly stop and looked at me with that big doe eyes, god… I love those cute little eyes, “that We, arranged. Me, My sister and of course, Kang Eunhye.”

I smiled at the mention of my name as I catch a glimpse of playfulness on those big round eyes. Chanyeol starting to play the guitar as he sang, their own rendition of one of my favorite song ever, and I love her by the beatles

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her

She gives me everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Tears pooled in my eyes as he was the sweetest guy to sing this for me. We were fighting and the way he made it up to me right now, how can I stay mad for a long time? Saw him walking towards me and try to ignore the cat’s calling from his friends.

“So?”  he encircled his hands around me, “am I forgiven?”

I roll my eyes and gave him answer by locking his full lips on mine. The whole room erupted in cheers as we smiled to the kiss, We parted as we catch our breaths and he hold me tight. His forehead on mine, I smiled at him,

“next time, tone down the nagging ok?” 




also haven't edit this one ^^;;


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Chapter 3: Still blushing at Tao's confession >////<
Chapter 1: waahh!! i got butterflies since tao is ultimate bae!!!! LMAO mama satansoo
Princess94 #3
Chapter 1: it's soooo romantic! love it...
Chapter 3: omg xD this... was.. wow. good job authournim (: update soon (:
Chapter 2: omo! x.x so romantic! my tao and kyungsoo feels~
Chapter 1: cute~ super adorable~ 짱