'Aigoo~~ Double the embrassment'

"He's Mine. My only exception"


_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*    05   _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

A beautiful sunset filled with red, purples and yellow illuminated the sky, we sat down in the place we've already named our own, while letting the wetness of the damp sand stick on to our jeans, with hands still moulded together and heads on top of another.
Everything was so peaceful, and relaxing; a great way to celebrate 5 months of being together, the happiest 5 months that I've lived for a long time.
"Come live with me."
Is this a joke, my head was in its tipsy turvy state; not knowing what's right or wrong, whats black from white. 
Is he being serious, 5 months is a long time, for me but, to move in with each other, isn't that basically like marriage without the rings and the I do's?
"W-what, like right now?"
He nodded firmly, letting me know that indeed, he was one hundred percent serious.
I on the other hand was totally speechless, scared and petrified. How about if we annoyed each other so much and start to doubt our relationship, that it wasn't working out? 
After persuasion for him; god does he really knows how to work those puppy eyes of his because in the end I kind of... gave in. (Like how can you say no, to such cute puppy eyes, anyway)
"It may not seem like it but I'm the type of person that likes to sleep on the right side of the bed, with the night light still on beside me and I'd probably end up hogging all the duvet and I probably won't even feel sorry for it" I warned him as I drew small circles on the sand which soon turned into small hearts.
"I don't mind, as long as your beside me, I won't need the duvet to keep me warm" Jonghyun playfully winked as he laced my free hand together with his before giving them a tight squeeze.
"You're a chessy bastard, you know that and good, now lets get going and help me pack."
He chuckled, before standing up lacing our hands once again as we started to walk back to my house, hoping that my dad has already left for work.
We reached my house and all I hear was silence, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad, that I wouldn't have to personally say goodbye to my father or sad because I didn't get the chance to personally tell him about me moving out.
"I don't have that much things to bring, so I think one big suitcase plus a small bag for tonight, would be enough" I told Jonghyun.
Choosing to leave home and live with someone I want to believe, I fully trusted was probably the most impulsive and uncertain choice I've made in a while, (I think his impulsiveness started to rub itself on to me) besides the still shocking news that it was me who initiated a relationship with him; for some unknown reason, this spontaneous side of me always finds itself controlling the way I think and feel whenever I'm with him.
I find myself not caring, not even thinking about the cons of moving in with him; my heart has fully accepted Jonghyun, yet my mind is still in war with this on growing battle of questions and doubts- 'What if he leaves you, where would you go?', 'What if he grows tired of you?' or 'What if his using you like how your dad, has been used'.
I couldn't help but be a victim to those questions, making me doubt his love and intentions, because our love wasn't something accepted or taken lightly by society, it even goes as far as; disgusting, unnatural and demonic.
Trusting him, was my decision and I knew if I was to ever get hurt that it was my fault for believing and that proving me right is decision that only he can decide.
I want to believe the, 'I love yous' and the endless 'Making you completely trust me is my priority'. I want to believe every single thing that has ever left his lips because I'm afraid to say that I've trusted him to love me like how much I love him and it would pain me to know that I was deceived by words and kindness.
"Hey, Jjong can you go to my room and start packing I'm gonna go ahead and write my dad a letter" I said gathering up a piece of paper and a pen before taking a sit on sofa. Jonghyun nodded, happily complying as he makes his way up the stairs.
I know that my dad would probably be okay with me moving out, he said so himself but I ask myself- would he really be okay, all alone by himself? And it scares me to know that it was me who left him- how would he feel; like I abandoned him like mum did, never in my life would I want to compare myself to my mother.
But I knew in my heart that my dad would of wanted me to go, explore and grow as a person he understands why it was so hard for me to trust anyone and until to this day does he still apologise for everything.
'Hey, dad
I love you more than anyone, but you said so yourself that it would be fine if I go and live with Jonghyun; me leaving doesn't mean I don't care because you know how much I do, I want to try and trust Jonghyun because his proven that he could be, I promise to come back to see how your doing, daddy. I love you.
Kibum xx
I looked at the letter one last time before closing it and leaving it in the kitchen counter somewhere dad would easily find it. I sighed, knowing before that before I would go that I won't be able to say proper goodbye, although my brain was telling me that it was for thy best as, I wouldn't have the guts to leave my dad if I was to say goodbye to him in person.
I quickly made my way upstairs to find a soon to be full suitcase and a very cute cute dino curiously looking at nothing but...my pink boxers.
My cheeks instantly glowed in pink and I felt like my whole world had hit a tornado and collapsed, the embarrassment; I ran towards him, yanking the boxers out of his hands.
"I told you to pack, not look at my boxers" I said annoyed with my back turned towards him, I feel him come closer finally circling his hands on my waist, "I'm sorry Kibummie, but it's an opportunity that I had to take and don't be embarrassed, I find it totally adorable" he said as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck sending shivers down my spine. 
How could I exactly get angry at you, you stupid cute nosy puppy? I thought to myself in annoyance.
I turned around to face Jonghyun, hating my choice the moment I saw great big puppy eyes and a pout to match. 
Your gonna kill me, someday Jjong, I swear.
"I'm sorry, Bummie. I promise to ask permission next time I want to nose around"
I wanted to face palm myself, why would you ask someone's  permission to nose around? 
Awww, this obnoxious puppy of mine.
"Just don't do it again, now lets get packing"
After numerous giggles and laughter I was able to finally pack all the clothes and necessities that I needed, it scared me as I looked at the bare and empty space that was my room; 'I'm really going to do it' I thought bravely to myself as I zipped up my suitcase.
"We'll visit him everyday Bummie, it's not like I live a thousand miles away." Jonghyun said  positively as he back hugged me, nuzzling his nose in the crooks of my neck sending already familiar yet still electrifying bolts up and down my spine.
"I know, i just... don't want him to think that I'm abandoning him like what mum did, I don't think a letter is good enough, Jjong" I said to him hugging his hands, bringing them closer to me.
"Why don't we wait then, I don't mind, as long as your happy then everything is fine with me" he said as he turned me around to face him, before he placed a loving and moist kiss in my forehead.
"Thank you, Jjonggie" I said before slinging both my arms around his neck bringing our foreheads together.
We gathered up all my things before, we went down stairs to wait for my dad to come home, I happily ripped apart the letter that my dad was supposed to received, knowing full well how he deserved better.
So we waited for at least two more hours before I heard, the door knob turning open, I took in a large amount of air, before giving Jonghyun one last small smile and standing up to greet my father, he caressed my cheeks before mouthing, "It's all going to be okay, baby"
My dad came in to living room where me and Jonghyun have been nervously waiting.
"Hey Bummie, what you doing there, looking all so serious, come here and give your old man a hug" he told me with a wide smile, I knew he knew what made me so nervous, there was a huge suitcase beside Jonghyun and my dad is everything but dumb.
I was so happy at the moment that tears was already streaming down my face as the little boy inside of me just couldn't help but want to run into his fathers embrace.
My father welcomed me into his strong familiar embrace, "I know all you want to do, is experience life kiddo, daddy's not upset because I know your in good hands" my dad hushed me as he drew calming circles on my shoulders.
"Y-you're... n-not angry, dad?" I asked him through broken sobs, looking up at him as I do so.
He smiled at, it was small but a smile nonetheless, he shook his head before ruffling my hair "I thought you said you were a man now, 21 years old and everything, yet here you are crying on daddies arms just because you want to grow up and move away" my dad says as he pats my back.
"Didn't I tell you, that it was fine. To be honest I can't wait to have the house all to myself, you know" he teased making my lips break into a loving smile.
Oh, I do love you, dad.
"I promise, I'll come visit you every week, daddy; I promise when I do come and visit I'll have all your favourite foods with me an-"
"Take a breather, kiddo. I know why your so worried; get in that little head of yours that I'm gonna be just fine, and no your nothing like your mum, okay. You and Jonghyun would be nothing like me and your mother; his a good guy Bummie."
It was like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders, I'm happy to know that my dad didn't even dare to think of comparing me to my mother.
I hugged my father tighter, "You don't know how much I love you daddy; I'm really gonna miss you."
He chuckled heartily, ruffling my hair lovingly, " I know baby and I'm gonna miss you just as bad, take care of yourself, kiddo" he said before planting a soft fatherly kiss on my forehead.
"Baby, before you go, can I have a word with Jonghyun, first?" He said eyes on me before wandering of to Jonghyun, I looked at him confused, he buckled and pinch my cheeks before once again ruffling my hair, "Just a man to man talk"
I pouted, "But, I'm a man too, can't I stay as well" I whined, making my dad as well as Jonghyun chuckle to, "I meant manly man, not cute adorable ones" I didn't know whether to be pissed off or flattered so, I think I'm just gonna step out before I start an argument. 
The comment of my father was obviously too funny, making Jonghyun let out the chains of laughter he was holding in, I sent a laser like glare towards him, he held both his hands in the air, showing his innocence; You better be happy that I love you, you puppy.
I went upstairs leaving the two 'manly man' alone with their conversation, I just remembered how I forgot to pack my basic toiletries and make up along with my clothes.
 Can't leave those behind, I thought to myself as I made my way upstairs before yelling down, "No funny business, you two" to the both of them, resulting them to burst into a series of laughter, making the smile on my face grow wider.
Isn't it so relieving to know that, the first man in your life and the second most important man, are getting along just fine.
I couldn't stop the curiousness from taking over my whole reasoning and next thing I know, I was hunched over, sat at the very top stair case with my ears pressed closely to the wall.
"Well, I knew that this was bound to happen I just didn't know, it was going to be this soon... but with that being said; Jonghyun I'm trusting you to take care of Kibum. Promise me that you'll never hurt him, because he deserves to be looked after, after all his been through" I heard my dad say, making small pools of tears form around my eyes; Aww daddy, I love you.
"Sir, you don't need me promising you that I'll never hurt Kibum, because its a promise I've already made with myself, I love your son too much to do anything to hurt him. Thank you for the trust that you have entrusted upon me, Mr Kim, it means a lot to me, that we have your blessings in on this." Jonghyun said firmly letting my father know that he meant what he meant; that every promise he made was something he would prioritise to keep. 
I couldn't help it, the feeling of wanting to just hugged the both of them were stronger than me because next thing I know, I had the both of them in a bone crushing hug.
"Didn't I tell you that he was listening" my dad teased while Jonghyun laughed before he wrapped his arm around my waist, "I had the feeling."
At the moment it felt as if my whole life was complete, I had the greatest father and the most handsome and perfect boyfriend anyone could have asked for; can life get any better than this?
We made our final goodbyes and gave out last hugs, before we made our way out of the house, hands full of my language (well Jonghyun's hands because mine was to busy wrapped around the neck of my father giving him my final hug and kiss goodbye.) 
"Take good care of yourself, kiddo" my dad says as he waved us goodbye from the gate, while both Jonghyun and I were already seated in the his car, "I will daddy, I'll see you on Monday, okay" I saw my dad grin widely, "Jonghyun, you better take care of my baby" he warned as he pointed to Jonghyun; on the other hand the other lifted both hands in defence before he said, "You know I would, Mr Kim" and with that my dad finally waved the both of us off.
In less than 30 minutes drive, we arrive at Jonghyun modern apartment complex, "We're home, baby" he said to me as he holds my suitcase in one hand while the other was wrapped around my waist securely, I smiled at him, "I guess, we are" and with that we made our way to his apartment, only two floors up.
At the age of 22, it shocked me how rich looking Jonghyun place was, it was spacious with a large balcony. The rooms were probably equally as spacious; modern living room consisting of a 35 inch flat screen tv, a black leather sofa, a round glass table sitting above a white oval shape rub; the whole apartment screamed the word, 'sophisticated and chic' which made the fine art student in me beam in happiness.
"Well, I can see that you liked what I've done to my living room" he said cockily, while putting down my suitcase at the side of the sofa.
"Jonghyun, I've never really asked about your family or anything, but how... I mean" I asked him, and then did I realise how I've never really ask about Jonghyun and his personal life; I knew about how he was with his dad before moving out to study, how he was not in totally agreement with his mother because of his uality (the day we talk about it, I can see how hard it was for him, to do so. It made me want to trust him all the more because his been through exactly the same thing as I have) and that he has a younger sister, that was already in abroad... but a part from the general that was it.
"Uhh... how am I suppose to say this, I'manheirtomyfather'smarketingcompany" Jonghyun said quickly without even a break in between; apart from the first sentence, I couldn't catch anything else he said. Jonghyun was looking worriedly at me as if he committed the most unforgivable sin.
"Baby, come here; take a breather, okay. Now tell me... slowly" I instructed him as I took his hands onto mine, while we made out way back to the sofa before sitting down on it.
"I'm an heir to my father's marketing company" he told me, yet it still puzzled me why he looked so uncomfortable because of it, shouldn't he be happy that after he graduates, a job is already there waiting for him?
"Why, do you look so upset by it, Jjong? Shouldn't you be happy" I asked him.
"Well, I am, but aren't you angry that I didn't tell you this, like... baby trust me its because I didn't really think it was wor-" I couldn't help but just want to pinch his cheeks.
"You're right it's not something worth telling me about" I told him, because to be honest what he tells me about his personal life is completely up to him, knowing that he loves me was enough.
"So... you're not angry?" He asked me as he squeezed my hands, I smiled at him before I shook my head, "Why would I be, Jjong, it's your life it depends on you whether or not you tell me about it or not. Are possibly scared because your father doesn't know about us?" I asked him now getting scared, how about if his dad didn't like him being a homoual, tear are relationship apart. It was my turn to be scared and anxious.
He started to shake his head vigorously, "No, Key, he knows about us, to be honest I talk about you so much, it'd be impossible for him not to" he said coming to an almost whisper as he neared his sentence, making me blush; he talks about me.
"So he approves of us, being together, I mean-"
"I wouldn't cared if he didn't, I'd still be with you, because you make me happy..." He assured me, "But my dad, just like yours, is one of a kind, he didn't abandon me like my mother did, when I needed him the most, he approves of us Key and in fact he can't wait to meet you."
So if everything is going well, then why does he feel so bad about not telling me about being an heir?
"Why do you feel so bad, Jjonggie?" I asked him, full of curiosity.
"It's because I thought, I've disappointed you, by not telling you about it; it didn't even come over me to tell you" he explained, his so sweet and caring, he really is taking the whole trusting thing, seriously, never wanting to disappoint me.
"Baby, it's okay you know, you didn't disappoint me, not one bit." I told him, reassuring him that not an ounce of disappoint was there to be felt.
And for another 15 minutes we stayed there it each others embrace, talking about everything and nothing; even went as deep as talking about the next time Jonghyun's dad will visit him and how then, will we make my existence evident; 5:00, next Wednesday.
I asked him if this- me moving in was okay and all he said that it was better that okay; it was perfect- like a married couple, but not technically.
"Hey baby lets get everything sorted out tomorrow, you're tired and so am I" Jonghyun said, almost like a plead before showing his infamous puppy dog eyes as he he caressed my cheeks.
"Okay, you puppy lets sleep..." I've never been round his apartment and I know you must think its weird for boyfriends to never been round each others houses, but I guess we always find our way either at my house or some where else near the beach. With that being said I don't have a clue where things were or the rooms of his complex; it made me feel slightly agitated and uncomfortable because of it.
"But, I guess showing you round first, won't take so much time" all I wanted to do was hug him, he knew I was uncomfortable, his been around me to long not to, I like it when things are familiar, makes me feel safer then.
"Thank you, Jjongie" I said before I circled my arms around his muscular biceps, "Welcome, Kibummie" and with that he started walking me to a kitchen.
It was spacious just like the rest of the house with modern technology; everything that you would think a dream kitchen would have is right there under your finger tips, he knew how I always had a soft spot for cooking.
Next we found ourselves in the spare room, a lot smaller than the rest of the house, I guess that's why it's a 'spare' for a reason. Thought it was still beautiful, a twin sized bed cover in black and silver linen, matched with pillows of the same black and sliver design, a rather large mirror sitting right above the head board, white tulips in clear vases sitting at either side of the bed.
All in all, the apart consisted of a main master bedroom with its own ensuite bathroom, (which I was told should be saved for last) guest room, kitchen, bathroom with its own jacuzzi, small game room, an office and the beautiful follower filled balcony.
Over all it was the perfect place to live; spacious and large, elegantly decorated (though Jonghyun asked me, to make it a place like my own- colourful and vibrant) and like how quick the feeling of agitation filled me did the feeling of being at home and content replaced it.
"You, feeling more at home now?" he asked as we left the game room, right across the master bedroom, the last thing I have yet to see. 
I nodded, before giving him a bright happy smile, "Good, now before I show you the master bedroom, I'd suggest you change to your jammies before hand" he suggested, I nodded once again, before going back to the living room to get the small bag I packed for the first night, before making my way to the bathroom situated at the last door on the left.
 "Hey, baby I'm bac-" for why my brain decided to have a mental breakdown as well as, for me to experience a fatal nosebleed then ask the abs of my so called boyfriend. 
My eyes soaked it all in; the glory of Jonghyun's body, shamelessly.
He was taking his shirt off when I walked in on him, 'stop drooling Key, that's disgusting'. 
"Aww, no fair I was going to surprise you with the room... but I guess I surprise something else instead" he said as he eyed the hardening bulge that was inside my skin tight jammie pants; curse the in me and the god like adonis, that is Jonghyun. My cheeks were probably glowing a hundred shades of red and pinks because, the heat that was radiating from them where unhealthy.
I rushed out of that cursed bedroom, before running and locking myself in the bathroom, gosh the embarrassment, the pure embarrassme-
"Kibummie, open up; I'm sorry baby I was only joking" he pleaded while knocking lightly on the door, voice laced with honesty.
I do hate you sometimes, Jonghyun. You make me love you too much.
"No, you're just gonna laugh at me" I said stubbornly.
"Kibummie, I'm not gonna laugh its okay, it's normal for you to react like that" he reassured me.
Well it's not like I was mad at him more like embarrassed for myself and it doesn't help how it doesn't take to long for me to give into his pleading voice.
I slowly turned the knob of the door, hearing a low yet still audible sigh of relief, yeah you better be relief, usually I don't forgive so easy but then again...it's me against you.
"You better be sorry" I said as you engulfed me into an apologetic hug, "I am Bummie, I'm really am sorry" before kissing me in the temples. After our first time together he knows how much it embarrassed me, I was so different and everything was so new. He had that effect on me, the hypnotising kind of ones.
I was glad that the bulge in my pants already disappeared and with all the apologies already forgiven and done, he slowly pulled me, towards the 'ever so interesting master bedroom'.
I was gob smacked. The room was more than interesting it was a room to die for. Large and spacious and simply elegant yet the most colourful, a king size bed placed right against the wall, had a bedside table in each side, one with a table lamp and the other a familiar picture we took on our second date after being official, then in either side of the bedside table, there was tall glass like display cabinet filled with figurines and surprisingly tons of pictures, of me as well as the pictures of when he was little with all his family. There were also numerous amounts of painting surrounding the walls of the room as well as a large mirror the was right opposite the bed. A large window with the most amazing sight of the beach, as well as a white leather sofa which contrasted the royal navy blue walls sat underneath the large window along with a round glass coffee table to match; perfect, it's all perfect.
"Wow, Jjong this is amazing, it's so elegant and well presented, I would of never thought everything would be this clean like... I thought you it be a pigs sty in here" I said time clear amazed and awed, because I really was.
"Well thank you for having some fate in me, Bummie..." He said sarcastically before running to the wall which I had to say was the simplest of the them all which only consisted of a large landscape painting right in the middle that was opposite the large window, "the thing that I know you'll be must happy about is this..." With that he pressed a button which started to seperated the wall in half...no he must be kidding he must be.
I didn't know how widely open both my mouth and my eyes were because no, Jonghyun had a walk in hidden closet, now it made sense why I didn't see any wardrobes.
I smiled at how a portion of the closet of empty, "That space is for you, Bummie" he said happily as if he was a dog about to get a treat, well he might... depends on my mood.
"This is seriously something, Jjong, I'm in love with it, it's amazing" I said to him while taking in the beauty of the whole house itself, everything was far too beautiful.
"Well, I'm just glad that you seem to be feeling more at home, Bummie" he said while hugging me from the side, nuzzling his face on my shoulders.
"I am Jjong, it's amazing" I reassured him.
He pulled me towards the bed, "Now lets get some sleep, baby", while he climbed in first under the covers patting the space next to him.
I hoped on to the space being offered, loving how my body seem to be moulded in by the matters of the bed, it felt so relaxing and right laying there with him and his arms tightly around my waist, spooning me.
"Good night, Bummie~ I love you" he said in a small gently whisper.
"Good night, Jjongie~ I love you too" I returned just as gentle and sweet, before closing my eyes and opening them, just checking, that everything was not just some beautiful dream but indeed reality.
To be honest laying there in his our kind size bed all snuggled, with limbs all tangled together and arms carefully wrapped around each other,  makes me think that, maybe just maybe being impulsive and spontaneous wouldn't be that bad after all; laying in his embrace while being lull into sleep by warm steady breathing, is something I don't think I'll ever regret, just like the kiss we shared all those months ago.

_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*    05   _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

Ahhh you guys are like the sweetest things ever, all your comments and the subscriptions thank you so muc,, you make my heart go AI AI AI lol <3
Longish update, you deserve it lol, im sorry if i dissapointed you beacuse of how rushed everything is but this was originally only a really long oneshot but dont worry jongkey loving is all over it, and ahh after this two more chapters and then i'm gonna have to say goodbye and see you soon.
Next chapter your firstly gonnna be like ---> ;-O because wow my feels and then the ending your gonna be like ---> ASDFGHJJKLL;' 
Please look over the grammer and spelling mistakes,, 


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You guys dooms day is about to come because to ought I shall be uploading the last an final chapter :O asdflljaga


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ShipJongkey #1
Chapter 7: I freaking love this
ilabya6 #2
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 7: Love the fluff and story so beautiful
shineeshipper #4
Chapter 8: Oh gosh I love this I love fluff and I think I'm addicted to your stories :'). This was pure gold. I just love this so much ugh, my feels. He proposal part was so intense too o_o
Chapter 7: I love how you patterned the story to a song!! <33 YOU DID IT PERFECTLY!! One of the most heartwarming JongKey FF I've ever read! :) <3
Chapter 7: WAHHHHhHHH it's sooo beautiful...!!! :))) Best JongKey Fanfiction!!
Chapter 8: We love you too Author-nim!! <3
eunhaeshipper15 #8
Chapter 8: Aww, I LOVE the Winnie the Pooh gif :3 I thought I was the only teen that still liked that. LOL the CW gif was pretty funny. Anyways, I'd like to thank you for bringing us such an amazing story. It's funny how you thank us for commenting, which takes us a couple of minutes, while we should thank for taking the time to write this. :D

One of your loyal subbies ^u^
Chapter 7: Author-nim!! I really love it!! And I am also a hardcore JjongKey shipper!! <3
Chapter 6: I love it!~~ <3