Chapter Two

The Fallen

Chapter Tw


I entered the provinces of the school and immediately felt thousand pairs of eyes on me. I shuffled uncomfortably and tried to make my way to the comfort and security of the library where there was hardly anyone around.


People always looked at me for my beauty but I never liked it and did not like the feeling of being analysed from head to toe.


But I knew that they would have a 180 degrees change in attitude once they knew what my uniform was hiding. Underneath the collar, there was a prominent and red scar that have scarred me forever. It was permanent and even the doctors had no idea of how to remove it.


I browsed through the aisles and found the book that I wanted and headed to the counter to borrow.


I suddenly had the feeling that I was being stared at and snapped my head to the left to see a guy dressed in black looking right back at me. The guy seemed startled and immediately walked away.


I was uncertain for a second but just shook the incident off.




“ Sooyoung!”


I heard my name literally being screamed out and turned to face Eunji who was excitedly bouncing up and down and I swear that girl must have adrenaline pumped up in her for ten extra years.


“What…?” I replied dryly trying to avoid the stares of the surrounding people, especially the glares from Eunji’s clique whom I swear were all shooting daggers at me.


I knew they never liked me and never could understand why Eunji pestered me so much. However, honestly speaking, I was never one to speak on much occasions and liked to be alone. But I did like Eunji and was grateful that she was probably the only one in school who bothered to talk with me anyway. Not that I talked to them much too.


“Please accompany me to volunteer at the orphange again today? Pwease!” She used her infamous aegyo on me.


I really did not feel like heading out today especially after the unusual dreams that have kept me awake for the previous nights.


“No! Cant you find somebody else to accompany you? Seriously! Stop bothering me, will you? Its freaking irritating!” I shouted after her insistent pestering.


Oh .


I looked into her eyes and could see that she was deeply hurt. I mentally cursed myself for losing my control and humuliating her in front of the student population.


I ducked my head down and quickly exited the scene, trying to run away from the commotion, heading towards to the classroom.




The school bell rang, signalling the end of school cirriculum for that day.


I quickly exited the school first to avoid the masive wave of students later.


While walking on the deserted path, I could somehow sense a presence tailing behind me. Reflexively, I quickened my steps.


All of a sudden, the shadow caught up to me and spun me around roughly.


I realised that it was the exact same mysterious person in black from earlier! Before I could open my mouth to hurl out a bloodcurdling scream, he covered my mouth.


To my surprise, he pushed down my collar and stared at my scar before shoving me from him and sprinting away.


I stood there dumbfounded. What was that earlier? He didn’t want anything… But why did he look at my scar?


A chill went through me. Something was wrong.



Hello :) As you noticed I switched the pov because I think its much easier to write that way :) Please do subsribe and comment! :) 

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Berrilicious #1
Hey baby ~ Whatsupppppppppppppppppp (;