
Breaking into her world
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5. Discoveries

“He who sings scares away his woes.” ― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra


Tiffany stormed out of the class room half an hour later, her whole face black as she cursed in every language known to her in a fit of anger. She scanned the area and slumped down when Taeyeon was nowhere in sight. Instead, people started to crowd around her, leaving her feeling suffocated as she tried to escape. Seeing Jessica from afar she quickly ran to her friend’s side to avoid the large crowd of suitors. Slipping to the girl’s side, she heaved a sigh of relief as Jessica immediately stared down the admirers trailing after them.

“Sica, I think you need to teach all of us how to do that death stare.”

Tiffany teased playfully, earning a punch on her shoulder which made her wince. Jessica stuck out her tongue pointedly at her best friend before stalking off, causing the latter to run after her so as to not be consumed by the massive crowd which almost immediately closed in on her.

“Wait... I'm sorry!!!! Don’t leave meee!”

Tiffany screeched, grabbing hold onto Jessica’s arm and pouting cutely. Jessica sniffed, pointedly looking away but slowed her pace down and Tiffany happily skipped next to Jessica, grinning broadly. Glancing around, she spotted Yoona chatting happily with Seohyun. Immediately reminded of what had happened earlier, she instantly sulked again, scanning the crowds for the familiar back.

Damn… If only there wasn’t so many admirers… The chance of seeing her would be higher…

Jessica raised an eyebrow at Tiffany’s bipolar behavior and sighed, brushing it off as the common occurrence of mood swings. Turning back to the crowd, she once again gave her signature icy glare to clear the path of the lovesick admirers. Sighing, she wistfully thought of her beloved bedroom, or specifically bed, where she could just throw herself on it and sleep her day away. Her eyelids drooped and she let out a yawn. Tapping Tiffany, who was hungrily eyeing a hamburger, she motioned with her thumb that she was going to take her leave and she walked off in search of a place where she could sleep peacefully.

Tiffany opened to stop Jessica before shrinking away, recognizing the symptoms of a potential hellsica. Frowning, her eyes swept across the area, finally landing on a very tall girl who always seemed to be permanently situated in the cafeteria. Letting out a laugh, she waved at Sooyoung before making her way over, sitting down comfortably as Sooyoung immediately pinched a bit of her food, grinning evilly.


Hyoyeon lingered in Tiffany’s classroom, waiting for her to come in after lunch. Clutching the pink notebook, she sat on the table beside Tiffany’s, impatiently drumming her fingers on the table top.  She watched, amused, as admirers piled letters onto Tiffany’s table, creating a mountain of paper which threatened to blow away with the slightest gust of wind. Fiddling with the notebook, she shifted uncomfortably as people gave her weird stares, some recognizing her as the one who pulled Tiffany away the other day.

Her phone suddenly rang and she shifted the book to one of her hands as she answered it.

“Hello?Yes…Taeyeon what? Okay I’m coming!”

She hung up, flustered, and swiftly jumped off the table. Hastily placing the pink notebook on Tiffany’s seat, Hyoyeon sped out of the classroom, heading in the direction of Taeyeon’s class.


Jessica groaned as she pushed open the door, panting hard after climbing up the many flights of steps. Swearing under her breath, she lazily ambled out into the open air, scanning the empty confines of the rooftop. Satisfied, she waltzed over to a corner which blocked her from the view of the door and sat down, a yawn escaping from . Just as Jessica was about to drift into her dreamland, the door flung open with such ferocity that she jerked awake, heart pounding in shock.

No one would come here…

Trembling in fright, Jessica inched closer to the door before timidly peeking out, only to see the door swinging in the wind and no person in sight. Jessica gulped and every horror scene she had watched instantly bore down on her, making her whimper in fear and scoot back to the corner, hugging herself in a futile attempt to provide comfort.

As Jessica shivered in the corner, a song suddenly drifted through the air, with the voice sounding so soothing and melodic that Jessica froze. Closing her eyes, she found herself lost in the perfect voice which seemed to squeeze its way into her heart, filling her up in happiness.

The voice seems familiar…

Jessica’s eyes snapped open as realization hit her like a hammer. The voice was remarkably similar to the one which sometimes drifted through the school courtyard, the one which Jessica always rushed out just to hear. A small smile graced her lips as she once again inched to the corner, eager to find the source of the voice of her dreams.

Tiptoeing across the rooftop, she followed the voice before reaching a wall where she presumed the voice was right behind it. Heart pounding in excitement, she peeked over the wall only to see a figure pressed in between the air vents, her eyes closed as she sung her heart out. Jessica took one look at the peaceful face which radiated an extreme abundance of warmth and sighed, drowning in the perfectness of the duo, the voice and the appearance. Squinting, she finally managed to make out the details of the face and she gasped slightly.

It was Taeyeon.

The little girl was peacefully sitting there, hugging her knees as she rocked back and forth in accordance with the melody. Jessica melted at the innocent sight, propping her head up with her hand as she stared at Taeyeon who was dwelling in her own little world. Her heart fluttered at finally being able to find the voice coupled with the adorably cute appearance. Unconsciously, Jessica started to sing too, their voices harmonizing and winding around each other. Taeyeon was taken aback, her eyes springing open to gape at the girl who was leaning over the wall, but she kept singing. The last note ended and both their voices drifted off, the both of them still staring at each other. Finally, Jessica let out a small smile and her actions were mimicked by Taeyeon.

Understanding Taeyeon wanted some time for herself, Jessica gave a small wave to Ta

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27 upvotes! #believeintaeny Thanks guys! I'll work hard to bring you guys a better story ^~^


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SoneTaeny9 #1
Chapter 14: I love this story
Chapter 14: It's not so bad, not at all ^^
There was a time where I was obsessed with autism too, wanted to know more and watched every documentaries I could find on youtube. It still fascinate me to this day so I'm glad I found this fanfic ! :)
Zlsteph #3
Chapter 14: Aaaah soo cute
I really hope you comeback
Chapter 14: Although this story isn't complete, I just want you to know that I enjoyed reading the chapters that you have written. When you decide to finish this story, know that your readers are still here.
Chapter 14: Omgggg, this is so perfect *cries* UPDATE PLEASEEEEE
I stumble upon this fic and it is perfect because i need fluff ^^ author-ssi i hope you will miraculously continue this story, i want to know how tiffany will completely break into taeyeon's world :) (plus this is the only fic that i've encountered with autism so this makes unique)
HungryDog #7
Chapter 9: ROFL!!!! My god!! This fic so good! I'm laugh till cry because Fany's alarm scene. Tae devils cry is so good
SoneTaeny9 #8
Chapter 14: the best fic TT
SONE390 #9
Chapter 13: I'll wait, hope u update :)
taengsicunbreakable #10
Chapter 14: Keep waiting for this...