Where's the panda?

Of Pandas, Candy and Black Cats

It was the night of Halloween. There were children, parents and even teenagers going around the streets of neighborhoods to go trick or treating for the night. The streets were lighted of many oddly lit colors and everyone dressed up in strange costumes. It was a really happy night for many people who go to receive their candy.


Well....not for everyone in reality....


"Gege! Look! That house is giving away lots of candy!" yelled Tao, wearing normal clothes aside from the panda ears that were on his head. The maknae ran off the house he pointed at.

Kris sighed as he saw the younger run off to get the candy. Unlike Tao, he wasn't as much into the spirit of Halloween. He really wanted to go back to the hotel that EXO-M was currently staying at to get his beauty sleep. Though from the spectrum of Xiu Min and Lu Han going off trick or treating on their own while Lay and Chen decided to buy large bags of candy to walk around to give to any fans or little kids around the neighborhood, Kris really didn't have any choice when Tao was begging him to go and even giving the leader his signature bbuing bbuing which made Kris cave in.

Yeah, Kris was pretty frustrated about the whole issue. He never really liked the crowded neighborhood and the constant screams of kids getting scared by so called "haunted houses".

"Tao you better hurry up so we can go ba--" Kris paused as he looked around and came to the realization:

Tao disappeared.

"That panda...." grumbled the leader in annoyance. As much as he adored the maknae, the fact that he was acting like such a child out of all days was really uncalled for.

With a frustrated sigh, the leader decided to walk around the perimeter of the neighborhood to search for the panda boy. He became more frustrated knowing that the neighborhood they were at was large but also a bit more isolated than the rest of the ones closer to the main city.

He started walking further off and into the more quiter houses which was darker and dull than the colorful lights of the other houses. Kris really didn't know where he was going anymore but his only concern was finding Tao. Know the fact that even if he was considered a young adult and had a dark and mysterious appearance, the maknae was still kid at heart, light and emotional.

The leader stopped short when he heard rustling in the bushes of the quiet street of the neighborhood. He raised an eyebrow in question.

"Tao, is that you?" asked Kris eventhough he felt like he was talking to air. However though, the rustling started to get louder. Though Kris stay planted to his spot since he really didn't believe the whole ghosts, monsters, and zombies crap.

However Tao did...

'Don't tell me he got scared about something so stupid,' thought Kris, rolling his eyes.

Though what did kind of surprised him was out of the bushes appeared a small black cat with an orange bow wrapped around its neck. It kept running until it actually jumped up to the leader like a tree, which was partially true.

"Kitty, where did you go!!?" yelled a voice that was running towards Kris' direction. The leader was distracted by question on how the cat was able to climb on him in the first place.

It was to late to realize that the same voice crashed into Kris, causing the two to fall into the hard pavement.

"I am sorry sir, I didn't mean to...Kris gege!?" questioned Tao in surprise, "When did you get here?"

Kris really wanted to smack the maknae upside the head but knew that it'll make him question even more and annoy the leader.

"I went to find you. Why in the world would leave without me?" questioned Kris in a strict tone.

"I'm sorry gege...I saw that cat and wanted to follow it." answered Tao in a soft tone. The leader sighed, knowing that he was started to upset the panda.

"I forgive you now get off of me so you can finish getting your candy," said Kris in defeat. He. Just. Couldn't. Win.

Kris questioned why Tao didn't speak until he got up and looked at the leader, "You know you made me drop my candy, right?"

The elder looked around and saw the scattered mess of candies around him with the black cat walking around sniffing the strange treats.

"We're going to keep trick or treating all night if we all that candy back, right gege?" asked the maknae as he was face to face with the leader with narrow eyes. Kris dared not to make a face, knowing that Tao could wushu his sorry any second if he does.

"Alright alright, we will. Let's hurry up before they stop giving out," answered the leader in a hurried voice. The maknae grinned at the blonde and threw himself at him.

"Thank you gege, you're the best!!" yelled Tao as he kissed the leader on his forehead before he skipped off into the direction of the oddly colored streets again.

Kris sat there dumbfounded with the cat sitting beside him with it's tail wiggling around. Kris glared at the direction of where Tao went and at the cat, obviously oblivious to what happened.

"Stupid Halloween, stupid cat, stupid candy.... Damn you Huang Zitao...." grumbled Kris as he finally got up and went to the direction where the maknae went with the black cat following behind him.

Surely a long night for EXO-M's leader indeed.


LOL This was so random guys. I just wanted to write something small and it turned to this. I really hoped you liked it despite its randomness. XD

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Chapter 1: whaaa... why didn't tao force kris to dress as an angry bird? lol
anyways... tao went after a cat? XD
ahh.. yesyes kris, you will not win against tao's cuteness. XD
Chapter 1: Awwe baby panda Tao and angry bird Kris xD Kris always end up falling for Tao's aegyo :P
Thankyou so much for this one shot!!! ^^
Chapter 1: Haha, aww~ panda tao was really cute. Nice OS. :D