I hope you dance


Kibum could still remember this day. The day he had to leave him behind. It was the hardest decision in his life.


Basically just something that jumped into my head after watching Cold Case and listening to that song:


I hope you like it!


Sneak Peek:

He lost someone so important to him. I would be rather worried if he would be happy.”

Slowly Kibum nodded. “I can't go with you before he found the one he belongs to.”

A little laughter made him turn around and look and the winged man. “What is so funny?” He asked and Siwon laughed again.

“I expected nothing else from you. Of course you want to do so. I love you for that, you know?”


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Chapter 1: Oh my god, this is so sweet! I almost had to cry when Heechul was at Kibum's grave. Really, this one is amazing! I love it.
I love how Kibum always looks after Heechul and that Heechul sees Kibum one last time in the end and hears him and now I feel like crying again because I'm happy and sad at the same time... does that sound strange?
And by the way - is that a song that quoted through the chapter?
Chapter 1: Oh my god, you got me to cry with this ff, that's the first time..
This is so heart-breaking, but cute
I don't know what to say...
Ah, wait I can say: Good job and very well-written, I love it:)