Don't Fall in Love with Me!!!






       “Andwae Kim! Andwae Kim!”

              Kim Jong San tried to ignore the voice as the mocking yell had already been part of his daily life; moreover he didn’t want to make any mess with him since it would only worsen his life and his mother’s. So he decided to keep ambling; trying not to be provoked by that voice and hoped he would just stop to make fun of him anymore. He really didn’t want to put oil on the fire at all, though deep inside his heart, he just began to feel the limit of his patience.

            “Look at him!!!” the voice was heard again. “Is he deaf??”

            Kim heard that voice and started to clench his fist and he could also hear the laughing sounds trailed behind; however he didn’t tilt his head and instead, still trying to dodge any fight by increasing his pace to leave the place as soon as possible.

            “Poor kid!!! He’s not only deaf, but he’s also son of !”

            Hearing the last sentence, Kim Jong San stopped at his track. He gritted his teeth and squinted with his eyes closed.

(Don’t… Don’t do it, Kim Jong San… It’s what they really want… Don’t grant it…)

            “Yeah! How could he still have any face to attend to this school? Don’t you know that his mother is a ?”

(My mom isn’t a !!! His father had already divorced long time ago before he met my mom and decided to marry her!!!)

Kim Jong San was about to turn around and spill those words out to plead his mother, but suddenly he thought over again.




(So what? After I spill it out, so what next? It wouldn’t change anything. They would keep making fun of me and tomorrow, I’d only face the same circumstance again… It wouldn’t end just by pleading my mother… So I have to find another way to shut his ing mouth up forever… Yeah, forever… And fighting… though I’m sure I can win against them all, I don’t think fighting is a good idea… I have to make everything clear with a clean and smooth way…)




            So Kim Jong San just slightly tilted and looked at him for a second, and strangely flashed him a smile; making the latter taken aback as he seemed stay cool and wasn’t provoked by his action at all. Afterward, he just stopped yelling at him as he’s still getting surprise, until Kim vanished from his sight.






            “Sir? I come here to give you the report!” a man voice was heard, interrupting his reverie.

            “Just put it on the desk,” he beckoned the man and the man put a pile of papers on the desk in front of him.

            “What’s all about?”

            “About the girl named Jessica Jung, the one who you wanted to eliminate, Sir!”

            “Ah, aro,” he nodded his head. “You knew I never been interested in anything about my victim and target, right? They meant nothing for me.”

            “I knew, Sir… I just gave you the complete profile in case you want to take a peek about it. I’m sorry if you aren’t glad with it,” the man bowed and said apologetically.

            “Ha ha ha, gwaenchana. Actually you’d done your job well,” he laughed nonchalantly.

            “Gamsahamnida, Sir. Anything else to do?”

            “No… Nothing for now. Just get your rest!”

            “Algyesseumnida, Sir. I’m leaving now,” the man bowed once again before turning away and leave his room.



(Fiuh… It’s already been more than 40 years since the first time I killed people… How could time run so fast… But I knew this is my fate… The first killing attempt was an experience that I would never regret in my life…  He didn’t only make a fun of me, but also insulting my mom… I couldn’t accept it… The bastard deserved to get it…)








            Kim Jong San couldn’t help but smile secretly when he read the newspaper at the park that morning. He smiled complacently and glued his eyes on the headline for a moment, as if he enjoyed it.


            But suddenly his smile just faded away; turning into surprising mark as a voice chimed in; tugging his reverie.

            “Are you satisfied enough with what you’ve done?” a man in black suit and black sunglasses suddenly popped in front of him. Kim frowned in bemusement, put the newspaper down and stared at him; trying to decipher what he’s talking about.

            “Pardon me?” Kim Jong San asked. The man was still cool and didn’t immediately answer him; instead, he took a seat on the vacant space of the bench, beside him.

            “You’ve heard me. Are you satisfied with it?” he smiled and put his glasses down; then pointed the headline with his eyes. Kim followed his gaze and finally he understand what he’s meaning; however Kim Jong San still couldn’t figure out where he’d bring the conversation to.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kim Jong San quickly answered and rose from the bench; was about to leave as he felt the alarm.

            “Hey, cool down,” the man prevented him to go and beckoned him to sit down again.

            “I’m on your side, don’t worry,” he plastered up a smile again and strangely, Kim just obeyed him to back to sit. He’s so damn curious with this person, actually.

            “I really amazed with you, Kim Jong San,” he said again. This time, Kim Jong San couldn’t hide his surprise mark on his face. How could this stranger know his name?

            “W-who are you…?” he trailed off. “And… how could you know my name? What do you want?” he peppered him with many questions; and he realized this is his first time to feel slightly scared with someone. He would never been scared of anybody before.

            “Actually my name isn’t important; but you can call me Isaac,” he said. “And you don’t need to be afraid of me.”

            “I am not,” Kim Jong San hastily stated, firmly, earning a complacent laugh from Isaac.

            “I knew, that’s why I like you,” he said. “And also, you don’t need to hide anything from me. I already have known what you’d done. And frankly, it made me impressed. You’re smart and talented, Jong San.”

            “What you’re trying to say?” Kim Jong San stared at him with his smoldering eyes.

            “You’re the one we’re looking for,” Isaac said. “You killed the boy by cutting the brake wire, rite?”

            This time Kim Jong San didn’t answer. How the hell this guy knew everything???

            “You don’t need to answer me if you don’t want. It doesn’t matter,” the man said calmly.

            “What I’m trying to say is I’d like to offer you something.”

            “Offer what?”

            “Join us. We’d teach you many things. What a pity if a talented boy like you doesn’t spread your talent.”

            “W-what things?”

            “Killing, murdering, trafficking, hijacking, and anything else. I believe you’re born to do it, Kim. Would you?”

            Thinking a moment, finally Kim Jong San nodded, earning a smile from the man.

            “I already knew this day would come. Welcome to a new life, Jong San!”




            Mr. Kim unconsciously smiled when he cogitated the first time he met with Isaac, the one who made him as the man today. At the next second, his eyes just glimpsed on the papers put on his desk. Aimlessly he took the paper, as he didn’t have anything to do. His fingers flinched file by file boringly, and it finally reached the last paper.

            As he was about to put it down again, suddenly he caught something. The photograph of the girl. He pondered for some moment and at that time, his heart felt like almost exploded. He wasn’t sure what was it about… but he knew… something already gnawed his mind… something related with her… This was his first time saw the girl… as he never been interested seeing his target, unless the target he had to eliminate with his own hand…

            Nervously he grabbed his cell-phone and dialed a number.

            “Tell anyone; just leave the girl named Jessica Jung. Erase her from the target list. The mission to eradicate her is suspended from now on!”




            “Hey, what you’re thinking about?” Yuri glanced at Jessica and back to focus at the street again. He felt she had already slightly changed after the kill attempt occurred to him.

(Perhaps she’s getting shock and trauma… Ah this girl… I’m sorry I’ve made you worried…)

            “Are you okay?” he asked again and finally the girl smiled at him.

            “Yeah. I’m okay, Seobang. I just feel unsecure,” she said.

            “Hey, don’t worry. I’m here,” Yuri reached her hand gently and clutched it.

            He touched her cheek carefully, in hope could subside her anxiety.

            “I know the incident already made you shock,” Yuri said. “I’m sorry it happened to you. If only I could turn back time and make you weren’t involved in it…”

            Jessica shook her head and stared at him.

Look how sweet and gentleman he was! My seobang!

          “You’re stupid…,” she mumbled.

          “What?” Yuri asked in disbelief.

          “How could you be sorry for something bad happened to you, Seobang?” she asked. “I’m your girlfriend… and I want to be involved in every things happened in your life. I want to share every pain and glad with you… And don’t regret about it…,” she said sincerely, making Yuri jolted in surprise and amusement. He couldn’t help but smile.

          “I’m so lucky to have you, Sica,” he whispered and leaned forward, dropping a quick peck on her lips. Jessica giggled afterward.

          “Me too, Seobang. I just couldn’t feel secure before the killer has been arrested.”

          “Don’t worry, Sica. I won’t lower my guard.”

          Yuri still stared at her face when suddenly the car in front of her stopped; however luckily he skillfully pushed the break hence dodging the collision and annoyingly earned the long honk.








          “Ouchhh!” he heard her voice and briskly tilted his head.

          He saw Jessica rubbed her forehead and shrieked in pain.

          “W-what’s happened?” he asked worriedly. “Your head hit the dashboard?”

          Jessica nodded feebly.

          “Mianhae… Mianhae…,” Yuri quickly said in regret.

          “Gwaenchana…,” Jessica assured him.

          “That jerk… Why the hell he suddenly stopped?” he mumbled and rolled down his window, was about to release his anger; but Jessica quickly held his hand and shook her head.

          “It isn’t necessary, Seobang,” she smiled, trying to calm down Yuri.

          “Hell, look, due to him your forehead now is bruised,” Yuri rubbed the bluish mark at her forehead gently, earning a sweet smile from her.

         “Why are you smiling?” he asked confusingly.

          “Aniyo,” she replied coyly. “I just… feel you’re bit more sensitive now after the incident.”

          “More sensitive?” Yuri repeated in bewilderment.

          She made a face and nodded. “Toward me,” she said coyly again, and finally Yuri got it. He couldn’t stand his smile hearing her shy remarks.

          “That’s because I realized that I love you more and more every single day,” he said sweetly.       “That’s why I burst into anger when someone hurt you in any way. Is it good or bad?” he teased.

          “M-mwo?” Jessica pretended to not get it.

          Yuri smirked playfully and repeated.

          “If I become falling so deep into you, deeper and deeper every single day, it’s good or bad?”

          “Seobang~aaa,” Jessica tried to hide her shy mark by looking out the window.

          Yuri leaned forward and tilted her head by her chin carefully, making her staring at him now.

          “I love you, Baby,” he smirked and kissed her; making the latter couldn’t help but admitting secretly that he already made her drifted into huge exultation. Because this is her first time, she felt so much flattered and comfortable with the way he treated her. And by that she found that he already made her fell deep into him as well.






            Taeyeon noticed her girlfriend was slightly quiet this morning and he also knew it meant she’s thinking about something seriously; however she didn’t tell him what was ruining her mind. Taeyeon heaved a huge sigh deliberately as he sit down beside her; making the latter looked at him.

            “What’s bothering my girlfriend mind?” he asked and flashed a cute smile toward her, while his hand played with her straddle of hairs. Tiffany couldn’t help but smile witnessing how cute this cool boy acted toward her.

            “How could you know I was thinking about something?”

            “Yahhh,” Taeyeon giggled. “Just don’t call me boyfriend if I was so dumb to not notice it.”

            Tiffany giggled again. “I begin to afraid then,” she replied playfully.

            “Afraid about what?” he raised his eyebrows in confuse.

            “Afraid no long afterward, you begin to able to read my mind as well.”

            “Oh, no worries!” Taeyeon laughed. “Because you’re right. No longer afterward, I’m sure I can trace your mind, my gorgeous girlfriend!” he said dorkily.

            “Hummmh. It’s bad for me,” Tiffany pretended to frown.

            “Why? You don’t intend to think about another guys unless me, do you?” he asked jealously and Tiffany laughed again hearing how absurd her boyfriend way of thinking.

            “Babo,” she whispered and leaned forward after stealing a glimpse right and left, making sure there’s no pupil observed them. Taeyeon smirked naughtily as he knew what she was going to do. He playfully jutted his lips but before he got what he wanted, a sudden annoying voice interrupted them.




            “Yahhhh! No PDA please!”




            It’s Jessica’s voice. Both of them were jolted in surprise and Tiffany’s face suddenly blushed. Then they heard both Yuri and Jessica giggled along. Taeyeon glared toward them and they just put an innocent mark on their face.


            “You really know how to ruin people happiness, don’t you?” Taeyeon complained sarcastically, but seemed both of them didn’t care and still giggled along.


            “Yeah… This is class, Kim Taeyeon,” Yuri chimed in.

            “Yeah and there’s no one witnessed us.”


            “No one? How about us?” Jessica crossed her arms and glared toward him.


            “Aish, just see when I do my revenge to you, guys,” Tiffany briskly replied and pretended to throw a “you gonna see” glare toward them; finally they’re all laughing along, discovering how childish they acted.

            “So, what’s it, Fanny~aaa?” Taeyeon asked again, back to the topic.

            “Ummm… This morning I read the competition announcement, Taeng,” she explained.

            “Announcement? What announcement?” Yuri piped up and Jessica nudged him; giving a cue to give Tiffany finished her explanation.

            “Kind of competition amongst the students,” Tiffany explained. “The material which was about to ask including common knowledge, math, physic, chemistry, biology, music, and everything…”

            “AHA,” Taeyeon snapped his fingers as he began to get it.

            “You want to join that competition?” he asked and Tiffany nodded cutely.

            “Just join then. I will surely give you maximum support,” he grinned.

            “I can’t just go on my own, Taeng…”


            “The competition requested two people in a group.”


            “And… what’s the problem?” Taeyeon asked again.

            Tiffany looked at him in disbelief. Taeyeon widened his smile and nodded his head understandingly.

            “Taeng??? You mean…”

            “Babo. Just let me be your partner if you don’t mind,” he smirked.

            “Oh, Taeng… I thought… I though you’re never interested in such kind of thing… I meant… you used to act indifferent about that kind of thing, the lesson, or so…,” Tiffany couldn’t hide her excitement.

            Taeyeon messed her hair a bit as he couldn’t stand her cuteness.

            “Nae babo aein,” he uttered again. “You’re right indeed I was never interested in such kind of things,” he trailed off. “But I think you forget one thing.”

            “What is it?” Tiffany frowned again.

            “I always interested in anything related to you,” he said and sealed the conversation by stealing a quick peck from her.




            “Yahhhhh!” Tiffany protested at his dorky act.

            “Why yahhhh??? Say you don’t like it,” Taeyeon teased.

            “Aniya,” she shook. “I like it. Thank you, Taeng,” she said sweetly.

            “With me in your team, I guarantee we’d win,” he said cockily.




            Yuri chuckled to make them realize about their presence. Both Taeny giggled as they knew he was slightly envy of their sweetness.

            “What?” Taeyeon peered up to him who was still standing beside Jessica.

            Yuri smirked after exchanging a glance with his girlfriend.

            “I think you have to think over about your confidence,” he said.

            “What?” Taeyeon didn’t get it.

            “I decided to join the competition as well,” Jessica chimed in.

            “And you know I’m cocky as well,” Yuri added and stick his tongue out toward him, then hugging her from back.

            “Ah, okay,” Taeyeon smirked back and curled his arms around his girlfriend.

            “It’d would be interesting, Kwon.”

            “Of course, Kim. I’d be glad to be your challenger!”




to be continued...



Fiuh... what a long update... kekeke...

Hope you're satisfied with this chap as I write all the central roles in this chap :)

Frankly, I inserted some hints there, probably you could see it...

And as I also know you probably slightly tired about drama, I'll give you a break...

I'm in enthusiasm waiting for the next chap. It's kind of relieving of my High-School time...

I giggled when I wrote the scene when Yulsic "interuppted" Taeny moment...

Do you notice, it isn't their first time they disturbed them actually?

Anyway which one would win? TaeNy or Yulsic? Or do I need attach Gyuri as well in this competition?

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Manhi saranghae juseyo ^^

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_nur_aisyah_ #1
Chapter 26: author nim update please!!
85 streak #2
Chapter 26: Author please update
85 streak #3
Chapter 26: Author please update
cookiecow #4
Chapter 26: Please update. Let tae remember taeny can't ever like this
NicoleKim07143 #5
Chapter 26: update please....
utamio13 #6
Chapter 26: Just found this.
This is a good story...
Do you really abandon this story? It's so sad, a lot of readers—including me—are waiting for the update T^T
If you happen to update this again, let me know, will you? :)
NicoleKim07143 #7
Chapter 26: update soon author-ssi
Chapter 26: update please author sshi...
Jovi25 #10
Chapter 26: Update please