Don't Fall in Love with Me!!!

  Hi readers... Sorry for late update...

I was really really busy with my works and yes... I didn't have time to update...

I hope you understand and don't be mad at me... ^^

This is the update... Enjoy!








       I run with all my might to chase up her. During the way, she kept spinning up on my mind and at that time I knew that I would never forgive myself if there was something bad happened to her. Had I known she would risk her life like this, I’d never left her even for a sec. I really couldn’t imagine something bad happened to her as if – for God sake – it really happened, I would spend my rest of life by cursing myself for being a fool and making all those scenes of dramas. I swore I would run rest of my life even worse than the death itself. I was so sure about it because I’d already learnt that when you loved someone, there’s no greater pain you could feel other than finding something bad occurred to your lover and – more or less – it was happened because of you.




       Strangely, I kept praying during my way. I put my prayer on God – a thing that I was sure that I never did it since my mother was gone. I found myself rebel to God since then. I felt He was so unfair to me. My mother was a loyal Christian. We used to go along to church every Sunday. And every night before I went to bed, she never forgot to tell me some citation from Bible then ended it by dropping a goodnight kiss on my cheek. But thing had already been changed. God didn’t even listen to my prayer. God had already taken her away from me. People might say it was kind of faithful trial for me, so all the things I supposed to do was just surrender and kept faithful. But I remembered well each detail I’d already spilled out to them. I remembered I glared on them, the people who never knew what I was feeling, losing my beloved parent when I needed her more. I exclaimed to them: He demanded more from a seven years old children! And it was more than enough to hush their mouth then. Since then, I thought I was heartless. I was numb. I thought I was no more than a live robot, under my father control. I breathed, I ate, I learnt. I did everything he asked. I realized that I was losing my religion afterward.




       But this time, just this time, I really had no idea where it began. I witnessed my knuckles were getting pale and white on the wheeling stir as my muscles got tense. Suddenly I thought I believed… that when everything was so impossible on our eyes, actually there’s nothing impossible for Him… I knew I’d left Him long time ago… but actually I never forget what my mom ever told me… He always listens to us… His love would never end… And the most important point was… “God doesn’t give what we asked… but God gives us what we need”… While racing, I kept mumbling: Don’t let something happen to her, God… Please don’t… And even if it’s possible I’m ready to trade my life for hers…




       Finally I touch down the place which was located by my GPS. It was a large park. I hastily got out from my car and slum the door and run like crazy. I shout her name out of loud many times while running without even care about some strange sight from the people hearing me. They maybe thought I was crazy. I didn’t care. And suddenly I got the hammer on my chest as my eyes caught something. I got her! She was sitting on the bench across my track. And hell… There was two man were standing up in front of her, their back were facing me. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist, then hustled over the people toward them. I caught an uneasy mark on Tiffany’s face and before she and the two guys realized my presence I already blew one of them hard. The guy was jerking in pain, while the other was jolting in horror witnessing my action. I stole a glimpse on Tiffany and found she startled as well. Her eyes widened in surprise and she quickly clasped with her hands. I briskly shifted my gaze toward them again and when I was about to give another blow to them, one of them hastily lifted his hand. They seemed so frantic looking at me.




       “Don’t you ever dare to touch my girlfriend again!” I exclaimed.

        “W-we… we… won’t do it again,” he stuttered and stepped backward while towing his partner, that I found some blood was oozing from the corner of his lip.

       “Tell me who asked you!” I shouted. They exchanged an odd glance and I swore they drained my patience that time.

       “We don’t understand what you meant…,” he answered.

       “Please let us go… We won’t make a mess with you or your girlfriend anymore…,” he begged and suddenly my tense was half subsided.




        They didn’t look like a kind of gangster or so. So what the hell was happening here… I threw a baffle look to Tiffany, hoping she made it clear for me and both of them didn’t waste the chance as they hastily run away from my sight and just vanished in seconds. But I didn’t move and just stood on my track as I didn’t feel any alarm toward them. I was more than relief finding she’s safe as she’s with me now.




       Slowly I took a sit beside her. She still seemed hadn’t recovered from the scene. I took her hand gently and put it on my lap. I angled my face to get a clear vision to her. My fingers carefully run across her cheek and finally tugged her straddles behind her ears. After caressing her cheek for a moment I began to pipe up.




       “Are you okay?”

       Finally she reacted. She tilted her face to me too and I realized our face now was very close.

       She nodded absently and instinctively I kissed her forehead. She didn’t pull away and I felt so thankful afterward.


       “Did they do bad things to you?” I asked again and she shook her head.


       “They're just kind of jerk… Just playfully teased me,” she answered and heaved a huge sigh.


       “I’m sorry,” it was all the things I could say. There was an awkward silence afterward. I had no idea how she was feeling about me after all those bittersweet incidents between us. I had no idea as well whether she was still loving me or not. I even wondered if she would receive me again… I was so frantic at this time. I didn’t want to lose her again… not at all…




       “Sorry for what, Tae?” finally she spoke up. I looked down desperately.


       “Sorry for everything happened to you… to us,” I said. “I never mean to do bad things to you. I never meant to hurt your heart. I always hope I could be a better man for you…,” I uttered feebly then shifted my gaze to her again.


       “Would you like to forgive me?” I asked carefully and I felt my chest tightened. Then a horror just struck at me. What if she said no??? What if she said: I was tired of hearing your sorry… I was tired of everything, Tae… We had to confess it didn’t work at all… Oh no! It couldn’t be happened! Not in my world.


       “I would never forgive you,” finally she remarked and I felt a sudden earthquake in my heart.



It was hurt but I knew I deserved it. I felt a twinge of sorrow crept over my body afterward. And beyond my control, my eyes began watery. I never cried in front of anyone after my mother passed away. And I would never be as honest as this before about my feeling… and it was my first time let other people saw the human side of me. I didn’t struggle to fight it back. I let it down through my cheek. I wanted she knew that I was nothing without her.




       But out of my expectation, I felt a gentle touch on my cheek. Some fingers run across it, wiped it away and when I looked to her again, I discovered nothing but her broad smile. For God sake! She was smiling at me. I looked dumbfounded for a moment and before I could collect myself together again, she already reached me into her hug. She extended her arm and lingered my shoulder then pulled me gently into her chest. I slightly slid down my position and now my head was on lean on her chest. She kept my head just like a mother to her baby. I felt so peaceful now… just like in Heaven… and I knew I wanted to relish it forever. I wanted this time would never have an end.




       For some time we drifted into peaceful silence. And for some moment she kept caressing my head and my fingers intertwine with her other hand tightly.




       “I would never forgive you… if you dare to not to be honest with me again,” she whispered near my ears. Without even looking at her I knew she was smiling again. I smiled as well and nodded my head.

       “I promise you I won’t do it again,” I said solemnly.




       But suddenly my consciousness alarmed me. How could she know about it – that I already lied to her?

       In my surprise I lifted my head and stared at her. She was still with the same smile, looking at me.




       “How could you know?” I asked curiously. “And… would you like to tell me what was happening to you? You had no idea how I worried to the death when I knew you met a stranger… I thought you were about to be killed or so… Please don’t do it again. Don’t make me worry again…,” I begged seriously. “And I hope you would understand this as well… I lied because I didn’t want to involve you in my dangerous world. Now you get it?” I asked while staring at her. My expression was so serious.



       She huffed her cheek before answering me. She displayed an unsatisfied mark on her beautiful face.



       “Do you think it’s fair for me?” she asked and I looked bemused as I didn’t get it.



       “You think you can make me worry to the death and now you ask me not to make you worry. Do you think it’s fair for me?” she pulled away her hand from me and now she’s crossing her arms and pursing her lips.




       “No,” I shook my head feebly.

       “So if you still want our relationship to run…”

       “Of course I want,” I hastily chimed in. “Tell me everything to make it happen!” I exclaimed frantically.

       “From now on, promise me, you would share everything with me. Every single thing in your life. Bad or sweet. Nothing hidden from me.”

       I quickly nodded. “You have my words, Tiffany.”

       “Good. We’d already made a deal then!” she smiled complacently and began to unfold her arms again. She reached my hand and put it on her lap.

       “Now it’s your turn to tell me… what actually happened to you…”









        I got the message from someone I even didn’t have any idea about it but I really didn’t care who the hell she was as long as I could get some enlightenment about Taeyeon. I loved him and it wasn’t I didn’t trust him or else. I just didn’t want him to bear so much pain without even sharing it with me. It hurt. I rather getting hurt along with him than witnessing he’s in pain and I had nothing to do with it.




       I reached the park and waited for her. I didn’t even think about the possibility that it was a trap or so. All the things on my mind when she said she had something to tell about Taeyeon was… I had to meet her. Whatever the risk. It was my only chance to know more about him that I probably would never get it again.




       And suddenly a woman voice came from behind me. I tilted my head and saw her walked over me and sat beside me.

       “Hi, Tiffany,” she greeted and I felt my jaw was stiffing in surprise. She threw a friendly smile while looking at me.

       “You are…,” I trailed off and she finished it for me.

       “My name is Yoona. You can call me Yoong or Yoona. It’s up to you,” she said.

       “First, I’d like to say sorry, we met under those kind of circumstance,” she said gently. “You know exactly what I was meaning,” she continued and shrugged her shoulder. Strangely I felt I like her. She was a kind of good girl and I didn’t even think she took any advantage from Taeyeon.

       “I… I believe there’s something I’d already missed about it,” I slightly stammered while reliving the scene – when they’re hugging each other. She nodded complacently.

       “I’m glad you have an open-minded. Actually I already known… Taeyeon was right when he chose you,” she said joyfully. I nodded again as I didn’t know what to say.

       “I was taking care of his wound at that time,” she explained and I caught her mark turned into sad one. “I just rubbed him and soothed him when you’re suddenly coming in. Believe me, he loved you very much. And I was nothing but yeah… you could consider me as his young sister,” she said. “He’s like a brother to me,” she added and I felt so relief listening to that.

       “Don’t worry, Yoong,” I finally said. “I trusted him and I believed you as well,” I voluntarily beamed her smile.

       “So relieving,” she released an air and looked at me again.

       “But it wasn't the point that made you call me to meet you, rite?” I asked.

       She nodded. “I think you need to know this since I wasn’t sure he would tell you… But you’re his girlfriend I just couldn’t bear to see him struggle so hard for your relationship and in the other side I thought you deserved to know the truth… I knew I wasn’t supposed to meddle in between your relationship but this time I didn’t think I have another choice,” she said.

       “Nobody would blame you, Yoong. Instead, I owe you for this,” I uttered.

       “Please don’t say it,” she shook her head. “Taeyeon had already chosen you. And that mean, you’re as important as him for me too. Moreover, I also like you, Tiffany. You’re a good girl.”

        “Thank you, Yoong. I thought you’re a nice girl as well. We can be a friend,” I said sincerely. “So… would you like to tell me… how could he get all those pain?” I squeezed my eyes as I remembered his expression when bearing those pains again.




       “Taeyeon’s a good boy,” she started her explanation. “Despite of his cold action or his rude remark… he’s really indeed a good boy. He’s nice and warm-hearted actually. But he didn’t want to reveal this side to people. Impression wasn’t kind of important thing to him. He’d already changed after her mother passed away… He loved her very much and the incidence changed the way he lived as well…,” she paused for a moment before continuing.

       “His father raised him up afterward… Little Taeyeon run a hard life… He didn’t pass his childhood time normally as any other child… Instead, he lived hard. He learnt hard… because… his father’s a head of gangster community,” she heaved a huge sigh after telling me that news. I couldn’t suppress my surprise and shock feeling listening to it.

       “Please don’t tell anybody about it,” she said. “For you safety… and Taeyeon’s safety as well,” she added.

       “I promise I won’t,” I replied.

       “He’s above his father expectation actually… He could master any martial art and weapon, he could absorb many kinds of knowledge, and… he was also graduated from MIT when he’s 16… And he’s sent back to Korea for some mission, but I had no idea about this one.”

       “And you need to know that his father would never let him into any relationship because it’s forbidden… Love would only weakening heart and jeopardizing mind… And as long as I knew him, I never found him into relationship… like this before…”

       “How about Gyuri?” I asked curiously.

       “She’s nothing for him,” Yoona shook her head. “Gyuri had crush on him but he didn’t even interested at her…. He loved you, Tiffany,” Yoona stated.

       “I never imagined… one day Taeyeon would be Taeyeon like now he is. When his father knew he disobeyed him, he came to his house… and whipped him… as you saw… the wound on his back was the evident… Don’t be sorry for it… Taeyeon wouldn’t be glad if you’re sorry for it. He did it because he loved you and he showed his father that there’s nobody could change his love for you…,” Yoona explained and unconsciously my tears began to well up. I had no idea what to say again. This story really caught me off guard.

       “Tiffany,” Yoona called out my name.

       “What do you feel about him?”

       “I… I have no idea to describe it, Yoong,” I said honestly. “I love him… a lot… and all the things I knew… I didn’t want to be apart with him as well… But he made me confuse… with his action… I thought I didn’t really understand him… I didn’t even know what he exactly wanted for me.”

       “He wanted you to be safe, Tiffany,” she assured me. “If you don’t believe me, I’m sure you’ll find it later yourself.”

       “I believe you, Yoong,” I said.

       “Would you like to promise me something?” she asked carefully.

       “What is it?”

       “Promise me, you will never leave him. Promise me that you will always struggle along with him… for your love,” she said.

       This time, I didn’t hesitate to nod my head. She smiled in relief and got closer to me then she hugged me. I hugged back and at that time we already known that we’d been a instant good friend and we had mutual thing: we loved Taeyeon in different way and we didn’t want something bad happened to him again.









       I listened all the stories thoroughly until she finished it and I found myself widened smile when I heard the ending… about what she’d promised to Yoona. I couldn’t help but reaching her into my hug again before dropping a kiss on her forehead.




       “Would you like to promise me the same thing? But this time to me?” I asked.

       She peered up at me. “You want me to promise the same thing?”

       I nodded comically. “I want to hear it directly from you.”

       She giggled and I knew I’d already acted so silly. But I didn’t care.

       “Please???” I pleaded again and I also knew she wouldn’t resist it. Finally she gave in.



       “Okay… I promise you I will never leave you, Taeng… And I will struggle along with you for our love,” she said solemnly and I also couldn’t help again but lowering my face closer to her and met her lip.



        “How’s your pain?” she asked in our pause.

        I gave her a quick peck before answer. “All gone. Because of you,” I said playfully.

       She threw a fake glare at me. “I’m serious, Taeng!”

       “I was serious as well, Fani~aaa,” I smiled. “I can resist everything as long as I have you by my side,” I stated. Though she pretended to dislike my cheesiness I knew it actually worked as she didn’t release her hand from my neck at all.

       “I hate you,” she whispered and made a face. I couldn’t help but giggle.

       “But you will always be missing me,” I and she couldn’t hold her fake annoying expression again. She rewarded me with a cute smile and I knew well she knew exactly what she’s doing with it.




       She knew I wouldn’t do anything but kissing her.

       I granted her wish.

       For the last time before we left the park I dropped a long passionate kiss on her soft lips. We were staring each other afterward; our eyes were gleaming with love and we’re laughing along enjoying our moment. I got up and pulled her up as well. I curled my arm around her waist and we’re walking together. I felt so brand new person today and I thought she felt the same with me.




       “With you by my side, I would never fear anything,” I whispered to her and she did quick peck to my cheek.






       A man in black suit shook his head in disbelief witnessing the scene and staring at his cell-phone as he’s waiting for a message. Not long after this his cell-phone was buzzing and he quickly read the text.

       I thought I’d underestimated them. Just back to headquarter and you’ll find what you have to do. Let them have a good loving ceremony for a while because I’m not sure they’re still able to laugh again afterward.




to be continued...

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_nur_aisyah_ #1
Chapter 26: author nim update please!!
85 streak #2
Chapter 26: Author please update
85 streak #3
Chapter 26: Author please update
cookiecow #4
Chapter 26: Please update. Let tae remember taeny can't ever like this
NicoleKim07143 #5
Chapter 26: update please....
utamio13 #6
Chapter 26: Just found this.
This is a good story...
Do you really abandon this story? It's so sad, a lot of readers—including me—are waiting for the update T^T
If you happen to update this again, let me know, will you? :)
NicoleKim07143 #7
Chapter 26: update soon author-ssi
Chapter 26: update please author sshi...
Jovi25 #10
Chapter 26: Update please