O2; Cute

In Reality


"Wake up." a soft voice whispers while a hand makes its way to his arm to shake him. "Wake up." the voice repeats, and the person shakes him a tad bit harder.
Luhan groans and turns to the other side of his bed, wrapping himself into the bedsheets some more. He adjusts his body so he'd be more comfortable buried under his sheets and pillows, and then murmurs, "Five more minutes, mom..." with closed eyes and a small grunt.
"Luhan, it's rude to keep the other members from waiting. Breakfast is ready." based from the exasperated voice, it is Joonmyun trying to wake him from his slumber. But Luhan is tired from practice last night and he still can't quite adjust to his different sleeping schedules. Plus, his bed here is much more comfortable than the one in China. 
"I'll be up in a second, mom." a small grin plays on his lips as he huddles closer to a pillow.
"Get out or I'll kick you off." Luhan's murmur is barely audible but it's solid, and scary too. Joonmyun stands up from the edge of the bed and chuckles nervously. "Alright, alright. Good night." he goes away, closing the door gently behind him.

After a while Luhan finds himself unable to fall back into sleep and wiggles out of the cocoon that is his bedsheet. His honey blonde hair is a mess and his brown eyes are moist and droopy from sleep. He shivers at the cold air that meets his bare skin, reaching down to retrieve the white shirt he used last night. Kris made a sound of disapproval when Luhan took it off and dived into his own bed, saying something about gross men and manners.

"I am too y for my shirt." he grinned at the leader before drifting off to sleep.
He sits up in his bed for more than a few minutes, staring at the bland soft pink wallpaper. His brain registers the faint smell of eggs and coffee. Ooh, coffee. His favorite.
For a few more minutes Luhan reflect on things.
Everyone assumed his favorite was bubble tea. More than a dozen people had offered him the coma-inducing drink full of sweet sugar, and maybe they think he likes it so much because Sehun likes it so much and they have developed a lie that they used to go for bubble tea everyday. Sure, taro milk tea with extra tapioca pearls was a heavenly drink experience once in a while, but Luhan considers himself as a man and this man likes Iced Americano the most, thank you very much.
The door creeks open and Wufan sticks his head out from the door to stare at Luhan sternly. He still has a white mask of some sort slathered all over his face and his hair's pulled back by his headband so Luhan giggles stupidly for a bit. "You were giving Joonmyun a hard time again. Just come down for breakfast already... ge."
Luhan wiggles his eyebrows and slips out of bed, barefooted, in his wrinkled white shirt and navy blue track pants. "Yes, boss."

"I got you bubble tea." Minseok chirps the moment he spots Luhan, holding out a big cup of purple-colored milk tea. Luhan sees that he, Zitao, Jongin, Jongdae, and Sehun had already bathed and were dressed in casual clothing, eating breakfast and sipping on equally big cups of boba. He eyes Sehun, who sticks his tongue out at Jongin and Jongdae, who watched gleefully as a white popping boba exploded and melted on his pink muscle, before taking a seat next to Minseok and taking the cup.
"Thank you." he says, making a small face nobody noticed, before on the bright purple straw and staring at the still-hot food served on the table. Yixing and Kyungsoo, he assumed, were probably in the kitchen with the caretakers of the dorm, cooking away various meals to their hearts' desire. He looked around to see the others eating, and Chanyeol, Wufan and Baekhyun were all on the sofa watching some sort of korean drama.
"Man, I'm all out." he hears Sehun grumble. He turns his head to see a grumpy looking maknae sipping on an empty plastic cup.
"It's okay. You'll get diabetes if you drink any more." Jongin laughs good-naturedly, patting the other's silky brown hair, but Sehun pouts anwyay and  would you just look at this cute puppy?! Luhan inwardly squeals but surpresses his amusement.
"But I swear I just had a test and it's all good. I want more. Hyung?" Sehun shoots a hopeful look at Jongdae, who stops in mid-chew with his mouth open. "...I...okay, while it's still early."
"Stop. Being. Cute." Jongin groans.
Sehun stands up from his stool and does a mini-victory dance, a small cute smile on his face. Jongdae sighs, standing up and looking at the others with a sad look on his face (his poor, poor wallet...). "Are you guys coming with us?"
"Hannie-ge here hasn't even showered yet." Zitao scrunches his nose like he smells Luhan's stench. He lets out an offended squeak. "Hey, I just showered last night, alright. I smell like expensive european perfume, okay. I am totally-"
"Just get dressed, Luhan-hyung." Sehun rolls his eyes and he freezes in mid-sentence. He throws them all a glare, putting down his condensing cup of taro milk tea and turning around and walking away from the table to get dressed.
"Cute ." he hears Minseok chuckle teasingly.
Oh, right now, he hates everyone.
So he doesn't reall know why he's excited to go for bubble tea. Especially when Minseok had already bought him a cup.
He puts on a clean, crisp cream v-neck and black skinny jeans hastily. Maybe he's actually excited to see Sehun's many cute faces. He stops in the middle of zipping up his pants and stares off into a distance. Scrunching his nose, he murmurs, "What the."

okay chapter two ;~; so you see this is centered on both of them

i hope i did not disappoint
plz comment?


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mywhstar #1
Chapter 2: Please update T.T so cute
I like where this story's going! I mean for all we know every EXO-info we know could be a lie LOL Anyways, I'm just babbling. I'm /really/ anticipating how HunHan's relationship turns out in this story X3