O1; this feeling

In Reality

Many people like the thought of Oh Sehun and Lu Han being together. Their fans, the media, their co-members ship them together. Hell, even Sehun's parents think their loveteam is adorable. Being both visuals in their respective groups, they form an ethereal-looking couple fangirls and fanboys alike swoon over. They appear close and comfortable with each other, looking oh-so-cute and fluffy together, glued by the hip and linked by the fingers. Sometimes, people who are new to EXO confuse them with each other (mentioning that these two might be the embodiment of solid ). They are both very attractive people with many admirers and supporters. Together, one would think that nothing can tear these two apart.

In short, Sehun and Luhan form the perfect couple.

However, they are not.

In reality, they are more like casual friends than lovers. More like co-members than best friends.

But lies are so easy to tell everyone; lying is a part of their lifestyle as idols, anyway.

So yes, in reality, Sehun does not really go out much with Luhan for Bubble Tea. In reality, he is much more comfortable with his EXO-K hyungs. Jongin is his best friend, and not Luhan. And Luhan, truthfully, is most comfortable with Yixing or Minseok (his little baozi). 

It is SM who originally paired Luhan together with Sehun, as "Luhan & Sehun", thinking they would look great together and would hoard the fans it.

It worked, of course.

At first.

At first, nobody knew a lot about them. 'Real' information regarding their relationship with each other were easy to come up with. Lies after lies were told, spilling out of their lips with sweet, shy tones that were easily thought of as honesty.

"I never knew what friendship was until I  met Luhan." he grinned into the mic, making every single fan in the venue squeal in delight, screaming "HUNHAN! HUNHAN!"

No, he wants to roll his eyes but stopped himself from doing so. When I met Luhan the only words we exchanged for a month were "Hi" and "Hello."

Fans scream so loud that he thought his eardrums would burst. He smiled anyway.

They're just so gullible.

Right now, Sehun is sprawled on his bed, tired and dizzy. He spent the whole afternoon practicing their new title song's choreography. Yixing, Jongin and Luhan had been with him but they decided to end practice for dinner. Sehun turned down their offer to come with, choosing to have a date wth his beloved mattress instead.

As he stared at the boring white ceiling of Joonmyun and his' room, events from the past months filled his thoughts. From their live performances, to their guestings, to all the experiences they had in other countries, to their backstage incidents, to their showcase...

"He is kind of like my little brother." he remembers Luhan say that into the microphone, smiling sincerely at the other members. "He makes me want to take good care of him."

Luhan, in no way took care of him like a little brother.

He didn't take care of him at all. And he isn't sure why he's feeling like this. Does he want to be treated like his hyung's little brother or not?

Or is his twisting stomach the result of being saddened by the fact that what Luhan told the fans before was not real at all?

Back then, it had no effect whatsoever on him, and he had just shrugged it off with a small smile. So why did his heart seem to plummet into his stomach just now?

Now when people are beginning to prefer Yixing-hyung or Minseok-hyung for Luhan over him?

HunHan is way more of a good pairing than LayHan or XiuHan is, he thinks.

Realizing what he had just thought of, Sehun groans and buries his face under his pillow.

ok so first chapter done. Y___Y i'm sorry. did i disappoint you guys? :( was this not what you wanted? hehe i like angst i'm sorry

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mywhstar #1
Chapter 2: Please update T.T so cute
I like where this story's going! I mean for all we know every EXO-info we know could be a lie LOL Anyways, I'm just babbling. I'm /really/ anticipating how HunHan's relationship turns out in this story X3