.those little paper cranes.

--- (HUNHAN) --- (HUNHAN) --- (HUNHAN) ---

Luhan's eyes fluttered open and immediately lifted himself up from the grass. It was early morning and the birds began chirping. He looked around see if Sehun was still around.

'He is gone.'

He kept looking around, but still no luck of the man. Tears started to form and he placed his hands on his eyes.

'He is actually…actually gone.'

He soon heard footsteps approaching behind him and quickly turned hoping that it would be Sehun. His smile faded.

"Son…are you okay? What are you doing here?" It was the caretaker of the Japanese garden. "Hello? Are you okay?" The caretaker started to wave his hand in front of Luhan. Luhan turned to look at the caretaker. His eyes were puffy and red from the tears that he had produced. The caretaker took out his handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to Luhan.

"Here you go. Um, I am sorry, but I have to ask you to leave."

Luhan looked up at the caretaker, shocked at what he just told him.


"The place here is going to be teared down. It is going to be reconstructed…that is why it was wasn't open to the pubic for a year. The owner finally decided to create a small garden here." He motioned the area. Luhan looked around the once secret garden - it was now very bare. As if what the place that he kept going to for a year disappeared. The shrines were gone and the clear pond was no longer clear, the tree was still standing, and the flowers weren't vast like before. It only had little patches of flowers here and there. Luhan blinked, hopping that this was all just a dream…a misunderstanding…a joke even, but it didn't go away.


Luhan looked at the caretaker. "I-I know…I'm leaving. Sorry." He stood up, grabbing his backpack in the process.

The caretaker shook his head. "Don't be sorry." He patted his shoulder. "This area had a calming feeling to it." He sighed. "Just a shame that it will be changed. It was nice the way it was, but I guess a nice garden would be great too." He started to chuckle and turned to Luhan. "You better get going. I bet your parents are worried." Luhan nodded and bid farewell.

--- (HUNHAN) --- (HUNHAN) --- (HUNHAN) ---

Luhan stepped out of the Japanese garden and sighed. He tried his best not to cry again. The person that he cared and loved the most was gone. He started to wipe away the tears that had fallen from his eyes. He took out his cell phone and called his parents. Worried as they were, he told them not to worry and that he would return home later. With that, since he was in the city, he might as well walk to clear his head.

He headed to a small park and sat at a bench. He opened his vintage backpack and took out his sketchbook. He opened it to the first page and it was the beautifully drawn picture of Sehun. He ran his fingers through the page and sighed.

'I miss you…a lot actually.'

He turned more pages and viewed at the drawings that he made of Sehun. So engrossed, he didn't even notice a person taking a seat right next to him.

"Those are really nice. Your boyfriend?"

Luhan, not even glancing at the stranger simply answered with a monotone voice.

"Not really."

"Oh? I thought I would be."

Confused, he looked up at the stranger and his eyes grew wide.


Sehun smiled and nodded at him. "Yes?"

"W-what are you doing here?! I thought you left?! You know…" Luhan lowered his voice. "…since you are a crane…god person thing?!"

Sehun chuckled and gave a peck on Luhan's cheek.

"Did you forget your wish already?"

'What I wished for…is for you to stay with me as…as a human so we can live together. Be together as long as we live.'

Luhan blushed. "So, it came true…"

Sehun grabbed Luhan's hand and it. "It did. Are you happy?" He looked at Luhan, but his smile faded. Luhan started to get teary eyed.

"Am I happy? That is your question?! If I am happy?!" Luhan lunged himself towards Sehun and hugged him tight, not wanting to let him go. He cupped Sehun's face and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Does that answer your question?" Luhan asked once he pulled away from the kiss. Sehun slowly smiled at him and started to wipe Luhan's tears away with his thumbs.

"Yes. Yes it does." He placed his head against Luhan's so their foreheads where touching.

"I love you."

Luhan smiled. "I love you too."

They pulled away and Luhan put his sketchbook back in his backpack.

"Luhan…if I may ask--"

"No, you may not leave me." He pouted. Sehun chuckled and gave Luhan a peck on the lips.

"I would never."

Luhan chuckled. "What was your question?" He asked as he closed his backpack up.

"Why not wish for the art school? It was your dream to go."

Luhan placed his index finger on his cheek and pretended to ponder.

"Well…" Luhan glanced at Sehun. "I would rather have you beside me. If knowing you are not around and I can't see your face, hear your voice, or have you pat my head everyday, I would just be…I don't know…I would just be miserable." Sehun nodded. "Plus…" Luhan stood up from the bench. "If someone else was trying to flirt with you, it would be considered cheating... Sort of."

Sehun tried to hold in his laugh. "W-what? You are worried that I might cheat on you or that someone might try something on me?"

Luhan pouted. "Have you seen yourself? You are absolutely gorgeous!" Luhan flailed his arms around.

Sehun stood up and wrapped his arms around Luhan's waist.

"And I am yours." He lightly gave kiss on Luhan's lips.

It was such an adorable moment, until Luhan's stomach decided to ruin the moment. Sehun laughed and Luhan buried his face against Sehun's chest.

"Lets get some breakfast yeah?"

Luhan slowly nodded.


With that, they held hands to the nearest cafe.

--- (HUNHAN) --- (HUNHAN) --- (HUNHAN) ---

Le end~ //rolls around// Chapter 3 & Final updated on 101712.

As always, sorry for the grammar etc. etc. ; ^ ;

Funny...I bet that I would only have 3 chapters but... T T''' I lied. It was four. //le gasp

Hope that you enjoyed. ^^ 

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done with another short story ^^~


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imnotrnsora #1
Hi miss author! i like your fic so freaking much , so can I translate it please? I'd be grateful): and thanks
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 4: Sweet
Finally they stay together
Chapter 4: you had me scared that it was gonna end bad but yayyyyy fluffy happy endings are the best!!!!
Chapter 4: Omg perfect i love it ♥
Chapter 4: It's Soooo fluffy im gonna die hahaha this is perfect I don't like it I LOVE IT!!!
Chapter 4: Sooo cutee !! U like wake up all the my HunHan Feels <3
trixyson #7
Chapter 4: Im speechless
Chapter 4: My feels just exploded.

I like, cannot stop crying T_T And it was a happy ending too<3
Chapter 4: this is such sweet, heart-warming story! really reallly cute! <3
Chapter 4: Do you believe that i cried reading this? yeah, i did. its just very very beautiful im im tears right now, really. so i guess, you're the Sehun in my life (?) Because after reading this, i absolutely feel like trying the same thing too. i'll start doing this in 2013 :) What else? i literally wrote an essay here, sorryyyy. ita just that this story is too beautiful and yes im still in tears. did i tell you that i love you for writing this? yeah, guess i did