Rain in June (updated with sequel)


Rating: G, Pairing: Haehyuk, Genre: angst 

Summary: Rain hid unspoken words. Ever since you woke up, you’d decided to let all words unspoken. Maybe it’s just for the meantime, maybe it’s for forever

Disclaimer: Posted on Livejournal with the same title.


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liludilu #1
Chapter 2: OMG I really like your way writting this story! Indeed It's very unusual method to use different people to describe whole situation! *___*
This fic is really good! All that opinions of various people can help to look at what happened from different sides. It's a pity that there is not Hyukjae's look. But on the other hand it's good. It differs this story from others.
Sorry for my babbling xDD But I really love your fic! ♥

Can I translate it for russian ELFs? Naturally, I'll add all credits! Please! *__*
Thank you again for this story!**
Chapter 2: just make a sequel about them finally meet each other, please. Its so heartbreaking ;A;
Chapter 2: God I wish you can write more, like when they finally can meet or something ><
Chapter 2: you must write more sequel for this. please please please!!!

i want to know what will happen next.

hyuk, your kindness is a bad luck for you....

anyway, thanks for writing :D
Chapter 1: which drama was it? I'm just curious. But I like it. It's heartbreaking and a bit loose on the end but I guess that's the beauty of this one shot :)
Black555Angel #6
Chapter 1: This is so beautifully written... :D
Chapter 1: I just like this
Although they end up err like in the middle at the end..? But I just like this <3
Chapter 1: Wow... I rarely read any angst, but damn if this was good.
AugustL #9
Chapter 1: It's nice. Really do.

Like the rain, In the afternoon.

Thank you ;)
Chapter 1: it's actually very touching & sad story T.T that made me cry ㅠㅠ

nice plot anyways ^^