Chapter Two

The Two Faces of Lust

                You look into the mirror, taking the time to fix a few bobby pins to hold your side pony where it belongs and glance over at the clock on the wall. It was five til seven and you were still fussing over yourself. The outfit you had chosen was simple, a plain white skirt and a pale blue tank top with a jacket casually thrown over it. It was easy but it still looked like you had spent some time putting it together when you really had only woken up maybe twenty minutes ago and pulled on the first thing you could find without hardly even opening your eyes. Before you can put any more effort into your hair, a small knock comes from the front door, signaling the arrival of your date.

                Making your way over to the door, you straighten out your skirt a bit before you actually pull it open slowly to reveal a very nervous and excited looking Youngmin. He looks you over with wide eyes, a smile spreading across his face.

                "Wow, you look beautful.." he breathes in awe, offering his hand to you. You stare down at his pale hand for a moment before taking it gently and flashing him a thankful yet akward feeling smile. The two of you start to walk down the sidewalk, your hands swinging slightly with each step.

                "So, where are we going?" you ask, your curiousity breaking the silence.

                "I thought we could go out to the park since it's really nice out this evening," he grins as he turns to you, studying you with bright eyes. His adoring look makes you blush as you focus your eyes on the ground ahead of you, trying to ignore it as best as you can. The further you walk the closer he seems to gravitate toward you, your sides brushing together every so often. You turn onto the small path and into the park, strolling together at a leisurely pace, still not talking.

                As you walk, a large group of red balloons catch your eye. You follow the strings down to see them tied down to a small booth with a friendly looking old man sitting behind it. Noticing your interest in the balloons, Youngmin lets go of your hand and walks over to the stand and begins to chat with the old man for a moment, before pulling out his wallet and purchasing one. He returns to your side with a shy smile and holds out the balloon to you. Trying to hide your childlike excitement, you take the balloon and nod you head  politely.

                "Thanks but... You didn't have to do that for me..." you say as your eyes drift up to the balloon, the corners of your lips moving up into a small smile. He chuckles lightly and takes your hand again.

                "I know. It's worth it to see you smile like that though. It's cute," he grins down at you. Your pale cheeks turn a light shade of pink, flattered by his compliment. You look back to his face and notice that his cheeks are just as red as yours, making you feel a little better that you aren't the only one blushing. He smiles again and looks away for a moment like he is thinking, then looks back to you, his eyes meeting yours. He leans closer to you and lets his lips quickly brush against your cheek before looking away awkwardly with an accomplished grin on his face. Your cheeks start to burn as you bring your hand up to your cheek, covering where his lips had been only seconds before. It was the first time you had ever been kissed by a boy, and even though you had always imagined Kwangmin being the first to kiss you, you found yourself feeling just as fluttery as you did in your imagination, even if it was Youngmin.

                He coughs awkwardly and nods at a small bench nearby. "You wanna sit down for a bit?" he asks without looking at you, his cheeks still a vibrant red. You nod slowly, still in a slight daze from the kiss.

                "S-sure. Sitting would be nice for a while..." you agree and start heading toward the bench. You sit down and cross your ankles under the bench as Youngmin sits beside you, draping his arm over your shoulder, a small smile still lingering on his face. Without noticing at first you subconsciously lean into Youngmin's arm, laying your head on his shoulder. He inhales deeply and lets out a content sigh as he rests his head on top of yours. Distracted by your closeness, you loosen your grip on the string and accidently let the balloon float away. You stand quickly and try to catch it but it slips through your fingers and gets itself caught in a nearby tree.

                "Well, dang it..." you sigh in disappointment. As childish as it was, you really did like that balloon, mostly because Youngmin had bought it for you. Youngmin stands without a word and walks over to the tree, looking up into the branches with a determined face. "Sorry Youngmin.. I didn't mean to let- Hey! What are you doing?!" you call after him as he hoists himself up into the branches.

                You rush over to the tree and rest your hands on the trunk as you search for him in the branches. "Hey! Get down from there stupid! It's only a balloon!" you yell into the branches, but recieve no answer because Youngmin is apparently too focused on his goal. Unable to see him, you listen closely as you hear him moving from branch to branch, muttering under his breath every so often. A foreboding creak comes from one of the branches, causing your face to twist into a worried expression. "Hey!! Be careful up-"

                A large crack echoes within the branches followed by a frantic yelp as Youngmin slips from the tree, landing flat on his back a few feet away. You gasp in surprise and rush over to him, afraid to move him. "Y-Youngmin? Are you okay?!" you ask in a high voice, studying his face in concern. He opens his eyes slowly and lifts his arm, holding out the string to the balloon to you, forcing a small smile. You glare at him angrily. "You did all that for a balloon?"

                He shakes his head and winces slightly at the movement. "I did it for you..." Your cheeks redden as you look down at him, your anger slipping away. You sigh softly and gently place your hands behind his head, lifting it slowly so that you can rest it on your lap. He gives you a thankful smile as you lean over him, brushing some of his soft blond hair to the side and out of his face.

                "Stupid..." you breathe through a smile, bringing your face closer to his. He lifts his head weakly to close the distance between you, closing his eyes as his lips gently meet yours. You feel your eyes close as well, the warmth of his lips seeming to flood throughout your entire body as your lips timidly start to move with his.

                After a few moments your lack of oxygen forces you to pull away slowly as you open your eyes to look down at his red face. His eyes flutter open and meet yours, your faces lighting up into a smile simultaneously. You look away in embarrassment, trying to force the smile off of your face unsuccessfully. You reach down to take the balloon from him, letting your fingers brush against his skin before actually taking hold of the string.

                "Are you okay to stand..?" you ask, trying to break the silence. He nods and slowly lifts himself up so that he is sitting while you stand quickly and offer your free hand to him, keeping a tight hold on the balloon so that you don't have a repeat of what just happened... Not that you didn't mind the end result.

                He takes your hand and stands up the rest of the way, smiling bashfully. "Thanks..." He brushes some of the dirt off his pants then glances down at his watch. "It'll be dark soon.. I should probably get you home..." he says, a hint of disappointment in his voice. You smile and take his hand, this time lacing your fingers with his. He looks down at you in surprise, but smiles happily nonetheless.

                "Okay, let's get going then," you smile, leaning your head on his shoulder as you start to walk. It was just as silent on the walk back as it was on the walk there, but this time it was different somehow. Instead of trying your best to not meet his gaze, you found yourself stealing glances at him, both of you giggling shyly whenever your eyes would meet. His smile slowly fades away as you reach your home, obviously upset that your time together was almost over. You turn to face him outside your door and look at him seriously.

                "This one date was.. Nice..." you blush as you search for the right words. "So I guess... Another one date would be okay with me," you smile sheepishly at him. His face brightens and he nods enthusiastically.

                "Y-yes.. Would there maybe be.. A couple more 'one dates' instead of just another?" he asks hopefully. You bite your lip shyly and look away for a moment before giving him a small nod. He studies your face with a faint smile, his face inching closer to yours. You close your eyes in anticipation, the same warmth as before flooding your body as his soft lips mesh with yours. He breaks the kiss gently then moves to the side to place another quick kiss on your cheek before pulling away.

                A smile remains on your face as you begrudgingly step inside and close the door. You wonder as you lie down if it will still be there when you wake up.

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Chapter 2: aw.. i want kwangmin but it's okay! I love the story.. ^^
Chapter 2: Youngminnie is so cute! Update soon~
Chapter 2: Oh, I forgot to mention last time that I think the title is really creative. Imagining Youngmin climbing into a tree is weird since his skinny limbs remind me of branches O_o Anyway... fluffiness~
Chapter 1: You and your italicized, parenthesis toilet~ I laugh every time I read that *sigh* Though this is actually really interesting, I'm excited for fluffy, fluffiness~