Chapter One

The Two Faces of Lust

                You sigh softly, resting your cheek in the palm of your hand as you stare out of the window with a blank expression. The dull drone of the teacher's lecture was hardly audible to you as you slowly started to slip into one of your commonly occuring daydreams. The main point of your thoughts today, well every day, was your coworker and classmate, none other than the forever handsome Kwangmin. You had been working together at a local coffee shop for the past few months, and in those past few months you had found youself slowly starting to steal more and more glances at him when you were supposed to be working, but who could really blame you for appreciating such a sight.

                "Psst..! (Toilet)!" a low whisper came from your left. You look over to see a nonchalant Youngmin-who happens to be the identical and just as lovely twin of your new obsession- eyeing a somehow magically appearing scrap of paper that now laid in the corner of your desk. Not sure what to make of the scrap, you raise a questioning eyebrow, but decide to pick it up anyhow out of curiousity. Even though you worked with his brother, you never really had spoken to him before, so what could he possibly be passing you notes about? You carefully unfold the slightly crumpled paper and scan the neatly printed words on the inside.

                'Meet me after school at the front gate.'

                That was it? He expected you to just meet him after school without any information or even a reason why? You inhale deeply and shove the note aside, setting a book on top of it to keep it out of the teacher's sight. You glance at Youngmin out of the corner of your eye, feeling almost guilty as you see his face fall in disappointment. Letting out a small sigh, you decide to go even if it's against your better judgement. After all this was almost like seeing your precious Kwangmin upset, and you couldn't stand that image in your head.

                Glancing at the clock you start to gather your books and wait for the bell to ring. As soon as you hear the chime signaling the end of school, you head to the back of the room towards your assigned cubby. You unlock your cubby and throw your stuff inside carelessly, but notice the note sticking out from between two books. You pull the note out hastily and shove it into your shirt pocket before anyone can notice and leave the room quickly, forcing yourself not to look for Youngmin as you leave.

                You push past the others crowding the hallway, rolling your eyes at the slow underclassmen as you pass. You make your way to the front gate and lean your back against one of the pillars, tapping your foot impatiently. He had better get here soon because you had to be at work in less than an hour and it was at least a twenty minute walk and you still had to change into your uniform when you got there. There would be no time to talk to Kwangmin before hand if Youngmin ate up too much of your time.

                "Hey!" you hear an excited voice come from behind you before feeling a gentle yet firm hand on your shoulder. "You actually waited!" he smiles brightly.

                "Yeah, um... You wanted to talk to me?" you ask, trying to bring him straight to the point. You look down at your watch to hint at the fact that you are in a hurry. Youngmin smiles awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck as though he is trying to put his thoughts into words.

                "Well, ah... You um.. Can I walk you to work? I mean, it is the same direction as my house so.." He looks away as a faint blush appears on his cheeks. "Besides I have to drop something off for Kwangmin on my way anyhow."

                You bite your bottom lip as you weigh your options. It's not like you can really say no, he is going the same direction as you regardless so saying no would only make it awkward. Instead you nod in agreement and put on a small smile.

                "I guess that's okay.. I mean.. Sure," you try to smile wider to hide your disinterest. Maybe if you were lucky he would have you deliver the package to Kwangmin instead, giving you a great excuse to start up a conversation.

                "R-really? That's great!" He grins and gestures to the sidewalk. "Shall we go?"

                "Uh.. sure.." You stare at the ground as you walk in silence for a few moments, neither of you being able to think of something to talk about. You notice Youngmin fidgeting slightly, a frustrated expression on his face as he tries to think of something to say. He catches you staring at him and smiles wide, and chuckles awkwardly as he shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets. You laugh lightly with him. His shyness was almost kinda cute.

                You study his face for a moment and feel your cheeks start to heat up. It was almost like you were walking with Kwangmin. They did share the same face so it was easy for you to imagine that it really was Kwangmin, you only had to sorta ignore the bright blond hair.  You had to admit that the thought was actually pretty nice, even if it was really Youngmin.

                Just as you reach the front of the coffee shop, Youngmin turns to you abruptly. "(Toilet)... Would you go on a date with me...?" he blurts out, his normally pale face turning a dark shade of red. You blink a few times in surprise, not expecting the proposition at all.

                You scrunch your nose in thought. A date with Youngmin...? But Youngmin wasn't the one you thought of night and day. Youngmin never even crosses you thoughts at all actually, and now here he is, asking for a date. Youngmin clasps his hands in front of him and pushes out his bottom lip into a cute pouty face.

                "Please, (Toilet)? It would only be one date. And if you don't like it we never have to do it again," he begs, batting his eyelashes. You try to look away, but can't seem to tear your eyes away from the boy's aegyo. It isn't long before you give in, crossing your arms over your chest in an attempt to look serious.

                "Okay, one date. That's it. Alright?"

                He smiles happily and moves forward like he wants to hug you, but seems to think better of it and puts his arms behind him instead. "That's great! You won't regret it okay?" he says joyfully. "How about tomorrow? Kwangmin says you don't work Wednesdays."

                You feel the blood rush to your cheeks yet again. Kwangmin actually talks about you? That means he must like you to some degree! Or was that thinking too much of it? After all you did speak of people at school that you didn't even know the names of.. You shake your head and push the negative thoughts away. Learning that Kwangmin spoke of you was a win in itself so you decided to just think of that and nothing else. You turn your attention back to Youngmin whose grin only seems to have gotten wider for some reason or another.

                "I guess you could pick me up around sevenish," you shrug. He nods enthusiastically.

                "I'll see you at seven!"

                You bid him a quick goodbye before rushing into the building, watching him run off towards his home with a bright smile. Didn't he have something to give to Kwangmin? You shrug it off, guessing he probably just forgot about it. Shrugging off your coat you hang it on one of the hooks, smiling happily to yourself when you see the all too familiar black jacket that your ever handsome Kwangmin wore to work nearly every day.

                Not wanting him to see you in your school uniform, you quickly disappear into the ladies' room and take over the closest stall, stripping down to your underwear. You hastily pull on the mandatory uniform: a small black skirt, white blouse, and a small button up vest. After straightening out the vest you step out of the stall, taking some time to pat your hair back down into place before speedwalking outside and up to the small counter toward the back of the shop.

                Just as you lean against the counter, Kwangmin rounds the corner from the break room. He looks up from the small coffee in his hand and smiles warmly when he sees you.

                "Hey (Toilet)! Nice of you to finally show up," he teases as he stands beside you behind the counter. You roll your eyes and fight back the goofy grin you can feel trying to form on your face.

                "I was.. Distracted on my way here," you respond, not wanting to tell him that you had just accepted an invitation to a night with Youngmin. It would be awkward to tell your crush that you were going on a date with his twin, besides Youngmin would probably mention it to him at some point, saving you the embarrassment.

                "Distracted? That's better than what I was thinking. I thought you fell into a ditch or something," he chuckles lightly, taking a small sip of his coffee as he raises an eyebrow.

                "Oh haha... You're just so funny.." you huff, your voice dripping with sarcasm.

                "What can I say? I'm a natural born comedian," he shrugs with a small smirk. You roll your eyes and force yourself to turn away from him, searching the storefront for any customers.

                "You know I won't be here tomorrow right?" you ask, remembering Youngmin's words from earlier. You couldn't help but wonder if he really did speak of you.

                "Oh right, you're off tomorrow. Any plans?"

                You fidget slightly and lean your elbows on the counter as you shake your head slowly. "N-No not really... Nothing important anyways," you sigh as you think back to Youngmin yet again, wondering what sort of outfit you should wear. Wait, why were you putting that much thought into it anyways? It was only Youngmin. He would just have to deal with whatever you decided to throw on. He should just be happy that you are even spending your only day off this week with him. "I have some homework to do actually," you add so he doesn't question you any further.

                The rest of your shift went by without much more conversation considering how busy the shop gets every weeknight, which was disappointing compared to the weekends when there was hardly anyone there at all and you just had time to joke around with Kwangmin all day. After your shift ended you gave Kwangmin a quick goodbye before hurrying out of the shop and toward home, the thought of tomorrow night still in the back of your mind even as you lay down to go to bed.

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Chapter 2: aw.. i want kwangmin but it's okay! I love the story.. ^^
Chapter 2: Youngminnie is so cute! Update soon~
Chapter 2: Oh, I forgot to mention last time that I think the title is really creative. Imagining Youngmin climbing into a tree is weird since his skinny limbs remind me of branches O_o Anyway... fluffiness~
Chapter 1: You and your italicized, parenthesis toilet~ I laugh every time I read that *sigh* Though this is actually really interesting, I'm excited for fluffy, fluffiness~