Chapter Seven

Dance for Me



“So you injured your leg.”


“And then went to the hospital?”


“With your self-proclaimed enemy?”

“Uh huh.”

“Then went by your dad’s?”


“Fought with your step-mom?”


“Then ran to the bus stop?”


“On your injured leg?”

“I thought we already established that.”

“Well that makes sense,” Ryan finished as he wrapped my ice around Andrea’s knee.

“No it doesn’t,” Rose said, scoffing down at Ryan as he finished wrapping.

“He was joking, honey,” Andrea told her lightly. Rose was a friend from high school, and though she was relatively smart, she had no sense of humor, nor any ability to detect sarcasm. There were times when Ryan or Andrea would have to explain their jokes to her, which did get annoying, but was also part of her charm. Though, Ryan often wouldn’t tell her when his shows were, just to avoid spending the rest of the night explaining the punch lines to his unfortunate friend.

“Oh…” Rose sighed, nodding as though she actually understood, though both Ryan and Andrea knew that she didn’t. Jokes always managed to go over her head.

“So,” Ryan groaned as he stood. They were in Andrea’s studio apartment, Andrea sitting on her bed, after she had called Ryan, nearly in tears because of her knee. She had managed to get to the bus, but between the running, the bumpy bus ride and the additional walking she had to do to get home, her knee had every right to protest. Though Ryan had been in a meeting, one of the perks of working mostly with friends is that they understand—most times—if something comes up; like your best friend calling you crying after hurting her knee.

Ryan had grabbed Rose, who was also in the meeting, and drove over to Andrea’s place, only to find her lying on the floor, biting her lip in hopes that it would alleviate the pain.

It didn’t, of course.

“So how was the infamous Jay Park?” Ryan asked, sitting on the bed next to Andrea.

“Horrible,” Andrea said automatically.

“Really?” Ryan asked, not believing his friend. “See, to me, considering he took you to and from the hospital—yes, I know the from part wasn’t exactly the most fun—but he did his best.”

“Are you saying I should like him?!” Andrea spat. “Rose,” she said, looking up at her friend, who had become occupied by the bird outside Andrea’s window. “If someone took all your friends away, would you like them?”

Rose scoffed. “No.”

Andrea shot a look at Ryan.

“I’m not saying you have to become all buddy-buddy with him,” Ryan clarified. “But you shouldn’t hate him as much as you do.”

Andrea opened to protest, but then closed it, choosing to think before she spoke, for once. Should she continue to hate him?

“I’ll think about it,” Andrea decided after minute of thinking.

Ryan laughed, but didn’t push it.

“Guys,” Rose sighed. “Anyone want to go shopping? I think talking about this probably isn’t going to help Andrea at all.”

“Rose,” both Ryan and Andrea said, pointing to Andrea’s knee.

“Oh, right…” Rose giggled. “It’s probably not a good idea for you to be walking around, then. What about food? Ryan and I could go get you some.”

“Now, I’m all for that!” Andrea cried, laughing.

Ryan groaned. “Why did you have to volunteer me, Rose?”

Andrea just laughed and shoved Ryan to his feet. “Go get me some chicken, boy!” she shouted.

-          -          -          -

“Did you know that chickens, when there isn’t enough food for everyone, will literally peck the weakest chicken to death?” Ryan said, musing as he opened the box of chicken for the umpteenth time to smell it.

“Those horrible chickens!” Rose cried in response.

They were walking back to Andrea’s, food successfully retrieved.

“Ryan, look!” Rose suddenly cried, catching Ryan with a piece of chicken in his mouth. “Isn’t that Jake?”

The chicken hanging from Ryan’s mouth fell to the ground, and he stopped in his tracks. They had been passing a park that was frequented by amateur dancers, and though Ryan hadn’t been paying attention. Rose had, and, she was right, Jake was there.

Jake had been a dancing friend of Andrea’s, and joined Andrea’s crew when it first started.

Now, after the fallout, neither Ryan nor Rose had had contact with Jake.

“Let’s go,” Ryan said, nudging Rose away from the park, where Jake was watching a couple of dancers battle it out, and towards Andrea’s apartment.

“Yes,” Rose said as she hurried. “We’ve got to get this chicken to the injured one.”

“Ryan! Rose!” a voice called from behind them.

“,” Ryan groaned. “Why are so many people calling me at inconvenient times? Why…?” he whined. He knew who it was, even before he turned around.

“Hey, Jake!” Rose said, greeting the man first. She wasn’t as close to Andrea as Ryan was, so she didn’t know the extent of the fallout, and had managed to maintain a small relationship with Jake, even after everything.

“What’s up, guys?” the dancer asked as he approached.

“Delivering food,” Ryan said, showing off the bag containing the chicken.

“Delivering?” Jake asked. “Or eating?” he teased.

“A little of both, really,” Ryan shrugged. Even though he didn’t talk to Jake anymore, out of respect to Andrea, he couldn’t help but be friendly. He was friendly to everyone.

“How are you guys?” Jake asked with a smile. Ryan marveled at the man’s ability to act as though nothing was wrong. As though nothing had happened.

“Been busy,” Ryan answered.

“Same.” Rose nodded.

“Glad to hear that,” Jake said. “I’ve heard you’re getting more recognized,” he said to Ryan. “That was good to hear. You’ve always been one of the funniest guys I know.”

“Thank you.” Ryan felt a little awkward accepting a compliment from Jake, but certainly wasn’t going to reject it. Something had to feed his ego, after all.

“Jake!” a second voice called from the park. The three people looked up to see a slender man running across the street towards them.

“Oh, he’s cute,” Rose whispered to Ryan.

Ryan gave Rose a puzzled look. “Why are you telling me? I’m not interested in guys, thank you very much.” He looked back to the man, who Jake was greeting a little ways away. “I like me some ies.”

“Ryan!” Rose hissed, smacking her friend’s arm.

“Ow! What?” Ryan cried. “You did it to me!”

Rose was about to respond, when she was interrupted by Jake, coming back into the conversation. “Guys,” he said, motioning to the second guy, who stepped up to Ryan and Rose and shook their hands, saying hello. Ryan thought he looked familiar, but at this point in his career and life, everyone was kind of melting together in his head. “This is Jay Park, our new leader.”

Ryan froze.


“Oh!” Rose cried with a smile, looking at Ryan as though this news was the most exciting thing. “Isn’t that also the name—”

“We got to go, Rose,” Ryan interrupted, knowing were she was going. “it was good to see you Jake! Good to meet you, Jay!” Ryan, pulling Rose along, quickly started walking in the direction of Andrea’s apartment, hoping he didn’t seem too rude.


Thanks for reading/subscribing~!


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Update pleaseee~ Still waiting for an update author-nim!
I have added your fanfic to a list of recommended fics, hope you check it out onn my blog:
nice fic~! update pwease!! ^^
realised I haven't read the last 5 chapters but you updated like last year omg ;~;

update when you're free okay, /waits patiently ^^
Finally caught up and im subscribing now! Omg I would love to see Taec seeing Andrea with Jay and I want to know how he would react to it. Please update soon cause I really enjoyed it ^^ if you have time, I am writing a 2pmxOCxJay Park fanfic that I would like you to read when you are free
AbriMathos #6
Took me 2 days to read all of this. Soooo good! I was so upset when it stopped XD Please update when you find enough time!
oooooohhhhhhhhh~! go go go! I'm torn between the two XD Taec and Jay...but i guess Jay is better =)))
andrea-yah #8
The truth will come out soon~ update as soon as you can <3