
Say Cheese

"Seventeen...eighteen...nineteen...twenty," I counted. "There, twenty-thousand won. Thats all I have."

Chanshik smirked at me, "Thanks hyung!" I pulled my hand back. "Jinyoung won't hear about this, will he?"

"No, I didn't see you out here. You were upstairs the whole time," he answered, snatching the money from me.

"Thanks," I started. Then a thought occured to me. "Wait!" He sighed and turned back to me. "What? I said I wouldn't tell."

"Why are you out here?"

His face hardened and he looked me in the eye. "Thats my business!" Then he ran away.

I sighed and looked around. People were rushing past me and cars were zooming by. I stood there, just watching. Is this what Seoul is like? Fast and busy?

Today I finally made it out of the building. Usually I don't make it past Jinyoung hyung. But not today. While he was composing, I took the keys and locked him in the studio. He didn't even notice.

Since I gave all my money to Chanshik, I decided to just go for a walk. But I couldn't go far. I'm still new to Seoul, so I needed to stay close to the dorm. Looking around, I realized just how different it is here from Busan. There was much more buildings, cars, people. Everything looked brighter and the people were much more...pretty? But the biggest difference, is that I'm alone. Aside from the other four trainees, I have no one here that I know. No family, no friends. Just me.

I eventually found myself at a park. I walked around for a while, enjoying the peace. All around me were smiling faces of young couples. There were some children near the pond, feeding the ducks. I took a seat in the grass, under a tree. A cool breeze blew through my hair. I closed my eyes and began humming to myself. A few minutes went by in silence. Then I heard her voice.

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updated FINALLY


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Chapter 2: Sandeul you creep. -_-